Wednesday, December 13, 2023

I have resurrected Angry Harry

I am happy to announce that I have built an archive of writings of the late great men's rights activist Angry Harry. He was my biggest inspiration as an MRA ever since I started reading him around the year 2000 when I was in college. These are the articles which inspired me back then and up to 2016 when he passed away at the age of 64. I remember his website fondly as a powerful masculine force but also it made me very angry at feminism -- for good reasons that are even more valid today. Hopefully new generations of men can also get their eyes opened to the injustices against us by discovering this archive.

Harry's new home is:

This will take you to an index page with links to all his articles in alphabetical order, which can then be read much like they originally appeared. All his texts and illustrations are there but you have to go back to my index page to navigate between articles since internal links don't work. Whenever they link back to his old site the only content you will find is "Silence is golden," which indicates the current maintainer (possibly Paul Elam?) is purposefully suppressing Angry Harry's writings (which is not surprising given that Harry did not fall for the female sex offender charade unlike the frauds at A Voice for Men).

Fortunately I secured a copy before his articles were taken offline. Enjoy a real MRA!

I am going to list the links here too which all go to Harry's permanent home on the MRA Archive:

  • A National DNA Database - Why Not
  • A Permanent Gender War
  • A Woman Needs A Man Like A Fish Needs A Bicycle
  • Against Paternity Fraud Laws
  • AH is Going to Build Himself a Virus!
  • All Men Are Bastards - Why Do Some Women Say This
  • American Soldiers Stationed In London England During World War II
  • Amnesty International Ignores The Plight Of Men
  • Angry Harry Officially 'Analysed'
  • Anti-White Racism
  • Are Men More Emotional Than Women?
  • Are Most Rape Allegations False?
  • Are One Third Of Men Rapists
  • Are Our Family Court Judges Fit To Be Judges?
  • Are The Child Support Laws Unfair On Men?
  • Are Women Becoming Redundant? - Humor
  • Are Women Getting Away With Murder?
  • Are Women Not Even Responsible For Their Work Choices?
  • Are You A Computer Simulation?
  • Badass
  • BBC Injects Political Correctness Even Into Science Programmes
  • Benefits Of A National DNA Database
  • Borderline Personality Disorder - BPD - Nature Nurture Childhood Abuse
  • Boys Are Stupid - Really
  • Breast Cancer, Breast Cancer, Breast Cancer
  • Can Women Really Multi-Task - Humor
  • Can You Trust Academic Research?
  • Capital Punishment - Death Penalty For Cop Killers
  • Carmel Napier - Lying Is Acceptable Say Police
  • Charity or Self-Interest
  • Ched Evans - Too Drunk To Remember
  • Child Abduction Kidnapping NSPCC - The Disappearance of Madeleine McCann
  • Child Access Child Support Fathers Family Courts - Fathers Groups Miss The Big Picture
  • Child Sex Abuse - How And Why The Tabloids Encourage Child Sex Abuse
  • Chivalry - Are western men too chivalrous
  • Chris Langham - Scapegoat
  • Chris Langham - Scapegoat - Part Two
  • Compensation For Victims Of Abuse - Objective Evidence Not Required
  • Corrupt Western Justice Systems Cannot Survive
  • Corruption at the Highest Levels
  • Cultural Marxism And Feminism - Are They Connected?
  • Dads do not Support the Boyfriend Bill
  • Darren Mack
  • Demonising Men - Why Do Officials Demonise Men?
  • Directing The Backlash Against Feminism
  • Dispatches 'Still Getting Away with Rape'
  • Do Women Care?
  • Do Women Fantasise About Rape Or Provoke Rape?
  • Do Women Love To Do Housework?
  • Does The Menopause Reduce The Intelligence Of Women?
  • Domestic Violence - A Fraction Of A Percent
  • Domestic Violence - It's Always The Same Women
  • Domestic Violence - Would You Sign This Contract?
  • Domestic Violence Facts
  • Domestic Violence Research - Martin S. Fiebert
  • Domestic Violence UK - A Few Truths
  • Dr Lewis Wolpert - The Differences Between Men and Women
  • Drugs Ranking - Danger, Cost, Societal Impact, Number Of Users
  • Eastenders - The Favourite Soap Opera Of British Women
  • Education - Why Are Girls Doing Better Than Boys?
  • Eight Horrible Facts
  • Emily Maitlis - Newsnight Presenter Feminist Drone
  • Emotions Are The Key - Emotional Intelligence, Awareness, Empathy, Perception
  • Emotions, Empathy - Who Is More Empathic - Men Or Women
  • Equal Gender Pay For Unequal Gender Jobs
  • Equality Between Men and Women Is Not Achievable
  • Europe Immigration Falling Birth Rates - Humor
  • Exams get easier and easier
  • Extremism and Idiocy
  • False Sexual Harassment Claims
  • Fantastical Lies
  • Father, Son And Holy Ghost
  • Fathers useful for children's academic performance
  • Fathers Who Kill Family, Wives, Children - Why?
  • Feminism - Nothing More Than A Hate Movement
  • Feminism - Undermining Marriage Family Social Fabric
  • Feminism And Falling Birth Rates
  • Feminism and Nazism
  • Feminism causes traffic congestion and global warming
  • Feminism Pros Cons - Why Governments Love Feminism
  • Feminist Academics Sacked And Abused
  • Feminists Are Nasty Things
  • Feminists Destroy the Planet
  • Feminists Responsible for Traffic Chaos
  • Fire Fighters Who Died On 9_11 Which Ones Were Child Abusers? - Oprah Winfrey
  • Flooded By False Rape Allegations
  • Fools and Feminists
  • Gaea - Organisms - Part 1
  • Gaea - Organisms - Part 2
  • Gaea - Organisms - Part 3
  • Gaea - Organisms - Part 4
  • Gavin Esler - Newsnight Presenter & Poodle Boy.htm
  • Gender Differences - Evolution - Nature, Nurture - Men, Women and Chimps
  • Gender Equality - Myths, Goals, Achievements - Going Round In Circles
  • Generating Heat
  • George Sodini His Diary - A Response To Misandry
  • Girls Aged Eight To Be Indoctrinated
  • Harriet Harman - Dishonest, Deceitful, Disgusting
  • Harriet Harman - Solicitor General - to be prosecuted
  • Harriet Harman - told to stop lying about the rape figures
  • Hiding The Ladmags
  • High Treason
  • Historical Educational Bias Against Girls
  • History Of Women At Work - Did Women Really Want To Go Out To Work
  • Home Office Encouraging Violence With Advertising Campaign
  • Home Office Rape Statistics Are False
  • Home Office Tactics Stir Up More Domestic Violence
  • How Official Rape Statistics are Distorted and Inflated
  • How To Deal With False Accusations Allegations
  • How To Profit From Abuse
  • Hyping Up The Figures Of Illicit Images
  • Hysterical Vindictive Women's Groups want Mike Tyson Banned from Entering the Country
  • Ignoring Relationships In Rape Stranger Rape = Relationship Partner Rape
  • Immigration Into Europe And America - Say Goodbye To Your Country
  • Incredible Rape Statistics
  • Innocence Lost
  • Intelligence - Nature vs Nurture
  • Is A Quick Kiss A Form Of Sexual Battery?
  • Is Sexual History Relevant in Sex-Assault Cases?
  • It Happened To Me
  • Joe Stack Plane Attack
  • Judges Need Courses on Justice
  • Julian Assange - Why Support Him?
  • Just 5% Will Do
  • Justice - Corrupt At The Very Core
  • Kevin Driscoll Is Innocent Of Rape
  • Killing Abusive Men is OK
  • Kiranjit Ahluwalia - Does The Home Office Willfully Stir Up Domestic Violence
  • Kirsty Wark Glows
  • Knife Block - Shaped Like A Man - All Men Are Bastards
  • Learning How To Be Sexy
  • Lesbian, Gay - Aggressive - Sexual Envy and Jealousy
  • Libertarians, Conservatives - Failing To Understand The Issues
  • Lies, Lies, Lies
  • Limits To Free Speech Are Necessary
  • Lofty Abuse Professionals Exposed
  • Loo Rolls - Humor
  • Looking Up, Under Women's Mini Skirts - part humor
  • Lord Of The Rings What's Up With All Those Posters In The Cinemas
  • Male Female Birth Ratio - Polygamy is the Future
  • Male Female Birth Ratio - Trends - Soon To Be Altered By Men
  • Marriage Is Not The Solution
  • Medical Marijuana, Pros, Cons Is Cannabis Bad For You
  • Men are Sexually Primitive
  • Men Behaving Badly - Why?
  • Men's Guide to Feminism - 101 - Exposing The Nonsense
  • Harry's old landing page -- Men's Movement Men's Rights Men's Issues - Fathers For Justice
  • Men's Rights MRAs And Activism Calm Before The Storm - Humor
  • Michael Jackson - A Victory for Men
  • Mike Tyson - Women Just Love Violent Men
  • More About Rape
  • More Women Wanted in Parliament
  • MRAs Are Sexy
  • Myths About Abuse And Rape
  • Nature Nurture - Are Men More Intelligent than Women?
  • Neurotic Introverts Unite
  • New World Order - One World Government Will Bring About Communism
  • No Evidence Required Just Blind Acceptance
  • No Large Men's Groups No Men's Organisations
  • NSA - How To Target Journalists And Politicians
  • NSPCC - Child Abuse - The Real Culprits
  • NSPCC Does It Harm Men, Women And Children
  • Old Codgers Unite - Humor
  • Old Underwear
  • On Chastity Belts And Slut Walks
  • On False Rape Allegations
  • On Gay Marriage And Other Gay Things
  • On How To Search Google Effectively
  • Only Women Are Offered An Alternative To Domestic Violence
  • Organisms - Non-Physical Organisms
  • Oxford Ladies
  • Oxford University Liberals Reveal Their Hypocrisy
  • Paternity Fraud - Lying About Paternity
  • PC W ankers In Blue
  • Perpetrators, Victims Of Child Abuse NSPCC Shatters Child Abuse Myths
  • Phonics - Learning to Read - Teaching Children to Read
  • PMS - The Hidden Disease - What Are The Symptoms
  • Politics and Therapy - ALLABOUTCOUNSELING
  • Polygamy - the Pros and Cons - Humor
  • Pre Menstrual Syndrome Tension How Long Does It Last?
  • Printing Money Pros Cons Inflation Quantitative Easing Money Supply Extra Tax
  • Prosecuting Phony Professionals
  • Prostitution Entrapment Prostitute As Present - Humor
  • PTSD, Trauma, Bad Memories Traumatised By A Tomato
  • Rape Most Alleged Sex Offenders Are Innocent, Wrongly Convicted
  • Reading - The Holistic Look-Say Method For Teaching Reading
  • Research on Smacking Children
  • Sara Thornton - Kiranjit Ahluwalia
  • Science Is Not Very Useful In Addressing Many Gender Issues
  • Seventeen Lovers - Vladimir Putin the Paedo - Humor
  • Sex Consent Legal Definition Signing the Sex Consent Document
  • Sexbots - Genetic Engineering - Men Have Bred Dogs And Cattle, Why Not Women Too?
  • Shameful Therapists
  • Should A Man Bear Responsibility For A Woman Who Decides To Have A Baby?
  • Should Defendants And Accusers In Sex-Assault Cases Like Rape Be Granted Anonymity?
  • Showing Knickers in Courtroom Leads to Suicide
  • Slimy Toads Touting For Votes
  • Smacking Bottoms
  • Smashmouth
  • Some BBC Propaganda Tricks
  • Spartacus - Shadow of the Gladiator
  • Stop Violence Against Men
  • Subsidising Pregnancies
  • Suffragettes White Feather Campaign Male Disposability
  • Tabloid Hysteria
  • Tea Abuse - Not A Nice Cup Of Tea
  • The Battle Of Alesia
  • The Benefits of Feminism - Pros And Cons
  • The Death Penalty - Capital Punishment - Pros and Cons
  • The End Is Nigh
  • The Golden Rule - Ubiquitous And Important
  • The Governing Elite - It Is Becoming Too Powerful
  • The History Of Men
  • The Human Rights Act
  • The Late Review - BBC
  • The Manipulated Man - Esther Vilar
  • The Monkey And The Banana
  • The Monster that is Government
  • The Pointlessness Of Rape Statistics
  • The Rape Deception
  • The Rape Illusion
  • The Rape Scam
  • The Real Face Of Domestic Violence - The Violation Of Winnie
  • The Recovery Of Recovered Memories False Memory Syndrome
  • The Sexual Liberation of Women
  • The Smacking Myths
  • The Truth About The Rape Statistics
  • The Truth About the Truth
  • The Ubiquitous Quest For Power
  • The Unholy Alliance Between Lawyers And Therapists
  • The Violin and the Death Penalty
  • The Young Parasite - Gordon Brown
  • Three Boys In Prison
  • Time To Castrate Judges
  • Tonight on BBC 1
  • Tony Blair Seeks To Become Pope
  • Too shell-shocked to speak! Paternity Fraud
  • Torture Rape and Murder
  • Tribute To Harriet Harman
  • Vehicular Abuse!
  • Victim Impact Statements in Court About Effects, Feelings - Is Everybody Conscious?
  • Victims of Domestic Violence
  • Vincent Egan - Wild Extrapolation
  • Violence On TV And In Films
  • War on Drugs - Pros And Cons
  • Were Women Oppressed in the West?
  • Western Justice Replaced With Good Chance Of Conviction
  • Westerners to Become Extinct - Like the Dinosaurs
  • Whack Those Butts - Spanking Women - Humor
  • What A Piece Of Work Is Man
  • Where Are All The Sex Slaves
  • Where's The Men's Movement?
  • Whiny Wimpy Wet Whingers
  • Who Really Engages More In Self Harm; Men Or Women?
  • Who Suffers More From Depression - Men Or Women?
  • Why And How Do Women Manipulate Men?
  • Why bother about the Domestic Violence Statistics?
  • Why Did Teachers Adopt Poor Teaching Methods?
  • Why Do Women Lie About Rape?
  • Why People And Rulers Often Hated Banks
  • Why Violence Is Often Justified?
  • Woman Invents Scrudle
  • Women actually shown behaving badly by the BBC!
  • Women And Children - Humor
  • Women are Sometimes Responsible for Rape
  • Women As Chattels - The Property Of Men
  • Women At Work - Typewriters Oppressed Women - Humor
  • Women At Work - Why Did Women Not Want To Work
  • Women Doctors Causing Big Problems For The NHS
  • Women in the Middle Ages
  • Women Love Manga And Masculine Voices
  • Women To Become 'Workers'
  • Women Wallowing In Victimhood The Case Of Brian Finkel
  • Writing Emails to Online Authors and Media Journalists
  • Your Sexual Behaviour And Your Genes

