Saturday, May 05, 2018

How to not be incel

If you are incel and want to know how to change that, this post is for you. I mean actually changing it, not making a political statement like Elliot Rodger. He may be the patron saint of incels, but that doesn't mean you want to end up like him. Even if you could influence politics and not be dead from the process, it would have a modest effect on your individual life. As important as politics is, you should also do the best you can within the constraints you find yourself in. The latter effort probably accounts for something like 80% of your outcome, so unless you are particularly altruistically inclined it should be your first concern.

I spent my entire teenage years incel, as well as some shorter periods later. Looking back, it feels absurd that so much sexual vitality could be wasted. Indeed that should be impossible, and I think it is. I now subscribe to the explanation that I wasn't so virile after all. Society is sex-hostile and the system is rigged against men, but unless you are literally confined away from women, there is still no excuse for not having sex as a healthy teenager and young man.

If you aren't having sex by at the very latest 16 or so, you simply aren't healthy. It is pathological to go so long without doing something constructive about the sex drive a boy is supposed to be equipped with. I was a sick teenage boy, though I didn't know it at the time and no one else around me did either. Only with the benefit of hindsight do I know that the incel-enabling pathology was masturbation.

I had all the qualities needed to get sex except I didn't know that masturbation was harmful. Because of one big lie I had been told, I didn't know how to fix it. Society tells you that masturbation is harmless because they are both clueless and uninterested in helping you have sex. If anything, they consider a sexless adolescence a good thing, so if they knew the truth about masturbation, they would conspire to hide it!

There are three components to sexual behavior: attraction, motivation and performance. Masturbation is harmful to males because it degrades all of them! Incels wouldn't know about the performance problems, and there is always some attraction left (however it may be corrupted into thinking fat women are unattractive, for example, and sometimes weird paraphilias appear such as an interest in anal sex), but their feckless behavior is clear proof of a major motivational deficiency.

Your brain is a general-purpose sex-getting machine, and assuming you have a healthy masculine brain it will figure out how to get it given enough motivation, or at least how to die trying rather than waste away in inceldom. All you need to do is let it do its work. Let your natural instincts kick in and the rest will usually follow. Worrying about politics or pickup tactics before you have fixed your motivation is putting the cart before the horse. Your first priority should be your motivation, and the good news is that your libido might still be salvaged, or at least some remnants of it depending on your age.

Even with an intact libido, it is entirely possible that a good strategy involves violence. Historically and prehistorically this has often been the case, which helps explain why there has been so much of it. We are now living at a unique time when very little violence is needed, however, and you should take advantage of that first and foremost. So cast aside the ER fantasies for now. At the very least, you should be able to get paid sex, an option he didn't go for because something was wrong with his libido.

All you need is one simple rule: "The vagina is the only outlet." This should be your creed and your mantra and your way of life. It maximizes all good things, assuming you share my values. This is the value system of male sexualism, and though I don't seek to impose it on anybody, I tend to think it will make most men the happiest. I think so because it basically consists of thinking with your genes, which is to say thinking with your dick rather than the surrogates and degenerate ideas society throws at you, and biology has arranged spectacular rewards for doing just that.

So follow the advice given at Your Brain On Porn (and see the evidence for it there if you don't believe me), which is no porn or masturbation. If it doesn't work, come back and ask about the finer points of picking up women. I have never heard of a committed nofapper who is an incel, however. If all men gave up porn and masturbation, we would be back to the kind of cutthroat competition seen in prehistoric times, but for now so many men are wankers that it is ridiculously simple to give yourself an almost unfair advantage just by not being like them.

As far as I'm concerned, nofap is the self-help counterpart to male sexualism. Our politics can't do you much good you if you don't have a sexuality to protect anyway. To help you understand that masturbating to porn is as good as asexuality, watch this video of male jewel beetles similarly letting a glass surface hijack their sexuality. Since all humans are to some extent fooled by porn, it helps to see this kind of behavior from the point of view of another species to realize how pointless and maladaptive it is. The incel is his own worst enemy if he does it.

I realize that it also depends on your comorbidities. If you have other issues such as autism or anxiety or depression, this isn't necessarily a panacea, but it should go a long way. I strongly believe that an incel without comorbidities, such as I was (well, aside from hyperpolitical disorder), will be almost universally cured by nofap. Just imagine what kind of sex life you could have had if you did it right, and it becomes painfully obvious. I am convinced I would have slept with a hundred additional women and had lots of descendants now if I had read this post at age 12, or better yet had it instilled in me from infancy that masturbation is harmful and sex is good. No doubt there are many incels who have it in them to be a stud if it wasn't for this unfortunate maladaption. Now is the time to get in touch with your inner stud or lose it forever, dear incels.


