Sunday, February 11, 2018

Men's rights, general discussion

I don't have a new proper blog post ready, but I am opening a new thread for general discussion because the old one got too big. We don't have a good forum-style site for male sexualists, and most venues would ban us anyway, but our blogs are serving pretty well, I think. For fresh content, check out the Daily Antifeminist who is doing an amazing job at it. Here we can discuss anything with some more continuity in the discussion since I am not updating the top post so often.


  1. I don't really have a good question OR comment, but I've been trying to read up on various Men's Rights issues, AND it seems to me that the idea of bringing up the general issue of men having more sexual paraphilias than women, in combination with pointing out gender dimorphic differences such as men having the tendency to be attracted to fertility and youth and women to domination assertiveness and resource amassment, is quite clever - maybe even ingenious - but I think it needs some work to convey.

    And one of the things that I feel are unfortunate, is that the communication of ideas bears the hallmark of extreme views - for example, I recall reading on a blog that the idea of "going down on an eight-year-old" was something that he saw as a thought to consider.

    I think we are going to need to draw a few lines in the sand, and I would like to open the debate around these thorny issues, by asking an open question (well, two maybe):
    1) What is "Consent"?
    2) And how do you define it to be given?

    I have some opinions of my own about this, but I wish to hear your views. So, Gentlemen, as you have invited the likes of me into your manosphere, the floor is yours.

  2. Consent is basically the decision or action of freely going along with something. But then there is the issue of the informedness of that decision. How much informed consent do you need? Well, that depends on the potential harm. Female sexuality is so harmless that none is needed, so we are talking about men only as potential offenders. Very small boys don't have the informed consent to engage in homosexual activity, in my view, because they don't realize how much it will disgust and stigmatize them later if they are not gay.

    Then there is the issue of girls, where the informedness of the consent consists of knowing how much value they are giving away or how much it will harm their reputation. Evolutionary psychology tells us that in practice this informedness comes naturally with puberty, as it consists of psychological adaptations that manifest then, so I don't see a need to draw a line higher. Except we also need to consider the interests of the parents, so it gets more complicated. Parents reasonably want to control the sexuality of girls and keep boys away from homosexuality until it is futile to control them any longer. So I see an age of consent at 12 or 13 as sensible, of course only applicable to male offenders. And it needs to be of a non-hysteric kind where we don't have draconian punishments and don't pretend it is rape or abuse when consent in its basic form was given.

  3. Well yes, to specify terms, we are talking about:
    * informed
    * implied
    * explicit

    consent, the way I see it. There may be other forms of consent, such as conditioned consent, but there lies dragons so unless somebody very clever wishes to touch upon that with a ten-foot-plier, I'd say let's try and be basic.

    From my point of view, there is a rather scary underlying issue why people are told by the State what Consent is, and how to give / make sure one receives it.

    I would recommend a couple of books to you, but I don't know how much of a reader you, or members of the audience, are.

    I assume however that you could read 80 pages in a day, correct?

  4. What is most scary to me is that many people who believe in political correctness seem to confuse consent with "a fully developed brain," so until that happens the state is free to tell us that there can be no consent according to them. This happens anywhere from age 18-25 depending on whom you ask.

    And yes, go ahead and recommend the book, though I can't promise to read it in a day.

  5. I'm going to go right ahead and recommend this one, as I think it will very much reverberate with your own thoughts and perspectives:

    I was in police custody for four months, and during that time I read 7700 pages (or thereabouts), and they were not novels.

    I spent my time wisely in many ways, and I have a stack of books ready to be read if I may be given the privilege to attending such an opportunity for further reading.

  6. A Slave's Guide To The Galaxy looks interesting, and it is especially amazing that it can be so highly rated if it is critical of age of consent (4.6 out of 5 stars at Amazon). It must be really persuasive then.

  7. It doesn't so much deal with the /age/ of consent, as it deals with the lack of consent and manipulation towards conformity in yesterday's industrial society, but sure, it is one out of many - MANY - books that I shall take the liberty (with your permission) to recommend.

    Oh, the police and the courts are in no way done with ME yet:

  8. The Male Sexualist official board:


  9. Doesn't seem to be any content up there yet, but perhaps I could add some.
    Maybe you would wish to solicit contributions from the "pedosphere" boards on cripplechan just to get the debate(s) started, though?

  10. Sexual activity is addictive and should be prohibited in any form under the age of 18.

    1. So is heroin,but natural addictions aren't nearly as harmful ya think? i do get it though.17 year old "girls" just aren't ready for sex right? Thats what the news says!

  11. I think that the whole notion of a "a fully developed brain," is nonsensical in the first place. Considering what we now know about neuroplasticity, the brain is constantly changing and developing throughout one's life. There is no point at which the brain stops developing or is "fully developed" in any of its areas.

    Also, I think the hysteria surrounding AOC violations is more important to deal with than the actual existence of any AOC. If a man sleeps with a female under any AOC, I think there should only be a fine at most (like a speeding ticket). The overblown hysterical reactions from people and law enforcement in such a case are the real problem.

  12. I agree, a fine would be appropriate. What bothers me most is not the particular age, unless it is something ridiculously high like 18, but the reification of "abuse" where there is none. It is as if we pretended an accident actually happened every time someone drove over the speed limit, complete with a brainwashed "victim."

    This is why I feel bad every time I answer the question of what the age of consent "should" be without having the chance to elaborate, because it sounds like I condone the hysteria as well. I do not.

  13. I agree.a fine is the most you should get.but this policing for profit is probably here to stay,as well as baiting, entrapping men over the internet to show up for "underage sex" with no victims of course.once in awhile, they snare one of their own and I LOVE that.of course,they also snag any vehicle you show up in + all the there's the real reason for it all $$$ these guys btw,usually take plea deals averaging 5 years prison, PLUS probation they have to pay to the county every month. so more $ and more control!

  14. "but the reification of "abuse" where there is none"

    I think the people (both children and adults) who come out about being "sexually abused" are either lying or simply telling society what it wants to hear. It's like a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    The thing is that the whole notion of "harm" is impossible to prove, so bringing it up as a point is completely pointless. There is no physical harm resulting from sex between an older man and young girl. There is no non-physical harm either unless one buys into nonsensical sex-negativity. Of course, non-physical harm (emotional, mental, etc.) can occur in some cases not related to sex. However, it would still be impossible to prove such harm occurred in a formal legal setting.

  15. Hello Eivind, I'm asking you:

    You define you as MRA, right? Is there a difference between a MRA and masculinist? Is masculinism just the MRA with another name? or are they two different ideologies?

    I also ask why you call yourself MRA and not just any other term.

  16. I don't think "masculinist" has ever been in serious use. At least it has never acquired the sense of men's rights, and to be honest I don't know what it means. The best I can come up with is a joke term made by analogy to "feminism" which doesn't describe an actual movement. "MRA" got pretty well established, but the MRA movement went nowhere until now. And now we suddenly also have a brand new term, "male sexualism," to describe our movement, which is finally starting to take off. These are exciting times!

  17. What is male sexualism? What are their tenets? Sorry I'm new to this and I'd like to know more.

  18. And to answer why these terms -- MRA and male sexualist -- rather than any other, there is no special reason, since words can mean anything users want them to mean; these just happen to be the ones we settled on. The important thing is the content of our politics, because that is what really matters for our lives. Male sexualism is the politics that is best for male sexuality (while also respecting women; certainly we respect their human rights). It is only slightly sexist, because by getting rid of feminist sexual taboos we also help the female victims of feminism, such as female sex offenders, which is an entirely nonsensical concept from the point of view of male sexualism.

  19. The tenets of male sexualism start with the basic assumption that sexuality is good. There is a bias in favor of the evolved male sexual strategy, to be sure, but also plenty of overlap where male and female interests converge (for example, when a man and woman conceive a baby together, their interests converge beautifully). Unfortunately we live in a world with all sorts of taboos and associated criminal laws created by feminists and puritans, so fighting these is the practical application of male sexualism. I should write this out much more clearly, preferably in a book, but if you read all the blog posts where we have criticized a law or court decision relating to sexuality, you get the content of male sexualist politics. And by us I mean the handful of bloggers I have kept referring to as bona fide MRAs.

  20. I’m a federal criminal investigator with a background in counter-terrorism at the highest level, then 10 yrs in the Diplomatic & Intelligence communities. If you don’t understand child trafficking is a $33B industry, you’re clearly OUT of the loop.

  21. Or your definitions are messed up, because where are the real examples? For example in my home town Bergen, the police will prosecute "child trafficking" all right, but when you look at the actual cases it's things like normal Gypsy families traveling and going about their business. Because they have a lower marriage age in their culture, the girls are "child trafficked" and the rest of the family are "traffickers." I don't doubt that you can calculate $33B of economic activity associated with such people and other feminist-defined "trafficking," but it is nearly all meaningless.

    1. So,rian rodrigues,the high school teacher who ran off with one of his 17 year old students is being charged with 'sex with a minor' of course. but also the felony of interference with "child" custody.oh,brother.this guy is fucked for life now,AFTER he does his undeserved years in prison,followed by probation of course..unemployable and a felon. he can't even bond out even after his lawyer got the bond reduced to a 'mere' $100,000.

    2. He should've waited until she turned 18 but "the heart wants what it wants".still NO crime committed here.i wouldn't last long as a judge.for instance, I'd order him ror'd-- realeased on his own recognizance. women/feminists would be demonstrating outside demanding my head,ha

  22. Quite irrelevant.and I don't believe you.and if you're an expert on terrorism at the highest level,start investigating THE biggest by far terrorist on earth: America.largest miliaristic imperialist by far of any nation on the planet with 1000 military bases in 80 countries.u.s= the largest exporter of arms In the world.largest "defence" budget by far, that also tortures and locks people up in gitmo forever on zero charges,& of course fully supports Israel in destroying/jailing the Palestinian people who they've stolen their land from. child trafficking 33 billion? yea ok.even IF it was true,you can bet America profits from it like everything else it touches.

  23. Like yesterday, years ago yesterday.

  24. "He should've waited until she turned 18 but "the heart wants what it wants""

    John, if youre teacher you're going to jail for date an student over 18 anyway....

    1. Yes I saw that and it's ludicrous.I'm sure though that her punishment won't be nearly as bad compared to men in similar situations.her firing should've been enough of course but who knows nowadays.she could be going to prison for a few years. what a waste.

  25. This "justice" system should just get on with it and make all HETERO sex illegal. NOT gay sex of course,the fruits/lesbians/feminists simply won't stand for THAT.

  26. Oh,I was just reminded tomorrow is 'Valentine's day' haha! as I'm still an incel, shit, a career incel,I won't be buying any chocolates/flowers. do they 'celebrate' Valentine's day in Norway eivind?

  27. "Craig Sawyer said...
    I’m a federal criminal investigator with a background in counter-terrorism at the highest level, then 10 yrs in the Diplomatic & Intelligence communities. If you don’t understand child trafficking is a $33B industry, you’re clearly OUT of the loop."

    Yeah, see, you are probably exactly as dumb a cunt-brain as Mike Moran and Bjørn-Eirik Ludvigsen, and your numbers are drawn out of unsubstantiatied guesstimate reports specifically ordered from the dicks in INTERPOL, or even worse, the complete imbeciles in the FBI.
    Those numbers your simian brains never question, ever, or source, or substantiate, or make available the background data for so that they can be peer-reviewed, retested and confirmed OR MORE LIKELY proven wrong.