    1. Great work Eivind! You are a hero, our leader without doubt!

    2. Excellent work Eivind. It's probably the best thing by you have done as an MRA.

      As far as the internal links are concerned, it should be possible to rewrite the path on the htaccess file. If you are using WordPress, which you're likely not, it would be easy with a plugin. It's important if you want Google to show the archive in its results for terms like "Angry Harry" or "the abuse industry", because if all the internal links aren't working it's likely Google will ignore it.

      I keep meaning to make an account at the AVoiceForMen forum and demand to know why Paul Elam took Harry's site down when he had been entrusted with it, and why not a single supposed 'MRA' (other than us) appeared to even notice.

    3. Of course it can be done but it's not so simple because there are thousands of links and I don't use all the same filenames as originally, so I would have to go through each one to know what to substitute it with, can't just replace "" with "" although that should work for the majority. I don't use WordPress but that wouldn't make it easier for this either.

      But good news: the links aren't exactly broken, they just lead to "Silence is golden" :)

    4. Well-done Eivind! Angry Harry was the farther of all genuine MRAs. His writing style is compelling.

      Even if you'd got through to AVoiceForMen I doubt you would've been heeded. Elam was paranoid about any discussion of AOCs.

    5. It must have taken you forever to do all of this, Eivind. Well done.
      I personally dislike porn. It creeps me out because it divorces sex from procreation and love. However, this is an obvious sign of the times- .
      " Users were particularly interested in 'mature' content, with searches like 'sexy granny', 'MILF', 'DILF' and 'cougar' all making the top spots."
      And if perchance the real top search term was "teen", you'd never know. "Super size" and "military uniform", sure, why not, but teen? Men aren't interested in teens!!!
      There appears to be a hell of a lot of self-brainwashing involved, as shown in the top-rated comment-
      "Older women appeal to us older men.. I’m talking in general and not about p o r n. If only older women realised us older men like them for being them. I’d rather have someone nearer to my age (54) for their shared life experiences than a 20 year old…. They are for 20 year old men."
      Maybe there's some truth in it-birds of feather etc.-but really.

      -Anonymous 2

    6. When you say "porn divorces sex from procreation and love" you are still suffering from wanker's delusion because this is not the essential problem with porn. The real problem is porn divorces your sexual energy and behavior from sex. Nofappers can be the very most promiscuous men if they want because they waste no time, effort or refractory period on substitutes. Nofap is neutral to whether you prefer to have lots of casual sex or be in a loving monogamous relationship. What defines us is we keep it real (to me that includes procreation as well but you can be a nofapper without wanting to procreate).

      I take that Pornhub article as a joke regarding men's preferences. It may well be that grannies are at the top of "most searched fetishes" (quoting from the title here) but that's only because it is a fetish, lol, which I am surprised they admit. I guarantee you that grannies are not the most watched category. Probably the default porn is teens and early twenties and then you have to search to get something else. Teens are not a fetish so they would not be on a list of fetishes and rarely need to be searched for because the algorithms know that's what users are most likely to want.

    7. And regarding the idea that men prefer women close to their own age in general... in real life it is more complex but I bet porn sites don't try to adjust the kind of porn they suggest based on the user's age. It would be silly to assume 50-year-old men most likely want to see 50-year-old women. When you remove the complexities of real life like the need to settle there is absolutely no contest with teens and early twenties as the peak of female beauty. When men speak of the "appeal" of mature women like that 52-year-old commenter they are not necessarily lying but it is a tepid sort of appeal which has next to nothing to do with raw sexual attraction. 20-year-old women "are for" 20-year-old men the same way mansions are for the rich. I don't aspire to material riches but I admittedly have above average sexual aspirations.

    8. Women are also feeling the age gap moral panic, well beyond the sex offender charade:

      Actress Sienna Miller has spoken out about the “judgment” she’s faced becoming a mother again at the age of 41, and the “misogynistic” narrative around her 14-year age gap with her partner.

      The star of “American Woman,” who is expecting a baby girl with 27-year-old actor Oli Green, condemned the “double-standards” around the issue.

      “I think that people are comfortable with a way of living that has existed for many years, which is very misogynistic and patriarchal,” Miller told Vogue’s podcast earlier this month.

      “Me being the older woman in a partnership with a younger person, or being pregnant over 40 - and that that’s ‘irresponsible’ and ‘the poor child’ - it’s such double standards and… I think it’s so unquestioned in people’s minds,” she said. “But it’s absurd.”

      Yeah, it is misogynistic. And misandrist too. Let's not forget that. Let's abolish the age gap panic for all.

    9. @AF

      Bro, AF, start blogging again.

      And yo eivind, did you see amos yees new blog post after he got out?

      He unfortunately went back almost instantly. Read that he was out past curfew. However, from the looks of his blog, as soon as he gets out again we're going to see some crazy shit. He's going to send the english internet into a frenzy again lol.

    10. Actress Sienna Miller: “I think that people are comfortable with a way of living that has existed for many years, which is very misogynistic and patriarchal,”.

      Am I the only one to understand this as another female privilege plead? Women, not men, should be given free rein with younger sex partners. Giving men free rein (like "has existed for many years") would be misogynistic and patriarchal.

      Even giving her the benefit of the doubt and assuming she was just complaining in general, what we have here is yet another privileged cow pulling the misogyny and patriarchy card. Yawn-yawn!

      We can do without spokeswomen like Sienna Miller thank you.

    11. @FreeTheTeens Yes, Amos Yee is bold and defiant straight out of prison. I am impressed and looking forward to more.

    12. @ Eivind-thanks for the info on the context of that article.
      I'm not suffering from wanker's delusion, but something far worse-being brought up Catholic and told that even wanking divorces sex from love and procreation, and haunted by the possibility of that being correct.

      Anonymous 2

    13. Pornhub now actually prevents results for "teen" and "lolita", and instead barfs up a nauseating warning about searching for porn with young people. Everything is ruled by the jealous old vagina, including record increases in MILF porn, what a perverted and dysgenic mass of humanity.

      Jack is right, we are in opposite world, including the disgusting and ridiculous celebration of old women having children with younger men. Yea, I'm sure that will turn out just great, without any hormonal or developmental issues, let alone a completely inverted social dynamic.

      "I admittedly have above average sexual aspirations." I wonder if this applies to all men or just to us.

      I've been posting this video of 13 and 15 year old girls portrayed as sex objects completely normally by 90's era sitcoms. No one has any response to it yet, and Twitter has been shadow banning me, however, my account still exists because I have a profile picture of a tranny. It is very frustrating to be silenced by big vagina tech, but what else can you do.

      Amos Yee is a hero.


    14. I'm currently reading Rocco Sifreddi's book about his life and how he came to be a well-known porn actor. His views are porn-positive of course as they should be coming from someone whose career was in porn. His views are full of sex-positivity.

      Rocco had his first woman when he was 14. The woman was 25.

      I'm reading the French version (Moi Rocco) as I don't read Italian. I don't know whether there's an English version. I'm not sure the book would still find a publisher these days.

    15. I don't know if Israel has the female sex offender charade but they sure treat 14 year-olds as men, when they belong to the enemy anyway. Boys 14 and older are always rounded up along with the men when the IDF raids Palestinian areas.

      “They would tie your hands behind your back and drag you like a dog – plastic handcuff scars on your arms. Depending on the mood of one of them, they would come kick you with their boots,” said 14-year-old Mahmoud Zendah, a recent wound marking the bridge of his nose.

      Zendah said an Israeli soldier had kicked him in the face.

      That ought to count for something against the hypocrisy and go to show they are in fact men.

    16. In Florida they don't kick you at all - they send you to the death row directly:

    17. Not great news from Florida IMHO. Of course I don't condone the rape of anyone especially a child under 12, but this is pandering to the prevailing agenda.
      Here's some good news- a good article about age gap hypocrisy, plus something about how women really hate black men thrown in for good measure (I have no opinion on this but it's still good to see a dominant narrative challenged)- .
      Others are finally starting to notice.

      Anonymous 2

    18. Is there any indication this death penalty case concerns real rape?

      Fifth Judicial Circuit State Attorney Bill Gladson this week announced that a Lake County grand jury had indicted Joseph Andrew Giampa, 36, on charges of child sexual battery and promoting a sexual performance of a child.

      "Sexual battery" is a stupid dysphemism which even Angry Harry made fun of most often used for consensual activity and "promoting a sexual performance of a child" sounds like chatting on Omegle.

    19. If a Duracell is inserted into a vagina, could it be a sexual battery?

    20. That blog post you posted really sucked, Anonymous 2. Are you a troll?

    21. Good catch, the death penalty case is not a rape at all, of course. It is the first test of putting a man to death for having consensual sex with a young girl under an arbitrary age set by feminists:

      "The juvenile victim began performing oral sex on Giampa. During this time, Giampa told her that he knew she probably did not like it although he liked it more when she did not. A short time later, Giampa got behind her and penetrated her vagina, the report said."

      Sounds completely benign when the sex is described normally. Maybe the author will be prosecuted next for "accessory to child abuse" since they didn't use the proper hysterical abuse industry language.

      As you correctly observed a while ago, after they win this easy case (which they chose intentionally for the first case because this guy was really stupid and gave the cops all the evidence for some reason), they will not stop there, they will use this precedent to expand the consensual sex death penalty upwards in age, and other "conservative" states will pass similar laws. Right wing feminism is very extreme especially in Florida, hell on earth for men.


    22. That was quick. I thought it would be more gradual, maybe start with a real rape case or at least something genuinely abusive in some way, but they are wasting no time before they go for death penalty for sex with a willing, happy, unharmed girl. All the hysterical language was perfect preparation for this. The normies can’t point out she was willing because a consenting juvenile is not in their vocabulary anymore and trauma is likewise built into their fundamental assumptions to the point that reality can never falsify it. Normalizing a holocaust should be easy from here.

    23. I suppose you could say this case has one genuinely abusive aspect since he told her "he liked it more when she did not," but there is nothing in that article to suggest she ACTUALLY did not like it or did not do everything of her own accord. Apparently they were role-playing a mild rape fantasy, at worst, and Joseph Andrew Giampa does have an unhealthy kink but it was not lived out in a harmful way.

    24. He had to cajole her into pretending she did not like it for that video and even that apparently failed. It boggles the mind that this is is the evidence used to normalize killing "child rapists." At least this is what we are invited to think. If there was anything worse, why don't they tell us?

      I looked some more and still can't find a worse description but this article says it is a boylove case:

      Giampa, 36, of Leesburg, was arrested in November. A police officer said he viewed a video of a man identified as Giampa sexually abusing a young boy, according to an arrest affidavit.

      That's what the New York Post says as well:

      Apparently the Leesburg News got it wrong and the test case is homosexual. So now we shall see if the mainstream queers have any fight in them or they suck up this too.

    25. Meanwhile the female sex offender charade gets a technological boost:

      Mom uses controversial tracking app Life 360 to catch son having sex with teacher.

      The unidentified parent had installed Life 360 on her son’s device — and grew suspicious after she was alerted to his absence from rugby practice.

      Instead, the app showed that he was idling near a local park.

      The mother drove to the location in Mecklenburg and found him in flagrante delicto with 26-year-old South Mecklenburg High School teacher Gabriela Cartaya-Neufeld, according to WSOC.

      After taking several pictures of the educator’s vehicle and license plate, the shocked mother called the police to the scene and Cartaya-Neufeld was taken into custody.

