Saturday, April 29, 2023

Zombie culture

I would like to introduce a new rhetorical figure to our discourse against feminism. They have "rape culture," "toxic masculinity" and all sorts of insults that don't really mean much but get plenty of airtime. And what do we have? The only recent innovation I can think of is "agecuck," which is quite fitting for male feminists, but we lacked a more general term. "Zombie culture" is my new word for the entire mindset which invalidates sexual agency or claims to lack sexual desire themselves. Zombie culture encompasses both philosophical sexual zombies (which feminism claims minors are) and actual zombies (with regard to some feelings if not all: for example all sexual desire, formerly known as asexuals but now also including those who claim strong attraction to 18-year-olds but zero attraction to 17-year-olds).

Philosophical zombies have heretofore populated the thought experiments of philosophers, who have been too distracted with the debate as to whether such creatures are metaphysically conceivable to notice that our culture already takes them for granted. The strictest definition of a philosophical zombie is a molecule-by-molecule replica of an adult human which functions identically except it lacks an internal subjective life. The transition between child and adult is held to be exactly this. All the molecules are the same, as is the behavior of a 17-year-old and an 18-year-old, yet we believe so strongly that the former lacks sexual subjectivity that the state wants to imprison you for "sexualizing" her if you should disagree!

If this is not a belief in zombies, I don't know what is. It is a compulsory belief. Since it is risky to question it, I shan't flesh out the counterarguments so much here. But I think I have established that the term "zombie culture" is apt. The question then becomes, do we believe in zombies? Are you comfortable with being defined as one yourself when you are or were under 18? And then there is the other kind of zombie in zombie culture which deletes so much zest from our cultural heritage. One might stop and wonder if that is really cool, and hope not to get deplatformed just for raising the question.

This post would have looked out of place a few decades ago when we had much the same laws but far less hysteria. Today, I am not exaggerating. This is what the normies literally believe, or so they claim. This is a zombie culture.


The Night Wind said...

In the US, where people seem obsessed with sexual scandals, the pundits used to refer to age 18 as the 'Magic Number' without even seeing the irony in the statement. I think they've stopped using it because it's too close to the truth---the idea really is much like Magic. Legally a 17 y/o is presumed unable to give sexual consent, but by magic on her 18th birthday, she can legally work for a strip-club or an escort service.

I like the 'Zombie Culture' idea too. I saw an article this week that the average 20 y/o American male today has the testosterone levels of an average 70 y/o in 2000. Even the UN has been warning our Government that infertility levels here are running dangerously high.

Eivind Berge said...

Thanks for your comment, Night Wind. It absolutely is magic except it's a sort of anti-magic they believe in where life is sucked out of you until you turn 18, after which it is only allowed to exist in a very blunted way. 20-year-olds with testosterone levels like they are 70 would explain a lot and is worse than I thought... I hope the older generations are spared and certainly still feel spry myself at now almost 45. Whenever I talk to the younger generation they shock me with their comparatively low sexual ambition. In addition to accepting all the feminist sex laws they take the attitude that "whatever happens, happen" about dating and can't even set a goal for themselves to find somebody or start a family, judging by a recent discussion. They are apathetic drifters who think even having a goal of having sex would be too much imposition on women.

The Night Wind said...

I know what you mean. I'm an 'older' bachelor too; whenever I'm out shopping or in some venue where there are young maidens about, I can barely keep my eyes in their sockets or my tongue in my mouth---then I see guys more than half my age slumming around like they don't even notice. I saw some recent articles over here that claim about 2/3 of American men under 30 aren't even actively looking for a g/f. Around half of those take an occasional hookup, the other half aren't even trying at all.

I suppose that the bright side (for us anyway) is that younger women might start dropping some of their prejudice against older men out of sheer desperation; but for the collective future of Civilization as whole, it's not a very rosy picture.

Anonymous said...

Here is an update on my tranny troll social media campaign so far:

Leftists tend to be quiet when I attach trans rights to lowering the age of consent, because they are a feminine movement at heart, and lowering the age of consent mostly benefits heterosexual men even if it benefits leftists who want more child trannies, so they hesitate to support it.

However, rightists and MAGA tards get triggered far more often by the suggestion to lower the age of consent and violently attack the notion, screaming about pedophilia as an even bigger threat than child mutilation. Rightists and MAGA tards have proven to be far more feminine and feminist-supporting so far, similar in position to the TERFS and suffragettes of 100 years ago. What a bunch of absolute idiots.

My experiment continues. I will probably focus on triggering the MAGA tards and the right wing, since it seems to get more attention and paranoia. I never thought the best path to exposing the feminism-riddled right wing would be a tranny troll profile, but that's where we are.

Anonymous said...

I'm also finding another interesting thing:

Actual closet pedophiles on the right wing who like pre-pubescents (of which there are many) are in reality ruining things for men with normal post-pubescent attraction, because the closet pedophiles are so desperate to cover up their own illicit desires that they overreact. These are the vast majority of the people who mention over the top violent memes.

Antifeminist calls these people "pedocrits" and they are unfortunately everywhere.

AF said...

You are correct, and it's ironic that the Right are so big on things being 'natural', but they let the paedocrites in their ranks to cause problems for normal heterosexual males. It probably creates more (real) perversion too, as the average normal heterosexual has to surpress his natural attraction to teenage girls, and replace it with who knows what else. Likely leads to more homosexuality, among other things, including real paedophilia. Paedophile paedocrites beget more paedophile paedocrites.

It's amusing that the left call out homophobic right wingers as closet homosexuals, but when a right winger says men wanting sex with teens are perverts and paedophiles, they nod their head and agree.

AF said...

I believe that Japan has gone through with its new sex laws, 'bringing them into line' with the Western femihag's. I saw a headline on the BBC, but couldn't bring myself to read it.