    There is no empiricism in your profession, only the near pathological infantile imbecility of little boys thinking they are doing the world some good by destroying families and innocents in your crusade for looking good in your uniforms as the Guardians Of The Morals Of Society that you dream yourself.

    Here, this is how I see you intellectual infants:

  28. Most of these presidents either start,or keep a war going just to not appear "weak" or to get reelected.and millions have been killed for just THAT.Trump came off as a "populist" in 2016.but his idiot supporters STILL support him.and now,he's going to gut Medicare & social security? Nice lil billionaire,the scum feminist I voluntarily abandoned Twitter for, miss Kelly Ellis wants to start a "stalkers registry" and that bitch almost always gets what she wants.
    big difference between being hated and
    stalked. i do hate that cunt.but never worth stalking, & too goddamn far away TO stalk, but ran me right off Twitter though.want to see what a real man hating feminist supremacist looks & acts Like? justkelly_ok if you try to debate,or even comment on one of her tweets? You're "stalking" her.THAT bitch "needs help".

  29. Her har vi et godt eksempel på hvad politi og psykolog-"eksperter" kan skabe i fællesskab:


    I don't understand anything, any can say that may be a reasonable text? but seriously, I don't understand. It should be a moral, legal and social condition for becoming pregnant, getting married or having sex EXCLUSIVELY in adolescence. In fact, any of the three things with a person over 18 should be illegal.

    In short, teen pregnancy should be the only legal pregnancy, teen marriage should be the only legal marriage, teen sex should be the only legal sex.

    All with an adult. Among teenagers it must also be a crime.

    It is an aberration that two adults or teenagers raise a child, it is needed to create healthy individuals the young love of a teenager and the hard love and knowledge of an adult.

    It is necessary an inverted age of consent, which makes legal only the sex with minors under 18.

    Decency, freedom, life and human creation is only found between an adult and a teenager, all else are aberrations that must be punished with less or greater hardness, as necessary, and finally eradicated with medical science.

    Other ideas:
    Only minors under 18 and married adults (with teenagers, the rest is a felony) should be allowed to vote.

    The attraction between adults is unnatural, and belongs to the apes, not to humans, in whose aristocracy the taste of teenagers has always been found to be the greatest proof of aristocracy, whereas the taste of adults is found in the plebs, the proletarians and barbarians of our species. Uncivilized beings without the ability to reason and empathize, whose only "contribution" to the species is to get drunk, say stupid things and reproduce as vermin.

  31. I don't want to say that I'm in favor of imprisoning Eivind, I'm just leaving a bit of extreme un-PC ideas.

  32. You would have a point if you actually used those guns to defend yourself against totalitarian government, such as feminist sex laws!

    1. Yes, going to need ALL the guns you can get,someday in America
      there will be a revolution and it will probably be extremely violent.the unprecedented inequality will drive it.Trump gutting safety nets? BAD gotta throw broke, broken,& hopeless people a bone or two or they'll have nothing to lose! status quo doesn't want THAT.

  33. Tell me, Eivind.. If you're in favor of raping innocent children, why are you against shooting innocent children like today in Florida?

  34. I guess you have to be a male sexualist to understand that death is worse than sex, and especially very much worse than the statutory "rape" which kids are so zealously protected from. I don't know an easy way to explain it to you, but hopefully the epiphany will come to you if you hang around our movement for a while.

  35. If sexting is so bad, why is there an association (especially of women) to go to high schools and tell the children that sexting is a harmful practice like bullying and that they should be protected? You think they're doing something wrong?

  36. Sexting is obviously a bullshit "crime" that shouldn't be a crime and no one needs to be protected from by law. The proper way to deal with sexual messages that you don't like is to delete and block them, and if you shared some pictures of yourself that you regret, then you just have to live with it. Your age also makes no difference. But it doesn't surprise me that such an organization exists, because that is what puritan-feminists do.

    1. It's all about safety safety safety,for the kids the kids! gotta keep them isolated from everything.but an adult MALE gets shot or beat? No big deal,nobody gives a shit.

  37. Wrong.the evil hate filled ideology of feminism and anti male laws opened my eyes up LONG before any mensright 'groups' even existed! I hate what hates ME.
    I didn't even think about feminists back in the 80s or that they're radicalized and post on twitter-- "kill all men" "abort your baby if its male" "all men are trash". I received a really nice insight into these feminists "minds" after years on twitter.

  38. As for this non existent "male privilege" I WISH it were real.I wouldn't be the one banned from Twitter,the scumsucking misandric feminists would be banned instead.and any woman can bring ANY man down with just an accusation? doesn't seem like a patriarchy to me...

  39. Color me "shocked". today's shooter, Cruz, was considered "weird & creepy" and I'm sure he heard exactly that and more for years in school.there's your motive.SOME alienated outcasts strike
    back.most don't.the big takeaway from this latest shooting? Our "fearless" leaders will just use it to increase surveillance, hire even more crazy killer cops,expand the nsa and on & on..

  40. Why do you ask men to join the MRA/male sexualism? to have something as big as the official MRA? What good would that do? in case the official MRA had get anything mmmm ?

    If people join the MRA/male sexualism it will not change anything. And no one who opposes the system will win no matter how much they think it is right, from neo-Nazis, alt-right to the MRA and MGTOW.

  41. Heh..i see feminists are having their predictable response on twitter over latest shooting- "men need to be fixed"
    More "toxic masculinity" bullshit.feminists LOVE these shootings.makes their whole month in fact.

  42. Women in Twitter:

    "First of all, she's 17. Second of all, she's at the pinnacle of her athletic career and he's talking about how Chloe Kim looks? Gross, all of it. "

  43. She is also at the pinnacle of her beauty, but no one is allowed to mention it? Absurd.

  44. Infantophilia isn't a part of MINOR-attractions, as infants are not minors.
    Precision of language people, please.

    At least on that distinction, please.

  45. What do you think about ?

  46. I don't like paywalls and am not going to get one. Paying somebody else 5% of whatever people pay to get through the paywall is even less appealing.

    Are hebephiles and ephebophiles MAPs? Sure, by definition if it means Minor-Attracted Person, but they are also normal or at least non-pathological, and most men are obviously MAPs to some degree.

  47. So, I've been reading online(since I'm not allowed to post-- The pig cops said it and I HAVE to believe it!) and theres millions of posts/tweets regarding the latest school shooting.mostly,they go like this:
    "I'm ready to classify all white men as a hate group"
    "BIG connection between domestic violence and these shooters"
    "all men are born violent"
    "toxic masculinity"(of course)
    "this is why we need to elect
    women".these shootings just "confirm" to feminists, "male" AND female that men are dangerous.
    so, just another day in the "patriarchy" in other


  49. So,I just wanted to put my two cents in.tom is doing a great job.and I agree
    This 'bullying'in schools would end if mother fuckers were allowed to have sex
    In school early.the odds of THAT happening are just too astronomical.i also agree 'mgtows' are going nowhere. For most of them, & U include myself, we were/are least I admit it
    Most can't or won' his video Tom advises to 'troll' feminists.thats a dead end.ive done it, been banned for it,wasn't backed up/supported when I did it, and now I've washed my hands of that completely.curbing/controlling/ending feminism? Yea, not in ANY of our lifetimes.yep I'm a 'defeatist' but
    also a realist.

  50. I'm also getting VERY close to getting off the internet, and this time for good.I'm either ignored or attacked so my views are not very appreciated or that feminists/women can either work with twitter or just bypass them and turn me into the goddamn cops?! yep,it looks like I'll be quitting the net next month for good.I'll miss YouTube and..thats about it!


    “The Oscar-nominated film “Call Me by Your Name” is a coming-of-age story about a 17-year-old named Elio and his brief romance with a 24-year-old grad student, Oliver, who comes to work with Elio’s father.

    Some, including author Cheyenne Montgomery, say they’re disturbed by the age difference between the two protagonists — one portrayed as a boy, the other a man.

    Montgomery (@cowboy_montg), who was abused by a teacher as a high school student, joins Here & Now’s Robin Young to discuss why she sees the movie as a “deftly directed, beautifully photographed, wonderfully acted master class in sexual predation and abuse.”


    “As a 15-year-old or a 16-year-old, I very much believed that I was in control, and that I was able to consent, and I would say, that’s part of being 16, is you have that illusion that you’re on top of things.” — Cheyenne Montgomery

  52. What these people believe in is a religion where one of the basic tenets is that people "can't consent" due to age or some other status like student. Trying to understand them is a fool's errand because there is nothing rational there to understand, just arbitrary axioms. What we can do is simply to proclaim that we don't share their beliefs and then we must do our utmost to oppose their influence on laws and policies.

  53. An older news link reveals that he was charged using UK indecency laws, and now found guilty.

    A perverted politician who told a detective he wanted to rape a child after being targeted in an undercover police sting is facing jail.

    Depraved David Fagan, 53, a former Labour councillor for the Airdrie South ward, used sick websites to investigate 'taboo' subjects including having sex with a parent and child.


    The jury convicted him of sending messages in relation to incest, the sexual abuse of children and the rape of a child, between May and August 2016.

    But they found a charge he conspired to meet a 14-year-old girl for sex while another girl, aged 12, was present not proven.


    "In my view, the offence committed contains a significant sexual element and as such you will now be subject to the notification requirements of the sex offenders' register."

    The sheriff told jurors evidence they heard had been "frankly repulsive" but thanked them for carrying out their civic duty.

    Full article:

  54. He is jailed for a fantasy, having "confessed to depraved thoughts." Thoughtcrime, plain and simple. It insane, absolutely insane, but that is the world we are now living in. How long until they will jail us for our ideology?

  55. Yeah, here we are talking about a sting operation which entrapped a man into expressing forbidden thoughts. That's all he is found guilty of. Not even planning to do anything, which would have been impossible anyway because it was a lie that these girls existed. And yet the media can't mention his name without calling him perverted or depraved in the same sentence. The media and police and courts all conspire to do this. There is not much good left in the world, and what little remains will soon be silenced in similar fashion.

  56. To make it even worse, this was a targeted sting tailored to him individually. Keep that in mind when communicating with anybody you don't fully trust, as the purpose may be to elicit forbidden thoughts so they can jail you. And of course, they may use messages between trusted friends as well obtained by surveillance. This is the reality of thoughtcrime. The next step will be hearsay -- jailing you merely because someone claims you expressed forbidden thoughts, which is already established with another feminist-invented crime:

  57. To make it worse still, I also saw in another article about the case that the police scum who entrapped him (cold-approached him on Skype!) was allowed to testify as an anonymous witness, behind a screen, and "cannot be identified for legal reasons"! He is now even allowed to *know* who is accusing him!

    And then when he *didn't* agree to meet the imaginary girl, they arrested him! No wonder he was acquitted on that charge, because he was the one not wanting to go through with it while the police scum was trying to push him into it.

    Holy shit, this is full-tilt inquisition where absolutely nothing is spared; it just boggles the mind that the system can be so rigged. And I'm not easily shocked anymore, but this is worse than I knew.

    If these thoughts and fantasies are so depraved, why are the police allowed to dream them up? They are some of the biggest peddlers of child porn as well, but somehow the same rules don't apply to them.

