Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Homage to my predecessors in NAFP

It has been brought to my attention that although I may be the only public MAP activist in Norway, I am not the first. And they even had an organization called NAFP. That's an acronym for Norsk arbeidsgruppe for peodofili which means Norwegian Taskforce for Pedophilia. This organization existed from 1974 to 1983.  They even held a conference in Oslo in 1979 which was probably the high point of MAP activism in Norway. Even Tom O'Carroll was in attendance! But that's just a small part of their interesting history which you can read about here:

Highly recommended reading for Norwegians! Firstly, let's quote their definition of what is now called MAP activism. This is still totally relevant today:

Det er et behov for å kjempe for rettigheter, likeverd og respekt i samfunnet... Det er kampen mot lover som på prinsipielt grunnlag forbyr pedofil seksuell praksis. Det er kampen mot lovregulert diskriminering. Likeverd er et spørsmål om å kunne bli betraktet som et menneske på linje med andre, og ikke tilhørende en bestemt gruppe tildelt de samme negative egenskapene. Og det er respekt, retten til å være fri og åpen om hvem man er, uten at dette møtes med frykt, hat eller sanksjoner.

Pedofil aktivisme er politikk. Det er politikk både i tradisjonell forstand, ved at man forsøker å influere styringsprosessene i samfunnet, dets lover og regler, men også i holdningsskapende forstand, ved å arbeide for at samfunnet skal godta oss og vår seksualitet. Pedofil aktivisme er informasjon og saklig opplysning om seksualitet, samt utformingen av akseptable retningslinjer for seksuell adferd.

However, back then they were nearly all boylovers. Not because they wanted to exclude straight guys and women, but apparently there was even less interest in political activity among heterosexual men in the 1970s to promote sexual freedom than there is now. Even though the age of consent was 16 then as now and there was not the belief in the metaphysical badness of sex causing "trauma" from consensual acts or the stigma on pedophilia that there is now. The imagined danger back then was simply that homosexuality was contagious, which albeit wrong is charmingly innocent compared to today's demonology. And as late as 1960 the government was able to be rational even if they didn't act on it.

Innstillingen fra Strafferådet av 1960 er interessant lesning, fordi det høyst sannsynlig var siste gang det offentlige på en noenlunde realistisk måte kunne diskutere lovbestemmelsene på dette området. I dag er slike diskusjoner håpløst hemmet av barns påståtte inkompetanse og behovet for å beskytte dem. Sitatet som E refererer til finnes på side 32 i innstillingen. På samme side finner vi et annet eksempel på hvordan de unge ble oppfattet den gang (jfr. med dagens lovtekst):

Innstilling fra Strafferådet 17 mars 1960, side 32:

Straffelovrådet vil, som nevnt under den foregående paragraf, foreslå at den nåværende aldersgrense på 16 år blir opprettholdt. Da det imidlertid ofte kan være tilfellet at personer under denne lavalder er vel utviklet i fysisk henseende, er det neppe riktig i lovbestemmelsen om utuktig omgjengelse med slike personer å betegne dem som «b a r n». Man har i praksis hatt tilfelle hvor det ikke har vært naturlig å bruke betegnelsen på den som gjerningsmannen har hatt den utuktige omgjengelse med. Den fysiske utvikling har i disse tilfelle vært slik at inntrykket av fornærmede som barn var utelukket. Rådet vil derfor foreslå at ordet «barn» byttes ut med det nøytrale «noen» under 16 år.

NAFP made a serious effort to lower the age of consent, and in the 1970s it looked realistic to at least drop it down to 14 before all hope was lost when the global CSA psychosis set in around 1980. That's the hysteria we are still living in, but in some ways I am more optimistic about the current MAP movement than what they had back then, since it was a completely gay thing at the time. And they were less public than I would have expected. The only name which is still openly associated with NAFP is Thore Langfeldt, but they claim he wasn't really a member and recent quotes from him indicate he has gone insane and now attributes attraction to minors with an inability to relate to adults just like the worst contemporary psychological hogwash (no better than his former belief  that "den mindreårige kan bli varig homoseksuell gjennom forføring," though in a different direction blowing with the political correctness of our times). Sexologist Berthold Grünfeld (who is fixated on using puberty as a dividing line) gets an honorable mention as having at least partly supported their view, but absolutely NOBODY will own a role in NAFP any longer! All they left behind is this very well-written historical treatise with lots of primary source material.

And so it all devolves to me to take responsibility and be a public Norwegian MAP activist. Which I am proudly doing now in my role as Outreach Ambassador for Newgon.

Another quote from their historical site which resonnates with me:

Rettsapparatet i et samfunn kan ikke erstatte viljen til å leve lovlydig. Lover kan bare virke hvis det er en konsensus om deres intensjoner. Men hva er egentlig intensjonen med loven om seksuell lavalder? Skal den straffe og forhindre misbruk, eller skal den straffe og forhindre hva "de fleste foreldre" ikke liker?

Boy, did society get consensus that pedophilia is wrong! But they got it on a fraudulent basis, firstly with a fraudulent definition of children and secondly with a superstition about the metaphysical badness of sexuality and myths about a handicapped teenage brain. So in theory, it should be easy to break the will to obey the law if not the laws themselves with their powerful globalist backing, which is now much, much harder than in the 70s. All we really need for that first step is to make enough people reject the rationale behind the sex laws and see law enforcement as the enemy like I do.

Here is the NAFP historian's definition of the abuse industry that is entrenching all the antisex laws, which is spot-on like it could have been written by Angry Harry himself:

Anti-pedofili kan dermed også sees på som et foretaksfenomén. Den bygget opp og holdt liv i et koteri av sosialarbeidere, barnevernsansatte, saksbehandlere, konsulenter, foredragholdere, forskningsstipendiater, kriminaletterforskere, rettspsykiatere, psykoterapeuter, leger, spesialpedagoger, støttekontakter og advokater. De skulle etterhvert utgjøre hva vi i dag kaller misbruksindustrien, et økende antall mennesker hvis inntekt og karrière helt eller delvis avhenger av en jevn strøm med misbrukere og misbrukte. I 1978 var alt dette i sin spede begynnelse.

Finally I present the former NAFP member's philosophical musings about what has gone wrong with society's view of minors' sexuality. I am not saying I completely agree with this. Like the female sexual trade union, it is merely one angle on a complex phenomenon which I now think is best summed up as cultural drift and monoculturalism.