Those of you who think that the 'spread of American Conservatism' is to blame - I mean really? Which force do you think has risen more in Japan over the last couple of decades- American Conservatism or feminism? American Conservatism is more powerful in Japan today than when it was under occupation by the US army?? And the rise of feminism which has seen Japanese women move from ultra traditional stay at home housewives to being career women as much in the West, is not to blame for the change in attitudes??

I've been thinking a little more about this subject, and back to what the occasional commentator Milan Horvath was saying. He believed that feminists in Europe were 'pro sex' and genuinely liberal before the American influence crept in. I disagree with that. Milan may have a point about American influence, but the real American influence was not on feminists but on European Conservatives. So European Conservatives became imbeciles like the American Republicans, and changed their focus from preventing homosexuality and the like, and instead focused on making it illegal for men to have sex with fertile females, and promoting paedohysteria, despite the negative impact that has had upon society and the authority of the male.

I believe also that the Satanic child abuse moral panics of the 80's and early 90's had a lot to do with this. They were mostly about father's abusing their own children. American Conservatives needed to move the predator child abuser bogeyman role away from the father, and onto the random Internet 'paedophile' predator. It's also a primary reason why the MRAs (who were mostly fathers right's activists at one point) embraced paedohysteria. I remember writing an article upon that theme.

None of this is to agree with the idea that American Conservatives rather than feminists are principally to blame for paedohysteria and anti-male sex laws. Just to say that American Conservatives made the job of feminists a lot easier.

AF said...

I'm not sure if 'zombie culture' adds much Eivind. You're still going to have to explain it at length to anybody not familar with our position and arguments. And what does it add for us? It's just very vague.

'Age cuck', 'pedocrite' hardly require much explanation, and there's a heavy clue what they mean in their very name. Similarly with manosphere terms that went viral, such as 'red pill', 'mangina' and so on.

Compare your suggestion of 'zombie culture' to the manosphere adoption of 'red pill'.

'Red pill' came from one of the most culturally significant blockbuster movies of all time (The Matrix). Your adopted use of the term 'zombie' comes from obtuse philosophy department academic thought experiment discussion on the nature of consciousness. Do you see you might be over intellectualizing things again here Eivind?

Also, this focus on the absurdity of society believing that 17 year olds are sexless children and 18 year olds are adults free to do as they want - this is getting increasingly outdated, don't you agree? When feminists are trying to raise the minimum age for prosititution and porn to 21 or even older, and men are getting shamed as creeps or even paedophiles for dating 25 year old women. Also 'minors' are increasingly lauded for showing inititive and behaving like adults in every spehere other than the sexual, for example sailing around the world, or Greta Thurnburg lecturing world leaders on climate change.

Eivind Berge said...

If zombie culture needs explaining then let me explain...

Help like and subscribe to get more views so it sinks in with more people.

Zombie is a powerful metaphor because it is both insulting and repulsive, life-denying to be thought so. A zombie is even more lifeless than an incel or a wanker: literally nobody wants to be a zombie.

Anonymous said...

A not-very-encouraging story in the Fail-
The article makes out that the 19-y-o staffer was forced to drink the alcohol.
Here's the top rated comment-
"Wow a wife and a young kid and still raping a 19 year old (because she couldn't consent). I hope he also goes to jail."
Apparently she had no ability to refuse the alcohol and was in no way responsible for her own inebriation. Looking through the comments, many people apparently believe that she couldn't consent because the drinking age in the US is 21. How easy would it be to transfer that thinking to an increased AOC for sex?
Also, the so-called contraceptive Plan B referred to in the article and used by the young woman is actually abortifacient and not merely contraceptive.


Eivind Berge said...

When I was in college in the US and hanging out with a lot of 18-20-year-olds I experienced that drinking was something they could consent to all right, because they could get in trouble for it. Interesting new concept that they "can't refuse" alcohol because of the drinking age, but that is the way age of consent works for sex, so why not. Okie dokie. I suppose they can drive drunk too now and blame the older person who served them alcohol or paid for their drinks. And sex crimes are taken to a new level that might as well be formalized with a higher age of consent if this is the thinking, yes.

Anonymous said...

To all women reading:

If you want to know what it's like to be a man, imagine you wake up on a planet with aliens who are very similar to humans, but who only need to eat 1-2 times a week to survive and thrive. Now imagine that when you try to argue that you need to eat 2-3 times a day, they tell you that you don't really "need" that, that you're not entitled to it, and that you're a freak for suggesting it.

Eivind Berge said...

I present to you the poster for "Norwegian Offspring":

And to AF always whining about how I do everything wrong... how do you like me now? How does what you're doing compare to my strategies for bring attention to our movement?

Anonymous said...

Re: Eivind's second-most recent comment-yes indeed, the logic of sexual consent when applied to alcohol reveals how amiss it is.
I wonder how a normie would define certain words that are currently confined to a corner of a corner of the men's rights movement-paedoheria, paedocrite, paedocrisy, age cuck, or zombie as used by Eivind perhaps.
Would these words be like a hot potato thrown in the lap of the average person?
If someone criticises a man of 44 for dating an 18 year old woman, for example, how would that person define "age cuck"? Would that person be capable of criticising someone for being an even bigger cuck than themselves? How high is that age and would it embarrass the critic to admit it because they actually realise their age cickery is absurd but they aren't prepared to break ranks with social norms?
Anonymous 2

Anonymous said...

BTW Congartualtions Eivind on your acceptance into the Cannes Film Festival.
2023 coulkd turn out to be the year when the ice starts to crack and your movie could well be part of it.

AF said...

Eivind, I'm genuinely happy for you, and can't wait to see the film.

