Thursday, September 27, 2018

I am under attack by a criminal harasser

When I was investigated for incitement on my blog in 2012 and later cleared of all charges to the point of being compensated for wrongful imprisonment, the police pretty much stayed within the laws and norms governing their behavior and never even encouraged me to remove any content. If the police are going to arrest you, they will simply do it and not threaten you just because they don't like your blog or disagree with your opinions or whatever. They are capable of bringing ridiculous charges against you, but so far they have respected the courts when told it's not a criminal matter.

And I still don't think the police misbehaves that way. So when I received the following threat today:

"Du har 48 timer til å lukke bloggen din og din Twitter-konto. Hvis du ignorerer dette, vil jeg få en rettsordre for at politiet skal komme inn i huset ditt og ta dine elektroniske gjenstander. Ikke lek med meg."

Translation: "You have 48 hours to close your blog and your Twitter-account. If you ignore this, I will get a court order to have the police come into your house and seize your electronic equipment. Don't toy with me."

I can be sure it is not originating from the police or prosecutors or anyone with the authority to get a court order. What this is is criminal threats or harassment directed at me as a law-abiding citizen. As it happens, I think I know who is behind -- the character known as Gally here on my blog -- but I shall refrain from naming him publicly yet as I don't have proof. I initially thought he was a friend of our movement, but he turned out to be both crazy and evil, having now turned against me and set his mind to shut down my blog and Twitter account and who knows what else he is up to.

Yesterday he posted material which can be construed as child pornography in a comment and reported me for it. I promptly deleted the comment and Google administrators didn't buy into his scheme, thankfully. But this is an extremely serious situation for me as I am targeted by a vicious criminal who also has considerable expertise on computer security and is therefore very dangerous. I am putting this all out in the open so that if something does happen to me, you know the background. While I don't think he is violent, he has demonstrated that he is capable of manufacturing false evidence and make false accusations, which can turn really ugly by itself.

Of course, the appropriate response is to report him to the police myself for criminal harassment, and I am seriously considering this. I will not be harassed into silence, and still don't think the authorities use such methods against free speech in Norway. Of course, I must also look out for my own safety and any advice is welcome from my genuine commenters. I do ask all my commenters to keep it very clean and not give him anything that can be used to escalate this. I just want to forget him and move on with my political blogging, but as he has decided to make a nuisance of himself I am taking the precautionary step of this warning. He has also been impersonating other members of our movement in order to damage us, so any communication purporting to be from us must be treated with extreme suspicion. I even got a request yesterday from a supposed documentary filmmaker who wanted info about our movement, and I suspect he is behind that as well, but can't be sure. As you can see, such behavior is psychologically damaging and is criminal for a reason that I also support. This is threats against an individual, nothing like the political speech that I have been controversial for, and Gally will only be exposed as the common criminal that he is if he tries anything.


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john said...

yea, only that might never happen, certainly not in any of our lifetimes.

I've also got to make a new years resolution to stop commenting on this blog.

a good 97% of my comments are ignored and I wouldn't even be on here if I was 'allowed' back on Twitter

I just don't know how to change i.p and phone numbers like socks as some people can.

I'm not a practicing or wanna be pedo either so this appears not to be the place for me on the internet.

Eivind Berge said...

I have been putting a lot of effort into Twitter lately, John, but my number of followers isn't increasing. It stays put at just under 1500 even if I tweet all day long. No matter what we do, there simply isn't much interest in male sexualist ideas.

Things are happening that are indirectly good for men though and the left is getting pounded. Love the new NPC meme :)

For those who haven't seen it yet, NPC means non-player character and is a great way to dehumanize. The term is similar to "philosophical zombie" or just zombie which I have previously been using as a slur for people who buy into the female sex offender charade, since their "thinking" is so far removed from normal sexuality that they don't seem human.

The NPC meme is so successful that Twitter made a new rule against it, so I suggest not using it if you are planning to return there.

john said...

I won't if I ever do.and yeah, it seems "mras" mgtows on Twitter seem to be confined to around 1000+/- followers.

i miss it but I have to play the "bad guy" on and offline.shit gets VERY old but appears to be my "destiny".