Hva har skjedd med seksualiteten siden 1960?

Svaret er like innlysende som det er paradoksalt. Seksualiteten har blitt ung. Hele vår kultur har blitt ung. Ungdommen og det ungdommelige har tatt over. Det er det unge som gjelder. Å bli gammel har ingen status. Alderdom er tabu. Alle skal være unge. Vi lever i de unges verden.

Alt fra rynkefjerning til hårtransplantasjoner, alt fra miniskjørt til kontaktlinser, alt fra barbering av skrittet til viagra, alt fra helsekost til treningssentre er bare uttrykk for det samme. Alle du treffer i serviceyrkene, fra ungjenta bak disken til flyvertinnen, er der fordi ungdom selger. Det er det vi vil ha.

Barnet har blitt alle kvinners skjønnhetsideal. Ungdommelige prestasjoner og ungdommelig utseende har blitt alle menns mannsideal.

Det er de pedofiles forståelse av hva som er seksuelt attråverdig som gjelder. Det var vår seksualitet som vant.

Vi vant, men seieren kostet oss dyrt. Når du dyrker det ungdommelige, vil selve ungdommen bli idolisert. Når du vil ha huden til et barn, kan du lett avgude dem som virkelig er barn. De pedofile vil rive ned idolet, besudle det, ha sex med det, og det kan ikke samfunnet tolerere. Derfor kan barn brukes til å begrense enhver menneskerettighet, kaste bort ethvert rettsprinsipp og fjerne enhver anstendighet.

Man kan spørre seg om dette ikke er en selvmotsigelse. Hvis samfunnet elsker det barnlige og forguder barn, hvorfor bruker de barn som våpen mot pedofile? Svaret er mer opplagt enn vi tror. Når vi idoliserer noe, slutter vi å verdsette det. På samme måte som middelalderens religionskriger bunnet i en idolisert kristen kjærlighet, vil de idoliserte barna starte en konflikt som gjør at samfunnet river ned demokratiet og ødelegger seg selv.

Did attraction to minors "win" because everyone now wants to appear young themselves? Sounds like a cope to me, but worth thinking about.


  1. I open this post with a classic: women freaking out that a 61-year-old rich man prefers a 19-year-old chick and not a 50-year-old divorced middle-aged woman.

    """The girlfriend of Anthony Kiedis (61 years old) of The Red Hot Chili Peppers is 19 years old, reminder, because many forget, early adolescence is from 12 to 14, late adolescence is from 15 to 19 years"""

    I love the subtlety of this feminist saying that since adolescence extends until 19, it implies that he is a pedophile, since they have achieved that teenagers are pedophilia, the only thing left to do is to extend adolescence as much as possible.

    """I will never understand why men are so obsessed with dating the youngest women they can.

    They like to use the excuse that “they are fertile” to hide their true intentions. The reproductive age of a woman is 25 but a 30-year-old woman can have children perfectly well, and 19yo kids are sought because younger than this is illegal."""

    This other defines herself on Twitter as an "aroace lesbian", I don't know what the hell she is, but this surely clears up many doubts.

    """It's just because they are emotionally immature, they want to continue thinking that they are young and feed their ego as if it were a trophy... when they say what they say they only look like ridiculous old men"""

    And this is said by a supposed adult woman with her profile full of photos of K-pop boys.

    1. Aroace means aromantic and asexual. That's someone who doesn't develop sexual attraction to others. The new world order is eventually planning to make everyone asexual, that's the end goal of the gender nonbinary and transgender identity systems becoming more intricate.

      The new world order wants all reproduction to be by artificial insemination and eventually their holy Grail is the artificial uterus. Their plan is to forbid all sexual contact between humans altogether, saying it's obsolete, uncivilized and can never be made safe and equitable for all.

      This person probably has all the pictures of Kpop boys because aroace often find aesthetic beauty in people deemed physically attractive.

      Our mission is to cause the new world order to fail in their plan.

  2. Adolescence lasts until 19? We can do better than that... according to the BBC, "Adolescence now lasts from the ages of 10 to 24, although it used to be thought to end at 19, scientists say."

    That is from 2018 and maybe the new scientific "discovery" didn't catch on. Anyway, good to see some mature men are not afraid to date adolescents.

  3. The former NAPF member is partially correct. A lot of modern pedohysteria probably stems back to modern societies being youth-oriented. As he writes - there are no benefits to getting old anymore. It stands to reason then, that society should develop huge complexes regarding "sexualizing minors". If you say openly that youth is attractive, you are hitting people where it hurts. Considering how long the average educational process is now, people aren't seen as full adults until after they are already physically in decline. Naturally, they do not want to be reminded of this, and they lash out at any expressions linking youth to sexual attractiveness (which is really the quality that matters most to people, regardless of how sophisticated and "enlightened" they may feel they are).

    Older societies could freely worship the beauty of youth because youth was not all that mattered. Age brought wisdom, status and respect. Now you are just seen as uncool, out of touch and "untouchable" so far as young people at large are concerned if you are more than a decade older than them, and age-gap relationships are the biggest sexual taboo of our times. Part of this is social conditioning, there is no doubt about that. However, I believe the main impetus behind this disgust is that they don't want to relate themselves to anyone older, simply because they don't want to be reminded that they too are getting older. And why would they want to? There are no benefits to it anymore, only detriments. By championing an age-segregated society, they can essentially push this reality out of sight. Of course, in the long run this is absolutely horrible for their mental health. It would be a lot more beneficial if they were able to relate to and befriend older people, so they didn't have to feel so mortified at the thought of growing older themselves.

    "The thing we value most of all is youth, which means that life automatically becomes depressing, because life consists, on the whole, of getting old." - Michel Houellebecq

    Feminists think they can solve this somehow by pushing 60 year-old Miss Universe contestants and praising wrinkles as beautiful in advertisements. Well, good luck...

    1. The idea that people are afraid of the idea that they'll get older, as a root cause of pedohysteria would explain why fellow old people are also very anti older man with young girl sex interaction. A protective paternal instinct could manifest as a desire to protect the young girl from being exposed to the older man as a means of protecting her from developing awareness that she'll get old too.

  4. Yes, points well taken. Not the whole explanation, but part of the picture for sure. It only sucks to get older now. All your skills are outdated and even if young people like you you are just dismissed as a groomer. And of course, the desperate ways older people seek to be young again only confirm that youth is attractive. So in that sense, minor-attraction has won. We just didn't win in any meaningful way. I am not so sure it has to be that way, but this whole cultural youth-worship came with very peculiar taboos on interacting with youths or even admitting that youth is the ideal of sexual attractiveness. Women will never be any more attractive than in their mid teens and all their life they strive to get that look back, yet we are supposed to pretend middle-aged or even 60-year-old women are all the rage.