      The tone of this article is surprisingly non-congratulatory of the police state and antisex bigotry. It is not the usual tripe as such; instead they focus on the dangers of surveillance and control-freak parents:

      Life 360 — which counts Mark Zuckerberg’s sister Randi as a board member — has become increasingly popular with “helicopter” parents hoping to monitor their kids.

      Perhaps the charade begins to breaks down and the misogyny becomes apparent and uncomfortable to feminists when we mix in this other totalitarian aspect. A witch-hunt is all fun and games until it becomes quite so efficient?

    26. "I don't know if Israel has the female sex offender charade but they sure treat 14 year-olds as men, when they belong to the enemy anyway. Boys 14 and older are always rounded up along with the men when the IDF raids Palestinian area"

      @eivind In Judaism you actually become an adult at around 12-13. And you are allowed to own property, get a job, and get married. Also, there are around 4,500 under 18s that get married yearly in israel.

    27. Re: My link- and this comment-

      "Anonymous Anonymous said...

      That blog post you posted really sucked, Anonymous 2. Are you a troll?

      Sunday, December 17, 2023 8:24:00 AM ".

      The person who wrote it must be a troll. What is the purpose of this comment-are you simply trying to waste people's time? How did the link suck, exactly? To answer my own question, the blog is way more left-leaning than I realized, so it happens to suck that way. Nevertheless, it does raise awareness of the plight of men in today's world. The article I linked to discusses age gap hypocrisy with special reference to Leonardo DiCaprio.

      Anonymous 2

    28. Scientists have discovered what drives feminist antisexual activism:

      Krispenz, A., Bertrams, A. "Further basic evidence for the dark-ego-vehicle principle: Higher pathological narcissism is associated with greater involvement in feminist activism." Curr Psychol (2023).

      Some people, however, might participate in political or social activism (merely) to satisfy their own ego-focused needs. This notion was recently investigated by Bertrams and Krispenz (2023) in the context of anti-sexual-assault activism. The authors argued that individuals high in narcissism may be attracted to this form of activism because it allows them to manipulate and exploit others due to their lack of empathy, sense of entitlement, and arrogance. For example, an individual with high narcissistic traits may become a leader or figurehead of an anti-sexual assault movement to gain immaterial and/or monetary benefits (e.g., attention, status, fame etc.). In line with their assumptions, the authors found that higher narcissism was related to greater involvement in anti-sexual-assault activism. Results further showed that this relationship was primarily driven by extraverted narcissism (a facet of narcissism that is associated with feelings of narcissistic grandiosity; Miller et al., 2016) and was more pronounced in women than men. From these results, Bertrams and Krispenz (2023) derived the so called dark-ego-vehicle principle (DEVP; see also Krispenz & Bertrams, 2023) which states that for some individuals with pronounced dark personality traits (e.g., individuals high in narcissism) political or social activism may function as a vehicle for the satisfaction of their own ego-centered needs (rather than the pursuit of pro-social goals).

    29. @Eivind

      Very interesting work, thank you.

    30. Back before the female sex offender charade when we could admit boys enjoy hot female teachers as opposed being sexually traumatized by them:

      This footage was captured in 1965 and was a social experiment showing how boys react to a young beautiful teacher.

      The hidden camera crew also played the same trick on three groups of boys by introducing them to a new social studies teacher. The teacher was played by Miss Sweden 1961 Gunilla Knutsson.

      When she leaves the room, one of the boys appears to belt out a curse word," Oh sh**." In the second group, one laughs so hard that he falls out of his chair. The boys in the final group can’t believe their luck, exclaiming, “Oh wow! And “Holy mackerel.”

      And girls react similarly to a handsome male teacher, their reactions are priceless.

    31. "Miss Sweden 1961 Gunilla Knutsson"

      Born in 1946, she was Miss Sweden at 15 !

    32. Looks like they plan to start 2024 with maximum feminism, dragging the Epstein story back into the news to rile up the psycho sex fascists.

      I keep looking for signs the West is reversing its insanity, but it continues to go more and more hysterical and feminist.


    33. I reccomend this movie. Try to find it. It is possible to download for free somewhere. I have seen it and it's really good.

    34. Gov. Ron DeSantis backed Gladson.

      “It will be the first case to challenge SCOTUS since I signed legislation to make pedophiles eligible for the death penalty,” he said in a statement on Facebook. “The State’s Attorney has my full support.”

      I remember when my own readers would accuse me of being hyperbolic when I used the phrase 'sexual holocaust' and predicted that 'paedophiles' being literally wiped out was the Sexual Trade Union endgame.

      @Amelio - I recall seeing a chart that showed how the average age of Miss America had gone up since the 1920s, from something like 17 to 22. The first Miss America in 1921 was a 16 year old.

      Something for Eivind - whilst looking online for Gunilla Knutsson I came across this article :

      "One thing that is consistent across generations is crushing on teachers, with another TikTok user writing: ‘Still the same 60 [years] later.”

      Lots of people agreed, as someone else shared: “The more things change, the more things stay the same.”

      A fourth joked: “Every single one they looked at each other.”

      However, a fifth person commented: “You couldn’t film that today. It would be filled with beeps blurting out what the boys say.”"

    35. French feminists are upset because a 10 year old has been "sexualized":

    36. Re: Amelio's comment

      '"Miss Sweden 1961 Gunilla Knutsson"

      Born in 1946, she was Miss Sweden at 15 !

      Tuesday, December 19, 2023 5:31:00 PM '.

      Headline in The Fail in the not-too-distant future-

      "Miss Sweden 1961 Gunilla Knutsson claims she was abused and sexualized in 1961 when aged just FIFTEEN."

      At least someone has pre-empted it, even if only in a tiny blog. Then again, maybe she's beaten me to it.

      Anonymous 2

    37. "Miss Sweden 1961 Gunilla Knutsson claims she was abused and sexualized in 1961 when aged just FIFTEEN."

      Typical isn't it? Happily sexualized decades ago, now claiming they were abused back then. Having their cake when young, eating it when past it. Cashing in on their looks while young, cashing in a 2nd time decades later as a retrospective abuse victim.

      I hope no one here believe this claim by this Miss Sweden was meant to support our cause. It's a grab for money and attention.

    38. I've been reading again some of the Angry Harry articles Eivind has restored.
      Example :

      "The notion that children are necessarily damaged for life solely by engaging in consensual sexual fondling is as risible as is the notion that a man who has failed to withdraw from his long-term partner when she has lost the mood is committing an act that is akin to murder - which is what 'rape' is often nowadays deemed to be.

      And the alleged lifelong psychological damage that is said to occur as a result of such things is nothing more than a malevolent myth that has been fuelled by the feminists and the abuse industry for the usual reasons.

      Indeed, given the horrible and dangerous world in which our human ancestors have had to survive over the millennia, the idea that evolution arranged matters so that cuddles and caresses give rise to some kind of permanent psychological disability is utterly preposterous.

      Indeed, a more preposterous notion is difficult to imagine.

      And millions of people know this - but they are too scared to say so lest they be accused by the malicious witch-hunters of 'defending paedophiles'."

    39. Something else that might be of interest - I don't know if any of you follow the YouTuber Charlie Veitch. He goes around Manchester, filming crackheads and other weirdos, and getting a response from them. Anyway, he's obviously controversial and receives a lot of backlash. The interesting thing is that he's always had teenage girlfriends (including a 16 year old once), quite openly, and he's in his forties. So he regularly gets called a paedophile on camera, but he never backs down. It doesn't seem to have harmed his ever-growing following either (now over 300K). In this video, for example, he gets called a paedophile for having teen girlfriends, and responds by calling the guy a repressed paedophile projecting (in other words, a paedocrite), then gets him in a headlock, lol.

    40. Yes, Harry was eminently sensible and took absolutely no bullshit about abuse. He didn't take the last step and outright call for abolition of age of consent, but that's superfluous anyway when a fool can see -- given the factual reality Harry describes -- that the laws are absurdly unfair. And yeah, millions of people can surely see the same thing but are too scared of the witch-hunters to say so.

    41. Wife in Brazil chops her husband's balls off and flushes them down the toilet when she catches him banging their 15 year old niece.

      Even though the age of consent is 14 in Brazil, nearly all the Daily Mail comments are supportive of the woman. Even the most sickening comments get almost universally upvoted.

      This shows just how far away we are. You can call for the age of consent to be abolished, but it's going to take some kind of tectonic shift just to create a discussion as to whether the age of consent should be lowered by a year or two.

      I'm not sure if it's even that people are cowards anymore. Even 30 year olds have been brainwashed their entire lives now into paedohysteria and the automatic assumption that sex with a 15 year old, or fondling a 12 year old is unquestionably abuse.

      This is why I think the 'rationalist' approach is whistling into the wind.

    42. Well, I know we are not making progress but it doesn't hurt us to be rationalists. That's why this blog is still standing after all these years while the MAP rights approach is completely cleansed from the mainstream platforms, because I am a rationalist. Angry Harry's kind of rhetorics can also still stand against most of the current censorship, I think, which makes it the best we can hope the normies will be exposed to anymore. If you want the most reach, emulate Harry, who was a pure rationalist.

      Anyway, Bobbit jokes are nothing new. The comments at the Daily Mail would have been much the same even if the mistress had been the same age as the wife, because men are considered so worthless that violence against us is funny more than anything, especially this kind which doesn't require a criminal justification either in the eyes of most people. Sure, they now also have the CSA delusion to make it worse, but there is a deeper problem here that we really need the MRA approach to address.

      I also see some good comments such as:

      Look at all the old biddies here condemning this merely because of her age, even though she was legal. Jealous.

      GotaLuvLA, Silver Lake, United States, 2 hours ago

    43. I thought the comment of Wednesday, December 27, 2023 6:51:00 AM hit the bullseye in several ways-it's not even cowardice any more in many cases and it would seem to require a tectonic shift of some kind to change public opinion about teen sexuality.

      Here's a y/tube channel you might like-

      There was a video on how Brooke Shields was a sex symbol in her mid-teens and no-one batted an eyelid about it back in the early 80's. Unfortunately, it's not on the playlist but the title was something like "It's depraved now, but not in the way you think.'

      Anyway, there's a lot of good videos about how men are generally crapped all over all over the world, with some incredible double standards. In Canada, for example, women prisoners are housed in apartment-style accommodation and can wear makeup and their own clothes. Perhaps the male equivalent of makeup as a small luxury might be 2-3 cans of cheap beer for well-behaved prisoners at the end of the week, but fat chance with that.

      Anonymous 2

    44. Re: Brazil

      1) It's Brazil

      2) This had more to do with the wife being enraged her young niece was getting attention instead of her.

      3) Of course the Anglo feminists will make it about age because that is their interest.

      "Anyway, there's a lot of good videos about how men are generally crapped all over all over the world, with some incredible double standards. In Canada, for example, women prisoners are housed in apartment-style accommodation and can wear makeup and their own clothes. Perhaps the male equivalent of makeup as a small luxury might be 2-3 cans of cheap beer for well-behaved prisoners at the end of the week, but fat chance with that."

      Obviously, trannies are completely insane and would never be encouraged in a normal society. But since a world gone mad with feminism is not even close to a normal society, give me trannies every day of the week as our best hope against feminists so far.


    45. @Anonymous2

      That's funny, I was going to post CityCrusher here a few weeks ago. I saw a video of his on Russell Brand, and he was flat out saying that if he fucked a 16-year-old it's nobody's business as 16 is the age of consent in the UK. That's very refreshing for an American MRA. I'd almost given up on MRAs, but I'm going to have a binge watch of his videos today.

    46. @Aon69-From what I know, you're probably right about the age of the girl not being a major issue in Brazil. I was commenting mainly in the light of the Anglo reaction as evinced in the Fail comments.

      There was one comment about how it might have been the straw that broke the camel's back for the woman. However, it doesn't seem to have occurred to anyone that the affair the man was having might have been the result of some straw or other that broke HIS back.

      In any case, if the readers are to be even-handed, they should applaud a husband who mutilates his wife's genitalia for discovering her with another man.

      @AF Great minds think alike lol.

      I think at time his perspective is a little TOO bleak, eg he repeatedly states that women hate men as a universal rule.

      Nothing and nobody will ever tick 100% of the boxed and I still value this channel as an eloquent voice for men's rights. It's even better because he's at least made passing reference to age difference hypocrisy.

      -Anonymous 2

    47. Saken angående Peter Madsen er i norske nyheter igjen:

      Det jeg har merket meg siden begynnelsen på denne forferdelige og jævlige saken er at Madsens seksualitet ikke er demonisert av media, slik den burde ha vært. Madsen er tross alt en person som har levd ut sine seksuelle preferanser ved å binde, frihetsberøve og torturere sine sex-partnere. Han samlet også på tortur-porno der ekte kvinner ble utsatt for avkutting av hodet og andre lemmer. Han ble ikke pågrepet og dømt før han omsider satte sine fantasier ut i livet, idet han voldtok, halsugde, drepte og parterte et kvinnelig offer.