  58. News: Now Sony has accepted the FBI and the police access the PS4 systems for "alleged crimes".

    As you have imagined much gamer people supporting Sony because they can stop terrorists and "pedophiles" using the PS4 system for their "evil things".

    Some say that if you have nothing to fear, you have nothing to hide.

    Others say it's okay to give a little bit of their privacy in exchange for more security.

    These people are so dumb, stupid and conformist who are the dream of the Party and Big Brother of the novel 1984.

    Sony is evil but the rest are the same: to buy on PC is Steam who fired the co-creator of Counter Strike for "child exploitation" (that is, having sex with a 15-year-old prostitute who passed himself off as an legal adult) and also just for being accused (nor wait for the trial verdict). And Xbox, that is Microsoft better not to mention much... just mention that they give millions to feminist groups and NGOs (I saw on Twitter the feminist wife of Bill Gates complaining that men marry underage girls in other countries!).

    "How will privacy and anonymity be attacked?"

    Name the Four Horsemen: terrorists, drug dealers, pedophiles, and organized crime.

  59. Talking about things that are counted in fours, have you read "The Misandry Bubble 2050", where the concept "The Four Sirens of the Fempocalypse" is being argued: ?

  60. Yes, I remember The Futurist and that post from the days of The Spearhead. Didn't know he was still blogging. We can hope that feminism will lead to its own destruction via civilizational decline and displacement or collapse, but there is no sign of that yet and his prediction is running out of time if it were going to happen as soon as 2020. Instead feminism is only becoming more virulent. Also, all the wonderful technology that these Singularity types believe in, if it comes true, can just as easily be used to sustain feminism. Automation, for example, can be used to imprison men more easily because few will be needed for work.

    1. Exactly.yes I'm not just on twitter ever again,but will NOT be posting anywhere ever again on topics such as anti war, anti feminism, anti police etc etc.. in fact I'm NOW PRO ALL those things! I have HAD a REAL epiphany lately!AND I'm very busy purging everything I ever said online!

  61. Hello eivind.can you do me a big favor? Delete ALL my comments/posts on your blog? I'd much appreciate it.i spent hours last deleting a shit ton of comments and posts going back years from as many places as I could.cant delete these.thanks.

  62. Replies
    1. Oh it's just for the overall doing my best to conform on ALL levels!

  63. I just wish I get all these screenshots that nice feminist put up about me on google purged.i might just have to pay to have that done, well worth it!

  64. Well, this blog is still anti those things, so I don't want to delete content that promotes it. You posted anonymously and didn't even use your last name, so don't worry. And if anything is going to be used against you, the powers that be have copies anyway.

  65. Yes,it's a hassle I know.anyway,I'm back on twitter! @MRFEMINIST1 check it out I think I have the potential to be very popular now!

  66. The Moral Imperative To Act – We Must End The Sexual Exploitation Of Children Online:

  67. Baroness Joanna Shields OBE is another bitch trying to profit from child abuse hysteria by begging for money (of course -- with a title like that, what else could she do?). It would help a little if people quit giving them money, though the law is our biggest problem. With all the scandals in Oxfam and other NGOs lately, they are doing a great job showing people how nasty they are, so maybe their influence will be waning.

  68. I am loving my new PERMANENT account
    @MRFEMINIST1 on more being reported,no suspensions,no insults no visits from officials.and the best part is finally being on the winning side! Hey, when in rome...

  69. well,I haven't heard not one pundit/commentator mention that cruz had no father around(and likely never will).like not being able to mention climate change, no one can mention that or it's career over.but feminists are allowed to ram home "guns" "domestic violence" "toxic masculinity" as the 'links' that connect these shooters. well,they surely shut me up good and I had a few followers. imagine if I had 10,000s(not that Twitter would allow me to ever get to THAT point) followers.i already lay very low but I've gotta go REAL low..

  70. Eivind, I have grown up in a society where there is no room for not having higher education, where 20 years of your life is spent between books not in a bed with a adult. No one is considering not going to school, what's more, secondary education is compulsory. We follow a marked route, in which the only thing you choose is what you want to do. You make this choice at an early age, when you don't really know what you want to do with your life. You find that everything is fixed and you simply have to choose according to your qualities.

    So I support the standards of the
    IPECSE (International Programme on the Elimination of Child Sexual Exploitation) defined by the International Labour Organization. I believe that the minimum age for starting sex should not be lower than the age at which basic education is completed. In addition, in my work suppliers have no relationship with child sexual exploitation. If I become aware of any exploitation, I expect them to support a training and transition programme so that the child can return to school not go to a bed with a adult.

  71. Why do you believe that makes sense? What makes school and sex incompatible?

  72. " I believe that the minimum age for starting sex should not be lower than the age at which basic education is completed."

    This is the very reason why the age of consent was increased to sixteen at within a year of compulsory public education being rolled out in Great Britain, at 1876-77.

    BTW going to trial for possession of CP in six days.

    This will be fun.

  73. If the age of consent is about keeping kids in school, shouldn't that be reflected in how violations are perceived and conceptualized as well? That sounds like a crime of obstructing education rather than sexual abuse. And "consent" does not really refer to what people think it does. It's not sex that kids can't consent to, but not going to school.

  74. When you look into the history of education, you see that it is about segmenting society - making sure that people know their place, eroding community-feelings, and especially indoctrinating people to become obedient to authority.
    Which is especially apparent in making them do idiotic shit, for no other good reasons than to learn them to obey.

    Who the fuck needs to know trigonometry? Or second-degree equations?

  75. It's conform or be locked up or die.or,go hide in a non extradition country.those are disappearing fast though.polansky fled to France and did very well,pretty sure that couldn't be done looks like I won't be facing any charges from the dramas of one feminist states away from me.thats good because if I ever did any jail time over any bitch,when I got out she'd be more games.

  76. Perfect. I've constructed my profile as @MRFEMINIST1 on Twitter to near perfection. my pinned tweet? A thing of beauty. now I can't wait for the police to check my phone! it's an sjws wet dream!

  77. I would like to comment a bit about the issue of "pressure" - how the mental strain of not being accepted, not being appreciated, but misrepresented and cast in as bad a light as possible can create feelings of outright hostility, vitriolic attitudes, antagonization, and even misantrophy.

    Today, I experienced the end-result of being portrayed in such a way, and persecuted and mistreated, that I ended up in a state of mind which I can only suspect a professional would diagnose as a "psychosis".

    I don't have much to say about that, other than to share with you, who have accepted and welcomed me into your fold of Mens' Rights Activists, a personal "thing".

    I am a huge fan of "Battle Angel Alita: Last Order", and as immature as it may sound to some, I draw a great deal of inspiration from the struggles of self-understanding, -appreciation, and -realization that this particular comic conveys.

    As such, I would recommend it to you, although it is a bit difficult to get into if you don't know the back-story to it (it's actually a more professional and contemplative continuation of a series which had an abrupt end a few decades back), but one has to start somewhere and this is as good as any:

    The key question, of course being: "What defines you?"

  78. Well,some awful life experiences define me as well as some not so great genetics,and most important of all, people, unfortunately define me: "crazy" "scary" "creepy" "pedo" hated,feared, no family,lying mother is dead,haven't seen pops in decades,hopefully he's dead,and on purpose,haven't wanted to see my brother since the last time I did,Jan pariah,suicidal? All day long...and now off twitter.i deactivated my @MRFEMINIST1 account.just reading a few dozen tweets from feminist shit and mangina garbage I couldn't take it free will helped define me also.unlike most I DO see how people view me,& Its not good which is too bad because I'm completely misunderstood.americans are some very quick to judge scumbags and I say that because it's rarely positive.americans have love only for celebrities,females,dogs, not on top? get ready to live I WANT to go on a spree like this sad Cruz guy? Yes & no.I'd be much more selective.and of course I'm not being arrested,the last bullet is for me.cruz is going to suffer for years in the system now.who needs that shit?

  79. Why the fuck doesn't anybody say anything to this anonymous? he's on the verge of a psychotic break, he doesn't know it but reading to him you can see that he's neurotic. If keep it up, he'll kill himself.

    Listen to me, man: Stop it. You can't fight feminists, admit it before you shoot yourself, you can't fight 99% of society. And less so by opening and closing thousands of Twitter accounts. No matter how much you hate feminists, policemen etc. we all hate them here, but you can't destroy them.

    Admit it, calm down and sit down: you can't fight the feminist world. Now think. There are thousands of feminists on Twitter pouring misandric shit, so what? right now there are thousands of Nazis pouring anti-Semitic propaganda, if you were Jewish you'd have to spend 17 hours at day on Twitter to fight them and get all their hate?

    If the police storm your house, GET OVER IT. If there are thousands of feminists on Twitter throwing shit at men? OK, fuck off ignore them.

    If a woman on Twitter says that being a heterosexual woman or man is gross, well, so what? Who gives a shit? Why do you have to be like this on the brink of a psychotic break? fuck them, JUST IGNORE THEM.

    Don't go to Twitter or any social network, it's killing you, you have to deal with it that the world is against you.

    if I go to Twitter and fought day after day against them like you, and saw that amount of hate would end up brain dead. Don't do that.

    So ignore everything you see, don't watch news in TV, go online to see things you like don't go to social networks like Twitter, ignore the billions of humans who insult and seek your death (they are stupid masses no matter what they think, If you were the ruler they would think like you, so don't try to convince them of anything, is worthless) accept that the police is the feminist military arm and have tried to destroy your life, accept that you can't win the men's war on Twitter. Accept everything that has happened to you in life, breathe deeply, that's already happened. FOCUS ONLY TO THE PRESENT.

    My advice that can save your life: Go to a place where the age of consent is 16 or less, and look for a girlfriend (as long as she is underage but legal, ignore the adults they are trash believe me), send the past to shit, swallow it and bring it down, Don't bother about the world around you, it's probably going to fall like the Roman Empire, so relax, no matter what happens, let the world burn and the tyrants kill each other.

    Think that maybe someday we can re-emerge and take power as a new Roman empire, maybe someday you will be Consul or Praetor for example but in the meantime we can't do anything, it doesn't help to be like you are now. Look for a new life somewhere else if you can and get a teenage girlfriend and let's get ready to take power and not waste time on the internet arguing with idiots.

    1. Yeah,just ignore it all huh? Haha! and if the police 'storm my house' forget about it?! Really now, that IS for arguing with feminists? I actually trolled them and even THAT is,they bypass Twitter and go straight to the's rather easy to find out who you really are online now.of course the feminists have won this culture war as long as men allow it and they did/do.'get ready to take power'? That's also very funny,good stuff.

    2. Yea I dont.and nope,I'm not moving to Vietnam for some pussy.and an actual activist can't just "turn it off" & decide not to "give a fuck".begs the question WHY are you on here except for the laughs I got?

  80. Well, I agree, what "@MRFEMINIST1" is doing is clearly engaging in self-frustrating behaviour and counterproductive.

    He should look after himself a little more on the mental health part of life, and here's two sources for self-learning about that:

    1) Ikigai

    2) Kaizen

    Look after Number ONE, son.