Let's keep our feet on the ground a little. I read that there are over 4,000 films shown at Cannes each festival. It will certainly improve your dating prospects being able to boast for the rest of your life that a movie was inspired by you. How many people will end up watching remains to be seen. Presumably its sympathetic, as you have a cameo and you must have read the script. And thankfully, it sounds it got the most important thrust right, that you 'believe male sexuality is being repressed', although I still don't see what reproduction has to do with Male Sexualism.

I still think you are as much bad as good for our cause (our cause, being as I understood it and still do, with a real men's rights movement that doesn't adopt the sexual victimhood and 'equality of injustice' of the MRAs under Paul Elam, and which recognizes issues such as the age of consent, and ever increasing penalties for 'sex crimes' as valid issues).

A thought experiment, as you like them so much. What would Norway be like for men, if somehow, the Norwegian government agreed to revise its sex laws based upon your guiding principles and values? Would more or less men end up being caged in prison or put on the sex offenders register? I would say probably more would.

* You agree with feminists on porn, which the majority of sex offenders are already in prison for.
* You agree with the double standard on the age of consent.
* You agree that 'rape is worse than murder' (but only for women - men can't be raped at all).
* You agree that society would be better if all men were sexually attracted to even obese sloths and HB3s as you are (in other words, the type of women the feminist sexual trade union represents to give more sexual power to).
* You agree that Incels are losers, and along with 'wankers', the scum of society.
I could go on and on.
* Your ego prevents you even ackknowledging ideas such as the Sexual Trade Union/pussy cartel/Green Pill, even though your thought seems entirely dominated by evolutionary psychology, and a 5 year old with a basic grasp of the principle of evo psy would be able to recognize that older ugly women making laws criminalizing men having sex with young attractive women is 100% about sexual competition and increasing their own sexual value.

Both of us put evolutionary psychology at the center of our thought. Only you do it in a silly naturalistic fallacy way by condeming men for masturbating (as 'maladaptive'), while I do so to explain what the hell is happening (the sexual trade union) and what we are fighting against.

You getting a movie written about you doesn't mean you're a tactical genius. You're just lucky living in a country such as Norway. For example, in just about any other country in the world (and in Norway today) you would have been jailed for the anti-police fantasies you wrote all those years ago and gave you some free publicity time in court. This will be the third time you have benefitted from 'national exposure' and it still probably wont mean a thing other than mayby you getting a girlfriend out of it, and you'll likely still have zero real followers. Hopefully I'm wrong though...I guess.

Eivind Berge said...

"Norwegian Offspring" is in the Cinéfondation category (for film students) which is quite hard to get into. Only 16 out of 2000 submitted works were selected:

While there may be 4000 films associated with the festival in some way, this is already more exclusive than just a random one of them. The director also told me that as a woman she is nominated to win some special award that Kate Winslet will hand out, and that she will see the move in any event. It probably won't win that, but still, this is bigger than you think.

The rest of your nonsense I have addressed many times before.

Anon 521 said...

"A 22 year old child" :

Eivind Berge said...

Now YouTube is at the censorship too. First they removed my "Reverse Sting" video which produced a warning. Then a few hours later they removed "Rehearsing Nathan Larson's Freedom Flyers Manifesto" which lead to a strike which means I can't post new videos for a week. Two more strikes within 90 days and they delete my account, which means they can simply pick two more videos if they want to do it right away.

Both videos supposedly violate the "child safety policy" which evidently just means we must adhere to feminist dogma as there are no children in either video, no minor that any "predatory behavior" has been directed against as they call it. The first video depicted an 18-year-old woman (five years ago, so she is now 23) and the second one was simply me reading Nathan's manifesto. Google is obviously corrupt, not even following their own policies, and it is urgent to move to another platform. I can already easily do it with text since I set up the MRA Archive but don't have a good option for video yet, so it will take a while to get a new video channel.

I am sure "Norwegian Offspring" is also in violation of policy by these standards; however, it would be hard for them to censor the Cannes Film Festival, so they can't stop us getting publicity this time around and if people want to discover our movement I shall be ready with at least the MRA Archive if we can't use Google services. It is really doubtful that there is any future on this platform as they have now gotten into censoring plain opinion speech, so we need to seriously look elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

Use Bitchute. That's where galileo2333 does most of his content.

Anonymous said...

I have to say Eivind, I don't really think that alternative video platforms will solve the problem in the long-term. There is a deep ideological rottenness within the West, and only a "revolution from within" (or collapse) can restore sanity, if that's even possible at this point. The one statistic that gives me hope, ironically, is that now around 63% of young men are celibate - basically, incels. This is a tremendous powder keg that will almost inevitably explode -- like a volcano of pent-up sexual energy erupting from millions of blue balls -- and certainly destabilize Western politics. The incel revolution, precipitated by modern dating apps, is only just beginning (we've only had Tinder since 2012, and look what it's already "achieved") - stay tuned, as they say.

Anon 521 said...

@Anonymous - I agree, and anybody with any sense would, that if there is any hope it all, it lies with the incels. There is NO other community where angry young men have achieved sexual consciousness and are speaking the truth about paedohysteria, the Green Pill, and holding women responsible (and not just feminists) etc. Of course there are age cucks and paedocrites there, as everywhere, but there are lots who aren't.

It pretty much shows Eivind's tactical acumen, that he dismisses them as 'losers'.

As far as modern dating apps go, I tried online dating for the first time recently. Jesus, it's so humbling, though admittedly I'm in my 50's now and have high standards. Not quite sure how the algorithms work, but every profile that appears is a hideously ugly fat woman. And I'm getting zero likes. I can't believe these sloths have such high standards that every single one is swiping no to me, lol. This one wasn't Tinder, as I already gave up on that. I'm sure Eivind claimed he got laid with a young woman there, but I put in my true age (well 5 years younger) and every profile it showed was a middle-aged woman.