  5. Is there no forum or site to talk about these topics? I can only write here and it's frustrating

  6. Great comments from Feldmarshall and Anonymous.

    Couldn't you have translated the Norwegian Eivind? The entire article may as well have been in Norwegian. Would have been easier for English readers to put it into Google translate.

    It's understandable that the gay community were the most active 'MAPs' back then. The legalization of homosexuality basically created 'homosexuality'. Before then, it was almost entirely pederastry. So essentially gays were told - 'we will stop persecuting you, but only if you stick to adults'. It was a deal with the devil. And a way to validate age of consent laws for the Sexual Trade Union.

    And if Norway was similar to the UK back then, then heterosexual men could probably bang underage teen girls with little risk of punishment, especially if they had the girl's parents permission. However, gay men would have a harder time having relationships with young boys.

    Meanwhile, one police force in the UK has decided to make giving a woman an 'icky look' a criminal offence.

  7. Go to the links at heretic TOC and find Girl Chat.

    It's not brilliant for a normal male, focusing as it does on actual pedo discussion, but it's better than nothing.

    I find it to only be one of those forums that are interesting for 5-10 minutes every once in a while, but again, better than nothing, and the people there seems intelligent and nice.

    There recently was an interesting thread about how the importation of illegals from Latin America could allow for cultural and legal change regaring sex laws.

    -Anonymous 2

  8. @G23

    They are three different women, the aroace lesbian had Western anime style drawings most like are from Hazbin Hotel, the other (the third) I think they like it because of the feminization of men, which K-pop is very much to blame for, it represents the good man, submissive that he would never hurt them. Clearly these people are sick in the head, with daddy issues and relationship traumas and even possible mental disorders, if they weren't so hateful I would feel sorry for them.

    Also about your other comment: Older women fuck with young people without hesitation, even those under 18, they have no moral problem with that, only men, even reading those who agree with us, when they become older feel bad about liking very young girls... Even admitting that when they are at their hottest it is around 16-19, but they would feel like pedophiles who take advantage of children. Women have NO problem, they talk about fucking young men, even considering the lowest age like 16, 17, etc. like trophies.

    Also, some men, although they admit to me that they like teens even at 17 or 16 if they are VERY developed, say it disgusts them that they look like little girls, like childish facial features, I don't understand that, I like them to look like young girls and adult women at same time. Maybe, I don't know if it's social conditioning or it's genuine for some reason.

  9. "So essentially gays were told - 'we will stop persecuting you, but only if you stick to adults'. It was a deal with the devil. And a way to validate age of consent laws for the Sexual Trade Union."

    That's exactly what they told straight men in your time!!! Don't you understand AF? you can like young women but only those who are adults. (which is always the legal age of majority, not biological adulthood), but since feminism always needs enemies (and the theory of sexual value) it is increasingly rejected even with those of legal age, as we see daily.

    We know why women want that. But why do men believe it? Believing in a social construct of adulthood at 18 (especially for sex) provides emotional security and social cohesion, a man is safe and content if he binds himself to the age of 18, he may technically be a "paraphilic ephebophile" like us but Society can makes sure that this is ignored, the bad guy, the degenerate who deserves punishment is the one who crosses the line, from being a criminal who makes a mistake to being sexually ill by definition, it is the natural step. But by screwing up that limit of 18, feminists are driving men crazy and that is why this reaction, so typical of incels, the alt-right, masculinists, traditionalists and "anti-feminists" of even defending attraction to young women, That is, always of legal age, which is 18.

    This is what AF fails and does not realize (I think) that no matter how much a man admits and accepts attraction to young women, even technically teenagers, he will always have that magical limit called "legal adulthood", therefore even overcoming that "hegemonic feminism" we would continue to be social pariah, perverts and possibly criminals, only maybe better or maybe worse. There is my idea that we should do activism (even above the rest) to lower the age of majority to less than 18.

  10. Yes, of course I do think that lowering the age of majority is the key! That's why I am so hostile to the MAP movement. All they are doing is validating the absurd age of majority of 18, while hoping pathetically that society (and in particular feminists, lol) will take pity on them and accord them 'sexual minority' status. In many cases, of course, they don't even want the age of consent reduced, because they are 'virtuous MAPs' and only want to fap off to their pre-pubescent anime porn.

    This was my point regarding the campaigns to lower the voting age to 16, and pointing out that the hypocrites never say that they are calling for 'children to have the right to vote'.

    We need to maintain that teens are not children, they are not even 'minors'. The very word 'minor' betrays what the concept really means - a young person who is sexually controlled by the State. And of course, men who are attracted to teens, even strongly preferential of teens, are not paedophiles.

    This is all lost on Eivind, who is pursuing a course that is suicidal both for any opposition to the feminist war on male sexuality, and no doubt to himself.

  11. 16 and 17 year olds have been given the right to vote in the EU elections today, in Belgium, Germany, Greece, Austria, and Malta.

    I think in Malta the age of consent is actually 18. Old enough to vote, but not old enough to have sex.

    Of course, we should support lowering the age of voting, as it at least clouds the age of 'majority'. But we know it's being done by the Left in the expectation that young people will vote for their parties, and feminist politicians will get elected who will go on to increase the minimum age for sex work to 21 and such like.

    But according to the BBC, it might actually backfire on them.

    Notice again, not a single mention of the word 'child', but 'young' and 'young people' is used repeatedly.

    Evind thinks words mean whatever people use them to mean. So are 16 and 17 year olds children or not?

  12. Biologically and sexually, childhood ends at puberty. I guess if it is precocious puberty I would still call them children, but certainly the now usual age of menarche which is just under 13 years old fully marks the transition into womanhood for me. And even if they aren't menstruating at that time they are still so fully developed that it is ridiculous to call them children in a biological sexual sense, or believe their brains are "undeveloped."