      Det som jeg finner så ekstremt utrlig i forbindelse med Madsen, er den veldig respektfulle måten media omtaler han på. Ikke bare han som person, men også de seksuelle preferansene hans. Det fremstilles som helt normalt at man er interessert i seksuell sadisme og tortur.

      Sammenligningen med hvordan unge gutter som har hatt seksuell kontakt med jenter under 14 år over internet blir demonisert og fremstilt som monstre kontra hvordan media fremstiller Madsen er påfallende.

    48. That's what I thought too. Peter Madsen the sexually sadistic murderer is not demonized for his sexuality at all in contrast to men who have anything to do with "underage" girls no matter how loving.

      This is how the CSA panic works. The metaphysical badness of mixing children and sexuality is at the very top of the demonological hierarchy, and obsessed over to the extent that there is hardly any room to demonize anything else. Violence is nothing in comparison, even the most sadistically motivated murders. Killing children is also much less bad than taking a sexual or romantic interest in them, and apparently even sexual killing of adult women is not seen as particularly deviant.

    49. Her er et eksempel på hvordan Peter Madsen-saken omtales i media:

      Som nevnt er omtalen svært nøktern og det faktum at mishandlingen, drapet og parteringen er gjort som en seksuell handling er knapt nok nevnt annet enn på en svørt nøktner måte ved å sitere punkter i tiltalen. Det seksuelle aspektet er fullstendig nedtonet.

      Kontrasten til hvordan personer som er anklaget for helt frivillig seksuell omgang med mindreårige er ekstrem. Miljøer der lignende fantasier som de Madsen iverksatte er ikke under noen kritisk analyse fra media eller andre slik normal og sunn tiltrekning mot tenåringer er: Torturporno er lovlig. BDSM er lovlig."50 shades of grey" som handler om tortur-lignende sex-handlinger er nå fullstendig mainstream. Samtidig er det vakreste av alt, nemlig frivillig sex med villige unge jenter demonisert og gjort til noe helt grusomt.

      Dette er holdninger som må motarbeides. Jeg er takknemlig for at du tar denne jobben, Eivind!

    50. At torturere og dræbe kvinder er ikke tilladt, og Peter Madsen har aldrig været en nationalhelt. Han er dømt til forvaring, og ingen ved hvornår han kommer ud.

    51. Peter Madsen er bort i mot en nasjonalhelt i Danmark og selv etter drapet virker folk å være fascinert av han. Hovedpoenget er derimot det at hans type seksuelle fetisj ikke er problematisert i noen særlig grad. Tvert imot er BDSM i stor grad helt normalisert i main stream media. Dette til tross for at BDSM rent faktisk handler om å utføre sadisme eller illudere sadisme mot en sexpartner. Og sadisme er noe av det styggeste og farligste som finnes.
      Kontrasten til fordømmelsen av normal mannlig seksualitet der preferansen er jenter fra 13-15 til 20-25, er ekstremt påfallende. Det normale svertes og kriminaliseres. Det perverse, stygge og farlige normaliseres og hylles.

    52. MILF="Minor I'd Like to Fuck"

    53. This is the MRA CityCrusher video that was mentioned earlier :

      He refers to the 1994 film 'My Father, The Hero' which featured the now cancelled Gérard Depardieu and Katherine Heigl. He mentions the infamous thong bikini scene and says Heigl was 16, but she could have been no more than 15 and more likely 14 when it was filmed, and in the film she is playing a 14-year-old.

    54. This is actually a different vid, but that's even better since it means that City Crusher has made more than one video devoted to age-difference hypocrisy. The one I referred to discussed Brooke Shields as a mid-teens sex symbol (oh the horror).
      Meanwhile, this double standard-, this, and this
      Pretending that we live in a patriarchy against all evidence to the contrary is part of the misandry. Oh, there was also a story that appears to have been removed, about a police investigation of the online rape, whatever that is, of a female teen by much older men (!).
      It never ends- . Of course there was the expected psychobabble about Bardot's roles being disturbingly focused on problematic power imbalances with much older men. For example,
      'Thinking about her work today, in the politically correct 21st Century, nevertheless it is possible to see something queasy going on – Bardot was often cast as unruly daughters of bewildered, angry fathers; or else she's the squeeze of much older partners: all these patriarchal authority figures, there to suggest women need, are nothing without, male guides, male protectors. In many films, Bardot even sleeps with men she dislikes.'

      -Anonymous 2

    55. 'Anonymous 2' is a feminist. Again he complains about that women who is having sexual relations with much younger men is not treated equally bad as men that have sexual relations with much younger women. His agenda is much like 'the AF' that he wants women to be treated badly.

      The clip with Heigl is great!

    56. @Anonymous - you literally come across as retarded.

      @Anonymous 2

      I don't know if this is the 'online rape' that CityCrusher has made a video on, but I just saw that UK police are actually investigating the 'virtual rape' of a teenage girl's avatar in the Metaverse, and calling for the law to be updated. How insane.

    57. @ AF-Yes, virtual rape. It was in the Fail, too. I "misspoke". I don't know if CityCrusher has made a video of it.
      -Anonymous 2

    58. @AF

      You and anonymous 2 still think porn is sex and that it's extremely problematic that young guys are having sex with older women without the woman being taken to court and sentenced to prison. You two are both feminists.

    59. If men can benefit from porn and virtual "sex" then it follows that women can be abused and perhaps even "raped" that way. These concepts go together and must be broken together. Nofap, which is both the practice of not masturbating and the realization that there is no sexual value in porn is the proper way to take a stand against feminist virtual abuse nonsense -- while focusing on true sexual value, which can only be found in real life.

    60. Jeffrey Epstein created a sexual network of minor girls, something repugnant if those encounters were not voluntary, but those minors were not children. There was no pedophilia but ephebophilia (legal sexual conduct on half the planet). Let's see if people start talking properly...

    61. Here is a PDF with 943 pages of Epstein documents released today:

      I haven't read all that but so far I can't find anything other than evidence all the encounters were voluntary. For example on page 838 an accuser is directly confronted with the idea that the girls were "forced" and can't give a sensible answer that there was anything to that. The best she can come up with is the idea that there were "indirect threats that you knew these people were powerful" which is to say the mere existence of a rich or powerful person is supposed to be enough to threaten girls into sex so them doing it willingly didn't count.

      Show me something credible or quit suggestiong that there were forced encounters.

    62. Also today we got proof that the 13-year-old brain can function at the very peak of human performance and then some:

      They can play Tetris like no other human but of course they can't comprehend sexual consent :)

    63. According to the liar Virginia Guiffre she had seen Stephen Hawking engaging in a sex-orgy.

    64. @AF-Yes, virtual porn was the term I was looking for.

      @Anomnyomus-No, I don't think porn=sex but I know I won't convince you of this. Sometimes I'll respond to a bad faith comment ("trolling") and sometimes I won't. This is your lucky day I guess.

      I dislike porn, too-I find it distasteful. However, I can't understand Eivind's reasons, even though I've tried to.

      Eivind may be correct in both his anti-porn and no fap stances. I regard it as unlikely but not impossible. There may be something myself and most of us here just don't understand.

      BTW The Night Wind has just written a piece about Epstein et al-

      -Anonymous 2

    65. Nadia Marcinkova. I wonder what is said about her in the documents and what is happening to her? I'm sure the lowlifes in the FBI wants to put this beauty in a concrete cell for life, just like 'AF' and 'Anonymous 2' wants to because "she's equally bad as Epstein because she engaged in sex with underage girls, so why should she be trated better than him".

      And yes Eivind, if like 'AF' we choose to look at porn and "virtual sex" as sex, then virtual rape should be treated exactly in the same way as physical rape of a person. We already have this concept of virtual rape in Norway for rape of persons below the age of 16 via the internet.

      But no, Contrary to the beliefs of 'AF' and 'Anonymous 2', you cant have virtual sex, sex over the internet, sex with robots('AF' is still waiting for this) or sex with yourself. So then there cant be any rape by these instances either, of course. We are of course against the law in Norway conserning these things, but 'AF' and 'Anonymous 2' are not against it as they see virtual sex and porn as equal or better than sex.

    66. Epstein's victims were entirely consensual as far as I can see, for the same reasons Eivind mentioned, and they were likely just bitter when he dumped them as they got too old, and couldn't earn money from their youth and beauty any more, other than retroactively claiming abuse and suing for millions.

      Eivind believes passionately that there is nothing more absurd than believing that a lucky boy having sex with a hot older woman is a 'victim'. Fair enough, he might be right, but I'd say that Epstein's 'victims' has to be on a par with such an obvious lie. I mean these girls, who I believe were mostly from trashy backgrounds, got to meet royalty, billionaires, world famous celebrities, and work on a dream private Caribbean island. Yet we are supposed to believe they are victims of the most horrible crime imaginable and that Epstein ruined their lives?? They were as lucky as a boy getting to have sex with a smoking hot supermodel.

    67. Her har man en skikkelig feministisk "tøffing" som sannsynligvis er sur fordi han er impotent etter å ha onanert for mye til bestemor- og transeporno og velger å ta frustrasjonen ut over andre menn. Vi trenger å trolle folk som dette:

    68. What made you delete that last comment Eivind?

    69. I did not delete anything and only saw it was gone when you mentioned it. Google is removing comments unaccountably, probably because of an antispam mechanism rather than deliberate censorship. This comment I was able to restore by clicking on the email link again.

      Preferably comment using a Google account in good standing to avoid this problem. By the way I am working on archiving my blog as I did Angry Harry on and once I put your comments up there they are safe, but I won't be able to receive comments there.

    70. Or at least don't use VPNs, proxies or Tor? Don't comment using methods commonly employed by spammers, and I think we will be fine. Of course I can set up an alternative full-stacked blog with commenting ability but it's a huge job to deal with spam myself too, so as long as Google does not deliberately censor us we are fine here. The archive I am working on will be excellent but it will be static.

    71. Oh I see. That is weird, I did not use any cloaking device or anything. Maybe it was deleted because the comment was encouraging trolling towards that person?

    72. If it were deliberate then I don't think I would have been able to restore the comment, but it is conceivable that they use AI taking into account something like that too. I certainly agree he deserves to be trolled -- what an absolute psycho moron -- but luckily he gets banned anyway:

      Daniel er en kjent TikTok-profil som har blitt kastet ut av appen mange ganger. Hele femten profiler har han hatt. Og mistet. Han er for direkte. Krangler med folk. Noen vil til og med si at han jakter ned noen. Mobber enkelte.– Jeg blir ofte rapportert fordi jeg er veldig grov i kjeften, skaper masse reaksjoner og fiender. Så jeg synes ikke det er rart at jeg blir rapportert.

      In other news, another victim of the female sex offender charade!

      A very attractive one too so it OUGHT to wake up some normies, but won't because they are zombies who tolerate any persecution of sexuality now.

    73. The Buddha himself got arrested for loving a minor girl. Which makes me believe in his Buddhahood and want to follow him as one of the last role models. This is truly the battle of good vs. evil, or shall we say the life force vs. destruction since Buddhism doesn't really believe in evil, and we are on the right side.

      Ram Bahadur Bomjan, popularly called ‘Buddha Boy’ in local media, was arrested Tuesday evening while “absconding in the case of sexual exploitation of a minor,” the police said in a statement.

      An arrest warrant against him was issued in 2020, according to the statement, “in the case of sexual abuse of a minor girl,” who was allegedly living as a nun at his ashram in the Bara district, south of the capital Kathmandu.

      Acting on a tip off, police say they tracked the 34-year-old to the outskirts of Kathmandu and “arrested him while he was trying to flee,” the statement added. They say they also seized more than a dozen mobile phones, five laptops and tablets, and more than $200,000 in Nepali and foreign currencies at his home.

      As to the persecution of Hailey Nichelle Clifton-Carmack again... this also includes the arrest of the teen boy's father, Mark Creighton, for knowing about the relationship but failing to report it ("endangering the welfare of a child") -- this is truly a profound escalation. It is beyond insanity, and yes, beyond evil -- just utter worship of darkness. As someone joked on another forum:

      Inmate: "How come you are in prison?"
      Dad: "I high-fived my son for scoring with a MILF."

      Except it's not a joke. It is literally how fucked up this civilization is now.

      1. Hey Eivind, Epstein isn’t real. I researched the whole year 2023 to come to this conclusion. That is the media is commercializing urban legends and conspiracy theories with ageist justification. A friend of mine sent me the supposed Daisy’s Destruction and I was shocked to see it was nothing like the media described. It was in fact, a bunch of botched clips of sex tapes with Daisy stitched together rather than a quality production intended for any viewer but the team for the 60 Minutes. I did some research and saw a community which believed Jeffrey Epstein to also be a similar phenomena. While I did believe the analysis of Jeffrey Epstein’s corpse versus the photos of him to show different figures I never could’ve imagined how even the photos don’t match up with each other. I sent a photo of him and Trump with his legs missing and he found it just as hilarious. Much love and respect. - eff gablow bisaid dhererif

    74. I am having a laugh at Tommy Robinson and the nationalist-antisex ideology he represents.

      Fully grown bearded migrant men are being placed into UK schools following claiming to be "refugee children" after discarding their documents before or on arrival.