Anon 521 said...

Your videos aren't long Eivind, if you had just taken the simple route and set up a wordpress site (self-hosted), like 95% of websites online, you would just need to upload your videos at a touch of a button.

It's incredible that the femihags have succeeded in convincing big tech that even the discussion of the age of consent is 'sexualizing minors'. Imagine if somebody tried to make it illegal for feminists to discuss lowering the minimum number of weeks for abortion as 'normalizing child murder' or such.

Such rules should make any discussion of Alan Turing's 'gay martydom' forbidden, as the lad he had sex with was a minor at the time in the UK.

It even prohibits claiming that the age of consent is right, when it's lower than 18 (such as 15 or 16 as in most countries on Earth). So a Swedish YouTuber for example, could not say - I agree with the legal system in my country - as that would include the legal age of consent of 15 and be 'sexualizing minors'.

And of course, none of this is 'sexualizing minors', who are sexualized by nature from the menarche, which in the West is now usually between 9 and 11. What it is, is feminists unnaturally attempting to DESEXUALIZE minors to remove them as sexual competition. And of course, after 20 years, I'm still the only person making this obvious point.

Anonymous said...

Thought I might as well post a link to this story and try to unpack the thinking, or lack thereof, behind the reaction is worth commenting on. and this comment

"So they aren't allowed to say g a y or learn about the birds and the bees in Florida but they are fine with dressing their 13 year olds like they are ready to go stand on the street corner. Got it."

It was from a dingbat called SimplyRoberta and as of me writing this, it has received 7 likes and 34 dislikes, including from me. However, I would be possibly the only person to have disliked her comment because it impinged on the kid's autonomy.

The top-rated response was from someone called PalookaJoe
"You're the one who is looking at her in that light. You're the sicko."

Out of this mess, I make two observations.

First, any appreciation of the girl's sexy body is considered sick in the minds of many people.

Second, if people are not overprotective towards teen girls about one thing, they will be about something else. SimplyRoberta is specifically attacking Florida's sex ed and gay policy in schools. She wouldn't have done so if not as a way of contrasting Florida's policies with elsewhere like, say, New York or California, so she is clearly a leftoid. And the right will attack HER for supporting LGBTQ interests, I believe with more justification, but both are overprotective.

What a stupid bitch SimplyRoberta is, and to think there's a lot like her, who don't mind LGBTQ propaganda in schools but somehow think the parents of a 13-y-o girl need to forbid her to wear a bikini.


Anonymous said...

@Anonymous Some of the outraged paedocrites in the comments section are hilarious :

"andyste, York, United Kingdom, 12 minutes ago

That CHILD is clearly posing for those photos. This is absolutely creepy, shame on the mother for allowing this."

Paedocrites tend to be violent and psychopathic sadists. No doubt they not only got aroused at the sight of a 13 year old girl in a bikini, but doubly aroused at the sight of her with blood and cut marks on her body. They jerk one off and then wipe it out of their memory banks and go online to scream death to 'paedophiles'. Remember David Futrelle who championed an infamous pederast Italian director who made 'Salo' which featured real children being tortured and made to eat their own excrement? If you look at the cases of some of the most infamous child sex murders in Europe over the last decades, the perpertrators were usually hardcore paedocrites.

Anonymous said...

On the subject of hardcore paedocrites, I noticed somebody left the following comment underneath one of Eivind's Nathan Larson videos :

"you're will get your faced smashed to bits. That is a promise. Not from me, but somebody somewhere is going to help you with facial reconstruction. By the way, I just was released from Federal Prison and you want to know how your beloved Nathan Larson died? My Aryan brother's stopped feeding him, and The guards put it in his report that he was on a hunger strike. He was not on a hunger strike, you idiot. He was hidden in is cell where we couldn't get to him because he was too scared to move about the Prison because literally everyone had him on the hit list. You are NOT a man, the real Men, stopped feeding your little pony. Thank the guards for that one. For once the guards did something for us."

Then if you look at his (ᛣScurvY_O9Aᛉ) channel description :

""Do What Thou Wilt is the whole of the Law"
Black/Death/Grind/Gore/Crust/Doom Metal Enthusiast, Follower of Omega9Alpha & Thelemic Practices, Lucifer is the Light & I am on my path to freedom. Please feel free to reach out to me regarding connecting ideologies are interpretations. I also encourage you to share your art with me as I will do the same! I also enjoy 1980's Slasher films, SOV films, Troma films, a latex fx and Halloween masks. "

Eivind Berge said...

Google is really on a censorship roll:

Your file may violate Google Drive's Terms of Service
"Nathan Larson's Freedom Flyers Manifesto.pdf" contains content that may violate Google Drive's Dangerous and Illegal Activities policy. Some features related to this file may have been restricted. If you think this is an error and would like the Trust & Safety team to review this file, request a review below.

All for a handwritten letter from prison by a man who died there. They won't even let him tell his side of the story.

But we don't need no stinking Google to keep his legacy alive.

Anonymous said...

Swisscows does not censor it (for the moment):

Anonymous said...

Florida is the world's epicenter of conservative christian feminists obsessed with sex hysteria, and also they are obsessed with leveraging their sexual power over the chumps who live there. Thus, you get 13 year old girls in bikinis who manipulate men with their incredibly hot, bursting sexuality, while at the same time the conservatives viciously oppress any man who would pay her any sexual attention, even a passing comment. It is an extreme psycho feminine dominated bi-polar cultural hellhole, only possibly rivaled by Tennessee.

Regarding the stupid "satanist" comment on the Larson video, these idiots are unfortunately everywhere. They are mentally retarded half brained losers who join death cults to feel cool and fit in. Odds are also good that the satanist is a real pedophile obviously.