Anonymous said...

bye john, we'll be better off without sexual eunuchs and paranoids like you.

john said...

who's "we"? you mean, you the troll?

Anonymous said...

I didn't say I impersonated anyone. I said that I have commented with other random names, why I had no reason to have a "persona" in these places.

I have not impersonated anyone in these 3 years, only instead of putting erich or another name I have used "iloveteens636754" to give an example or I have simply commented as anonymous.

Eivind Berge said...

Didn't you just say that you commented as The Antifeminist and even copied his content? That is impersonation.

john said...

yeah beat it you pathetic incel.go to an Incel board, plenty of em out there tranny. btw, an asshole is NOT a vagina.never will be. any "man" sticking there dick in another man's asshole should be tortured,then killed.

john said...

I've got a tip for ya eivind.delete any and all commenting as anonymous. there fixed it for ya.

Anonymous said...

I never said that I impersonated theantifeminist and his commentary. What I say is that I copied content from his blog when it was open, i.e. to make threads in forums using his blog posts.

Anonymous said...

You mean me, john?

Now I'm "incel" but I was more young I've fucked more than you, for sure, just once would be enough for that.

Yes, I know that an ass is not the same as a vagina, thank you. And your argument for condemning someone to torture and death for putting his penis in an ass is...?

Eivind Berge said...

Ok, well, somebody has been doing it and there was even an impersonation of me on a male sexualist forum. But I'm glad that was not you then. Anyway I think activism is more effective if you use a consistent persona. If you agree with what The Antifeminist says, put it in your own words or quote him with attribution. The way you did it, it just seemed like someone was messing with us and trying to promote discord.

ZeroTheErmine said...

Sex-hostility and child porn laws are evil. Yeah. They rape children. If you talk to one of you pedophile friends as a underaged commentator, he’ll say that, when it comes to porn (which he tells you is likely going to happen to you if youre minor,) they, “not leave young girls alone… usually.” Usually. As in not always. As in they sometimes FUCK LITTLE GIRLS.

I don’t care if everything else they touch turns into rainbow fucking sprinkles, I don’t care if being a anti-pedophile is literally Hitler, that is not acceptable.

john said...

you can't invent a name? you must be retarded.your i.p number gives you completely away.i don't get the "anonymous" just type in Nancy or mangina.i hope that helps!

john said...

funny how some people say MY posts are least half the posts on here I have to read over and over.not eivinds
mind you.

Anonymous said...

From the Left, which defends human rights above all other considerations, we cannot continue to tolerate the situation of helplessness of the thousands and thousands of women and minors who are victims of this extreme form of male violence. According to data from different organizations, between 80% and 90% of the women prostituted are trafficked and forced.

To speak of "sex workers" with these data is an insult to intelligence. They are human beings enslaved and forced to perform acts against their will. In this context, controversy has arisen over the constitution of a self-styled union of "sex workers". In reality, it is a union of pimps, as can be seen from the trajectory of several of the people who promote it. We find ourselves, then, before another stratagem of the owners of alternates and brothels to improve their rates of profit.

It is necessary to bravely approach this problem from a double perspective, the first and most urgent is to implement policies that harshly pursue and punish the pimps and traffickers of women. The second is the adoption of a series of social, psychological and employment support measures for prostituted women, as well as the penalization of prostitution consumers and those locals who violate the integrity of women.

We must not forget that there is trafficking because there is prostitution, just as there was slave trade because there was slavery. The democratic attitude to slavery is based on the rejection of a statute degrading human dignity, not on the perception that each slave may have of his or her condition. That is why, under the Convention on Human Rights, we advocate the abolition of all forms of sexual exploitation, as the Swedish Government has done, eradicating demand without penalising prostituted women and prosecuting those responsible for trafficking or participating in this form of violence.

Prostitution is exploitation, slavery and the oldest violence invented by patriarchy to control and subdue women.

The Left clearly shares and defends the ambitious position of the abolitionist movement, which places the root of the problem in the violation of human rights. Rights which, as essential, are out of the question: the rights of all people not to be sexually abused or used, neither free of charge, nor in exchange for any economic compensation. At the same time, we are convinced of the need for women victims and survivors of this situation of exploitation to organise themselves in order to abolish this extreme form of macho violence.

john said...

oh joy! another misandric brainwashed feminist! gotta love "80 to 90% of prostitutes are trafficked or forced.
where'd you "learn" that bullshit?

lemme guess, "women studies" "gender studies". yea, women's studies need to be abolished asap.