    However, we are talking about social roles here. Social roles are extremely flexible, and if you are going to participate in society it is silly to claim social roles are not real. Also totally impractical. In that sense, the word "children" means what people use it to mean. This is where your thinking shortcircuits, because you seem incapable of considering that we have a say in what kind of expectations should come with the social role of a child. It is not set in stone that there should be a taboo on adults having sex with them. This is the primary lesson the MAP movement has thought me: it was silly to insist that sexually mature teens are not children; rather we should fight to obliterate the taboo on having sex with children. As a side effect, we don't necessarily mark the lower line on such a taboo at puberty either. Society has now erased that line and pretty much criminalized any recognition of it as "sexualization." Very well, then the path of least resistance is to sexualize the SOCIAL ROLE of children. This is my ideological mission, which means I no longer engage in the hopeless path of trying to convince society that 16 and 17-year-olds aren't children (or if you don't think that's hopeless, try it with a 13-year-old or mature 12-year-old...). They can be children if we want them to be: that's perfectly fine. But we have a say in what kind of sexual expectations should go into the "child" role, and a taboo on sex is not there in my view which I have every right to push as much as the normies push their antisex norm.

  13. At the official tribute to D-Day (you know, those who "liberated" us from evil), one of the elderly war veterans said something like: "I was 19, I was just a child."
    I say, if he was a child, why was he in the war? Isn't sending children to war a crime against humanity? Ah no, those types of "children" don't matter.

    The age of consent in Malta was lowered to 16 recently, and it was thanks to some youth and women's groups, I said they were "feminist" organizations but others said it had nothing to do, I have no idea, I guess they are controlled by young people and not middle-aged envious old witches.

    Also we must also understand that while some accept 16, 17 year old girls, they continue to consider 13 or 14 year old girls as pedophilia, that is a very serious disadvantage for us, because "adolescence" fluctuate between ages, it is not something fixed, they are not something static, like being a man or a woman (until gender ideology), that means that there are always those who accept some ages and others not, I think that is one of the worst disadvantages we have. We will always be a perverted child molester to someone else. That's the thing Eivind and the MAPs are right about, if all ages are accepted, even real chirldren, then it doesn't matter, I do consider that positive, at least they should let you like any age, being attracted to a child is not rape children.

    You have literally validated the entire discourse of feminists, in fact the self-fulfilling prophecy of the radfem terfs that behind everything is the normalization and legalization of pedophilia. A woman of 16, 17, 18, 19 will never be a child, just as a man will never be a woman, do we have to believe now that a man in a dress is a woman? I am not saying this for ideological and cultural reasons but rather to not be part of a collective delirium. We are not pedophiles, we don't like children, we don't intend to have sex with children, this is what we have literally fought for every second of our lives, and now we throw it away? It doesn't matter what society and the laws think, accepting their speech even as something positive is being defeated. Now it turns out that I was a pedophile all this time and I want to fuck children, that is, I am the same as the one who wants to fuck 6-year-old children. At least with the "ephebophilia" label I defended that I like teenagers and that I want to fuck teenagers.

  14. @FeldMarshall

    "A woman of 16, 17, 18, 19 will never be a child, just as a man will never be a woman, do we have to believe now that a man in a dress is a woman?"

    Yeah, we just have to get used to living in a world where these roles have a new meaning. But they only go so far. Transwomen can't force us to be attracted to them and the feminists and agecucks can't force us NOT to be attracted to teen girls.

    If we don't want to participate in a debate given that these are the roles, then we have already lost because then we don't have a voice saying it's okay to be a MAP. On the other hand if we take it as given that minors are whatever society tells us, which can go all the way up to 25 for all we care, then we get right into the debate which really matters and have our voice heard.

  15. Look at the winner of the Miss Alabama contest.

    Ironic that just about every man on Earth can see that this is ridiculous, but the former champion of normal male sexuality probably sees her as his dream woman.

  16. Opinions about the European elections Eivind?

  17. Wow, this is a coincidence. Malta may actually be lowering the age of consent again - to 14.


    Honestly, I think it's outrageous that this 14 year old child survivor is being victim-blamed by the patriarchal Florida government and US media. Don't they know that a 14 year old child's brain isn't fully developed enough to understand the concept of murder?

    Honestly, the grandmother got what she clearly wanted and deserved when she groomed the 14 year old child survivor into murdering her. Truly sick behavior by the grandmother, and shameful behavior by the government and media for blaming the true victim of abuse - the child survivor who murdered her grandmother without even knowing she was being groomed and abused into murder by the grandmother.


  19. I don't have much of an opinion on elections anymore because all political parties are against us. However, the results of these European elections are interesting.

    Young people can be especially impulsive, emotional, and are on a steep learning curve. Their dissatisfaction with the sluggish economic recovery, a pandemic that unfairly punished them (for nothing), and the world’s confluence of other crises is understandable.

    But they must vent this pique constructively, as the extreme right has no answers to these problems (which, oddly, I’ve heard hard right voters say they recognize.) This rightist rebellion is a temper tantrum that impedes democracy from addressing its own shortcomings.

    Even youth are turning right-wing now. I guess their leftist brain wasn't innate after all, to the disappointment of leftists. But they cling to the undeveloped-brain theory to explain this away too. No matter what young people do, they are never "truly" responsible because the imagined impulsive nature of their brain metaphysically invalidates all their choices.

  20. No matter what young people do, they are never "truly" responsible because the imagined impulsive nature of their brain metaphysically invalidates all their choices.

    Not "no matter what young people do", but rather "when young people do something that the ruling class does not like". When the ruling class likes what they do, then young people "have shown their sense of responsibility".

  21. Well, oh well, oh well. Just take a look at this.

    British intelligence officer at the NCA (National Crime Agency) whose job is to track down paedophiles online, faces jail after viewing hundreds of child porn images on the Dark Web. I mean who would suspect anything like this could happen?

    I remember a commentator here (I doubt very much if it was one of the good ones like Anon69, Jack, Anonymous 2, Feldmarshall) saying that there is no such thing as paedocrites as it was not possible for an individual to reach such a level of deceit (self or public).

    I related on my blog once how I regularly used to pass the the NCA center in Victoria, London on the way home from the swimming baths. I'd often see some of the workers standing about outside on their coffee or smoking break, and every single one looked like a stereotypical paedophile.

  22. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is America's agecuck-in-chief:

    DeSantis signed HB 7063 at a news conference at Granada Church in Coral Gables.

    The law prohibits the employment of persons younger than 21 years of age in adult entertainment establishments... The bill will take effect on July 1.

    "This legislation will help better protect the most vulnerable in our communities, it will ensure that if businesses are not complying with these very modest, reasonable requirements, whether knowingly or unknowingly, they will be held accountable."