    1. That's all I do for being RIGHTEOUSLY angry? I'm sorry,NO "cure" exists for that.

  81. Oh and when I get a bit better myself and have arranged things so as for me to have the surplus to add some information, I am going to share with you some things but for now, be content with those few pointers and realize that you are not King Canute (Knut, actually) and you are up against female genetically ingrained Core Beliefs, chiseled into the brains of every woman on this planet through evolution during millions of years.

    What is a "Core Belief"? Simple: Read, think about it, and it will come to you.

    Here's a start:

    I do not call myself a "Panzer-kunstler" for no good reason, son.


  83. To Gally and John and everyone who feels like an outcast because of our views: Yes, that is how it is to be an MRA. Our ideology is fundamentally out of whack with society. Not just activism, but also a way to cope psychologically is needed. Lately I have come up with a name for the sort of coping strategy I use. I call it Quisling therapy. Basically it consists of realizing that we are enemies of the state and embracing that status as fully as possible without breaking the law. This idea needs much more development and I am working on a post about it (that I may or may not be able to publish, depending on how likely it will be to trigger persecution), but I feel the solution lies in embracing our traitorhood lest we go insane. We are activists because we feel it is morally right, and yet we are not appreciated by the society we are trying to help, not even most victims of the sex laws. To avoid this incongruity, I suggest ramping up our inner traitorhood to the point where it is consistent with how society actually sees us.

    1. Oh yes but it gets old internalizing it.for me,I've ramped it up as far as it can go.I'd like to see some action.the Gandhi non violent model just doesn't work anymore,anywhere in fact.for example,the Palestinians are totally screwed.dont have nukes? You're at the non existent "mercy" of America.if you're a hetero man,in the u.s you simply cannot win,unless of course you are at LEAST a multi millionaire & possess the 'right' physical looks that women don't mind,and may even WANT you to look at them.imagine that..

  84. On the news 24/7 is yet another wave of "safety" bs "protect" my babies "arming teachers".too bad. now kids that are fucked with,& want revenge are going to have a very difficult time getting it.treating symptoms is all America tries, and constantly fails at even accomplishing that.once again,the common link between these shooters is being raised by single mothers,NOT 'domestic violence' or 'insanity'.

  85. No, we can't turn it off. So we have to cope somehow. Since we are too few to cause any real change, we might as well try to live somewhat normal lives for the time being. We exist in society, but we are not one of them. It helps to realize exactly what we are, I think. I just have to admit that I grew up to be a quisling, because I am so ideologically different than everyone around me. A quisling without an army to collaborate with, but a quisling nonetheless. This is a surprising result that I couldn't have predicted when I was little, but it follows from my moral values and the way society has changed around me.

    It is depressing that there are no historical examples of civil wars fought over sex laws, to my knowledge. When uprisings happen, they always have more baggage. Thus a pure male sexualist movement seems extremely unlikely to amount to much. So one solution is to join another movement with approximately the same sexual morality. Converting to Islam is one practical possibility, but even they don't look so strong at the moment.

  86. Well,I totally agree,and do realize I'll never fit in to this 'structure'.I'm trying to do my best to 'conform'. starting with getting off Twitter permanently with the understanding if I go back on,I'll just be insulted, reported,threatened,shadow banned,etc... or far worse the pig cops called on me(still can't believe that! and NOT happy about it either)converting to Islam? lot easier & vastly more 'acceptable' decades ago
    but a possibility. Praise Allah! ha

  87. @Eivind, well that's one way of looking at it, but don't you think that means you let your Enemy define you? At the very least, that makes you predictable, in His eyes.

    I'm more a fan of the "You don't own ME" philosophy, myself. Stoic, yeah, but Resilence lies in Flexibility (and Unpredictability), I feel.

    1. Eivind is just being realistic.go read his Twitter feed. almost zero support AND tons of insults,threats and 'seek help "advice" from judgemental mental midgets.

  88. I can return to the topic of how to handle with adversity at a later date, for now I recommend the book "The 33 Strategies of War".
    I think it's sold in a brief synopsis-version, because it's hard to get through, but that's one advantage with prisons: It helps you focus on reading.

    Of course, preaching the preach is one thing, but walking the walk is another. I have some plans for walking that walk, though, but we'll see, many plans now and so little time.

    1. Yea,I've handled nothing but adversity my entire life and had to do it fact,it's the state that's going to inherit everything I,car, one to leave it to!

  89. You know, they made that into a ballade. Or maybe it's a sonnet. I don't care; it is beautifull:

    Also the police pretty much made a poor show out of themselves today in court. Day two tomorrow, and my lawyer does not seem to be the losing kind of guy.

  90. Uh,who are you talking to? And your bonafides sound like complete bullshit to your name "tough" guy.only 300 confirmed kills?! Stop watching movies like "shooter" lol...

  91. Somebody doesn't know their memes lol


    Another one, for a DVD of under-18 year olds, no rape or anything else, we're getting killed by some fucking scum because we like young girls.

  93. Look but don't touch but don't look either.

  94. Rape!! A teacher in a new Smyrna beach fl middle school one 'Stephanie Peterson' 26 yrs, was just arrested for having sex with a 14 year old "victim" aka the-- lucky guy.who knows it could be the last sex he ever has!

  95. The notion that female teachers can sexually "abuse" boys is the single most bizarre lie that feminists have come up with. It breaks my heart that they even manage to brainwash some of these women into thinking they are offenders. Also, since we *know* this is bullshit, how much of the other "abuse" by male offenders is bullshit too? The abuse industry will say exactly the same thing whether the abuse is really perceived as such or imaginary, so we have no way of knowing.

  96. It is SO ridiculous! yes,we never hear much from these "victims" because they're considered minors,& attorneys tell them not to say anything. but we know her career is ruined & probably some time in prison followed by probation. and he'll be indoctrinated to see himself as a victim. like Monica Lewinsky, that was consensual, but now, she's a newly minted #metoo member also! unbelievable bullshit is happening EVERYWHERE now in this country. Filthy feminists at the root of all of it, but you dare not challenge them directly on it.
    'Crybullies' is an apt description.

  97. Hi Eivind I have a anime girl body pillow.
    I get migraines and one way to deal with it is to burro into a pile of pillows. I have a mountain of pillows, enough to completely hide a queen size bed.
    I used to thrash around in my sleep, snore and wake up hourly, but after I got some body pillows all that stopped. I lay on my side with one leg and one arm under and a leg and arm over it, and it keeps me still and my neck straight so I don't snore (as much).
    Definitely in the top ten most beneficial things I own.

  98. News: Daily Antifeminist is over.

  99. I would like to know what happened too. His site has disappeared with the error: is no longer available.

    The authors have deleted this site.


  100. I can speculate that the pressure was too much. All the vigilantes who want to kill us and cops who want to imprison us for our views can be really stressful, and he was going all out with the activism, so he must have had a lot of it. He was the messiah of our movement and seemed too good to be true, so I am not surprised that it ended. Can one man save a movement, anyway? We are pariahs, and now it's back to that reality. We keep a relatively low profile for a reason, and I guess he learned that lesson as well.

    1. That is unfortunate,however I am not even slightly know my 'story' forced to deactivate my own damn Twitter account because of one mad bitch who stalked ME off twitter.that was a month ago now and it looks like i'm out of legal danger.i did feel that I had to talk to my lawyer about it,but they have little free advice to give. after you get arrested they love you long time.

  101. I think he shouldn't have gone so aggressively with his real identity and wife. In fact, just the fact that he was showing them so much was... well, fishy. I hope he comes back and would like to contact him.

  102. I had his e-mail but when I sent him a message with it I got an undeliverable response back... Seems it wasn't a valid e-mail (server was gmail though) so either he deleted his whole email account (not sure if that's even easy to do) or it was never valid.

    I for one would still like to hear your thoughts on starting a forum, caamib. Happy to dedicate a thread to it on my blog if that makes it easier.

  103. "so either he deleted his whole email account (not sure if that's even easy to do)"

    In Gmail and Google is:

    1. Go to 'delete your account'.

    2. Set your password.

    3. Delete.

    So simple.

  104. I guess I'm gonna have to post them here this weekend instead of his blog like I planned to. Going into something like that is not an easy decision and has many problems and dangers. We can't just open a free forum somewhere in next 5 minutes. There are many, many, many obstacles, as we have seen just with DAF. As for DAF, I think he did post what he believed but the real identity part seemed pretty fishy to me. To do this shit with your real identity like that you have to live in places like Hungary, Ukraine or Russia and even then hide the identity of somebody like your damn WIFE the way a snake would hide its legs. It seems pretty certain he won't be coming back. He deleted his AskFm too. How sad. He was likely struck very hard and suddenly in some way as he liked a post of mine just this morning.

    I myself have much less time and energy than him as my health suffered due to various problems I had offline.

    Dailyantifeminist, if you're reading this - it's not too late to come back. Just think about a way to do it. Your blog was barely 2 months old or so, you really haven't been on too many radars.

  105. To CAAMIB:

    Are you kidding me you little piece of shit i’ll have you know i graduated top of my politics class and i’ve been involved in privilege checking with over 150 confirmed political demonstrations i’m trained in conflict resolution and i was the most oppressed person in my entire upper middle class high school you are nothing to me but another cultural appropriator i will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which have never been seen on this side of the 49th parallel mark my words you think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the internet think again fucker, as we speak i’m checking with my anarcho-communist analyst brigade for your location so you better be prepared to deal with some molotov cocktails and angry feminists flying through your window yOU’RE FUCKING DEAD CHERRY! i can be anywhere at any time and i can kill you in over seven hundred ways and that’s just with me boring you to death while i talk about privilege not only am i extensively trained in hotline management but i have access to an entire arsenal of sociological articles to prove my point and i will use them to wipe your fucking face off the earth you little shit if only you had known what oppressed retribution your cultural appropriation would unleash then maybe you would have held your fucking tongue but you couldn’t you’re fucking dead kiddo

  106. I dunno I think Russia is over rated. They have similar paedohysteria to the West now. And they have hardcore anti-paedo vigilantes who brutally murder their victims. Russia used to be better, they used to be a haven of child porn and sexual freedom (at least for heterosexuals). But now it is all fucked.

    Tom had a post where he said he was concerned about the images he was posting because he got banned from his own image board. I wonder if he either sought some advice, freaked out and then deleted everything (maybe Israeli child porn laws are more insane than he thought) or he got raided by the police and deleted everything...

  107. Still much better to be a millionaire. You get the 'justice' you can afford in america.but yep the war on men is accelerating very quickly now.all it takes is an accusation and off to jail you such I don't talk to women,online or off.i might join maybe..

  108. Maybe he got hacked. Someons might have stolen his user name and password and took all his stuff down.

  109. I was on his site earlier today and he'd mentioned he was banned off his own forums for two weeks! & also said he was going to have to take certain pics down and received a threat written in hebrew.

  110. My guess is that DAF was deleted by whoever was hosting his site. Still, the gist of what he advocated for is mostly correct IMO. I think that a pro male-sexuality movement will become big soon, and that will be the start of the real sexual revolution.

  111. Well,it'll have to happen off line in good old real life.and I don't see that happening but one can only hope.even MORE censorship: sargon had his Google account suspended. now he can't upload vids to YouTube. I'm also reading many mgtow videos are being yanked by youtube.cant even be 'mgtow' now? I'm sooo off social media.