I agree with Janice fiamengo, camille paglia, Christina Hoff sommers,Jordan Peterson, and 100s of other intellectuals and feminists, its GOTTA go!

john said...

yes,while were at it, lets also make stripping illegal,lol.i say put all those cock teasers out of that super easy high paying job!
I completely agree with that!

john said...

I think you disgust that girls under age 18 are seen by boys in a sexual way. I dislike lolis because i think is not normal to be turn on by a little girl in anime or in real life. But you know what it sells is what anime will still make.

john said...

another incoherent reply. where you at Latvia? Kazakhstan?



You are a fucking liar.

The best blowjobs of my life were given to me by a 37-year-old woman. I was 26. But I was a whore, a psychopath, daughter of a whore who made me experience Hell, because I lived with her for two years.

But sex with her was brutal.

Later I was with girls of 21 and 22 years old. No point of comparison, man. The MILF wins by a landslide.


18-21 = JUST KIDS

21-30 = BAH



Well, I "don't like" Sabrina Vaz.

I prefer them with a lot of everything. And many of those are missing tits and ass. It's like eating a half-cooked sponge cake.

What I think is that you're either half queer and you're into androgyny or you like girls half grown up... you'll know.

Eivind Berge said...

You are entitled to your opinion as to what ages of women you prefer. However, I am sure you don't speak for the average man. Also I shake my head at your emphasis on skill, which has almost nothing to do with it in my view. The quality of sex is determined by the hotness of the woman, and I think most men agree that the teens to early twenties are the hottest ages. Well, falling in love overrides all of that, which can happen at more variable ages, but for pure lust, there is no question that teen girls reign supreme.

theantifeminist said...

This is one of the creepiest things I've ever seen. The 'Soham' murders of two little girls 15 or so years ago in a small English town by their psychopathic school caretaker, did more than just about any other single thing to launch full-blown paedohysteria in the UK. The irony is that the murderer had a 20 something girlfriend, and was probably just a psychopath seizing an opportunity to have his way with two vulnerable victims who couldn't fight back. So he wasn't a paedophile or an 'ephebophile' or even a 'hebephophile'.

Now the 'women of Soham' have posed nude for a Christmas calender, including one of the murdered girl's mothers and aunts. This is creepy beyond words. It's like these hags are publicly stating - 'those little girls didn't die in vain. Now we middle-aged hags can flaunt are bodies and all you men are paedophiles if you don't find us sexy' (I'm sure the mangina pervert 'advocat' above would agree with these lovely ladies').

I've always thought that the media in the UK turn child murders into some kind of inverted, perverted ancient fertility rite, where the 'sacrificial young virgin' instead of being used to 'celebrate' fertility as in our primitive pagan past, it's now exploited as a feminist celebration of the 'sex appeal' of infertility. Seems I was right all along (again).

theantifeminist said...

I assume this 'advocatt' guy is Ehrich/feldmarshall using another name again to stir up shit.

@Ehrich/Feldmarshall/advocatt - you mention above that you were posting quotes from my blog everywhere online. I assume you're that 6 ft 4 arab who lives in a small Norwegian town who once posted a quote from me at and described me as a paedophile, even though looking at your commenting history there, you'd made many references to your own predilection for teenage girls? I don't need to ask you actually, I'll go back and look at the comments that guy left on my blog years ago, and if your language matches as I expect it will, then it is you.

You're also surprised that you don't get any support or positive feedback when you randomly post excerpts out of context in places like the forum. And what the hell does that prove? You could post my quotes at places like girlchat or Tom O'Carrol's blog and you'd get even more vitriol in return and lack of support. Men are universally hypocritical dogs. I was on a metro escalator yesterday. Not far ahead of me on the were a group of girls aged about 11 or 12. They weren't particularly pretty, but I noticed that EVERY single male passing them on the way down had a good, furtive look at them. I would suggest that next time on the metro, or in Starbucks or whatever and you're looking at a group of pretty 13 year old girls with your heart in your mouth, dreaming of marriage with every one of them, you instead try to observe the men around you. I'm sure you'll start to notice that they might not be so brazen or obvious as you, but you'll see a lot of furtive paedocrite looks.