    Well, if shielding children from sexuality until they are 21 is a modest requirement, I wonder how it will be when the hysteria really gets going.

  23. London man jailed for over 4 years for 'rape' for taking off his condom during sex.

    Gary Glitter ordered to pay 'victim' over half-a-million pounds, and other money grabbing 'victims' set to follow.

  24. I've been reading another book on the spread of Christianity in the Roman Empire. This one is even more of a treasure trove of evidence that the Sexual Trade Union was a huge influence on early Christianity and a major reason for its growth.

    Ancient writers mocked early Christianity for being popular only among women and slaves.

    The early church in the Roman Empire benefitted greatly from donations given by the rich wives of noblemen.

    Early Christianity was infamous for being a 'cult of virginity'. Older women, including Roman wives, converted en masse to Christianity and renounced sex alltogether. A predominant belief in the first couple of centuries of Christianity was that to be a true Christian, you had to renounce the 'sins of the flesh' entirely and give up sex, whatever your age, and even if you were married. The obvious impact on the birth rate this would have was not seen as a problem because right up until the 300's, Christians believed that the return of the Messiah was imminent.

    One of the first Christian laws that the Emperor Constantine passed ordered that 'slaves who were found to be an acessory to the seduction of a young girl were to have molten lead poured down their throats'.

    When Christian ascetics in their thousands ventured into the Egyptian desert alone, in order to escape the sins of the flesh and seek salvation with God, they would be haunted by visions of 'demons' in the form of young dancing girls. Such young dancing girls were a common feature of Greek and Roman 'symposiums' or dinner parties, and the aristocratic guests would often have sex with them.

    Christianity, or at least the shaping of it into a puritanical anti-sex cult by Paul (who was probably gay or asexual) and others, must surely be the most cataclysmic event to befall mankind (that is - men). Although I do not agree with the likes of Milan Horvarth and the 'rationalists' that we can blame everything today on American Christian zealotry. It's always the Sexual Trade Union pulling the strings. In Europe, they predominantly take the form of left-wing feminists. In the USA, it is equally or even more so the work of femiservative Christians.

  25. Wow, that had escalated more than I realized...

    A man has been jailed for four years and three months in a rare conviction for “stealthing” – taking a condom off during sex without consent.

    Guy Mukendi, 39, from Brixton, was sentenced on Thursday at inner London crown court for the rape of a woman last year. The woman had consented to sex with Mukendi on the condition a condom was used, but he removed it without her consent.

    Nonconsensual condom removal is classified as rape under separate laws applying in the UK nations.

    Fellow MAPs should be aware that MAP issues are just a fraction of the antisexual persecutions of our times. We do live in the dystopian horror-feminist world of my worst fears when I first was radicalized as an MRA a quarter century ago in the early days of Angry Harry. All his worst warnings came true and then some and I think he scarcely could have imagined the full extent of the hateful vindictive insatiable beast the abuse industry actually became.

  26. Note that a woman "stealthing" the condom away to pregnancy-rape a man is certainly not even envisaged in the enforcement of such laws. It is yet another crime only men can commit.

  27. Here's some better news.

  28. "I open this post with a classic: women freaking out that a 61-year-old rich man prefers a 19-year-old chick and not a 50-year-old divorced middle-aged woman."

    @Feldmarshall - This week Wayne Lineker, who is a British celebrity known for dating women as young as 19 (he is 62), was knocked out in the street outside a Spanish nightclub. He was with two young women, and a group of British lads were pestering them, and when he tried to defend them one of the lads sparked him out cold, so he was lying on the pavement for 6 minutes unconscious with blood coming out his mouth.

    Then I read the comments in places like the Daily Mail and on Twitter, both men and women are saying he deserved it because he's a 'paedophile'.

    He was even called a paedophile for joking that he was dating a 25 year old female celebrity.

    How did we get to this level of insanity?

  29. A prominent female #MeToo activist in China has been handed a five-year jail sentence for "subversion against the state".

    Sophia Huang Xueqin was convicted and sentenced on Friday, nearly 10 months after she went on trial.

    Labour activist Wang Jianbing, who stood trial with Ms Huang, was sentenced to three years and six months in prison.

    Ms Huang, 36, had been one of the most prominent voices in China's #MeToo space, reporting ground-breaking stories about sexual abuse victims.

    She had also spoken out about the misogyny and sexism she faced in Chinese newsrooms.

    Chinese authorities have not made it clear how the two stood accused of subversion. The trial was a closed-door hearing.

    China is perhaps the only regime left with balls. Too bad they are so oppressive in other ways than feminism.

  30. "Christianity, or at least the shaping of it into a puritanical anti-sex cult by Paul (who was probably gay or asexual) and others, must surely be the most cataclysmic event to befall mankind (that is - men)."

    We've had equal times under Christianity where the age of consent was basically non existent, but I would certainly agree christian feminists are cataclysmic for every man and woman. I think it's up to whatever f*ggot is in charge, and the attitudes of the citizens. What's funny is the Bible defines fornication basically as incest, bestiality, homosexuality, or adultery (banging a married woman only). Everything else was a wink and a nod as far as I can tell. And in the earliest Bibles, like the Marcionite for example, there's very little talk of any 'sins of the flesh'.

    "How did we get to this level of insanity?"

    Extreme feminism (male and female, left and right) feeds back into niggardly girls which feeds back into extreme sexual jealousy. A misfunctioning of the legal system is needed, whether it comes from the inability to fund NGO's or the destruction of the government by an outside force or spontaneous change in attitudes from immigration. We have potential catalysts in a currency crisis, a big west vs east war, and the migrant crisis.

    "China is perhaps the only regime left with balls. Too bad they are so oppressive in other ways than feminism."

    China and Russia are awesome for us. They can be oppressive within their own borders, we just need them to defeat the west to limit the west's ability to fund these international feminist operations.


  31. You know Eivind, it might be interesting to set up a section on the MRA archive website that allows registered sex offenders to submit their own story of injustice, anonymously or not.

    If it builds up, we could have an army of pissed off dudes with an axe to grind against these laws and the abuse industry. That could be powerful. Make sure you get their contact emails.


  32. @ Eivind. Perhaps they have foreign links that would be considered treasonous even in so-called democracies. Maybe the Chinese govt. is only keeping secret what any Anglophone govt would also not release publicly, except with the fig leaf of specific charges.

    If they're just obnoxious then I wouldn't support charging them with anything, but I'm not in a position to know one way or another.