  112. "Well,it'll have to happen off line in good old real life"

    Well, it will come to that eventually anyway, and my popcorn will be ready when that time arrives. DAF did provide good logical arguments (backed by evidence) and a great sense of humor to the pro male-sexuality framework. Whatever DAF's true identity may be, I hope that he comes back eventually.

  113. So,you'll be eating popcorn when men FINALLY get up and take back control? Not me,I'll be on the front lines of this fictional "men's march".im very skeptical of anything happening but even more feminist power expanding what with all the manginas helping them out.but IF this 'revolt' ever happens I guarantee I won't be home munching popcorn.

  114. "News: Daily Antifeminist is over."

    Mm-hm. Now what can we learn from this, Party People?

  115. "My guess is that DAF was deleted by whoever was hosting his site. "

    No, that is not possible. He was hosted by Wordpress and they can't just delete his blog, they could close it for TOS violations, which didn't happen in this case. I have seen some blogs that were shut down this way and they have a different note. See

    As for him being hacked in some way and all his accounts closed down, that is possible but I believe it's more about somebody getting to him irl.

  116. Yes, he most likely deleted it himself out of fear. The threat in Hebrew was from someone who claimed to be close, and who knows what he received privately. I think he really did expose his wife and kid too, so he is very vulnerable. I find it highly admirable that he was so open about his ideology, but the downside can be too much for anybody. This is a very real war where many people literally want to kill us and most others would stand by and cheer, so who can blame him?

  117. His blog may be gone, but Tom Grauer made lasting contributions to the Men's Movement, which is now more cohesive than ever. He even gave us a new label -- male sexualist -- to set us apart from the sex-negative feminists who think they are "MRAs." And "puritan-feminist" is rightly a more apt description of our enemies than just feminists. His invention of a new "pedo-curious" sexual orientation was amusing and powerful; likewise his ridicule of child porn as "sinister pixels" and total refusal to compromise with any sex-negativity.

    Let us take these useful concepts and build on them. I have come around to what I now call the eliminativist position thanks to him. I used to think that an attitude of reformism towards sex laws was the way to go, but our utter failure to stem the tide of madness leads to the conclusion that we might as well oppose all sex laws uncompromisingly. I will write a blog post on this. The value of eliminativism is mostly philosophical at this point, as it allows us to see that there is no substance to the sex laws, and whatever they cover that might be worthy of punishment is punishable under other laws anyway, such as assault and kidnapping. The age of consent is just a legal fiction, child porn is nothing but another configuration of an inert substrate a.k.a. information, and rape is so overblown that we are better off eliminating the concept altogether. And we don't even need to mention the need to eliminate prostitution laws including underage prostitution, as well as grooming, revenge porn and sexual harassment. In short, to be an MRA of the male sexualist kind is to be an eliminativist about sex laws and the concepts they ostensibly criminalize, which mostly don't even exist.

  118. And I forgot "blue knight," which deserves to be part of our lexicon for the analogue to a white knight who upholds anti-sex norms with regards to minors.

  119. Well, I don't have to agree with everything that everybody else believes in, just to acknowledge that they have interesting opinions, but now that my trial is over I can comment on a few things.

    First, child pornography.
    Yes, a part of that is definitely within what everybody can agree is abusive.
    One example (that I have never myself seen nor searched for or heard about on any site for minor-attracted people), is "Daisy's Destruction":

    In brief:
    Hurt2theCore is part of a sub-genre of pedophilia abuse materials known as “hurtcore”. Hurtcore is just what it sounds like – hardcore hurt inflicted on innocent children. Even most pedophiles recoil from it. The child’s pain is not a by-product of sexual contact – it is deliberately inflicted, recorded and posted for the gratification of hurtcore enthusiasts.

    The COPINE-scale talks more about different classifications of the concept "child pornography":
    Briefly it is a scale from 1 to 10:
    1 Indicative
    2 Nudist
    3 Ero
    4 Posing
    5 Erotic Posing
    6 Explicit Erotic Posing
    7 Explicit Sexual Activity
    8 Assault
    9 Gross Assault
    10 Sadistic/Bestiality

    Arguing for the abolishment of an age of consent altogether, isn't really something that can be done with the support of the developmental psychology field.
    The closest one can get to a kind of support, were one to argue for lowering the age of consent, is evaluations that has been done on adults with mental development issues (in Britain). Where, professionals have had to consider "should this person with the developmental age of a child, be allowed to have sex with his partner?".
    Short version: Yes, if the mental age is at least around eight to nine.

    Now, if you are seriously contemplating arguing for eliminating child pornography laws altogether, in combination with eliminating laws against underage prostitution, then I can say for certain that this is the absolute best argument I and everybody else could ever POSSIBLY use, to argue that the chance of you being a pedophile is so close to zero that you could not possibly write it out on all the paper in the world but would have to be written using a mathematical formula that converges to zero or some such.
    As in, f(x) = 1 -

    Also, the chance that you have ever seen real child pornography in any kind of quantity (as in, you haven't just stumbled over something like very many completely ordinary people do, unaware of how the law defines "child pornography"), is ABSOLUTELY zero.
    It is a goddamned kind of zero. Zilch. Nada. Nothing.

    I don't mean to offend you in any way, I am just being direct here because I feel responsible for advicing some caution in these matters.

    The political environment being what it is, one might find oneself accused of encouraging illegal activities, so before you make any actual claims that could trigger that, you might want to run it by somebody who has some insights in these matters and who'se judgement you trust.

  120. Also, be safe: Email-phishing is a real thing, check urls that are sent to you ( )

    You know, getting a virus that jumped from machine to machine and just turned off the fans on your GPUs, would set you back pretty drastically economically speaking.

    Don't risk that, put them on a subnet behind a different router or something. Should be easy once you read up on it and understand the concept.

  121. None of that matters to the fact that *possession* of child pornography, or any offensive material, is just an information crime that should not exist. I have no interest in looking at it either, but I know that even "hurtcore" can't possibly be worse than documentation of war crimes, lynchings and other atrocities, and such information is legal to possess, so it is inconsistent and immoral to single out only that which sexualizes people under an arbitrary age as an excuse to put someone in prison.

  122. "Arguing for the abolishment of an age of consent altogether, isn't really something that can be done with the support of the developmental psychology field."

    We (at least I) don't dialogue with pseudo-sciences like psychology. Psychology must be abolished like an dangerous practice and considered criminal by law.

  123. Second. It is legal material as repugnant and inmmoral as dead children (such as the drowned refugee child, you all remember that image), including the murder and non-sexual torture of children. So no. We will not accept any child pornography laws, and even less so as long as the laws protect this kind of aberrant material and the psychopaths who enjoy them. Nothing to talk about or compromise with the monsters in the system. I don't know what other people think, but I think Eivind and others will agree.

  124. "No, that is not possible."

    I think Wordpress is just content management software that helps you build websites. The actual entity hosting his website would be someone/something else, which would make use of Wordpress software.

    I think another important lesson learned from DAF is not to be too open or honest. Assuming he was being genuine about his identity, which I think he was, he put himself out there too much. Complete honesty is definitely not the best policy in our case. Our tactics should be more subtle and "below the surface" (for now at least).

  125. "inconsistent and immoral to single out only that which sexualizes people under an arbitrary age as an excuse to put someone in prison."

    I think sex-negativity and a view of sex as inherently victimizing are the main problems in this regard. There is also the biological and psychological nonsense (e.g. "fully developed" brain) that is used to justify this hysteria.

  126. Of course, being against child porn laws does not constitute an endorsement of hurtcore or any particular material. It just means a hard-line anti-censorship position.

    1. Right.It's straight forward to me,but lost on most americans like the dots responding to you on twitter.and once again,where oh where are your followers!? Why follow anyone if you're not going to back them up or comment? fuck Twitter anyway,the censorship has killed it.

  127. Yes, that is strange, but regardless of his motivation and true identity, his message was consistent with Men's Rights Activism, for the most part, and nothing can change that. We will just have to soldier on without him, while taking the beneficial aspects of his philosophy to heart. We don't have to troll like he did and I didn't care so much about that part, but I never saw a more persuasive and energetic male sexualist anywhere. He wasn't indotrinated with feminist sex-hostility, or at least his writing wasn't, and that is what counts.

  128. Yes I hope he re-surfaces somewhere. hopefully,he's not being tortured in some black site in poland.

  129. "I think Wordpress is just content management software that helps you build websites. The actual entity hosting his website would be someone/something else, which would make use of Wordpress software."

    No, Wordpress can be used for both but he used it just to host his blog, not that you're mentioning in the first sentence. I know this since my blog is also on WordPress so I checked all of this out way before. So his host was WordPress and they didn't TOSs his blog (though I warned him they could as he was a rule on minors or whatever), he deleted it himself or somebody got in. In any case, pointless to speculate now but WordPress couldn't have done that, they would have just TOSsed him like I have shown in that one link up there.

  130. *as he was breaking a rule on minors

  131. Eivind, I really like these terms 'male sexualist' & 'feminist puritanist' as in- anti feminist Puritanism'. I look forward to using these on and off line. when and where aren't certain yet,but probably on Twitter yet AGAIN.just got to do it right next time, use tor to mask my i.p, get a 'burner' phone used just once to establish the account as Twitter requires phone numbers now,and change my writing style & habits.lotta hoops to jump thru but I'm not terribly interested in or any other of the 'lesser' platforms.

  132. I haven't tried this:

    But there's the Signal for desktop application that can be run on a whonix workstation ( ), and for those interested Signal can be mixed with TOR:

  133. You don't need a phone num to use Twitter:

    You need a mobile phone, then go to Twitter and from Twitter's mobile interface you can swich and use the option to use email instead phone, and Twitter has never blocked my account.

    This is the trick: It doesn't matter if you do it with VPN or proxy, it only blocks you if you do it from your PC browser.

    Another way is to download the Twitter app for your mobile phone and also to do the same, and there Twitter not blocks your account either. Is the same. Later you can use freely your account in you PC browser.

    I've been doing this for the last year, and I think you can, try it and tell us if working.

    Like I told you I wouldn't waste time on Twitter arging with idiots but if you want to lose it at least don't spend money in that.

  134. Um.
    A mobile phone, no matter how well attempted it is secured, is in principle a surveillance device.

    Go to, or, or, and have a look at how much data can be extracted not just from your browser alone but through your browser and extending to fingerprinting information specific to your phone.

    Now, you are free to make up your own mind of course, but I would not trust that my mobile phone would be unidentifiable even with a burner SIM-card purchased through a third party and even used in some foreign country without surveillance equipment and only S7-level mobile phone networks.
    Even with a Blackphone 2 and using ProtonVPN with secure-core activated, then double-chained to another VPN, and using the TOR browser.

    Mobile phones should not be trusted. Full stop. And if you are talking about "burner phones", then I hope to god you have read at least a few articles on and also the first chapter of the book "Astro Noise", because if not, you are either working in the intelligence community OR you are using a concept the full implications of which you do not understand.

  135. Have you backed up the text of Tom Grauer's articles? (I hope so).
    Could you make them available in a .zip as text files?

  136. I don't have that backup, but hopefully somebody does?

  137. If you google search the daily antifeminist you will find fragments of page headers showing much of his posting starts. I suggest everyone capture screenshots of the google search results for the daily antifeminist before they disappear. Many of his ideas can be reassembled from that to serve as starting points for his replacement.