      They're being physically and sexually aggressive to the kids in these schools, and parents are being warned to keep quiet by the authorities.

      I went to investigate, my full report:

      You really do get what you deserve. Worship the child and hate sex and some more practically intelligent men will game your system. It is the antisex bigotry which these moronic "far-right" men love so much which enables the latter. You are never going to keep the migrants away from your teen girls as long as you believe teens are innocent children, because migrants can simply pose as teens, there being no detectable physical difference anyway.

      If these racists really wanted to make a difference they should first become men and admit to themselves that there is sexual competition going on, not just white-knighting for phony "sexual abuse" victims. Of course you will be marginalized when you can't even offer the idea that the girls are worth fighting for on your side.

    75. "Fem gutter i Bergen ble tiltalt for overgrep. Noen for voldtekt, andre for sex med mindreårig.

      Etter rettssaken er en av de dømte fortsatt aktiv på TikTok. Mange brukere mener han gjør narr av og ufarliggjør dommen sin i videoene han poster."

      Det er han her:

      Male Sexualist? Overgreper og stolt av det?

    76. Erik Hordnes er en flott fyr og et forbilde, ja!

    77. At least he is making fun of the punishment there. Which is as far as one can go on a platform like TikTok, I suppose. I would invite him to make a proud statement bragging about "underage" sex and explicitly denouncing the law on the MRA Archive where it can't be censored. 28.4K followers on TikTok is impressive and I can understand he does not not want to risk that by being too political.

      My impression is that Erik Hordnes is indeed a male sexualist, one of us! I shall try to befriend him and invite him to join our movement.

    78. I want to believe Epstein is real and even a Mossad agent because that means the elites and government agencies don't give a damn about age of consent either. They know it's all nonsense that willing girls are victimized and only play the charade for the normies (and perhaps blackmail purposes for the spy agencies) because one can't be an elite while being a sexualist publicly under current norms.

      I am pretty sure Epstein is real insofar as the court documents show, which do not allege girls were forced or harmed anyway aside from the retrospective reinterpretation which is all based on the "underage" numerological voodoo. Do you think he was completely made up, and if so, how you do you explain the credible-looking evidence that he at least existed had an island which a bunch of celebrities visited, where young girls also congregated?

      1. The Jewish Community watch has ties with the ADL so while there may be incidents the elites do generally stay true to that. They play both sides so the narrative switch with Peter Scully and Epstein isn’t surprising to me. It reminds me of the holocaust with the unrealistic conspiracy shit we’re accepting just because it is. That is, how couldn’t it? We’ve seen the photos so are we really supposed to believe they’re botched if it isn’t true. This is exactly where they want the minds of the general public and the ppl reporting to go. A perfect lie needs the list to half-ass believe it and a conspiracy of ignorance. I’m not going to be digging up sources but if you’re interested I suggest you investigate as I did. I apologize if I gave the impression I see the Daisy’s Destruction story any less than reprehensible. - eff gablow bisaid dhererif

    79. "Daisy’s Destruction" as mentioned by anonymous above is far from anything that our sexualist movement will accept! We dont accept violence to girls/women and we sure as hell dont accept murder! BDSM should be forbidden in sexualist movement. I'm pretty sure Eivind agrees with me.

    80. Yes, we do not accept actually hurting girls. I am not familiar with "Daisy’s Destruction" and don't want to be. The commenter above claims it is not as bad as it is made out to be, which may well be true in light of how everything to do with "sexual abuse" is hyperexaggerated, but even if it were "consensual" BDSM it has no place with children and if you believe like me chat children can consent much like adults, I rather wonder if BDSM can truly be consensual for adults either and should be allowed at all? It is distasteful to me to have separate moral standards for children and adults with regard to sexual activities, so a logical consequence is to ban BDSM for adults too. I am not completely sure on this yet but that's the tendency of my current thinking.

    81. "Daisy’s Destruction" is as I have read, a video made by the despicable porn user Peter Scully that depict torture, so called "sexual abuse"(all though I dont know what the hell should be considered sexual about this) and actual murder of girls. Scully is of course a BDSM'er that adores porn and is further from being a sexualist than anyone else. BDSM is now a part of the LBTQ+ movement and so is more or less accepted by the political correct people. Just as the murderer and BDSM enthusiast Peter Madsen is more or less accepted too.

      If there is a manifesto for the sexualist movement, I sure hope BDSM will be mentioned as a totally unacceptable sexual orientation/fetish. I dont care if people consent to being more or less tortured, it is still wrong to enjoy sadism. Sadists also include anyone working in law enforcement, of course.

    82. Yeah, enjoying sadism is a bad trait -- that should be obvious! Maybe they can get consent for it at times but someone who enjoys hurting people is a person I would want to avoid and I will certainly not support them in any of my writings.

      It rubs me the wrong way that BDSM is included in what the proverbial "consenting adults" can do as if it comes with the package of sexual consent. This makes sex seem a lot more dangerous than it is. If we recognized that sadism isn't healthy when practiced on adults either, we don't need any special protections for minors.

    83. Litt mer av Erik Hordnes:

      Mye "tulling" med smårips og unge jenter. Som Eivind sier er det begrenset hva man kan gjøre på TikTok, men handlingsrommet kan utvides betydelig med humor.

    84. I absolutely agree with you on that Eivind.

    85. Hordnes er helt rå! Har vi sett en råere sexualist noensinne?

    86. Your good friend David Futrelle closed down his blog. Rumor has it that he is waiting for a bigger scandal than the one who took down Hugo Schyzer. What is the word for that, pedocirte?

    87. I guess I am just about the only old manosphere blog still standing then, whether friends or enemies. Any idea what kind of scandal to do with Futrelle?

      Anyway, this is what intellectual honesty looks like. I have to agree with Michael Bailey here:

      The idea that pedophilic relationships can be harmless or even beneficial to children is disturbing to many people, including me. It is difficult for me to imagine a future heterosexual boy enjoying a sexual relationship with a man, and it is easy for me to imagine a man using a child sexually for his own pleasure at the expense of a child’s welfare. The lack of scientific evidence supporting my largely visceral reactions against pedophilic relationships has been one of the most surprising discoveries of my hopefully ongoing scientific education. Persuasive evidence for the harmfulness of pedophilic relationships does not yet exist, perhaps because research on childhood sexual abuse has not been sufficiently high quality to establish harm. This partly reflects the impossibility of controlled experiments in this domain, but I suspect it also reflects the certainty of researchers that adult-child sexual contact is harmful and the understandable inhibition against considering the alternative.

      From his review of Tom O'Carroll's book Michael Jackson’s Dangerous Liaisons.

      Intellectual honesty which I have been practicing all along will take you far, even not be censored on Google yet.

    88. Andrew Anglin at the Daily Stormer had a great series of articles on Elvis, talking about how he loved 14 year old girls, and you're a pervert if you don't think girls of that age are attractive (which is true). Anglin's articles included quotes from older women Elvis lovers who said that in the past, "pedophilia didn't exist". What these women really meant was that feminist pedo hysteria did not exist in Elvis's time to the extent it does today. That was heartwarming.

      Tranny trolling twitter campaign update: a few people, MAGA people actually, started to agree with me that sex between people of all ages can be fine and pleasurable, and feminist age gap nonsense is harmful to everyone. Well - those people were banned by Twitter immediately! However, my tranny profile still exists! And it says things much more controversial. So - it is official, if you identify as trans, you can say what you want without censorship. Trannies are the truly the way forward against the sex maniacs.


      1. He’s a self-hating Jew and doesn’t even admit it for Christ’s sake. That alone would be one thing but with his fetishization of Asian women I can’t say he’s a fed but he’s definitely a shill. It’s because people like this that I don’t associate myself with the White Power movement. That’s not to say I have any serious ideological objection but that from an accelerationist view they aren’t worth the time and neither is the MAGA crowd. It’s all talk and no action with these people. I don’t deny he said all of that but even then people like that show their true colors when you question them on it. As far as I’m concerned if you’re attracted to 14 year olds that doesn’t make you a map and if you think that does you’re either confused, anti-contact, or not one in the first place. The alt-right movement (which he writes for), reeks with pedohysteria and general ageism. - eff gablow bisaid dhererif

    89. Damn, X is insane. They really mean the anti-MAP censorship and have implemented it better than any of their predecessors or other platforms. Identifying as trans will only offer transient protection. By the next update you will be banned I'm sure. I recommend working on an enduring project instead such as an essay worthy of the MRA Archive.

      1. Just putting the hashtag got my account banned in a mere few minutes. I’m not surprised really. “Map” is linked to Newgon which is an anti-contact organization masquerading as pro-contact. Or as they deceptively relabeled “pro-choice” so they can also claim “anti-offending.” And if you thought that means they’re against child molestation… Nope! They’re conflating legality and morality because they simply don’t care about change. They made their own flag which is suspiciously LGBT-esque. And they’re not infiltrating either, just want it to look like that. There really isn’t a better word than “pedophile” and several other -phile slurs save be “map” but times change. Some have tried unlinking Newgon and “map” but I don’t find their historical revisions convincing. Maybe you have an idea of what “maps” should call themselves. Besides “map” I really don’t. The censorship wouldn’t be without their efforts. Yes, Newgon did intend all of this. - eff gablow bisaid dhererif

    90. @Anonymous-when you write that you've made far more controversial statements "as a tranny", were they criticizing paedohysteria?

      I may or may not get around to reading the Michael Bailey article. However, the phenomenon of gut reactions raises questions that I'm not sure of the answer to. Much of the time, a gut reaction is in fact a good guide to how to respond to a situation in an ethical way. I hope we all have a gut reaction to puppies and kittens being tortured, for example. So when and how does a gut reaction become problematic? When can I say with a degree of confidence that my gut reactions isn't merely the result of some bullshit I was reared with and has stayed in my system? Or that it's a perfectly valid reaction?

      -Anonymous 2

    91. Gut reactions are useful sometimes but clearly a fallible guide to ethics and law. The revulsion we are talking about here is most importantly not shared by the "victims" and there is no good evidence they will be traumatized later either. There is also no known social downside to pederasty, as it clearly does not prevent boys from growing up to be well-adjusted. It does not make them any more gay than they would have been either. All we are left with is the gut reaction, and yes, I share that in feeling I would not have wanted such experiences for myself. But on reflection I feel that I would not have consented to them as a boy either, and why not trust boys to decide? Those who do allow pederasts like Michael Jackson to "molest" them and grow up straight nonetheless have a different disposition that it is hard to find objective fault with -- perhaps a sort of juvenile bisexuality that they grow out of. I do not agree with society's reinterpretation of these relationships as some sort of horrible abuse if they were consented to at the time.

    92. Hey Eivind, can I give a recommendation for some future content?

      Theantifeminist use to share really interesting information on his blog that i'd never heard about before. Such as

      1. There was a famous mens rights activist in the late 1800s/early 1900s that criticized feminists for wanting to raise the AoC in his books (what was his name?)

      2. In Japan, before western feminists went over in the 60s/70s, japanese middle school girls use to sell their underwear to old men after school? lol? xD

      3. In germany, when feminists started spreading pedo hysteria there, there was a german politician that said something like (this is crazy, they want to make it illegal for two 16 year olds to kiss each other, but we can't say anything because we are all scared of being called pedophiles).

      Like, historical stuff like this is pretty interesting. And me and probably a bunch of other people probably don't even know where to look for it. Like, where would we even look for "opinions on age gap relationships in japan prior to western feminist influence" lol. Or "Mens rights activists vs the age of consent in the 1890s". Kind of niche information that's not easy to come across.

      Also, have you seen that new incel documentary? Theantifeminist got what he wanted. Now people that support age gap relationships are lumped in with incels that only go after 13-17 year olds because they suck with girls and can't get girls their own age. Incels apparently actually say stuff like this. That they should be able to chase 13-17 year old girls because they are easier to get. They are going to be disappointed when they realize 13-17 year olds are harder to get than girls 25+. Imagine thinking that a hot 15 year old girl is easier to get than a desperate old hag lmao. Incels are actually making us look bad though, seriously. I have no idea why theantifeminist wanted us to become allies with them. It's terrible PR.

    93. @ Eivind-your reply makes sense.

      @FreeTheTeens66-here's a partial answer to your questions.

      1. Ernest Belford Bax

      2. Very close to a complete myth. There appears to have been 1-2 undie vending machines in Tokyo operating for a few months sometime in the late 80's. That's it.

      3. I'm unpleasantly surprised by the German politician even needing to say something like that in a comparatively sane country. However, the AOC in W. Germany was changed from 16 to 14 in 1973. That is a fairly rare example of the AOC being reduced in modern times.

      -Anonymous 2

    94. You are ignorant. I know insiders in Newgon and they are decidedly pro-C: the whole organization is and will refuse to let antis contribute. The label "MAP" has political power now which is why technically competent enemies like Elon Musk will ban you just for using the hashtag.