    About DeSantis and his lifting of adult entertainment venue work to 21, I am waiting to see if Y/tube bloggers or any of the mainstream Manosphere have anything to say about it. They don't seem to comment on new laws much for some reason.

    -Anonymous 2

  33. @Anon69 - Yes, the author of the book I'm reading (The Closing of the Western Mind) makes the point very well that there is very little in either the life of Jesus or the Old Testament for such an anti-sex view.
    The power of the Sexual Trade Union seems to come in waves. It should give us hope that after each wave, there is often a far more liberal era. I remember reading (here I think) that in the medieval period in England, when people were being hung, drawn, and quartered for stealing sheep and the like, that banging even a 10 year old girl was met with a slap on the wrist.

    "We have potential catalysts in a currency crisis, a big west vs east war, and the migrant crisis."

    Absolutely. And you can throw in AI to the mix there. The next decade or two is going to be a rollercoaster, and society will likely be transformed more than it has for a couple of centuries. Again, a strong reason not to give up hope, or to be nihilistic and wish for the collapse of Industrial civilization to 'spite feminists'. We don't have to go that far to see some radical change (besides, nobody here would survive the collapse of civilization).

    I was reading some scary stuff last night regarding the possible pace of AI progress. Maybe this guy is wrong in his belief that the Singularity could be just a couple of years away, but even if AI just advances a little bit more in the next few years, it's clearly going to shake up society. Of course, all that the Sexual Trade Union cares about is that some nerds and incels are deepfaking Taylor Swift.

  34. AI will be used to entrap men. Have you noticed a growing percentage of porn is now AI-generated, especially soft porn? This means the "age" of the "models" becomes harder to ascertain. Pedo-hunters will be able to ascribe the age they see fit more often than was possible with real-life models. Expect pedo-hunters to make full use of this.

  35. Is Judaism the first feminist, paedocrite and age-cuck civilization in history?

    "The Sages taught that 18 is the ideal age to become married, and that before this age one should spend time studying scripture and getting their life in order"

    "until she is matured and can say "I want to marry so-and-so", because a minor is "incapable of forming an opinion"

    "with the punishment being rabbinically decreed whiplashes,[50][27] and emphasizes that both betrothal and marriage to minors is forbidden by rabbinic decree."

    "minors" are not fit agents for betrothal "because they are lacking in mental capacity", as such they cannot meaningfully consent"

    "The Sages in the Talmud strongly opposed a wide age gap between spouses in either direction (e.g., between a young man and an old woman, and vice versa),[53][54][55] especially in the case of marrying off one's young daughter to an old man, which they declared as reprehensible as forcing her into prostitution."

    "Sanhedrin interpreted that Leviticus 19:29 forbids marrying off one's daughter to an old man because it might lead her to engage in adultery"

    "The Talmud also teaches that "those who marry minor girls who are not yet capable of bearing children" will "delay the coming of the messiah."[58][59] In Avot de-Rabbi Nathan, Rashbi equates child marriage to murder"

    1. Talmudic Judaism is where Gematria is from. These are the people who own the vast majority of mainstream media and entertainment, the news, tech companies, banks, and medicine.

      The Vatican is connected via the Jesuits, Jews who converted to Catholicism. The Protestants might be a form of "controlled opposition" being secretly ruled by the Vatican.

      Looking at that Wikipedia article you'll notice that Talmudic Judaism doesn't strongly prohibit lesbianism.

  36. The way I read that article on Judaism, 18 is the recommended marriage age but minors are defined as under 13. So it's not quite as intolerant as you made it seem. Also no specific prohibition on age gap if the girl is up for it.

  37. A little piece of good news, this scumbag Ed Matthews got arrested.

    Ed Matthew’s didn’t do nothing he was catching predators from hurting the kids and he did the right thing to hurt them what they’ve done to little kids.

    Free ed Mathews.

    The charges are bollox, they lock up those exposing nonces rather than lock up the nonces.

    He was impersonating a 15-year-old girl.

  38. No one writes pro-teensex blog posts quite like Robert Lindsay. His latest is worthy of inclusion in full here:

    Look I hate Matt Gaetz as much as anyone on the Left but I hate the shitlib prude feminists who are harping on this case about as much.

    What he’s charged with isn’t sex trafficking. The “little girl” was a FUCKING WHORE. A little TEENIE WHORE. A prostitute. She was an expensive call girl. Gaetz, etc. were buying whores and she was one of them. She lied about her age and used a fake ID, so Ginsburg and Gaetz thought she was legal. Turns out the whore was 17 1/2. At this time she was not only fucking clients but also fucking both men and women for free. Like I said WHORE.

    They finally uncovered that she was lying about her age, read her the riot act and told her to get out. Neither man had sex with her again. This is all uncontroversial. At the time she was legal, Gaetz flew her on an airplane from Florida to Georgia and then maybe had sex with her in Georgia. That’s “sex trafficking.” LOL! No it isn’t!

    Because according to Fed Pigs (the worst pigs of them all), if you buy an underage whore, supposedly now you are “trafficking” her, I guess by fucking her. And transporting this underage whore across state lines is also “trafficking.” See how stupid this bullshit is. Grow some balls, men, and quit promoting this gay nonsense. Sex trafficking is supposed to be all about sex slavery to pimps. They’re being trafficked because they’re enslaved and can’t escape, which is probably the case with most pimps. No sex slavery, no trafficking.

    In 2013 in the midst of the feminist Pedophile Mass Hysteria Teenage Girl Sex Panic, the stupid Congress made a new law totally redefining the term “sex trafficking” to where it is now grotesquely abused. Of course the Feds being pigs after all have gleefully prosecuted these BS cases along with the usual ridiculously excessive sentencing guidelines for federal crimes.

    Anyway this chick was barely illegal. She would have been legal in most states except she was a whore and minors can’t be whores.

    16 or 17 year old girls are legal in most states. They can fuck a 90 year old man if they want to. So you’re dating a 17 year old hottie. Good for you! You scored good brother! Bang that little teenie! Now according to fed pigs, if you buy this girl as little as one sandwich, you’re dating her legally anymore and you’re committing a federal crime of sex trafficking. Why? Because by buying her a SANDWICH, she’s now transformed into a literal prostitute. I gues all of us men are buying whores our whole life than all you women are nothing but a bunch of whores. Don’t blame me. I don’t write these pussy laws.

    What’s this charming innocent little girl child doing now? She’s a PORN STAR. Like I said WHORE.