    There are many fragments of DAF stuff at

  139. Saved by The WAYBACK Machine, it seems.*/

    For example:

  140. Use teleport pro if you're on windows to download the collected archive by scraping the waybackmachine's pages I guess, or wget on linux (look up 'how to archive a site with wget').

  141. Or, seems not everything is intact.
    Here could be some tips though:

  142. Ultimately someone needs to start a new blog and continue DAF's work with the same methods and every bit as extreme.

  143. "Somebody" "do" "need" to "continue" DAF's "work" "with the same methods" and "every bit" as "extreme"?


    Because that worked out so well for all of, what, less than a month?

    Here's a text I wrote up as an introduction to computer security for a client. Read, then consider what risks you are asking others to expose them to for your entertainment.

    An introduction to INFCSEC, OPSEC, and a little PSYSEC
    -”Living well with Insecurities without the FUD”

    I) The Simple Facts
    1. “I am Dave”
    2. “Why Security Depends Usability -- And How to...”
    3. “The Human ‘Attack Surface’ may be your weakest link”
    4. “Securing Online Personas”

    We are all human, and we all mess up. Therefore, teaching somebody a specific method, results in MORE opportunities for messing up, not LESS. Because then the person has absolutely no idea what he is doing or what risks he is exposing himself to, and when and how to decrease these risks. OR, more importantly, what makes him stand out more when taking risks that would otherwise be acceptable because one might assume that one got lost in the crowd.
    For example, downloading a torrent of a Hollywood movie means you are easily identifiable, even when using most VPNs (some combinations there are safer that others), but there are so many who download Hollywood movies that the chance of being singled out for persecution is small - and becomes vanishingly smaller still, should you be a poor person without the ability to pay for a fine or restitution to the company.
    If on the other hand you were to be downloading highly illegal material using the exact same method, publically available torrents, your risk of being persecuted and put behind bars skyrockets by orders of magnitude. You just increased your risk 10.000 times by using the exact same techniques that got you away with lesser crimes.

    Therefore, it is important to understand issues of Information Security (INFOSEC), what we can simplify down to the hardware, software, and networks being used, in combination with Operational Security - how you go about interacting, communicating, sharing and receiving data, all things that can be connected to your physical identity somehow. The police has many methods and are constantly getting more and more intelligence agency equipment, and the Internet is under extremely heavy surveillance. And that goes even more so for the darknets such as TOR, I2P, and Freenet.

    I have been asked to write some advice for the threat model of “a journalist and an investor”.
    A threat model is most easily explained by reading the description on the EFF’s pages: In brief, it’s about who you think are after you and how much you are willing to invest to avoid your persecuters successfully catching you.

    In order to fully comprehend how to assess this, we need to look a little bit at PSYOPS, the Discipline of Psychological Operations - in short, how your cognitive processes work.
    To quote Sun Tzu:
    To fight and conquer in all our battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.
    “If I determine the enemy's disposition of forces while I have no perceptible form, I can concentrate my forces while the enemy is fragmented. The pinnacle of military deployment approaches the formless: if it is formless, then even the deepest spy cannot discern it nor the wise make plans against it.”

  144. In short, as westerners boil it down to: “Know thy enemy”.
    Spend some time reading up on what equipment and capabilities they have, and see which nations are exporting what kind of surveillance gear and to where.
    Most likely you will be vulnerable to IMSI-catchers, TEMPEST-attacks, and facial recognition. As well as deep-packet inspection, which belongs in its own category of possible unknowable unknowns, as there may be automated hacking involved.

    The struggle for anonymity and secrecy is not hopeless however, just be aware that you are just a man and you are up against not just Goliath, but Leviathan(s).

    First let’s take a look at what we can learn from reading the very short article (3-4 minutes) “I am Dave”.
    1. Practice Security that is Practical for you
    2. Use different passwords for different sites
    3. Use a password manager that is disconnected from your machine
    4. Use two-factor authentication where you can (hardware tokens with backups)
    5. Open possibly suspect links in temporary virtual machines
    6. Accept the possibility of failure and plan for the disastreous aftermath
    7. You are stupid and you are going to remain stupid because you trust that computers and anti-virus works

    If you have gotten to this point without breaking out in a nerveous rash or shaking your fist at the screen, congratulations your first lesson is over. The details I have glossed over, but let’s move on and we can get back to them.

    Second paper we can learn from, expands upon the points in the first - “Why Security Depends on Usability” (7-9 minutes reading time). We humans are not thinking machines, we are feeling machines that happen to also think sometimes. Bounded rationality and heuristic replacements such as Stage I and Stage II thinking is a part of cognitive psychology, but in brief, we tend to take shortcuts where we can, especially if we are bored, don’t see the point in a series of convoluted steps, and we may have had a beer or two. Or twelve.
    As commented on in the paper, “The result is Shadow IT, where users do whatever they want without working through official channels, and without the scrutiny of the Department of No”.
    What we can learn from this paper, is:
    1. Passwords (that are memorizable) are a perversely depraved form of security theater
    2. Have several layers of security
    1. a long random password
    2. a two-factor authentication on a hardware token
    3. use disposable virtual machines
    4. use different physical machines for different things
    5. KISS - “Keep It Simple, Stupid!”
    6. Work out a workflow that works for you and makes you happy, stick to it like it was gospel
    7. Take all the advice you can get from people who wishes you well and wants to help
    8. Pay for it. Advice that is free is indistinguishable from opinionated drivel, advice that costs is professional (make sure that your advicer can prove his professionality)

    The third article keeps on hammering the point home, the problem is often situated between the chair and the keyboard. There’s even an acronym for that, PEBCAK.

  145. “The Human ‘Attack Surface’ May Be Your Weakest Link” (7-9 minutes read) explains what an ‘attack surface’ is, by describing it as the aggregate of all known, unknown, reachable and potentially exploitable weaknesses and vulnerabilities across the organization.
    In order to approach an understand of what the attack surface in question is, it proposess to contemplate what the weaknesses are, how to prioritize the risks, and how you can layer your defenses to reduce the attack surface. One good way to do that is through Virtual Machines, especially using Whonix or Chained VPNs - or, for those who can handle the rather steep learning curve, the upcoming Qubes OS version 4.0. More details can be expanded upon.
    In brief: Expect to be attacked and expect the attack to be partially sucessfull. Most people fall for phishing / spearphishing attacks at some point, and web-browsers are much more vulnerable than we want to understand. Then deal with it before it becomes fully successfull (by deleting your VMs from time to time for example, or using disposable ones as Qubes OS does).
    Also, stay up to date on advice from reputable security organizations.
    They advice the industry, what is good for the industry is good for you - although keep in mind that you are “Dave”, you are just a man, and adjust the advice given to what is practically implementable for you.
    Still, keeping a list of possible threats and never deviating from how you have decided to respond to them, will help a lot in keeping you out of trouble.
    And the machine that you use when you are drunk and want to look at pornography, or chat with random people, is not the same physical machine that you use for ‘serious business’ - and that you turn off in the meantime (or keep on a separate net).

    So far we have been talking about the easy things, the issue of “Securing Online Personas” is much more advanced and it has been attempted to remove from the internet. So we’ll skip that for now, and move on to the mere practical aspects. Some of these may be possible for you to do, some may be impractical, that’s why I am presenting several and you can pick and chose and we can have a discussion on the merits and relative usefullness of them all.

    1. Purchase a Raspberry Pi (or a similar cheap microcomputer).
    Use this machine exclusively for whatever your one singular issue that is most important to you, is. If you have an issue #2, purchase another machine for that.
    Know which is which, if possible put them on different subnets.
    2. Get and use a password manager. Put only passwords that are relevant to issue number #n, on each password file. Or, consider a hardware password manager such as a pastilda.
    3. Get IBM Virtualbox, get Whonix, set it up with bridges if you need to.
    4. Get a good VPN. ProtonVPN, AirVPN, Mullwad and Cryptostorm are all reputable according to what I have been told.
    5. Chain your TOR connection so that it goes through your VPN, OR chain two VPNs together. ProtonVPN does this if you set it to use secure-core, and it also terminates your connection if the VPN goes down and protects you from DNS leaks, so if you are on windows then just go for ProtonVPN.

    I don't thing nobody "needs" to do anything, especially not against opponents who'se ability to track somebody down are almost on par with a nation state level.

    See also

    1. Instead of all that I once again suggest actual ya know, physical real life meetups. maybe I'll start a group on 'anti feminist' just to see if anyone shows up,OR a cop or two.I've been to a few atheist get togethers but never started my own group.

  146. 'Hate symbols'. well, after reading all this and much more I doubt I'll ever go back on Twitter again. I'm not NEARLY 'techie''ve got to dot all your I's, cross all the T's,and being 'anti feminist' just that in your profile ALONE puts you in the spotlight.the feminist that forced me off twitter,while claiming I'M the one "stalking" HER is busy night and day blocking 100,000s! Nope thats not a
    typo.i just read her timeline and if you have the "nerve" to ask her why you're blocked? She' screams "stop harassing me"! And THIS is the cunt that called the cops in my area(A mere 3000 miles from her) to bitch about me,and they paid me a visit! White knight scum...

  147. "I don't have that backup, but hopefully somebody does?"

    Real brilliant white boys.
    You're the true grass eaters.

    Anyone trying to help Tom, or find out what happened?

    1. How could I help him? And moreover, why? Nobody and I mean nobody ever backed me up or supported ME when I was on twitter.but the man haters on there? Backup a plenty,and that's why they're winning.toms probably in jail,the very place i'm trying to avoid far more of a lefty than a conservative,but being anti feminist,i'm lumped right in with the alt right nazis it seems.I'm also anti imperialism/endless wars & lousy pig cops(I'll NEVER take that stance online,or in public ever again) & the govt hates goal going forward is to STOP doing all that online bs and attempt to override my lack of free will.if I actually possessed free will? I'd never have kept on returning to Twitter.

  148. "Saved by The WAYBACK Machine, it seems."

    It seems. It seems. Key word.
    Like in everything, the white boy only looks at the surface, sees it's "aaight", then carries on.

    In this way he is easily manipulated by his betters.

    If you had checked any of the articles, the archive does not have it. The articles are what matters, not the coverpage.

  149. I haven't tuned into the 'oscars'(remember when the Oscars were about movies?) tonight or any awards show ever again, and late night "comedy talk shows".they used to be about comedy! Anyone remember that? now it's liberal pc male bashing #metoo "hilarity".i'm also done with almost all movies now."wonder woman" was the nail in the coffin for me. gal gadot: "if you're not a feminist, you're sexist". Ok then i think i'll be skipping the sequel.i used to go out to the movies every week.last year I saw 3,none yet so far this year.

  150. "Why should I help him"
    He created work-product that is actually useful in furtherance of achieving your goal...
    (...If only you had saved said work-product...)

    "No one has helped me"

    "I don't want to go to jail"
    When your enemy is willing to use a tool, you must use a similar tool or another tool.
    The tools are: force, persuasion. White men are completely inept at linquistics, so persuasion is out.
    (yes: white men are stupid people: that is why they were living in grass huts while Romans lived in palaces)
    (that is also why they have "jobs", rather than capital and that which is attracted by capital)
    White men are not willing to use force except in the interests of white women, so that is out too.
    Ergo: You lose.