These half brained idiots also lie about everything all the time, so anything they say should be discounted immediately. The best way to deal with them is to delete their comments and block them, because they have nothing productive to share, they are NPC's. Publicly making fun of their obvious closet pedophilia also works to shut them up. Also, there are a TON of these closet pedocrites in the MAGA movement.

AnonAnonAnon said...

81 year old woman becomes oldest ever to be the swimsuit model cover of Sports Illustrated.

I've seen this on a few normie forums and read so many comments from men that she looks amazing and that 'they would definitely do her' and such like.

Yet a man today can barely admit that a 21 year old is bangable these days (certainly if he is over 30), let alone a 17 year old or God forbid a ripe pert breasted 13 year old. What a strange time we live in.

Eivind Berge said...

Strange times, yes. It is yet another level of irony when women who are literally desexualized by nature are portrayed as sex objects. Their reproductive lives ended decades ago, genitals shriveled and dry, hormones reduced to prepubescent levels, sexual desire absent in most cases, actual cognitive impairment, unattractive to most men... yet they are supposedly more suitable sex partners than girls who are peaking in all the above :)

Anonymous said...

Lots of those comments from men saying they'd do her are probably troll farm or bot generated. It's probably not actually guys expressing their true feelings.

It's done like that to try to condition guys to be attracted to older women, by convincing us to believe the lie that lots of guys are attracted to her.

Anonymous said...

Good to see I generated some buzz from my link. I guess someone would have spotted that story sooner or later.
It's good that Galileo2333 is on Bitchute. I always assumed they were one of the many anything-but-paedohysteria "free speech" platforms, but there you go.


AF said...

I doubt if bots are needed. I agree that they are not really attracted to her, they probably even find her repulsive, but to publicly state you would bang an older woman is a form of sexual virtue signalling. It's the equivalent of saying - "Look at how far away I am from being a paedophile".

Jack said...

Epstein had an account with Deutsche Bank. Therefore Deutsche Bank "should have known" (known what?) and has now to fork out after a class action suit by women.

Eivind Berge said...

Yup, alleging sexual abuse is a license to steal.

I am particularly puzzled by this: "The Deutsche Bank case was led by a woman, known as Jane Doe 1, who said Epstein sexually abused her from 2003 to 2018."

Given that the youngest of Epstein's alleged "victims" were 14, this woman must have been "abused" far into her 20s, maybe past 30. How is this possible when there was no force involved? Are we so gullible that zombiehood and metaphysical abuse now extends indefinitely if it started as a minor? Once an underage escort, always a victim? Or has the Nordic model been normalized to the point that women who get paid for sex are victims no matter what and even the Germans don't recognize voluntary prostitution anymore?

AF said...

What day does your movie get screened at Cannes Eivind?

Eivind Berge said...

May 25th. They put up a little trailer here:

Eivind Berge said...

I am back stronger than ever after my one-week YouTube ban:

This is integrity.

Have to be extremely careful and cannot discuss the specifics of what the age of consent should be or anything like that, but hopefully I can maintain a presence there. Most old videos are still intact too.

AF said...

Found an interesting book from the late 19th century. The Author, who was part of a movement resisting the feminist/Christian puritan tide of the times called 'sex rationalism', describes the trend for high age of consent laws in the USA as an emasculation.

Eivind Berge said...

Interesting. A true kindred spirit there. Sexual rationalism is essentially sexualism except our word is quicker to pronounce. Too bad both movements are still on the losing side of history. Worth looking at the old rhetorics for inspiration though as it may be more compelling than my talk of zombies and such. Thus wrote a sex rationalist 125 years ago:

Really, the emasculation propagandists have their eyes on the "purity" standard rather than on the scales of justice. They are fighting for a high age-of-consent, as in Kansas, and they want to visit the most fearful vengeance upon the male violaters of their absurd statutes, no matter how willing the young women concerned were to enter into the association that the age-of-consent enactments brand as rape. We know what are the forces that underlie this movement toward Spanish judicial methods, the methods of savage torture. Already some of the less cautious emasculation propagandists have placed themselves on record in favor of the same cruel penalty for "adulterers" and the "seducers" of mature women. Aiming ostensibly at the ordinary ravisher (outside of legal marriage), the "purity" champions of emasculation intend to ultimately bring down the practical sex rationalist. Of course they are opposed to non-legal invasion, but non-conformity is at least equally repugnant to them. Many of them hate it worse.

I see they even had "emasculation propagandists" wanting to castrate men back then. Nothing has changed except the feminists are now closer than ever to that goal, and sex rationalism is even rarer than sexualism.

Feminists certainly also had their way with punishing "adulterers" and "seducers" of mature women, except they call it #Metoo and "rape" which has lost its meaning there too after the countless legal expansions.

Plus they started punishing women who are adulterers and seducers of young boys -- except they call them "abusers" and "rapists" too. The sex rationalists could not have foreseen just how absurd it would get. If the feminists had stuck to using adultery and seduction as the concepts they were fighting it would have been less of a travesty since then at least the persecution would be honest, and I would have far less to say about the female sex offender charade, which is a rather minor collateral damage in the war on sex after all (but philosophically extremely upsetting when they pretend lucky boys are victims).

Eivind Berge said...