And btw, somebody like you isn't to be admired like myself or Eivind is for not being a hypocrite. A self-identified 'ephebophile' is by definition somebody mentally ill. This is why such people are worse than useless for our cause and we shouldn't even tolerate them. You can just look at your behaviour here and on my site to see that you're clearly mentally ill. You are in no position whatsoever to judge what is 'normal' as regards other men. The only thing that differentiates you from other men is not your liking for teenage girls but your mental illness.

Again a warning to Eivind that this guy will turn on you at some point. And again, I think it's likely he is this Norwegian Muslim immigrant I had trouble with on my blog a few years ago.

Erich said...

I'm not advocatus, if I just write a piece of that garbage, I'll vomit.

That is, you basically admit that normal heterosexual men like preteens, so young as 11-year-old girls.

So you, me and they're not pedophiles, because pedophilia just like ephebophilia doesn't exist, is a bogus quack term. It's normal male sexuality. For men, what we really want and desire are pre-teen girls up to the end of theirs teens.

I agree on everything. If we think the same, where is the reason for our bitter animosity?

Eivind Berge said...

Now we have a ruling which affirms that consummating a marriage with a 10-year-old girl is not indicative of pedophilia, at least if you are Muhammed, so that must be considered a small victory against the sex laws, even if it comes at the expense of free speech.

Indeed it is mandatory to consider it normal male sexuality.

Anonymous said...

Eivind Berge has ties with Scientology cult.

Eivind Berge said...

I have nothing to do with Scientology. That slander was a result of someone on Twitter lumping me in with Scientology because of my anti-psychiatric views, some of which are shared by that cult, but that is completely coincidental. Aside from their resistance to psychiatric coercion, I take a dim view of Scientology.

Anonymous said...

What would you call someone who's only sexually and emotionally interested in adolescent girls?

Eivind Berge said...

I would call him a man and then I would question whether it is true that he is ONLY interested in adolescent girls. Because to me that sounds about as plausible as saying you are only sexually and emotionally interested in girls on Tuesdays. Has he loved an adolescent girl and tried to see what happens when she gets older? Or is it just an expression of extreme inexperience? Something an incel would say because he's got a fixation on teen girls but has tried neither teens nor older women?

john said...

well, another loner killing 11 at a synagogue.i gotta say, since the Jews became professional murderers, I have zero sympathy.and the cops? it's unfortunate they were only injured.looks like yet another neo Nazi trumpanzee.oh well!

now, the trumptard "bomber".has he heard of gloves? rule #1 if youre planning on making bombs: use gloves.but that's why they call em trumptards.

meanwhile, I've been thinking Trump reminds me a lot of Julius striecher,the infamous Nazi race baiter. trump would probably take that as a compliment,so, no "problem" with the violence he foments(unless you're a victim of course)

is $merica coming apart? yes I hope so.
it has to come apart from within.either no external enemies with enough nukes, or don't want to be the first strike, even though I know Russia has been chomping at the bit for DECADES to obliterate imperialist $merica,and rightfully so.

now the bad part.all these shootings and mail bombings only means an even more massive and intrusive feminist police state.great time for me NOT to be on Twitter or facebook.

Eivind Berge said...

I don't understand anti-Semitism personally, but it's interesting that middle-aged men are behind both these attacks. And the last cop-killer was even older. Older men are feistier than the youth these days! At least when it comes to non-Islamic political violence. Which seems connected to the scarcity of young men in the male sexualist movement too, unfortunately.

Anonymous said...

theantifeminist.. That’s not feldmaschall, that guy is long gone from this and he no longer answers any message in his email. You have some phonies who try to posing as others so that so you not suspect of them. I just went to the blog of tom grauer and there is one posing as holocaust21 and other different guy, if you look they are only posing as those who no longer comments in blogs, so make sense bcse that there is less chance of getting caught. be careful if people who do not appear months ago suddenly appear like Americanrifleman and pedofront. Here are some full-time guys spying and trolling, this is not the job of a lonely maniac.

john said...

unbelievable.the right wing media and the trumptards BOTH agree this guy is a "false flag" "patsy".
"he's a Democrat operative". no fuckin way, they're THAT retarded?!

ooook...IF Trump stays in office, can you imagine how many more thousands of "nationalists" will be going to prison?!except Trump of COURSE.he's the Teflon don of the 21st century.

