Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Lex Berge

After Norway's Supreme Court decided my blog is legal, a chorus of feminist pundits opined that the law needs to be changed in order to punish me and other bloggers who express opinions online that would be defined as criminal incitement under the Penal Code of 1902 §140 if they were expressed in print media. The cops went so far as claiming they may charge me again under the new law unless I delete whatever offensive statements from my blog they tried and failed to prosecute me for already. It is still unclear exactly which statements that might be, as the case was thrown out on the technicality that blogging isn't covered by the law because the Internet isn't defined as "public," which is a requirement for incitement to be a crime. Thus the courts never got around to deciding whether my blog actually would be illegal if the medium itself were covered by the law against incitement. While I see this as free speech appropriate for the Internet, totalitarian politicians interpret it as a loophole in the law exposed by my case which needs to be closed promptly, so as to be able to put bloggers like me in jail for promoting men's rights activism and other crimes they don't like.

Now the proposal is ready for changing the law. Whoever spoke of Lex Berge got it right. I thought they might be bluffing, but the government really is trying to change the law in my honor. This is the direction they were headed anyway, but the process of legal reform is accelerated because of me. While it must feel good if you are a feminist or leftist to be able to jail me, keep in mind that this law will at least in theory be applicable to a vast number of feminists as well. My statements are not particularly violent compared to some mainstream feminist writing, not to mention leftist revolutionary tracts. How do you think something like the SCUM Manifesto, for example, would hold up against this law? Do you really want to risk several years in prison for expressing yourself like that if you feel like it? And making the law retroactively applicable to old archives means you can suddenly be arrested for something you don't even remember writing. It is really outrageous if you think about it and I suspect many supporters of this law are blinded by the fact that I am an antifeminist and libertarian. You may feel safe under a leftist regime, but that may change and you never know if your opinions will be the politically correct ones in the future. So I would urge everyone to support freedom of speech no matter where you stand on the political spectrum. I hope the Norwegian people will now stand up against the government and resist this new law. Let us make it clear that we do not want this new law because it represents an unreasonable limitation of free speech. Here is how to respond to the proposed law:
Departementet ber om høringsinstansenes syn på forslagene. Høringsfristen er 26. oktober 2012. Høringsuttalelser sendes til Justis- og beredskapsdepartementet, Lovavdelingen, postboks 8005 Dep, 0030 Oslo. Vi ber om å få høringsuttalelsene elektronisk i tillegg til i ordinært brev. E-post kan sendes til
While I agree that much of the Internet including this blog is public, I do not agree that §140 should be kept. It is an intrinsically undemocratic law which proscribes a lot of honest and natural expression going on online. We already know the "glorification" of crime part of §140 is null and void and contrary to human rights, so that part of the prosecution's case is sure to be lost from the outset. What remains is the promotion of criminal acts as ethically right, which also ought to be within free speech. A public debate about the ethics of cop-killing or whatever is unduly hampered if the "wrong" conclusion will land you in jail. Or what do y'all think? I think the proposed legal reform is evil and unrealistic and don't plan to delete anything from my archives. I already said I will focus on promoting other, less illegal avenues of men's rights activism than cop-killing in the future, and that should be enough.


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Cicero said...

Ja, enig i alt dette - og herren Herrem virker som en meget forstandig mann.

Anonymous said...

Vel, nå er Herrem av den oppfatning at grensen bør heves for bruk av utenomrettsling bot da, så jeg kan ikke seg meg enig i det. Kort sagt, rettsikkerhet går foran alt.

Det er også absurd at du ikke får gratis juridisk bistand ved enhver siktelse. Det er jo staten som begår en fredskrenkelse mot deg, da må man også kunne kreve en viss sikkerhet og kompensasjon

Eivind Berge said...

Ja, det er betenkelig å gjøre det enklere for staten å straffe folk. Da kan de forby masse mer og plage folk mer med samme ressurser.

Men det går i den retningen. For eksempel er det blitt vanlig praksis å fremstille varetektsfanger for nye fengslingsmøter gjennom videolink. Slik sparer politiet masse ressurser på at de slipper å transportere deg frem og tilbake til retten. Og du får dårligere anledning til å snakke for deg i retten, samt å uttale deg til pressen på veien, slik at rettssikkerheten svekkes. Heldigvis fikk jeg møte opp personlig på alle mine tre fengslingsmøter. Dette er enda en grunn til å nekte avhør samt å si du utelukkende forklarer deg i åpen rett, for da er risikoen mindre for at politiet prøver seg på å kreve videolink. Da jeg satt fengslet i Ålesund og fikk høre om at videolink var aktuelt, bestemte jeg meg for at det eneste jeg ville sagt gjennom en slik overføring var at jeg ikke anerkjenner en rett som ikke lar meg møte opp til mitt eget rettsmøte. Selvsagt.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Noen bør umiddelbart henge ut denne kvinnen og dra henne i sølen som en annen Øygard...