From the same book -- A PRIMER OF SEXUAL RATIONALISM. 31:

Q. — Is sex an important factor in human endeavor and accomplishment?

A. — It is one of the most important, if not the most important. The necessity for food, raiment, and shelter induces all, even the savage, to put forth a certain amount of exertion, sufficient to maintain life at a dull level of enjoyment, but it is love that inspires to heroic endeavor, that spurs men and women on in the pursuit of wealth, fame, learning and power; that overcomes seemingly insurmountable obstacles, and that opens the way for leisure, for science, for art, for literature, for every form of culture. Love is in the sword of the liberator, in the measures of the poet, in the notes of the singer, in the brush of the painter, in the cunning of the inventor, in the eloquence of the orator, in the struggles of the reformer, in the adventurous daring of the explorer. Abject indeed is he in spirit, narrow is he in thought, famine-stricken is he in sympathy, who does not find in love the stimulus that lifts him to the greatest altitudes he ever reaches, that sustain him under misfortunes, and adds tenfold to the pleasures of prosperity. What will he, what will she think of this sentence, of this witticism, of this book, of this picture, of this deed of courage, of this invention, of this product of my hand — that is the question that is ever shaping itself in the brain of the lover, and which in all ages and lands while the race remains will do more than all laws, all institutions, and all religions to give freedom, enlightenment, and happiness to the generations which are to come. Nothing can be more foolish than to depreciate sex, to make it appear as a thing of shame, to set it in the market-place for sale, and to cover it with the filthy rags of convention. Very literally, love is life. As life must be free to be at its best, so must love be free, for free life is inconceivable without free love.

So well put! Best description ever of the antisex bigots, even better than zombie. Abject indeed is he in spirit, narrow is he in thought, famine-stricken is he in sympathy, who does not value sexuality like we sexualists and sexual rationalists do.

Anonymous said...

Excellent text. Another quote:

"It is strange that at this late day it should be necessary to reiterate this truism. It is not a good thing to lack food for the stomach, the sex nature, the brain, the emotions, the aesthetic faculties. Waste is the reduction of power, the diminution of pleasure."

125 years since that was written, and Christian feminism continues to move civilization in the direction of waste! Think of how many intrepid men, and a few generous women, have fallen victim to rape hoaxes, age of consent and otherwise. Think of the waste caused by the destruction of each life by a sick government and populace. It is enormous, and a major contributor to the current downfall of the West and the rise of the East, which at the moment is more tolerant of sexual desire and more permissive towards youthful sexuality.

Jack said...

I for one don't find this latest rant helpful. It conflates sex with love, something women often do. "Luv" is a catch-all. For men it will of course mean sex. For women it will mean whatever they're trying to extract from men (commitment, children), except sex with young beautiful strangers.

The rant is also not beyong moralising as it takes a passing potshot at prostitution ("set it in the market-place for sale").

If you think of the rant having been written by a man, picture said man writing it with one hand between his legs. A woman could have authored it though, in which case she'd have meant "love as opposed to sex". I'm sure if quoted out of context, today's femihags would agree with most of it.

Eivind Berge said...

As far as the Scottish government is concerned, juryless trials are a means to raise the conviction rate for rape. Former first minister Nicola Sturgeon, who has long championed the plans, said as much in a Guardian op-ed this week. In Scotland in 2020-21, she notes, the rape conviction rate stood at 51 per cent compared with 91 per cent for offences overall. And so, by getting rid of troublesome juries, and leaving judgement in the hands of ‘expert’ judges, the Scottish government hopes to deliver more guilty verdicts.

Yet another level... although Norway has largely already implemented exactly this.

Eivind Berge said...

This looks really good, though I haven't had four hours to watch all of it yet:

Muslim doctor gives Christian antisex bigots free science education about teen girl sexuality and pregnancy. Debunking the supposed harms of minor marriage.

Anonymous said...

"If you think of the rant having been written by a man, picture said man writing it with one hand between his legs."

It's true, the author E.C. Walker was a bit of a simp and his text is not perfect. But, his argument is still against sex fascism of his time, and can be applied to our time as well.

The Muslims are a privileged group by the Clownworld West, so they get to talk about how the age of consent is bullshit. Great video, which is a commentary on this video, which destroys the Christian feminists:

By the way, "Christian feminists" is an oxymoron itself and really heresy, because original Christianity favored minor marriage and women were subjugated to men. In fact, the Bible says women are not even allowed to speak in church. Feminists and sex fascists have perverted their own religion to push their anti-male and anti-youth agenda - an agenda of jealousy.

Jack said...

The myth of women having been subjugated to men in historic times does a disservice to men's rights. Males were always the disposable sex and females the protected one. This holds true in spite of inconsistent taboos, and token rights (like "not being allowed to speak in church") possibly being denied to women according to the vagaries of local religions. In Buddhist temples women are not allowed near the altar beyond a certain line. Big deal! Feminists love it of course, they can go on about it endlessly while secretly not giving a damn.

As to Islam being a stronhold of male rights unlike Christianity, we have discussed this before and we should know by now what that entails, otherwise we would be living in Muslim land instead of posting from our respective non-Muslim countries.

Anonymous said...

@ Eivind-Muslims are indeed a privileged group and they do get to talk about AOC issues in a way Whitey never can without social ostracism at the very least.
Why would this be the case?
And why does such discussion never raise any eyebrows, never affect the feminist agenda and never improves the lot of men as a whole?
The two videos are both bloody long but I'll try to listen to an hour or two at least-more if I really like what he's saying.

Anonymous 2

Eivind Berge said...

Perhaps it seems less "real" than when someone like Nathan Larson says the same things. He was an actual politician we could vote for while the Muslims look like they are just giving us a history lesson. They are not a real threat since the feminists can't imagine them getting into any positions of power that could have any bearing on age of consent or marriage age in our time and place. The Aisha story can be backed up with medical science on YouTube (if you look Muslim) because it's just as remote as the Nativity of Jesus is to Christians, which is similarly not censored either.

Anonymous said...

Muslims are being massively attacked by Western powers under the name of reforming Islam. Islam has become one of feminism's biggest targets in recent years.