Trump inspired this "maga" bomber, and anyone who thinks he's not a rabid trumptard deluxe is also a flat earther.

goddamn there HAS to be this 'blue wave'now.gotta get some kind of check on this wannabe dictator.

Anonymous said...

Of course, john, because a group of Jews does bad thingsthe rest deserve what happens to them. What a bunch of psychopaths out here...

E. said...

Hi Eivind, a little silly? question but what do you think of Anders Breivik's uniform? do you think we should wear a military uniform and have titles, medals etc.? given that we are "the resistance" in a "war" almost seems appropriate these things, what do you think of all this?

Breivik's uniform:

Eivind Berge said...

Regarding uniforms, I don't think they are appropriate at this time. Male sexualism is a very serious ideology and political movement, and we don't want to give our enemies reasons to ridicule us. Uniforms that don't represent an actual army or other fighting force don't make much sense and come across as pretentious and silly if not downright mentally ill, so those should wait until we have the force to back them up. Medals will also have to wait until we have actual bravery, or else they resemble stolen valor. It also doesn't make sense to have military titles when you have no one to command. This is indeed a war, but let's face it, we don't have a real resistance yet. As a leader of male sexualism I am realistic about the limits to my power and project an image appropriate for the stage we are at.

What we should have, however, is a symbol to use on T-shirts and such. Just like the anarchists have their circle-A, communists have their hammer and sickle, and the Jews have the Star of David, it would be cool to have an instantly recognizable male sexualist logo. Of course we can print "MALE SEXUALIST" and that's better than nothing, but I miss a more compact identifying symbol. It would be unpretentious and unifying and provide powerful signaling to have something elegant like that, and I invite suggestions.

john said...

lol! yes a uniform so I can stand out, get ridiculed and become the biggest pariah in the state!

understand that even if I put just a bumper sticker on my car that said 'male sexualist' on it? I'd be pulled over within days, and or my tires would be slashed.

this is a police state.i wouldn't even dare to walk onto the property of a high school.these are hardended places now, along with airports,any govt installation.try to visit the nsa building.or, ANY neighborhood with money/celebrities, good luck! and soon, every church i guess.

I do like the idea of a symbol though.i definitely support that.

Anonymous said...

You can also put a badge on your car that says PEDO in big letters, so when you approach 15 year old girls when they get out of school, you will surely get your desired goal of fucking them, john.

john said...

that's the thing though I don't approach any trying to stay OUT of prison.if you could read, I state that above.

once again,if I desired a 15 year old,I'd travel to do it.I'd go to a country that views/treats females the way they should be-- trash.ya know, disposable, the way men are seen here in the west.

all these shootings but none at a women's March/gathering of feminists.and none(so far) targeting individual "leading" feminists.hopefully,that will change.

john said...

haha.people everywhere are like "what happened to my formerly beautiful and peaceful great country"?! uhm, it never WAS ANY of that.

no such thing as a hyper militarized super violent empire abroad, AND "peaceful non violent" at home?! if youre going to promote violence, in 1000s of movies,video games,by the cop pigs, AND elect a "president" that's also encouraging and inciting violence? yea,no "peaceful" nation is the inevitable result.

its just too bad these morons go after the WRONG targets.

Gally said...

Um, dude.

You may have a lot of enemies, but I'm not one of them. I'm merely a bit peeved with you for not standing up to our agreement to share profits from the investment that I gave you.

But that's no biggie, and you know who I am so why would I harass you?
Frankly you don't really mean anything to me, I have never met you in person and I have way, way too many better things to spend my time on than going after you.

So I'm sorry to crush your delusions, but I ain't the one.

Oh and I have had FOUR - count 'em, 4 - different psychiatric evaluations in the recent time, and none of them have been anywhere close to indicating that I have mental issues.

So your calling me 'crazy' doesn't stick, and I'm afraid somebody else may be posturing as me.

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