    What can you do to win then?
    Import those who can use one of the two tools that exist, at the least.
    Tom Grauer could use linquistics.
    But you throw him away...

    When you have nothing at your disposal...

    A clear path to victory, white boys... Such stunningly thought out strategems.

    "Twitter, bla bla, woman, 3000 miles away"
    I have a question. If you could fire an arrow from concealment or from a freshly plowed field, which vantage point would you choose?
    The internet, unlike previous forms of communication, allows you the opportunity to converse (sometimes directly) with any key-holder on earth that you wish, in addition to the followers of whatever group you are targeting.
    It also, unlike previous forms of communication, allows you to deny the target information on from where the communication is originating.
    Thus you can run influence campaigns with much less risk than in the past (and with much more success.)

    And yet you choose to forgo all these advantages and carry on like you have for the last infinite-thousand years.

    Again. Brilliant. White man.

    1. Yes I "chose" to forgo being repeatedly suspended on Twitter despite my moderate comments AND being visited personally by the police regarding "complaints from the community" about my online activities? Yea I "chose" to forgo the internet and so would you if you were in my situation.anyway I've been informed on here that "arguing with idiots" on Twitter is a waste of time and I agree.

  151. Not saving the archive was a mistake. We should have seen this coming. I thought he would take some steps to preserve it himself, but either he doesn't care or something really bad happened to him. I don't know how to help him, however, but welcome suggestions.

    Also, this is not about race. Men of all races need to unite against the feminist state. If we are going to have a Men's Movement, we must absolutely avoid degenerating into race-baiting like the rest of the alt-right. Tom Grauer was very clear on this as well except when he was trolling.

  152. Hello Eivind.

    I am a young woman who fantasizes about preteen boys. If I unleashed my sexuality, it wouldn't be harmless. So, how about you start researching your claims a bit better and perhaps become a better person in the process? Not that I have high hopes for you.

  153. LOL, a brainwashed fool. Unlike what the feminists tell you, as a female, your sexuality is absolutely harmless and there is nothing you can do to harm preteen boys by virtue of your sexuality. You can abuse them in other ways, of course, which can incidentally be sexualized, but not by having sex itself.

    1. What if I were to abuse my own son? Of course, you'd still think it's harmless. Your brain is so focused on sex that you think every male enjoys it with every possible female.

      There was a case of a little boy raped by his mother here in Finland. That same little boy attempted to rape a little girl in his daycare. So cute.

    2. If you visit America,look me can rape me any ol time and I won't even call the cops!

  154. And to be clear, I have looked at the "research," (which is so steeped in feminist ideology as to not deserve that name), and not found one shred of evidence that female sexuality can harm boys. When there is harm (and it is always associational, as no nocebo-controlled studies have been done, obviously), the sex is always conflated with other, physical or emotional abuse. So if you are a sadist or violent or neglectful, then yes, you can harm boys, but not with sex itself. This research calls sex abuse ipso facto, because that is the ideology of our day, but it has no empirical support for that assertion and no plausible mechanism of harm, which is to say no scientific support whatsoever.

    I personally *know* my life would have been better if I had a woman like you as a preteen. You would know it too if you ditch your brainwashing and look at the research in an intellectually honest way. The alternative for young boys is masturbation, which is *actually* harmful, so you could save them from that if society wasn't so messed up by odious feminist ideology. It is terribly sad that you buy into this crap yourself and believe you would harm boys by being nice to them.

  155. To answer the rape and incest claims: Women cannot rape boys, but like I said, other abuse can incidentally be sexual. So if a boy is forced into sexual acts that he does not want, it can be abuse and harmful, but not because it is sex. This is one place where I can say with complete confidence that the sex law needs to be completely eliminated, of any reference to female perpetrators. Such abuse needs to be prosecuted as nonsexual abuse, because the sexual aspect does not aggravate the offense. You have only been hoodwinked by the feminists into thinking it does.

  156. For completeness' sake I should add that there is one plausible mechanism for harm, and that is the iatrogenic one. I suppose it is possible to brainwash some boys into thinking they have been harmed by sex with women and thus cause harm, given enough effort by the feminist abuse industry. It doesn't deserve the name iatrogenic either, since this is the workings of a hateful pseudoscientific cult, and the only morally relevant fact about this kind of abuse is that it needs to be eliminated by abolishing the asinine notion that women can be sexual abusers (which is a very new idea anyway, only a few decades old and inextricably linked to feminist denial of sex differences, so it shouldn't really be that hard to reverse). Ironically, this is one area where women need male sexualism at least as much as men, since they apparently lack the intuitive understanding that women can't rape or sexually abuse and obviously lack the spine to stand up against feminist sex-hostility.

  157. So to sum up the plausible mechanisms for harm of unforced sex other than iatrogenic, the kind we might need an age of consent for: Homosexuality is gross (applicable only to male offenders, obviously) and Girls ruin their reputation or marriage value and virginity where that is valued (also only applicable to male offenders). So the idea is that the child feels used for giving away something that she didn't know would harm her emotionally, which is arguably tantamount to abuse when the child cannot be blamed for lacking that understanding due to insufficient development. Any justification for age of consent needs to flow from that premise. There are other possible negative consequences of sex, such as STDs and unwanted or unhealthy pregnancies, but those don't lead to the feeling of being sexually abused any more than contracting flu from a social setting leads to a feeling of social abuse, so those are separate issues and not an age of consent issue if the age of consent is to be construed in terms of sexual abuse (this is debatable, but if we are going to include other reasons for an inability to consent, then we also need to adjust the severity of the crime downward accordingly).

  158. In response to the Finnish woman who fantasizes about teenage boys, you are most welcome to join the support-forum at

    It's timing out right now, but I expect it will be responsive in a little while.

    There you will find quite a lot of women just like you, who you can talk to openly and perhaps find some comfort in knowing that you are not alone, and that attractions can easily be handled responsibly - as opposed to what the media under the police's propaganda and the politicians desire for distracting scapegoats from their own illegitimate conduct, claims, that we are in any way "bad" people.

    There are several women in their twenties there, from both Sweden and Finland I believe.

    I would also add, for your information, that about half of the entire human population has rape fantasies, so the point that fantasies or attractions are "bad" becomes somewhat a moot point, ignoring human sexual nature.

  159. I passed on the Oscars of course as all that is is showcasing/elevating women while simultaneously bashing men.
    The hashtag #Oscarsowhite says it all.

  160. "Yes white men are stupid"

    I would more accurately say that Anglosphere men are stupid. While the subject of youth sexuality is taboo in many parts of the world, Puritanism-Feminism (i.e. the combination of extreme misandry, Puritanism and sex-negativity) has its origins in the Anglosphere. The Anglosphere did make a lot of material/scientific contributions to humanity, but culturally it has been a disaster. The Anglobitch blog goes into this in more detail (

  161. I think you can recover most of The Daily Antifeminist's work if you do this:

    1. Go to
    2. In the search box type:

    3. You will now see hopefully all (or most?) of his articles listed. For each link, click the little arrow and you can view the cached version of the page

    4. Figure out the best way to export and share it. I have little time right now so thought I would share this method so hopefully at least some of us will save it all. I am wondering if we should make a new blog with his stuff? Dunno when (if) bing empties its cache.

  162. Yikes.I'm back on Twatter to prove I must be a glutton for punishment. walking on eggshells & self censoring is such a blast! mostly going to retweet this time around,the key to longevity on twatter.

  163. ""Yes I "chose" to forgo being repeatedly suspended on Twitter despite my moderate comme..""

    Read the post again.
    Current technology allows you a degree of anonymity while conversing with others which has never existed before. You choose to be ignorant of how to achieve such.

    That's your choice. As a white man.

    I will repost the post since you didn't seem to "get" it (surprise surprise grass-eaters)

    Also women have been cunts to white men for all of recorded history. Only female children ever were nice. Also white men didn't invent shit. Romans, Mediterraneans, etc invented much while white morons were in grass huts ("We wuz romanz n shit", My ancestor!).


    "Why should I help him"
    He created work-product that is actually useful in furtherance of achieving your goal...
    (...If only you had saved said work-product...)

    "No one has helped me"

    "I don't want to go to jail"
    When your enemy is willing to use a tool, you must use a similar tool or another tool.
    The tools are: force, persuasion. White men are completely inept at linquistics, so persuasion is out.
    (yes: white men are stupid people: that is why they were living in grass huts while Romans lived in palaces)
    (that is also why they have "jobs", rather than capital and that which is attracted by capital)
    White men are not willing to use force except in the interests of white women, so that is out too.
    Ergo: You lose.

    What can you do to win then?
    Import those who can use one of the two tools that exist, at the least.
    Tom Grauer could use linquistics.
    But you throw him away...

    When you have nothing at your disposal...

    A clear path to victory, white boys... Such stunningly thought out strategems.

    "Twitter, bla bla, woman, 3000 miles away"
    I have a question. If you could fire an arrow from concealment or from a freshly plowed field, which vantage point would you choose?
    The internet, unlike previous forms of communication, allows you the opportunity to converse (sometimes directly) with any key-holder on earth that you wish, in addition to the followers of whatever group you are targeting.
    It also, unlike previous forms of communication, allows you to deny the target information on from where the communication is originating.
    Thus you can run influence campaigns with much less risk than in the past (and with much more success.)

    And yet you choose to forgo all these advantages and carry on like you have for the last infinite-thousand years.

    Again. Brilliant. White man.

  164. Where do you think child pornography comes from? If you consume it, in a certain way you are being complicit or helping to keep that activity in demand and continue to exist not only pedophiles but mafias that exploit children who should be playing whore logically, with their parents or in school.
    The diffusion of the image of a murdered child does not create a demand for murdered children, it will serve the function of reporting a fact, with more or less grief and with certain interests.

  165. I reject all arguments for the benefit of criminalizing child pornography as morally outweighed by the tremendous harm of the police state we are now witnessing, with its hateful tactics such as those employed in Operation Ore as well as the general depressiveness on all our moods of living under such a regime. And that's without even getting into my principled anti-censorship stance which rejects the very concept of criminalizing the possession of information on philosophical grounds. And the insane overreach of child porn law which now even criminalizes fictional texts in my country and is more akin to a blasphemy law than anything designed to protect children. The primary purpose of child porn law is to protect the puritan-feminist dogma that minors are asexual, which of course is a lie. This is something I feel profoundly strongly about; I seethe with hatred against anyone who condones child porn law. Despite having no interest in child porn myself and recognizing that all pornography is harmful to the male viewer, the other considerations are so strong that I consider this one of the most important MRA issues. Child porn law is above all a weapon of mass criminalization in the hands of sadistic and unaccountable police.

    As to being "complicit" -- well, everything is connected to everything else in the world, so in some sense we are all complicit in everything. For example, if you buy an iPhone, you are complicit in creating demand for child slavery or at least horrible labor conditions somewhere in the chain of production or mining of raw materials (which is surely worse than most child porn). But we have to draw the line somewhere and treat a product as just that. When you copy information such as child porn and keep it on your hard drive, that line has long since been crossed, and anyone who wants to criminalize you for it is a horrible person. Since most people are now like that, MRAs are deeply isolated when we see them for the morally depraved people that they are, and I wasn't joking about needing Quisling therapy to cope with it.