Fun factoid:. The Weather Girls released their iconic song It's Raining Men, a feminist anthem, on September 10, 1982. Tarana Burke, founder of the MeToo movement, has the birthday September 12 1973. 1982 is 19 years before 9/11. The official story is there were 19 hijackers. 1973 is the year the World Trade Center opened in NYC.

AF said...

"He was an actual politician we could vote for while the Muslims look like they are just giving us a history lesson. They are not a real threat since the feminists can't imagine them getting into any positions of power that could have any bearing on age of consent or marriage age in our time and place. "

No, no, no.

If only you had spent as much time reading my blog, as I spent reading yours Eivind.

You're completely wrong about feminists 'not seeing Muslims as a threat'. They don't see it 'as a threat' in the sense that it agrees pretty much with their Sexual Trade Union agenda. Islam is pretty damned good for women. That's why feminists are screaming in the West, not in Muslim countries. And as Jack said, that is why you continue to blog in a cabin in Norway, rather than moving to any number of Muslim countries in the world. Muslims might be realists about teenage sexuality, but what it results in is 14 year old girls walking around in burqas with their fathers always in front of them. Yes, under Islamic laws you can marry 12 year olds, but unless you are one of the tiny number associated with the ruling families, it will be your inbred cousin, you have to stick with her for the rest of your life, and you could get stoned to death if you try to take the virginity of another man's little cutie. You wont move to Saudi Arabia or Pakistan, because you wont have a 13 year old cousin with a moustache to marry (even though you might be content with that).

Eivind Berge said...

I see no evidence that feminists actually support Islamic politics. Muslims can become politicians in our countries, but only after being thoroughly assimilated to where no trace of sexualism remains. If women wanted Islamic customs they could have voted them in by now, at least to be an option we could vote for. Also I think the Muslim Skeptic YouTube channel will be short-lived. I am surprised they are still on Twitter too:

But it can't last if they really get popular. Hopefully their teen sex debate/education videos will be archived somewhere (too big and difficult to access for the MRA Archive).

Eivind Berge said...

Lawyers speaking out against juryless rape trials:

But I bet it will be like Norway, normalized before long. Lawyers briefly protested here too but feminism won as usual.

Anonymous said...

Yea there's no doubt Islam is fucking terrible for the average person. But the main reason Islam is not attacked by feminists is because feminists are told Whitey is the target. Plus, Muslims don't care about "consent", and that gets feminists (and all women) really wet.

At the least, we can be happy to point to the Muslim arguments to attack the age of consent without blowback, and without actually being under Muslim rule. For now.

AF said...

"I see no evidence that feminists actually support Islamic politics. Muslims can become politicians in our countries, but only after being thoroughly assimilated to where no trace of sexualism remains. If women wanted Islamic customs they could have voted them in by now, at least to be an option we could vote for."

This is because you can't see subtleties, or broader pictures.

Feminists control the Left (and increasingly the right - but you can surely see that the Left is feminist dominated?). The Left openly supports mass Islamic immigration, 'Islamophobia' hate speech laws etc etc. Feminists almost never speak out against supposed Muslim oppression of women in the Middle-East, or even in Muslim communities in the West.

The Conservative party in the Uk, as well as the Labour party both pander to the Muslim vote. What would an 'unassimilated Muslim' leader in a Western society be like? Calling for the age of consent to be lowered so his kids can lose their virginity to some chad in class? No, like the Mayor of London, they ban bikini adverts on the London Underground, with the support of feminists. The home secretary in the UK is a Muslim woman, and her predecessor was also a Muslim woman.

Mr Berge. Can you finally directly answer the following question - if Muslim countries are utopias for men, why don't you move to one? And why do you think millions of horny Muslim men are escaping those countries to come to the West? Why don't you take an adventure holiday in Afghanistan, and try picking up local 16 year old girls?

And while we are on that theme. Just to point out how absurdly contradictory so many of your positions are. You think each of us should avoid masturbation alltogether because we need to be ready to fuck 24 hours a day should an opportunity present itself. Yet you support mass immigration - mainly young single horny males who will be in direct sexual competition with you and me. What the F is the point of me abastaining from the simple joy of occaisional mastubation just to increase my sexual potential by 0.001%, when I should also be accepting of bringing in millions of Muslim men to compete with me in chasing the limited number of single females available?? Not to mention you also support women fucking young boys instead of men too.

Eivind Berge said...

The most important idea to counter right now is that sex is inherently harmful, because that underpins all the "abuse" victimology that our sex laws are based on. Nobody except religious fundamentalists believe fornication is a sin anymore, so I don't really care if the Muslims promote that idea along with their excellent debunking of the abuse nonsense. No, we don't want to move to a place where fornication is criminal, but that's beside the point. Muslims are allies because they in their pure form like the Muslim Skeptics dare to be put the lie to ALL the feminist nonsense, including the medical myths surrounding early pregnancy. This surprises even me and we have lots to learn from them:

Pregnancy-related mortality for women is lowest when they give birth before 15.

Should those who care about women's health encourage females to marry & give birth shortly after puberty?

Are those who disagree misogynist women haters who want to see them suffer and die?


In 2010, CDC-affiliated researchers reported that women over 40 years of age are 7 times more likely to die in pregnancy and childbirth than women under 15. And women aged 35-39 were at 3 times the risk compared to women under the age of 15. Inconvenient truths for feminists!

And wow, they even get away with tweets implying that girls as young as 10 can consent:

That's more extreme than anything I ever said to get banned, so I guess Muslim privilege is a thing, but it's a good kind of privilege that serves the entire Men's Movement and we should align ourselves with. Indeed they make us look tame when we only advocate sex with teen girls and they are completely unapologetic about it too.

And yeah, I firmly believe nofap is worth it even if your chances are very low. As long as there is hope then nofap is essential.