  39. I would just love meeting up with Ed Matthews or some other "predator catchers"!

  40. The miraculous appearance of sexual responsibility when minors themselves can be charged with a crime is a recurrent theme in the current madness, and here is another staggering example.

    Two adolescent boys in a Paris suburb have been given preliminary charges of raping a 12-year-old girl and religion-motivated violence, French authorities said Wednesday. A Jewish leader said the girl is Jewish....

    The girl reported the rape in the town of Courbevoie on Saturday, and three boys, aged 12 and 13, were detained, according to the regional prosecutor's office. It said two of the boys were given multiple preliminary charges on Tuesday, including aggravated gang rape on a minor younger than 15, violence and public insult motivated by religion, death threats, attempted extortion and unlawfully recording or broadcasting sexual images.

    Methinks the normies must either quit attributing sexual agency and understanding to 12-year-old boys, or start attributing it to 12-year-old girls.

  41. Savage and absurd- .

    Minimum of 5 1/2 years on a 9 year sentence.

    Okay, he doxed them- he "included identifying details such as their full names, occupations and links to their social media handles". However, this is clearly a separate matter from digitally altering the women's image in an age where the technology that allows this is well-nigh universal.

    People have so little imagination and ability to detach from whatever they're told to believe that they can't comprehend that digital alteration can be done to anyone and therefore that it means nothing. If people think it's them, all they have to do is explain this. Perhaps that's a bit simplistic of me right now, but as time goes by, people will have to develop the habit of not assuming an image is real.

    If there's any crime at all, it's in the doxing.

    Nine. Goddam. Years

    -Anonymous 2

  42. I don’t get why doxing should be a crime. I remember before the Internet we had a physical phone book which doxed everybody including their profession. It’s a new affectation that this should be secret and I am not bowing to it. Social media is new but why should it come with an expectation of privacy? The point of social media is to be social so if they can’t handle that then don’t make an account.

    As to the “sex crime” of faking porn of someone, it’s not that people don’t comprehend that digital alteration can be done to anyone and blindly believe any image -- it’s much worse than that. It is that they believe in the metaphysical badness of sexuality which by voodoo is invoked by these images even when everyone is well aware that they are fake. The whole antisexual persecution is so much worse than any sort of rational consideration taken too far, because it is a literal belief in witchcraft.

  43. In some countries you can have an unlisted phone number. And in Anglo-Saxon countries, one's professional qualifications have never been listed.

    Doxing is antisocial in some circumstances, but I agree, it shouldn't be a crime. In fact, I'd regard it as a good thing if the addresses of police were put on the internet. I like the word you used-affectation-because that's exactly what the current disapproval of doxing is. It's a form of virtue signaling that is loved by authoritarians everywhere.

    If you tell/don't hide your social media handles, then you can never assume someone won't tell the world one day.

    -Anonymous 2

  44. A 29 yo Dutch male volleyball is getting crucified because he has qualified for the Paris Olympics, and he has a conviction in the Uk of 'raping' a willing 12 year old girl when he was 19.

    Just look at the comments underneath. Universally condemning him as a monster who should have been locked away for life or worse, and nobody questioning the definition of 'rape' applied. I downvoted one typical comment and I was the first downvoter after 270 upvotes. I know this is the 'Daily Fail' readership, but some people here seem to think there is a hidden groundswell of sympathy in the public for our cause.

    He's also being attacked for his 'lack of remorse', after defending himself when he was released against accusations that he is a paedophile or sex monster. This is the BBC article from 2017 after his release from prison.

    "The court heard he was aware of the girl's age and went to her home when her mother was out and had sex with her, taking her virginity.

    The NSPCC said: "Van de Velde's lack of remorse and self-pity is breathtaking and we can only begin to imagine how distressed his victim must feel if she sees his comments.

    "Grooming can leave a child feeling ashamed or even guilty because they believe they have somehow willingly participated when, in fact, an adult has preyed upon them in order to sexually exploit them.""

    More like - "can leave a child feeling ashamed or even guilty because we bitter old femihag rapists forced her to accept the victim role, made her testify in court against her lover and see him jailed, and told her over and over again that she was abused and will be damaged for life".

    Feminists have redefined rape to mean a teenage boy having willing sex with a 12 year old girl.
    Or to mean a man who removed his condom during sex. Or had sex with a drunk slut.

    And yet they are doing all this to increase their own sexual market value, and to eliminate sexual competition and sexual alternatives for men. They are the real rapists.

    Why aren't more people pointing this out and shouting it from the rooftops. FEMINISTS ARE THE REAL RAPISTS!!

  45. Antisex is a virus of the mind. The normie religion is now to believe in "trauma" from consensual sex and to let the feminists redefine rape to whatever they want. Yes, the feminists are the real rapists because they raped our intellects and made the normies believe idiotic things. It's not so much about sexual market value because anyone who believes these delusions can't be said to have any sexual desire worth mentioning. They are fully invested in the idea that sexuality is the worst thing in the universe.

    Although nothing works, the least bad strategy seems to me to be to point out the intellectual stupidity of it all. What kind of moron would believe 12-year-old girls can't consent and are abused and damaged from consensual sex? Let them know they are morons. Eventually it will sometimes sink in and some normies will not want to be perceived as so stupid by thinking individuals.

  46. It's really sad, man. The damage these jealous hypocrite psychopaths are doing to young people in the name of feminism is infuriating, let alone the damage to heterosexual men and society at large. The anglo governments are tapping into this sexual negativity and using it to take as much advantage as they can, while they push tr*nnies and homo parades. It is a sick culture that is circling the drain; I hope it will hit the bottom soon, but it's going to be a while until it's fully defeated, so I will be avoiding angloworld.

    I was at an anglo vacation area the other day and saw a girl who looked to be about 12, sitting alone, totally unhappy, waiting for anything good to happen, probably sick of her sh*tty family and looking for some fun. If it were only a few decades ago, I could've said hello, asked if she wanted a drink or a smoke, gone somewhere interesting, and maybe had some fun sex together. But now, I cannot do anything, and apparently no one else would either because every man went out of his way to ignore her. How did that make her feel, feminists? You c*nts, you do nothing but ruin everyone's lives.

    Then there was that recent story about the 12 yr latina murdered by Venezuelans in Texas after they had sex. Pig feminists are calling it "rape-murder", but she left her house alone and willingly went with them to a secluded area under a bridge. The dumb Venezuelans killed her because of the pig feminist christian conservative sex laws, obviously. I see no one making this connection, since the jealous psychopaths believe all 12 yr old sex is just as bad as murder. The feminist hysteria got her killed, because without that, 99% chance everyone has a great time and walks away unscathed.