  166. Here is a link to that child labor problem I was referring to:

    "There were children digging in trenches and laboring in lakes -- hunting for treasure in a playground from hell.

    The work is hard enough for an adult man, but it is unthinkable for a child. Yet tens of thousands of Congolese kids are involved in every stage of mining for cobalt. The latest research by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) estimates 40,000 children are working in DRC mines.

    Even those too young to work -- dust-covered infants clinging to their mothers and playing on the dirty ground -- spend much of the day breathing in toxic fumes."

    But I guess that is nothing compared to a sexualized image, am I right? Never mind that the cobalt thus mined have been shown to end up in products from Apple, Microsoft, Tesla and Samsung -- there is absolutely no call to criminalize these products, because that sort of special hysteria is reserved for sex only, and that is what I cannot morally tolerate.

  167. By typing this, I am complicit in child labor. You are too, for reading it. Why won't somebody think of the children and criminalize us? Because that would be too much trouble. You feel the need to do something, but only by pointing at someone else. It is so convenient to have a scapegoat, a group responsible for a tiny sliver of what is wrong with the world even though we are all complicit in worse things, and single them out for unlimited persecution for the most flimsy reasons.

  168. Besides, the argument that consumption of child porn creates demand for it isn't even true. This is like saying that eating food makes you hungry. Production and consumption result from demand, and do not cause it.

    While it is true that we are all "complicit" in the creation of everything, it is not because of consumption.

  169. I have some of DAF's articles (the one's I found most interesting) saved from the Bing archive. However, I do not want to send them directly to anyone or post them to any site. Is it okay if I gradually post them here in the comments?

  170. Yes, that is good, go ahead and post them here, thanks. Probably best to avoid the illustrations, but they can't be posted here anyway since this is text-only :)

    There should not be a problem with ideological diatribe, but if anything seems to be against the Google TOS or Norwegian law I may need to remove it again.

  171. Title: Rape Apologia: Explainig The Method in The Madness

    How to Win a Cultural War
    People in this movement have been so long on the defensive that they’ve forgotten what it’s like to go on the offensive. In this way, manosphere 1.0 is like many conservative movements: essentially, it’s always reactive in nature, rarely proactive. So used are you, the old-schooler, to having your worldview shaped by your enemies, that forging any way out of this mess is inconceivable to your mind. Your terminology is borrowed from people who want you castrated. Your current sense of morality has been imposed on you by people who see you as the scum of the Earth. You’ve been living this way for decades. Indeed, you’ve been living under these conditions for centuries; I’m not calling you a Dracula here, but noting the fact that all of your ancestors in the past 200 years or so had, in various degrees, absorbed this poison.

    The enemy has the weapons; you don’t. You can’t fight him using his own weapons, because his own weapons are in his hands, not in your hands. You need to fight the enemy with your own weapons. And because you don’t have any — since you allowed the enemy to conquer all of your territory — you are now left to whine impotently, in the corner, alone. This is where manosphere 1.0 is: whining impotently, in the corner, alone. It’s not because of me, you see. It’s because of you. You lost by default, because your fight has always been half-measured, if even that. Say, you want to defeat Feminism. Can you do that by accepting all or most of its premises, then trying to use those premises against the thing itself? No, man. That doesn’t work, in the long run. You need to have your own worldview. Or consider this: you want to legalize adult-child sexual relations. What do — or, rather, what did — you do to achieve that goal? You embraced large chunks of the dominant narrative, then tried to flip them upside down. Where did that get you?

    In short, you have no idea how to win a centuries-long cultural war, and you’re probably too old and too tired to even attempt such a thing. But that’s cool. Because your time is over. There is now something new on the horizon.

  172. Humor Belongs in Politics As Much As, Or Even More-so, Than It Belongs in Comedy

    The first thing to do to win a cultural war is to be interesting. If you’re not interesting — and especially, I mean, interesting to those who haven’t already embraced your worldview — you’re not in the game. You’re out of it. Look at the people who promote pedohysteria. They are, in their own way, interesting: they tell you stories about horrible “abuse,” and then present their side as heroic for trying to fight against this “abuse.” That’s a very simple narrative, but it’s appealing to a lot of people: it appeals to men’s heroism and to women’s nurturing instincts. It’s a very basic black-and-white narrative about very evil people, the pedophiles, who are harming innocent kids due to sheer evil, and about the “righteous folk” who are always on guard against these scheming pedos. Likewise, the Feminist narrative is also in its own way interesting: the world is full of rape and misogyny, but women — the weak underdog in the story — are successfully using their talents to defeat all the evil that men are creating.

    It doesn’t matter that these narratives are all garbage. They are interesting. And what is our narrative? Yes, we have theories — such as the “gynocentrism theory” — but that’s not exactly a narrative. See, currently we don’t have a cohesive narrative. “The woman I was infatuated with put me in the friendzone, now I’m a Men’s Rights Activist” is not a winning narrative. But I have a narrative for you – a story about escaping. In my story, the world has been taken over by an evil force called “Puritanism-Feminism,” these being two sides of the same coin. That force, which is manifested in both right-wing and left-wing forms, is the antithesis of our cause, which we call “male sexuality.” And what we seek is to escape from the dominion of Puritanism-Feminism and have a place, somewhere on Earth, where we can be free to do as we please to satisfy our sexual needs. And to convince people to take our side in this battle, we have to use humor.

    Humor is the father and mother of all modern cultural shifts, without exception. Look at any active movement today that has gained any traction outside the small niche it had originally constituted, there you will find plenty of humor. Chief example is the alt-right, since we need to learn from those who are winning, and currently it’s those guys. The alt-right originated from Encyclopedia Dramatica (for those unfamiliar: it’s like Wikipedia, only with wild shock humor instead of serious articles) and 4chan. I’ve been seeing that kind of humor way back in 2008. I was 13-year-old then. It did not originate from people in suits and ties delivering boring lectures. That, I can tell you. Here’s the formula: humor is charisma, and charisma is persuasion. If you can raise a chuckle out of an audience — be it a real audience sitting on chairs in front of your stage, or an amorphous faceless internet audience — you can plant your message inside their heads. And to be funny, your humor has to resonate with the kind of people you’re trying to influence. Which, in my view, should be young people.

  173. Shock Culture and Trolling
    As long as we refuse to say the “unsayable,” we lose. We must be able to break the taboos that have been imposed on our thoughts. These taboos were not invented yesterday. Getting all up in arms over the latest progression of the disease, without doing anything to actually cure it root and branch, is an exercise in pointlessness. And the reason we have those “unsayable things” is that we have failed to undermine the foundations on which they are built. How can we undermine these foundations? Surely, it’s not by building something else on top of them. The foundations themselves have to be exploded. Here the troll comes into play.

    We’re living in a “shock culture” in which, for instance, the only response to my suggestion that rape should be legalized is shock. There is no attempt to make a counter-argument, because merely thinking about the suggestion makes a lot of people shut down their critical thinking centers inside their brains due to their brains being overloaded with this shock. That, at least, is the initial response. But here’s the thing: you won’t be shocked forever. By trolling you into being shocked, I bypassed your crimestop barriers. You can’t un-hear it. Too late. The unsayable has been made sayable. Now, it’s just a matter of time before your shock subsides and you decide to consider what I’m saying. That’s what trolling does: it triggers you to the point where you can no longer be triggered, and then you are mentally free to engage with the actual content beneath the troll. It doesn’t mean that you’ll agree with me that rape should be legalized. But if I keep repeating this “troll” for a long enough time, eventually it will stop being a troll. It’ll just be an opinion. Perhaps even an opinion you could agree with.

    People ask “is he serious with these over-the-top posts?” See, the fact that they’re asking this question proves the effectiveness of my strategy: they have been trolled. At some point they’ll have to respond to the troll, if not directly then in their own minds. That will be interesting, will it not?

  174. Desensitization

    When the boundaries are set by the enemy, not by a neutral third-party, it’s in your rational self-interest to push the boundaries as far as they can be pushed. You want to be as free from the inimical external restrictions placed against you as you can. To do that, you have to be bold. You can’t flinch back when you see some uncomfortable sights. You must be determined. For that purpose, your mind needs to be desensitized to the horrors of war. But don’t worry; it’s not — and, hopefully, won’t have to be — a real war. You don’t have to see real corpses lying on the ground. What we’re engaged in, as I’ve written numerous times, is a war of ideas. I’m fighting their ideas with my ideas. I’m killing their arguments with my arguments. Right now, we have no power to determine any policies. I’ve made that point several times, and I’ll keep making it until all of you memorize it. We are currently outside the system of power. The only thing we have is our ideas. That’s our “weapon.”

    That means that we have to be as effective as we can with our ideas. That requires ruthlessness. Weakness is not a strength. If you gave up the first time someone called you a “virgin” or a “rapist” or a “misogynist” or a “molester,” you wouldn’t be here. Well, I want to bring you to the point where you can hear some bitch or some Blue Knight telling you that you are a pervert, and actually not give a shit about hearing that. Right now, many people in the “pedo-sphere” seem very concerned about what others are saying about them. By openly saying “child prostitution should be legal, and I would personally fuck an 8-year-old girl,” I’m showing you, by my own example, what it means to not give a damn what names people call me. I have become desensitized to what the struggle against Puritanism-Feminism entails. Certainly, it entails being called bad names. It could also mean other things. But when you’re not shocked anymore, then you are ready to fight. And to win.

    Having become accustomed to living under Puritan-Feminist dominion, you must be desensitized to the “radical alternative” proposed here. I know that people who use the term “paradigm shift” often have Dunning-Kruger, but this ‘thing’ here is, in my view, the beginning of a paradigm shift. Optimistically speaking, that is.

  175. It Doesn’t Matter What I “Really” Think

    You may think: “do you actually believe that it’s a good thing if it were legal to rape?” But that’s the thing about pushing the boundaries until they can no longer be pushed: it actually is irrelevant what I “really” think. I have no power. I don’t make any policies. All I have is a blog where I can share my ideas, and use calculated extremism to make sure those ideas have the intended effect. They could always ban my blog under whatever pretexts. As long as I’m allowed to have it, I’ll use it to do the kind of activism I’m good at. That won’t be long-winded scholarly articles about the issues important to us, because my target audience doesn’t care about that, and frankly I’m more of a jimmy-rustler than a serious intellectual.

    What you need to understand about mass propaganda is that it’s always going to be dumbed-down and simplistic. I wrote a post explaining how my system of legalized rape could work. But the system obviously requires more thinking, since has some potential flaws. And I’ll probably write more about this issue in the future. But the point is that these are all nuances that mask the bigger picture. What people will see — and what they should see, in an unequivocal manner — is “rape should be legal.” Getting into the finer details of how, exactly, a society can function with legalized rape (“is it legalized under all circumstances? what are the exact circumstances?”) has nothing to do with the broad message. The broad message is that the whole taboo around this issue has to be shattered, once and for all. “Rape” is the cornerstone of the Puritan-Feminist program. Take the concept of “rape” away from them, and they’ve got nothing. The moment “rape” is treated as a non-issue is the moment we can finally remove the curse of the latest 200 years.

    As I said in other places, this is a war of ideas, and once the idea of “rape” loses all its potency, we can go forth and win this centuries-long cultural war, which is the purpose. If we can have a place on Earth where rape is legal, to that place we could escape from Puritan-Feminist tyranny.