I don't have strong opinions on immigration, so I don't know what to say to that except girls also immigrate and I have even dated Muslim girls so I don't see a huge conflict there either.

Jack said...

Girls don't migrate, at least not from muslim countries. Muslim countries donate males, not females. They keep the women to themselves back in their home countries.

When Merkel in Germany decided to let 5 million coran-retards from the desert into Europe, she meant 5 million men. The bombs in Syria were falling on women as much as on men, but leaving all women under the bombs never bothered anyone in Europe, least of all the feminists. At the same time, the same feminists raised hell as soon as a few hundred young women from Thailand and the Philippines were reported flying in through Frankfurt on visa waivers back in the 70s and 80s.

Eivind Berge said...

First piece of publicity about Norwegian Offspring, in Danish:

I was not going to comment on the plot before the premiere, but since the director reveals some details in the interview there I might as well comment on them.

Yeah, the character based on me is a wanker. He is impotent with two real women he meets and then visits a sex doll brothel. He does that and other stupid shit I would never do, but my ideology is preserved faithfully. See it as a work of art plus male sexualist ideology, not a story "about" me, because it fails at that spectacularly, or rather does not attempt to be so. This is the director's artistic vision, which is all fine by me of course since I don't mind anybody making the kind of art they want. But I need to (and do via a cameo at the end) distance myself from that part because she obviously does not know how male sexuality works.

The character "Stein" is a demisexual, lol, who can only be aroused when there is deep emotional intimacy -- NOT just with a random attractive woman who is giving herself to him. Marlene's notion of male sexuality is hilarious, but I am very proud and thankful to get my ideology across nonetheless in her movie. That's how it goes when a woman directs a movie about the male sex drive I guess, and fails to listen to me about that part, but she didn't distort my ideology, so male sexualists and MAPS should be happy. Especially if the film can draw more people into our movements, so let's pray it wins an award and/or gets lots of media publicity now. At 44 minutes it is very generous for a short film (the longest in the competition), but it is only by onboarding people to our serious activism that it can have political influence.

So just to hopefully spark an interesting discussion with comments from an actual male point of view, what do you all think about the director's notion that men might visit a sex doll brothel to avoid the "disgust" real sex workers feel for us? (As you can see, she is dripping with contempt for male sexuality, and identifies as a feminist.) And are there any male demisexuals here? Or anywhere? Do men get hard-ons for close emotional bonds rather than attractive bodies? Lol. Much projection going on here... I guess the movie shows what men would be like if we didn't see women as "sex objects" the way they complain about us using that word.

In reality, of course, we are mostly turned on by physical attractiveness. It's great to have a deep emotional connection, but I doubt it has much impact on erections. Ugliness (usually synonymous with old age) cannot turn into beauty (youth) via emotional bonding and conversely if a man fails to respond to attractive, fertile-age females without knowing them well then he is dysfunctional, plain and simple. Women can wish we weren’t like this all they want, but it can’t make it so, and moreover this is a hateful condemnation of male nature that all men should vigorously oppose, because it is by that being the regnant ideology that we get all the oppressive, misandrist sex laws.

Eivind Berge said...

I also made a video about this interview with the director:

She thinks only female sexuality is human, and a near-asexual version of female sexuality at that :)

That part is so silly, and so intuitively wrong to any man, even the agecucks, that my ideological quotes are foregrounded. And they are uncorrupted, so I am overall very happy with the movie.

AnonAnonAnonnonon said...

"The erection fails in the meeting with the woman. Instead, Stein seeks out a sex worker. However, she interrupts their meeting when he expresses his controversial views on sexual underage and women's abuse of boys.

In the end, he finds redemption with a sex doll in a brothel, where a real woman acts as the doll's voice."

Lol. So you allowed a feminist to completely parody your entire philosophy? Oh well, at least the article carried a link to

As regards your latest YouTube video - yes, we have been aware for 20 years or more that feminists only see female sexuality as human. That's why your white knighting for women having sex with underage chads will never inspire other men.

AnonAnonAnonnn said...

@Jack - I see Michael Houellebecq has renounced his former views on Islam. Poor guy must be suffering early dementia. His writing went downhill 15 years ago. He must have dementia to have allowed himself to be 'raped' by that porn director.

Eivind Berge said...

"Lol. So you allowed a feminist to completely parody your entire philosophy?"

Trust me, it gets even more parodical than that plot summary, so farcical that it is funny :)

But as I said, it's not complete parody because my direct quotes about the female sex offender charade and age of consent are NOT parodied. These are lines improvised by me during rehearsals that were written into the script and spoken by the professional actor in earnest.

I really do think she ends up parodying feminism in the end, not me. If male viewers significantly get that impression (because they can't identify with the narrow-minded version of male sexuality that feminists can accept), then we have won an aesthetic victory here, and in any case it is good to draw attention to the sexualist movement whether they are attracted through love or hate.

Anonymous said...

If Eivind's quotes are sufficiently relevant, then IMHO it almost doesn't matter whether or not the movie parodies his views. At this desperate and embryonic stage it's all about getting some quotes into the brains of normies. Cannes might be arty but it's still very much normie.
@ Eivind-
Completely unrelated to anything, out of simple curiosity, you say you read a Danish newspaper article. How much written or spoken Danish can a native Norwegian speaker understand without study? Would it be 80-90% of the newspaper article, for example, or close to 100%?


Eivind Berge said...

I can understand close to 100% of written Danish without having studied it. Spoken Danish is far more challenging to understand for Norwegians and takes getting used to, so I would say more like 70 or 80% there.

Yeah, our goal in Cannes should be to get noticed at all. The normies will be shocked to hear any positive quotes about underage sex, and probably have a conniption when they realize this is serious pro-contact activism with a movement behind it.

Anonymous said...

@ Eivind-Thanks for the info.