    Feminists are responsible for the murder of teenagers.


  47. The connection with sexual market value was that older women with declining sexual market value wanted to keep 12-year old girls and other teenage girls out of the market.

    Many older women may well be doing that without having themselves any identifiable sexual desire left. They may just be acting out an inborn instinct. At times when women died young and bore 5 children each, such an instinct was anecdotal.

    A human Society with lots of elderly people and few children may well not be socially viable at all, undergoing autolysis under its own lies and hypocrisy.

    Children, let alone beautiful ones, have become such a rarity with 1.2 children (or less?) per married couple. Soon children will be kept in a "safe space", under glass in a sterile atmosphere like in some scifi movies, in order to protect them against themselves and the universe.

  48. Hope she's happy with herself- .
    The girls were under nine but it was only being filmed and online banter, IOW a typical beat up.

    I think woman who reported it, actress Madeleine West, has a smug, nasty look on her face. She is most famous, or only famous, for wearing a wire to incriminate a guy in Australia who has been put away for many years for abusing children, including herself as a child. It was apparently unwilling.

    Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. The fact that she appears in something unrelated yet in the same category, and her general vibe, is making me wonder if he really was the monster the media portrays him as.

    -Anonymous 2

  49. "A human Society with lots of elderly people and few children may well not be socially viable at all, undergoing autolysis under its own lies and hypocrisy. Children, let alone beautiful ones, have become such a rarity with 1.2 children (or less?) per married couple. "

    Yes, that's the main issue that connects all the dots. More and more often, women don't want children that might hinder their sex life by deforming their bodies and taking up their time. As there are more and more older overweight women, we can see the taboo moving from "underage" to "younger" (age gap). That's when the sexual market value comes into the picture. Even for women (or men) who have no desire or hope to compete, there's plenty of leisure time for simmering with bitterness and envy.

  50. More bad news as always.

    Female sex offender charade in New Jersey:

    A New Jersey special education teacher was charged with molesting one of her students, authorities said.

    Allison Havemann-Niedrach, a 43-year-old special education teacher at Freehold Intermediate School, was hit with one count each of first-degree aggravated sexual assault and second-degree child welfare endangerment, Monmouth County Prosecutor Raymond Santiago said Saturday.

    The prosecutor’s office did not say how many times Havemann-Niedrach assaulted her pupil or how authorities learned about the abuse. The student’s age is also unknown, but grades six through eight attend Freehold Intermediate School.

    Poland goes full feminazi on rape law, making sex rape by default:

    A large majority in the Sejm, the more powerful lower hour of parliament, has approved a change to Poland’s rape law that would make it a crime to engage in sexual intercourse without the consent of the other person.

    The current law – which dates back to 1932 – defines rape as an act that “subjects another person to sexual intercourse by force, unlawful threats or deception.” It does not specify lack of consent as a criterion.

    That has resulted in rulings such as one in 2020 in which a man was acquitted of raping a 14-year-old girl because the judge accepted his argument that the fact she did not scream during the act meant that the perpetrator did not use violence. Today, 335 members of the 460-seat Sejm voted in favour of a proposal by The Left (Lewica), one of the groups that make up Poland’s ruling coalition, to define sexual intercourse with “a lack of conscious and voluntary consent” as rape.

    Most of those votes came from the ruling coalition, whose members range from the left to the centre-right. The only major party to vote entirely against the measure was the far-right Confederation (Konfederacja).

    The national-conservative Law and Justice (PiS), which constitutes the main opposition group, was divided: 94 of its MPs voted in favour of changing the law, 26 were opposed while 47 abstained and 22 did not participate in the vote.

    During a debate on the bill yesterday, some MPs from Confederation and PiS argued that it would deprive men of the presumption of innocence and could be used by women to falsely accuse men of rape.

    The new law is pure demagogy and de facto a gift for ruthless and vindictive women who will now be able to use this law to attack their former lovers,” said PiS MP Grzegorz Lorek, quoted by broadcaster TVN.

    “This bill introduces a de facto presumption of guilt, a presumption of guilt that every person accused of rape will have to prove that he or she is not a criminal
    ,” added Witold Tumanowicz of Confederation.

    However, another PiS MP, Agnieszka Wojciechowska van Heukelom, declared that she supported the bill because “a woman’s will, a woman’s awareness when engaging in a sexual act is very important, so I am absolutely on the side of women.”

  51. It's good to see that Polish men have some politicians in their corner somewhat, something that's simply not to be found in many countries. It's almost unknown to hear any pushback from established politicians.

    I also find it interesting that at least some conservative forces opposed the new law. In the overall scheme of things, this opposition could be more important than the law itself, because it's virtually a given that such sh*t will be passed by a legislative body if it is prepared and voted on.

    Evidently, at least some of those who are opposing the GAE (Globalist American Empire), with all its woke ideology, are also on the side of men when it comes to these sorts of rape laws. All too often, conservatives will rail against transgender bathrooms for example, but white knight it to the hilt in other areas such as rape laws.

    Who knows, maybe, just maybe, in some parliament somewhere in the world, an initiative to raise the age of consent will be defeated or at least forcefully denounced instead of supported by everyone.

    Wouldn't that be a shock to feminists and white knights who are used to getting their own way all the time?

    -Anonymous 2

  52. The right-wingers won the French election but they're not the kind we should expect much from. The only candidate with some antifeminism in him was Eric Zemmour, and he got snubbed by voters. People somewhat familiar with French politics will remember he recently got deserted and betrayed by members of his own party after the European Parliament elections.

    Why such misfortunes? I think it is because of lookism. Zemmour looks awful. He is small. His face is cartoonish. This shouldn't matter with voters but it does.

    Lookism is an overlooked feature in the present mass hysteria. I made the point before that the celebrities who got treated worst by MeToo - relative to what they had really been up to - were the ones with poor looks (Weinstein, Woody Allen, Bill Cosby, Ron Jeremy). Such men needed to get punished for daring have had success with women at some previous point in their lives.

  53. @Jack

    I totally agree with your post in general and about Zemmour in particular. He makes most women cringe which is a very bad omen when you run for election. Macron and Bardella are both (rather) young and good-looking.

    The other thing is that he's a jew and very much anti-muslim...