      1. But they only allow “anti-offendings” to contribute. They back law enforcement and pretend to care about “anti-map” laws. Their effort to change “pro-contact” and “anti-contact” for “pro-choice” and “anti-choice” really is a red flag. Whenever they say “pro-contact” or “anti-contact” they mean “pro-choice” and “anti-choice.” You’ll see them put “pro-contact”/“pro-choice” and “anti-contact”/“anti-choice” in fact. What they mean is they’re for your choice to comply with the consenting age wherever you are as they respect your cultural norms in that regard, not minding any potential need for change with every fiber of their being. Their fixed position on lolicon is also concerning. They see it as a friendly fire and their hyper-fixation on “map”-LGBT unity makes it all the more. No wonder their flag makes them look “LGBT” per se. “Map” is and has been irrelevant for awhile now so I don’t understand. Nonetheless, I don’t think everyone knows what they’re apart of so I hope those insiders learn the cult they’re in. - eff gablow bisaid dhererif

    95. Another victim of the female sex offender charade. It is always a case study in the cutting edge of human idiocy, always equally shocking and heartbreaking every time because I can't get used to a witch-hunt which singles out the nicest, often most beautiful and vital women.

      Kara Lee, 26, was charged with three counts of first-degree sexual assault and contributing to the delinquency of a minor after police claimed they found evidence she engaged in "inappropriate physical touching and sexual intercourse" with a student at Cross County High School in Cherry Valley.

      The school district contacted the Arkansas Child Maltreatment Hotline to detail the allegations but parents said they knew of the relationship for months. Officials believe the incidents occurred in November and December 2023. "I've heard that they have been interfering with each other for a while now and that the students knew about and told the school, but they didn't take no action," one local who asked to remain anonymous said.

      There will no doubt always be persecution of some kind as long as there are humans, but do we have to indulge the very most insane, improbable reasons for wanting to hurt someone? And then lay on a sanctimonious speech about how it can't happen fast enough?

      "It makes me sad, it also makes me feel angry," Madisyn Hill, a local parent told WREG. "I have siblings that go to the school and they basically just said that it happened and this kid was emailing with her or chatting with her somehow, and it just kept occurring."

      Oh my God a loving relationship happened and you just couldn't have it persecuted soon enough, you nasty hateful bitch. And these are the people who represent the official "morality" of our times. This civilization is completely insane and evil.

    96. But I agree with FreeTheTeens69 I should make the blog more interesting. Research fun stuff and write about it. Perhaps that's one reason I am not getting any popular, that I am simply too boring and it would help to have more curiosities that people want to learn about. Can't promise anything soon, but will put it on my to-do list.

    97. "You are ignorant. I know insiders in Newgon and they are decidedly pro-C: the whole organization is and will refuse to let antis contribute."

      Spot on Eivind - from someone who has contributed to Newgon and been a part of the editorial process in the past.

    98. I don't think the blog is unpopular because of your efforts, they have been more than enough. The problem is feminist tech company algorithms actively work to hide youth sex content, and most people don't search for it, so it's intentionally made difficult to find.

      Well, looks like they finally banned my tranny Twitter account; since I've been bragging about it alot, it must have caught their attention. I appealed the ban with the below text, let's see if it works:

      "Restore my account immediately. Twitter is illegally interfering with my rights to express myself as a trans person. Twitter is supposed to be a safe space for gender fluid persons and trans children, yet Twitter's transphobic behavior towards me is illegal under several federal laws of the US and EU which prohibit such hateful behavior. Restore my account immediately within the next 24 hours, or I will direct my attorney to investigate avenues of legal action against Twitter for discrimination and rights violations pertaining to gender identity and expression."

      Of course, if the Twitter staff reads this blog, they will keep the account banned, but I felt like it was important to document this here.


    99. Might I suggest that Eivind's blog is miniscule for one main reason?
      There is nothing as powerful as an idea whose time has come. Conversely, there's nothing so lacking in momentum as an idea people simply aren't ready for.
      It wouldn't matter what he did and it probably wouldn't matter if there were ten other small blogs addressing similar issues.
      Bit of good news, including overall rational comments- .

      -Anonymous 2

    100. Yea, the comments are ok on that article. Only because the girl lied about her age, so they see the guy as doing nothing wrong. It's amazing the normies still can't make the mental connection that a girl lying about her age has nothing to do with her ability to have and enjoy sex, even though they have a fcking picture of the "underage" girl on social media bragging about having sex with the NBA star right in front of them in the article.


    101. Good point. Girls who lie about their age to have sex are simply consenting and proving it with an extra step. They can't get any less traumatized -- for those who believe in that nonsense -- just because they lied about their age. So if lying is meaningful to how girls are judged then why not just admit they can consent?

      Perhaps the most brainwashed normies would say the girl is still damaged but the man is excused for not intending to hook up with anyone under 18. He should have let his attraction be determined by a number on her ID rather than anything observable about the girl. It is surreal that this is the standard for "acceptable" male attraction; indeed it is difficult to come up with anything more obsequious to feminist dictatorship over our sexuality.

    102. Got a great comment on YouTube form one of those boys the female sex offender charade would want to frame as a victim:

      I don't remember being attracted to girls my own age until around 12-13. Before that, I was pretty much exclusively attracted to older women. Wisdom and smarts have always been the most attractive to me. I know I cannot have been the only kid in existence who was smarter, wiser and more intuitive than most "adults" that were around me; there are others. We were punished for righteously questioning "adults" and not being ignorant, incompetent and slavish like many others at least pretended to be (out of fear). I was comfortable with my own sexuality from about six or seven, and smart enough to not trust strangers and understand safety. Being an autodidact is a painful experience, although now, the conformists have no choice but to respect me; I can outclass them on anything from politics, world history, writing, to engineering, IT, music, art, and even money. I've proven to be able to do anything I set my mind to - where they know they couldn't if they tried (I don't have to remind them). They're forced to respect my greater power (I don't brag), but they still refuse to acknowledge truths about sexuality, and they'll lean on societal norms to maintain their cowardly ignorance and persecutorial standards - gangs of bigotry is the power they cling to; It's profoundly wrong, & non-nuanced of them. Thanks for sharing and helping to advance progressive changes.

    103. You really got the wrong impression. Newgon does not allow incriminating talk/content on their forums so as to not jeopardize other contributors, but that's the extent of their compliance with law. "Pro-choice" means minors should have a choice whether to have sex or not; i.e they can consent. Nothing sinister about that at all.

      The MAP movement is a political force now which makes antisex bigots (especially conservatives like Jordan Peterson) shit their pants at the mere mention of those three letters because it upsets the status quo of only having one available thought to think with about pedophiles, as categorical monsters. In their minds, adopting this new label is practically synonymous with legalizing anything it refers to or at least getting the ball rolling irreversibly in that direction. It is the most rebellious word you can use, literally. On X you can be a proud Nazi and white supremacist but self-identifying as a MAP, even anti-c, is grounds to be banned as per ToS. They do this because they are AFRAID of our ascendant self-conscious movement. I have no use for anti-c MAPS but curiously they are not hurting the political image of MAP as pro-c by the very use of that label. Anti-c MAPS have nothing to do with Newgon but don't be afraid of them because they are irrelevant anyway. The aura of "MAP" is so strong now that whenever it is followed by disclaimers like "anti-c" this does not register to the normies, who will be equally hateful and/or afraid either way.

      1. Even self-described “anti-contacts” recognize that Newgon is dubiously pro-contact. The first part of what you said is absolutely true. HOWEVER! The extent they’ve taken that isn’t out of legal fear. If you’re a pro-contact organization and “anti-offending” means anything other than you don’t believe in child molestation then what’s with rebranding as “pro-choice.” Legal fears aren’t an excuse as if that’s illegal then why is this blog still up? While anti-contacts don’t hurt the image they’re not always clear-cut what they believe like in this such case. Kosherservatives are the ones whining about it because Newgon intended it to appear they’re trying to infiltrate the LGBT. For that and among other reasons some “maps” just call themselves pedosexuals over the other p word. Personally, I don’t like pedosexual either. It’s funny you said that because X still doesn’t allow Holocaust revisionism and I got banned just for setting my pfp to a Third Reich swastika. That doesn’t mean they don’t allow the antisemitism and other shit, but it’s just like Newgon. It’s to appear like something it isn’t. X isn’t a free speech platform and Newgon is most definitely anti-contact. It’s nice to think none of this is true but you eventually learn even if you choose denial. - eff gablow bisaid dhererif

    104. A former Kentucky teacher aide admitted that she had sex with “numerous” teenage boys while working at an elementary school, officials said.

      Ellen Phillips, 38, pleaded guilty in federal court in Lexington on Friday to attempted online enticement of a minor to engage in sexual conduct, prosecutors in the Eastern District of Kentucky announced.

      Her victims were boys between the ages of 14 and 16 from Boyle and Garrard Counties— and she would sometimes have sex with multiple boys at the same time, according to the plea agreement.

      She is facing a maximum sentence of life in prison.

      Even this is probably not the peak as the death penalty is already getting started.

      And imagine that's a plea bargain that leads to potential life in prison with minimum 10. The system is so absurdly evil it was able to coerce her to plead guilty and still risk life.

      When there is no longer even hope that a one person in a jury can still be sane and put his foot down to the female sex offender charade we have lost humanity, and this is it. A sane view of sexuality is no longer visible to the mainstream at all.

    105. I don't believe in psychoanalyzing an organization to uncover some hidden meaning apart from their official statements, particularly this kind of organization which is "an international, informal, non-membership organization whose name, identity and information scheme is open source. That is to say that you may register, or open new branches at the local level, which will remain officially independent of the international umbrella. We have two binding and one non-binding policy positions, as detailed below."

      Yes, they say they are "an anti-offending organization" but that is boilerplate so as to make extra sure they don't commit criminal incitement. They want to remove all reference to chronophilias from the DSM and ICD (binding position) which is quite radical, meaning they don't consider pedophiles disordered at all unlike the self-hating antis. And for now they are campaigning to lower the age of consent to 12 which is not something an anti-contact organization will do.

      Taking the open source approach starting a local chapter based on their materials there is nothing stopping us from calling for the abolition of age of consent outright, and be consistent with the Newgon ethos.

      Please also note that the "anti-offending" position is NON-BINDING and you can all rest assured I will not be adopting that for my Norwegian chapter of Newgon if I manage to start one. You don't need to do so for your local branch either, so why complain?

      I will, however, defer to their binding position on chronophilic diagnoses. "Our first position is that pedophilia should not be included as a category within the DSM, ICD and other diagnostic literature/guidance. Diagnostic categories should instead focus solely on the distress caused by a hostile social climate in relation to all non-normative identities, as opposed to labeling and pathologizing sexual inclinations." Needless to say, this also applies to hebephilia if there is a renewed push to have it pathologized.

      If you look at the second binding position you will find that we must support a longer-term drive towards a society that only seeks to criminalize assault or other common wrongs such as threats or blackmail, rather than "sex". In other words, we follow the anti-exceptionalist approach pioneered by Rene Guyon in the late 1940s, and advocated by Alfred Kinsey thereafter, in which no law should be written with any special regard for "sex acts" as an area of concern. If that's not radical enough for you I don't know what to tell you.

      1. I don’t even need to psychoanalyze why their site is plentiful with gotchas for why age of consent is baseless in children psychology, but now their focus is lowering it to twelve. A slippery slope into no age of consent at all? Yeah, sounds like their attempt to make it look like they’re trying to infiltrate the LGBT. I don’t believe protesting potential future changes to age of consent laws in whatever area would be unacceptable, but where do we draw the line. Why does a self-described “pro-choice” organization that believes age is just a number want anything to do with this. Age of consent laws are teen maximum in almost all of the world! How do you take this seriously? Newgon has had several disinformation campaigns and yet you think their official statements are of any value to what is and isn’t. If you want to know the kind of organization this is then just look at the graphics page on their website. It’s full of LGBT looking flags and Kosherservative memes. It’s not a coincidence Kosherservatives were the ones talking about “minor attracted persons” in 2023. It became completely irrelevant to liberals by late 2021 because all they cared about was getting it off Twitter. All of this and you persist the “map movement” is going anywhere. As long as they’re trying to suck lolicons into their pity party and their ageism (take Debate Guide: Power disparity for example), not to mention their alienation of LGBT maps despite their flag… I can’t take them seriously! The question of whether someone’s actions are ethical or not has nothing to do with incitement. I’m pretty sure I implied this if my memory serves me right but maybe it wasn’t clear. - eff gablow bisaid dhererif

    106. Yeah. Angry Harry spoke several times about pedophilia.. It is a topic that is time to talk about. so.. I see no reason not to talk about it here.

      According to the dicctionary, pedophilia is the sexual attraction of an adult towards children/minors (ie those under 18). Until then we all understand it.

      According to an police officer who gives talks to teens in high scools, there is an even greater percentage of pedophiles in society than the percentage of pedophiles. Some never touch a child under 18, and limit themselves to consuming pedophile material on the deep web. The rest, which are the majority, at some point, cross that line, and want to make that material or have some practice with a child. This is where the sexual abuse occurs.

      What makes a pedophile feel sensual attraction to a child under 18? I'm sure you've asked yourself more than once. The answer was right under your nose:
      -That he is the most valuable thing in the world?

      Most of you will say that money. But a 60-year-old billionaire would change his entire fortune to be YOUNG again.