Anonymous said...

John Christian Elden‏@jcelden

@LivSERine Falske voldtektsanklager er vel forbrytelsen med lavest oppklaringsprosent. De blir normalt henlagt hvis de ikke tilstås.

John Christian Elden‏@jcelden

Kvinne løy om voldtekt – dømt til 20 dagers fengsel … Forholdsmessig straff mot hva de utsatte en uskyldig mann for? Tja.
John Christian Elden‏@jcelden

@brannfjell Nei. Mens straffen for voldtekt er tredoblet de siste 10 år går den ned for falske voldtektsanklager til under minstestraff...

Eivind Berge said...

Hvis vi skal ha likestilling, så burde samme skyldkrav legges til grunn for falsk anklage som for voldtekt. Altså uaktsomhet. Da hjelper det ikke at kvinnen er av den oppfatning at hun ble utsatt for et overgrep, eller peker ut feil mann i vanvare, for eksempel fordi hun ikke husker hvem hun hadde sex med fordi hun fikk blackout. Kvinner bør holdes akkurat like ansvarlige for sine handlinger som menn, og altså bedømmes som om de var edru. Og minstestraffen må selvsagt opp til tre år for forsettelig falsk voldtektsanklage, akkurat som voldtekt, for dette er en minst like alvorlig forbrytelse mot menn som voldtekt er mot kvinner.

Anonymous said...

ååååååå fyyyy faaaaaeeeeeen! Nå må jeg spy

Anonymous said...

"Mye av arbeidet med å bygge ny tillit er avhengig av den daglige kontakten som befolkningen har med politiet."

Jo mer kontakt politiet har med folk jo sterkere blir hatet! Jeg hatet politiet bare halvparten så mye som etter at jeg ble utsatt for justismord, og purken tok parti med de virkelig kriminelle.

Politiet var ikke så ille som jeg hadde trodd, de var mye mye verre. De er tvers igjennom korrupt.

Jeg kjenner til tilfeller hvor anmeldte forhold som dreier seg om seksuelle overgrep mot småbarn ble henlagt på dagen, fordi vedkommende kjente politibetjenten, samtidig som ikke straffbare forhold blir forfulgt til det absurde fra samme etat!

Mener samfunnet at dette er helt greit?

Anonymous said...

Hi, it's me again, the "reboot guy". Now I've been abstaining from PMO since the end of September, and I'm now seeing dramatic changes in both how I feel and how other people perceive me. Earlier this week I even managed to hook up with a woman I happened to meet in a bar. She described the encounter as "magic" and that "there was something about me". Although we didn't end up sleeping together (she got too drunk), it was still a mind-blowing experience making out with a woman for the first time in more than three years. It was a feeling of being totally there, totally in the situation with nothing but her going on. I was rock-hard whenever we made out - and she *certainly* noticed it...

Anonymous said...

sounds like you're on, if not, join.

Aktuell rapport said...

Politiet spaner som gale på strøket i Oslo for tiden. Lørdag kveld prioriterte politiet på slikt vis at flere patruljebiler og også flere biler med sivilpoliti kjørte rundt der. En av sivilbilene som kjører rundt har skiltnr: BD74036

I denne bilen var det to karer som stadig parkerer bilen, og går rundt sammen for å fotfølge menn som forsøker å kjøpe sex av spretne, fine damer (eller av ikke fullt så spretne damer)...

For en jobb å ha: Ødelegge for andres voksne sexliv.

Så dem ikke gå til pågripelser, men så er da vel også rollen til spanere nettopp å spane og kartlegge. De kaller inn kavaleriet om de mener det er påkrevet (kjønn i bevegelse bak en busk, f.eks. - "knulling pågår"-instruks?), skulle jeg tro..

Anonymous said...

street life said...

Here is a promise - I will fuck her:

I've talked with her several times before, face to face, and I like her charisma. I will make sure she keeps on loving sex and being a naughty slut, as that is what she wants to be and do! (And it's noticeable when you talk to her also - she's really naughty, fresh and promotional.)