      THAT IS. YOUTH. It is the most valuable thing someone can possess.

      The pedophile, by having relations with a minor, thinks in a certain way that he is stealing his youth. He makes that interaction feel alive. And unfortunately, that is a difficult emotion to get out of the human mind. For this reason, we have not managed to eradicate pedophilia, but rather it remains a secret.

      I tell you this, because the elites are eager to whitewash pedophilia. They want to use schools as factories of underage sluts or simply to break your children's minds so that they have relationships with older people.

      I'm telling you this so you can get the idea why there are adult men who like younger girls, they are not "normal men", they are pedophiles.. I've been saying it in all my threads in A Voice For Men.

    107. "According to the dicctionary, pedophilia is the sexual attraction of an adult towards children/minors (ie those under 18). Until then we all understand it."

      Dirty trick. Based on biased definitions. Minors are not necessarily "children" (= not into puberty).
      In our societies "minors", full of uncontrolled hormones, are now the main culprits in terms of violent rape!
      It is preposterous to pretend 14 to 18 "minors" are the same as "real children".

      I think parents have a right to monitor their offspring's behaviour though (including sexual encounters) as long as they're minors.
      And the law must support them. But it's educational. It has nothing to do with innocence violated or any other witchcraft theory.
      As for non pubertal children I think they should learn with their peers and not consort with adults.

    108. I'm reading old comments from 'Gally'. You know the guy that was a 42 yo virgin and was going to prison for his use of porn! Oh man was he wrong about most things. And just like 'the AF' he too was mostly interested in masturbation and watching porn. He too - just like 'the AF' had high hopes for future sex robots.

      How about you copy the important segments of Gally's verdict, Eivind? It sounds like an interesting case in many ways.

    109. Say you are making a new dictionary of the English language. The authority is not old dictionaries, but how the language is used today. So how is "pedophile" used? Well, most of the time exactly like the Anonymous above Amelio here is using it (who sounds like a jester but that's beside the point because there are millions of people who use it that way with no hint of irony or sarcasm). So we have no choice but to include this sense in our entry for "pedophile" and "pedophilia" in the dictionary: "the sexual attraction of an adult towards children/minors (ie those under 18.)"

      Words mean what they are used to mean and it is futile to push back on the expanded pedophilia concept now in everyday speech. When wanting to use the old sense I suppose one can state the diagnostic code DSM-5 302.2 (F65.4) to make it unambiguous, but even that is corrupted since it pretends 13-year-olds are prepubescent.

      Since society is now using a definition which ensures that every single one of us is a pedophile, we might as well embrace this identity and leverage the awesome power in numbers to have a strong movement which celebrates and safeguards our nature. In order to signify that we are just that kind of political force, "MAP" is a good alternative when referring to ourselves. "Pedophile" and "MAP" are synonyms and a MAP is definitely also an activist against (or at least opposes) oppression of pedophiles/MAPs.

      As to Gally's verdict which offers verbose insight into the psychotic thinking of the "justice" system about child pornography, yes, that would be good to analyze more, will see if I can get around to it, and perhaps you can even easily locate it yourself based on the reference 17-197596MED-JARE (Avsagt 15.08.2018 i Jæren Tingrett, Sandnes; Tingresttsdommer: Espen Skjerven). There should also by now be another verdict in his appeal case and I am curious how that went. But please don't name him here since he did not want that and I don't wan't to seem to be harassing anybody.

    110. "The authority is not old dictionaries, but how the language is used today."

      I didn't know you were planning to write a dictionary.

      What do you want to fight for ? A global sex liberation, the type of which led to the present day backlash ?
      No one needs a dictionary to see the biological difference between a child and a teen (even though the line might be blurred sometimes).

      "Words mean what they are used to mean"

      No : "Words mean what they used to mean" for a long time before their meaning was distorted.

    111. The origin of the word “pedophile” only traces back to 1895 in the sense you want, when Richard von Krafft-Ebing coined term “paedophilia erotica” in his 1896 edition of Psychopathia Sexualis. Krafft-Ebing was the first researcher to use the term “pedophilia” to refer to a pattern of sexual attraction toward children who had not yet reached puberty, excluding pubescent minors from the pedophilic age range. In 1895, the English word “pedophily” was used as a translation of the German word “pädophilie.” The term pedophilia was hardly used by 1945, but started appearing in medical records after 1950. By the 1950’s and throughout the 1980’s, the word “pedophilia” started being increasingly used by the popular media, and then by the 2020s most people have forgotten that it referred to prepubescent children and now use it for all attraction by adults to anyone under 18 or even attraction to a youngish-looking person in general or a large age gap at any age.

      Now that we are all pedophiles, that’s as good as saying no one is, and you know what? That’s okay! I have come to realize that since the world did not need a concept of pedophilia until pretty much the 1980s' moral panic about CSA, there is no pressing need to hold on to Krafft-Ebing’s sense of the word either. We are basically back to square one now, of not making a big deal of puberty with regard to sexual freedom and whoever is considered “deviant” or not. The difference is merely that now we have extreme sex-hostility -- which also does not distinguish between before and after puberty up to 18 and beyond. We don’t have a “pedophile” problem, whether real or imaginary or semantically, but a sex-hostility problem. There is no sense in grasping for a concept of pedophilia that no one aside from hysterics needed in the first place, because the fact of the matter is that sexuality is not harmful prior to puberty either (aside from clear cases of rape and abuse which can just as easily happen to adults), and it does not mark deviance to be attracted to prepubescents. If one is exclusively attracted to prepubescents then that’s non-normative, but it is not a cause for panic. It is rather non-normative in the same sense that, say, celibacy is non-normative. Society got this right in the centuries prior to 1895 and more to the point 1980 when sexual maturity was not a matter of hysteria but practicality. Most people are not strongly attracted to prepubescent children, so sexual activity with them is self-limiting, and sure it makes sense to marry after reaching puberty, but one does not need to freak out if sexual activity happens before that either. Furthermore, there is no reason to sharply segregate these groups either since there is no evidence of harm just because one person has reached puberty and one has not. It simply falls natural that most sexual relationships happen between sexually mature persons, but this is not because one is vigilant against pedophilia, and there is no need to be or else we would have had a word for it since time immemorial rather than 1895. Pedophilia is dead: long live sexuality!

    112. I cant find anything about Gally's case on They dont show verdicts from tingrett though. I'll bet he never actually appealed his case.Why would he when he admitted guilt...

    113. I think he really appealed but he was not going to plead not guilty then either, just dispute some side issue or technicality.

      He was a caricature of both an anti-c and a porn addict. These guys will incriminate themselves because they agree with the sex laws so much and are obviously totally untrustworthy and unfit for sexualist activism. Nonetheless, when they use the word MAP it is having an effect because the climate is such that the evil of pedophilia is supposed to be infinite and immutable, not even allowed to relabel itself a little bit. Gally even participated in a TV documentary called "Monstrene og jeg" ("The monsters and I") and damn did they pick a pathetic "monster."

    114. @anonymous

      I feel like I'm in the twilight zone. The writer for a voice for men just came onto this blog and posted some random qanon schizo shit out of nowhere, then bounced? Wait what, is this real? This has to be a joke lol. I'm pretty sure that was a joke/parody. But in case it wasn't. He just essentially said that every guy that is attracted to a girl 17 and 364 days old is an abnormal evil pedophile. But if the guy waits one more day, he is totally normal and not an evil pedophile. Good one

      He also seemed to be actually making an argument that older men that are attracted to girls one day under 18 are actually incubuses that want to siphon their Qi energy to attain... something? He didn't say what lol. Immortality perhaps?

      How exactly does this work? Lets say a 15 year old girl is dating a guy who is 17 and 364 days old, and they have sex together. It's completely fine, no incubus siphoning of the Qi energy? But then when the guy turns 1 day older, and they sleep together, he steals her youth? How? Do men learn the Qi siphoning skill from their class trainer the day they turn 18? I don't get it lol.

      Anyways, I didn't choose to be attracted to teenagers because I want to "steal their youth". I just think 13-17 year olds are hot. Relax bro. xD

      PS: Can anons make an alias so we know who is who.

    115. @anonymous

      """I've been saying it in all my threads in A Voice For Men"""

      Oh you mean you say this stuff in comments on the voice for men website? Oh ok I was confused. I thought you meant you were the voice for mens blogger/writer.
      """I'm telling you this so you can get the idea why there are adult men who like younger girls, they are not "normal men", they are pedophiles.. I've been saying it in all my threads in A Voice For Men"""

      You're right. We aren't normal men. We are the superior men. Bow to us normie. Muahaha.
      """According to an police officer who gives talks to teens in high scools, there is an even greater percentage of pedophiles in society than the percentage of pedophiles"""

      This is some oblivion NPC dialogue right here
      """I tell you this, because the elites are eager to whitewash pedophilia"""

      We know. We are members of the elite. We're the lizard people. And we're going to sacrifice your children to lord Baphomet.
      """What makes a pedophile feel sensual attraction to a child under 18? I'm sure you've asked yourself more than once. The answer was right under your nose:
      -That he is the most valuable thing in the world?

      Most of you will say that money. But a 60-year-old billionaire would change his entire fortune to be YOUNG again.

      THAT IS. YOUTH. It is the most valuable thing someone can possess"""

      And here I thought the reason I liked teenage girls was because they're hot. But apparently I'm trying to steal their energy to attain eternal youth. The more you know.

    116. We are in the Twilight Zone all right. That QAnon schizo shit is literally what this civilization believes in, regardless of whether that particular poster was joking. We live in a world where those imaginary lines demarcate absolute evil. "Stealing youth" is as good a metaphor as any for the demonology we are supposed to believe in. 17 years and 364 days is a radically qualitatively different soul than one day older, and once you accept that it overrides any other kind of logic and reason. The true believer only sees the demonic essence of pure evil which is circumscribed in that boundary when it comes into contact with sexuality a day older. There is no other reality, including what the "victims" actually feel or want, and the evil must be hunted down at all costs.

      We live in a world where women can get life in prison without even a trial based on this completely made-up evil. And it's all completely normal to the normies, with their lunatic fringes like QAnon just accentuating their dogmas a little bit, demanding more and more and more persecution which the courts and legislators happily oblige.

    117. Meet the Pedophile Brotherhood.

      With so powerful friends, MAPs will be legalized any minute now.

      Or so the deranged conspiracy thinking goes -- which is more or less what the normies believe too.

      For example a minuscule softening of one of the most draconian laws is interpreted as a pedo elite working to legalize pedophilia.

      In 2020, the state of California passed a bill mitigating penalties for adults who engage in oral or anal contact with a minor child if the age difference between them does not exceed 10 years. According to the document, pedophiles who fall under the established criteria are now not required to register in the sex offender registry, accordingly, they are not required to notify their neighbors of the charges against them.

      No matter how many laws get tightened at the same time these morons can always find ways to believe we are headed for legalization.

      And they literally believe the under 18 definition just like our probably parodic AVfM contributor. Which means they are catering to an audience who are really like that and my lexicographic musings were not exaggerated.

      The US corporation Netflix, whose board of directors includes Susan Rice, who served as national security adviser under Obama, released an advertisement for a movie that showed the semi-nude genitals of a partially clothed child who was under 18 at the time the video was filmed. Despite public criticism and calls from a group of conservative lawmakers for the U.S. Department of Justice to investigate Netflix and the film’s creators, the picture, which advocates the normalization of pedophilia, has won numerous awards from film critics and members of film academies that are also affiliated with the U.S. Democratic Party.

      One drop like that is all it takes to have an entire pedophilic ruling class, so demonized is pedophilia.

    118. I ithink Gallys verdict is essential to engageing in any further discussion here. All I have asked is to know what kind of child porn Gally did posess if any at all

    119. Why dont you just post Gallys verdict Eivind? You have promised to give us the insight!

    120. For one thing, despite his shortcomings Gally actually donated some bitcoin when he first appeared here. Then I gave him a guest post and so on but we didn’t get along for all the reasons mentioned.

      Activism is a thankless task. All I get now is whining that I don’t do enough. In recent years while even restoring the work of the father of MRAs I don’t get enough donations to buy a cup of coffee, much less cover the 150 dollars it costs annually for domain and hosting the MRA Archive. I have to pay all this out of a budget which is barely enough to eat.

      I am still motivated to do activism, but I am not motivated to take orders on exactly how to go about it.

    121. Wow, that is a very clever Russian propaganda website, even naming themselves "FBI" lol. They also list their US-based agents in their articles. I can't tell if Russia is behind the Q-Anon crap, or if they are just pouring gas on the idiot fire, but I'm not sure if the distinction matters, they are now fully involved in spreading the propaganda. I hope those US politicians and "bloggers" are at least getting paid well by Russia; my guess is less than half are, because they are too retarded to even ask for money.