This weekend I had a finger up the bum hole of one of the loveliest or perhaps THE loveliest, sexiest Mexican women I've ever seen, and we did it in the park after dark and after all the damn stakeout pigs had left the scene. (I also met a super-lovely, deer eyed stunner, looked like a slimmer, much younger and lovelier version of Sandra Bullock) and tried going off to have her give me head (I'd get close to explode just from seeing that fantastic face, with those eyes, sucking on my cock) - but was interrupted by all kinds of curious freaks + stakeout pigs, constantly. She was very playful and not nagging (unlike so many other girls/women), and very innocent and new. Life is truly great again - there are many days coming where there's more peace and quiet to enjoy these beauties out in the open, in Oslo parks and alleys (or their rooms, but I usually like for it to be as little time as possible from first laying eyes on a girl/lady in the moment/situation, and until we are half naked and sexing things up.. )

Dating "normal" girls is almost never fun or satisfying - not in Norway, thoroughly corrupted as we are by North American and Swedish + home grown feminism and all kinds of rules of engagement (both formal - i.e. legal - and informal, i.e. trends that are programmed in to the heads of all the daywalking, glossy magazine reading, American brain-dead TV show-watching zombies).

I prefer the lovely freaks, from countries where women still grow up natural, and men are men;)

And I don't fucking care if the feminists or the Norwegian police don't like it - neither do the girls, or the few macho, quality conscious customers left (that don't get intimidated by the massive campaign effort put in place lately).

Eivind Berge said...

Hi, it's me again, the "reboot guy". Now I've been abstaining from PMO since the end of September, and I'm now seeing dramatic changes in both how I feel and how other people perceive me.

This is excellent! More evidence reboot really works. I was skeptical at first since the medical establishment is refusing to acknowledge the problem with masturbation, but all anecdotal and personal experience tells me nofap is the way to go, and our sexual health (and beyond) is too important to wait for the double-blind studies to come in.

Keep us posted on your progress.

Reboot Guy said...

Keep us posted on your progress.

Thanks, Eivind, I will :D.

Right now I'm in a very good "groove". I feel totally relaxed in public, and totally in control. Before I quit PMO I suffered from social anxiety, agoraphobia and a plethora of other unpleasant conditions, like issues with my balance, insomnia and frequent feelings of fear and horror. Now all those unpleasant feelings are gone. Completely.

This Monday I had a rather... interesting experience at the weekly course I'm taking. We worked in groups of four discussing an issue. I was totally in the zone. When-ever I spoke the women I was sitting with listened and nodded in recognition. One of them turned her body towards me and spread her legs, playing with her hair, fondling her neck and frankly looked like she was breathing heavily. When-ever I spoke she agreed, looking me deeply into my eyes. I also detected this strong, acidic scent coming from her, a scent that was not there to begin with. Truly an interesting experience.

Reboot Guy said...

For those of you still interested in my "no fap adventure", I'm now at day 30. I never thought I would make it this far, not in my wildest dreams. I'm now able to establish a rapport with basically everyone I talk to, especially the women. For the first time in many years I actually like myself, and it shows too. A week ago I attended a play, and actually found myself having a conversation with the beautiful main character afterwards. Even approaching such a beautiful young woman while completely sober would have been unthinkable only a month ago.

I've also noticed that my alcohol consumption has been reduced noticeably. Before "no fap" I was a borderline alcoholic who would frequently drink until I passed out, wallowing in self pity. Now I have a sixpack of beer and is perfectly happy about it. No more debilitating hangovers.

Of course, it hasn't been an easy journey. The first week was the toughest. By the seventh day I would pace back and forth in my flat, literally crying because I wanted release so badly. Lifting weights took off the edge of my cravings. I would say I was in some kind of psychological withdrawal. I'd say that by the tenth or eleventh day the cravings gradually went away, and everything's been getting better ever since.

I've noticed that my voice has changed too. It has become deeper and firmer. I've also become dramatically better at eye contact. Before my voice would often break, I would fidget with my hands and my eyes were shifty. Now I'm never the one who breaks eye contact.

There's a myriad of other pleasant changes I've noticed, too many to mention here. One of the most noticeable ones are that my eyes are different. It's like they have a different glow. And my face is more colorful, not the pale, sick-looking face with the dark rings under my eyes. I look healthier. I feel healthier too.

So here's ample anecdotic evidence that "no fap" is the way to go.

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