      The Russian government is essentially saying, "NO, WE ARE THE REAL FEMINISTS, UNLIKE THE PATRIARCHAL WEST. BE A REAL MAN AND FIGHT FOR FEMINISM, NOT LIKE THOSE WESTERN HOMO PEDOS." They really ramp up the fake pedophile accusations in that article, full on Q-Anon acceleration with name calling and defamation for anything that can possibly be construed as under 18 sexuality. I will agree with Eivind, if 17 and 364 days is illegal, then all men are pedophiles, just like if a woman can withdraw consent any time retroactively, then all men are rapists. But here in reality, we also know all under 18 sex is not pedophilia, actual pedophilia is mostly benign, and a woman withdrawing consent after sex is not rape, so of course I will never identify with that unhinged feminist way of defining reality...

      What is the common denominator between the f*ggot US government and the f*ggot Russian government? Using insane feminism to convince millions of people to die for their corporate wars. Imagine that? Pass!


      1. James True exposed the man behind QANON awhile ago. It’s funny they say that when they have the highest HIV rate in the world. Islam is about as traditional as Russia gets and that’s sad for a European country. Not to place the religion card like Christianity is any better, but traditionally speaking you know what I mean. The 18 onlyism is an American phenomena and anyone who says they aren’t is most likely a Russian troll or lying. There are morons from all four corners of the earth so who knows. What we do know is the West has long since declared war on maps and Russia’s enabling reflects their westernization despite the guise of Eurasianism. The ties between the Kremlin and American Kosherservatives can’t be stressed enough. - eff gablow bisaid dhererif

    122. Some more bin juice from The Fail-
      The Guardian also ran a story on this, and bizarrely, neither rag gave Briell Decker's current age or anything to reckon this by, such as when she married Warren Jeffs.
      It's almost as if they don't want people to know, because then people might put two and two together.
      Maybe Warren Jeffs was a monster, maybe not. One thing I do know is that Briell Decker was a lot better looking back when he married her.

      -Anonymous 2

    123. Me again because Fail again- .
      How ironic that this would be about an ad for uniforms, since the feminist corporate police state is pushing uniformity. Only a dreary conformity is allowed. One bright spot is that the ad was made at all, which to my mind shows that human nature can only be suppressed for so long.

      -Anonymous 2

    124. Hei Eivind.
      Tror du PST fortsatt overvåker bloggen din, slik det fremkom under fengslingsmøtene mot deg at de gjorde?

    125. I have no idea, but I wouldn't call that surveillance since it's public for all to read.

    126. "I'm reading old comments from 'Gally'. You know the guy that was a 42 yo virgin and was going to prison for his use of porn! Oh man was he wrong about most things. And just like 'the AF' he too was mostly interested in masturbation and watching porn. He too - just like 'the AF' had high hopes for future sex robots. "

      @Anonymous - STFU you disgusting paedocel MAP. I've decided to be nice to Eivind after his great work resurrecting Angry Harry, but I have my limits if he lets commentators lie and insult me again.

      Again, I make much greater effort to have sex with (legal) teens than Eivind appears to do. I actually approach females. Watching porn has no effect on my motivation or energy to approach hot young women. I don't even watch much porn, probably much less than the average guy, I just think it's idiotic to support the feminist war on porn when it's obvious it's the prime battleground over the next couple of decades. Supporting sex robots and such is a reasonable goal because it lowers female sexual value and the power they have to control the market. It's also better than nothing for millions of men who are incels. NoFap wont help them, just like it hasn't helped Eivind (unless you credit his extreme NoFap with his 'motivation' to build 'FertileDating' and occasionally get laid through that).

      On a related note, Meta/Instagram have banned adults from contacting 'minors' on their platforms. So you can't even message a 17 year old in Europe, despite the average age of consent being 15. Seems like this is the result principally from pressure by the British government, who were in turn lobbied into it by the NSPCC. Yes, that's the organization I once spent days analyzing their entire senior membership and found that virtually every single one was a feminist with a background in 'gender studies' and 'domestic abuse research' etc.etc.

      Of course, this is lost on a pro-feminist MAP like you.

    127. BTW, I have started blogging again, on a different site, although I'm not going to post a link here as I don't want to have Eivind's 'Anonymous' psychotic paedophile follower/s posting disgusting troll comments daily.

    128. "I'm not going to post a link

      Well no one will find your blog then :)

    129. "Words mean what they are used to mean"

      No : "Words mean what they used to mean" for a long time before their meaning was distorted.

      I agree with Amelio here.

      Feminists are using and abusing the same word in two different senses. They are exploiting the correct clinical definition of a paedophile as being somebody with a mental disorder attracted to pre-pubescent children, and using it to shame normal men who admit or demonstrate any attraction to any teen under 18 (and even increasingly above 18).

      If Eivind agrees with feminists that a man who finds 17 year old girls attractive is a paedophile, then what is the correct word for a man who is exclusively focused on pre-pubescent children? To my knowledge, there has been no new word coined for such people. Why is that? 'paedophile' must still be the correct (and useful) term.

      'paedophile' is just a popular slander, used by feminists (and now most of the media and yes, the average paedocrite in the street) - a misuse of the proper clinical usage of the term.

      To embrace the slander (and the term 'MAP' which is just a rebranding of 'paedophile', as is rightly pointed out) is the height of idiocy. Even if the MAPs were stressing that every man is a 'MAP' it would still be idiotic, but they are not doing that. They really think they are special, a minority identity like homosexuals and lesbians. It's also completely idiotic given that the MAP movement is American, where the age of consent is usually 18, whilst the age of consent in Europe and elsewhere usually is between 14 and 16 (despite the age of 'majority' being usually 18 in Europe as well).

      I also find it curious that Eivind takes this stance that 'words mean whatever they are used to mean'. He's normally so precise on the dictionary definition. For example, I doubt if anybody except him would use the term 'asexual' to describe somebody who think porn and masturbation are natural and expressions of sexuality (for example, EVERYBODY except Eivind would say a man wanking off to gay porn mags was a homosexual, rather than an 'asexual').

    130. You could compare with the new 'usage' of the term woman to describe a biological male with a penis, who identifies as a woman.

      It's dangerous in most Western countries, even illegal in some, to deny that such a person is a woman. So the word 'woman' is certainly used by most in reference to them.

      It doesn't matter.

      A man with a dick is not a woman, no matter if every single person on the planet said otherwise at pain of death.

    131. Ask any linguist: it is uncontroversial that words mean what they are used to mean. And not just the word: the very concept of pedophile is now centered around age 18 as the typical dividing line. This is liberating because we don't need to obsess over puberty anymore, which was always tedious anyway and got us nowhere as the hysteria only increased around us. It neither helps nor hurts your reputation (aside from the potential psychiatric diagnosis) to specify whether you are most attracted to girls at Tanner stage 1 or 4 and 5. Just be a proud pedophile either way. You can be attracted to a girl who has been fully mature for five years and still be a pedophile, so it is foolish to assume the concept is supposed to have anything to do with maturity.

      Of course it remains unconducive to healthy relationships to be exclusively attracted to Tanner stage 1, but no more so than being asexual, or homosexual if heterosexual is the norm. Society does not necessarily need to make a big deal out of it, just like we don't make a big deal out of asexuality as a mental illness or menace to society. Since we don't care about a dividing line at puberty, the pedo panic is merely the current conceptualization of a taboo on premarital sex (and/or age gaps). I don't believe in that taboo, so I'm a proud pedophile and encourage other men to be as well.

    132. No jail for woman who murdered her boyfriend.

      Had she given sex to some 16 year-old she would get 20 years. This is also to be seen as a rear-guard battle against the liberalization of cannabis. I hope the cannabis lobby will react and call this for what it is, ie a woman getting the pussy pass.

    133. Yes 'the AF you are exactly the same as Gally. You're a man that's arguing for punishing woman for rape to men and girls for having sex to under 18 yo boys. You argue for more masturbatinng to porn and like Gally you never have or had sex. And you keep insulting Eivind with lies.

    134. George Orwell/Winston Smith : "Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four."

      Eivind Berge : "Words mean what feminists say they mean. If feminists call a man attracted to a 17 year old girl a paedophile, then he is a paedophile".

      What Eivind can't understand is that feminists are exploiting the two separate 'meanings' of the word. Perhaps you have trouble with shades of meaning?

      If Kim Jong Dong is forcing everybody in North Korea to call him 'God', then he is exploiting the true meaning of 'God' in order to enhance his status and feed his ego. No matter if everybody in Korea calls him God, whether they believe him a God or not, he has not managed to alter the true meaning of the word 'God'. Yes, in another sense, the word God will have come to mean 'Kim Jong Dong'. But so long as the word retains any of its original meaning (a supernatural all powerful deity, creator of the universe etc.) then he is simply playing about with and exploiting two different meanings.

      It's the same with 'paedophile'. Most men understand that it's normal to be attracted to teenage girls. A paedophile remains in one sense (it's original and true sense) a man attracted to sexless, infertile, prepubescent children. Feminists are abusing the original sense to shame men who demonstrate or admit any attraction to teenage girls. A word doesn't change its meaning overnight, especially when it's effectively done by decree at gun point.

      We have absolutely no hope of ever changing anything or stopping feminists in their criminalization of male sexuality. The very, very least we can do is retain our dignity and NOT give in to the feminist slander and abuse of the term 'paedophile'. At least the subhuman autistic MAPs believe they are special and different, so they can't be blamed for embracing the term (although even they have rebranded it to 'MAP' - they certainly are not 'proud paedophiles').

      So you're definitely speaking for yourself and your real paedophile follower/s. But I wont get too annoyed anymore. I mean you and your two or three paedophile followers can call yourselves the proud pedosexualist movement and it wont matter a thing except leave any digital archaologists in 200 years time scratching their heads or perhaps laughing their heads off.

    135. Who is to say the prepubescent sense of "pedophile" is the true one? Yes, that sense remains in certain (mostly clinical) contexts but it isn't any more "true" than the other one. In descriptive linguistics words don't have true meanings -- they just have meanings, and millions of people can't be wrong when a word comes naturally to them to describe something, certainly not when they are the majority of a group of competent speakers of a language. Most of us from the old MRA movement -- and all men with normative sexuality -- are most attracted to Tanner stage 4 and 5. Stage 5 is full sexual maturity, which nearly all girls now reach by 13 or 14 years of age. The most common word for someone who displays or admits attraction to so young girls is now pedophile. It just is what it is and increasingly extends all the way up to 18.

      "Pedophilia" is most commonly not used to describe what psychiatrists consider a mental disorder but rather criminality or (above the age of consent but under 18) non-conformism. I see nothing wrong with being such a non-conformist, and therefore I also don't see anything wrong with calling myself a pedophile. This word in the new sense has become as neutral to me as a new pronoun like "hen" which lots of Norwegians have started using. It does not feel natural to me to use it but I can't personally control language and there is no sense to fight it if the language is changing to be that way. At the end of the day it is just a new sequence of letters for a concept which remains as inoffensive as ever.

      It is not comparable to "woman" for a transwoman. That one is not catching on in sincere speech, but "pedophile" is for men just like you and me, so we might as well embrace it. The distinction between men and women is far too significant to lose, so that won't happen. The distinction of puberty with regard to sexual attraction is insignificant enough for people to ignore most of the time. They clearly don't need a separate word for "true" pedophiles outside of specialized contexts. We can spend the rest of our lives in prison just for having 15-year-old girlfriends, so what is left to fight for exactly by drawing attention to that distinction?

    136. As usual, you are both correct. The question is, who is the arbiter of truth?

      According to the Anglo courts, the word "pedophilia" certainly means sexual things with people under 18 when you are sitting in prison for decades because you pursued sexual things with people under 18.

      According to God and nature, it means sexual things with pre-pubescents. There is no other word that describes this better because that was its true meaning since its creation 100+ years ago.

      So what is the best way to protest this vile feminist change of definition? Adherence to truth and dignity while burning at the stake, or every man on the planet freely identifying as a pedophile and taking your chances?

      It might depend on where you live. If you tried to identify as such in Russia or Australia, you'll probably be killed by violent idiots. In those places, there would be more sympathy for at least arguing the classic definition applies, if it indeed applies. But in Norway, you might get further by undermining the pedophile label with full acceptance and then mockery, since in theory it's safer to do so there. I can see both methods as valid.


    137. "AF"does the only thing he knows, which is advocating inceldom by advocating porn-use. "AF" wants life sentences for woman that break the law by having sex with lucky boys if the boys are underage. Of course it means that lucky guys that have sex with underage girls needs to be punished too by AFs" idiotic logic. Instead he promotes masturbating with robotes and probably vibrators and promoting porn-use, including underage and as an effect, inceldom.

    138. I wonder how the mra movement was before what they believed in I also noticed there was a men liberation ?

    139. I wonder how the mra movement was before what they believed in I also noticed there was a men liberation ?

      What is left of the MRA movement now is basically just this blog and a few commenters here. If any of the links in my blogroll still work they were part of it too, and very importantly I put Angry Harry back online:

      Read him to get a sense of how the MRA movement was in its golden days of roughly 1998-2012, after which it went downhill to the few remnants left today. Meanwhile feminism got so dominant that it is barely opposed anymore -- except by MAPs and incels, who are the heirs to the MRA movement in addition to myself. I am not an incel but I do call myself a MAP and also I use the term male sexualist or just sexualist as the broadest term for the pro-sexuality movement.