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Eivind Berge said...

I see Luke Heimlich says he pled guilty because of poor legal advice, which is very believable especially since the American system is designed to coerce guilty pleas whether you are guilty or not. His lawyer probably made him believe that he risked worse consequences from telling the truth, which is often the case over there. But of course that means nothing in the current climate and he is not likely to get to play major league baseball.

Anonymous said...

"The U.S. House approved a ban Wednesday on the importation and trafficking of anatomically correct child sex dolls and robots that 'normalize sex between adults and minors,'" McClatchy's Tim Johnson reports.

The bill, appropriately called the CREEPER Act (Curbing Realistic Exploitative Electronic Pedophilic Robots Act), now moves on to the Senate.

"These dolls can be programed to simulate rape. The very thought makes me nauseous," said House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA).

Anonymous said...

I see it's now illegal to "upskirt" in the u k. A "victim" of this got 105 thousand glad, men deserve it really, it's called solidarity,something men don't possess.

Albionic American said...

No, Eivind, you don't get it about incels. Some men go through life being consistently rejected by women, and they are healthy and able-bodied.

It is the tragedy of male sexuality:

Anonymous said...

Well,not if you listen to Mr Jordan him, it's ALL a choice, because he believes in a god and therefore free will.i like a lot of what he says but I can never take seriously any intellectual/philosopher who believes in any higher power or free will.i like him for his dismissal of feminism/sjw scum,but that's really about it.

Anonymous said...

To say "to promote pedophilia with 14-year-olds", especially with 14-year-old girls, is nonsense.

Anonymous said...

I want to have sex with a hot 16,17 year old.i better "seek help" or just be sent to prison, sniff' sob' to make $merica safer..

Anonymous said...

Eivind, er det ikke på tide at du rydder lidt op og fjerner de mindst begavede indlæg?
Spam har intet at gøre med ytringsfrihed, og det hæmmer seriøs diskussion.

Anonymous said...

Eivind and everyone,

A few hours ago I had an idea which I believe is an excellent idea.
Check it out here:

Opinions are very welcome.

Eivind Berge said...

Yes, I agree such a book or collective male sexualist manifesto is an excellent idea and I am happy to contribute.

Anonymous said...

heh.these feminists wouldn't despise "mras" (or do their worst to get them off twitter)if they had any inkling of how impotent the "movement" leadership yet?!

Anonymous said...

This is the moral garbage that Tom Grauer advocate:

The thing about them is that they really are annoying.

Recently I've rode a bus back home from work, and 'tardo decided to sit right next to me and strike a conversation. Asked my for my and stuff. Now, I was in a positive mood that moment, so I treated him rather politely. Had I been tired and pissed off, I would have told him to get the fuck off my face. But as I had a good day that day, I treated him nicely. Well, guess what? Of course - he asked me to be his "very very good friend." I said "okay, let's be friends." Big mistake right there - my politeness got the best of me. He then insisted on getting my phone number.

I ain't givin' my phone number to no 'tardo, damnit.

Well, by way of deception I managed to get out of that situation without giving him my number. And then it struck me: murder within the immediate family should be legal. Yep. It should be legal to kill one's own close family members. Abortion should be legal, infanticide should be legal, spousal-murder should be legal, sibling-murder should be legal, and even parent-murder should be legal.

Because the thing is: this creature is nothing but a nuisance to society. He takes away the resources of his family and of the country. More resources allocated to him means fewer resources allocated to his non-mutant family members. And he "contributes" nothing but trouble. So, I thought to myself: it should have been legal to kill him as a fetus. And generally, it should be legal for parents to murder their children. This led me to think about legalization of murder generally. Now, I am against the legalization of the murder of strangers and un-associated people. Doctors should not be allowed to murder their patients, and it should not be legal to murder random people on the streets. But, within the family, murder should be legal. If your wife cheats on you and you murder her, is that a real tragedy? If your dad sadistically kicks you in the nuts "like they're a pair of soccer balls," should you not be allowed to murder him? If your siblings are pieces of shit, is it really such a bad thing if you remove them from the gene-pool?

Now, I'm not going to start actively advocating for the legalization of murder within the family. Let it be noted here that Muslims definitely accept the legality of (some forms of) murder within the family, such as when a daughter becomes a slut and her male family members pour acid down her throat and she dies. (Muslims will soon become the largest segment of world population) I'm not going to champion that particular cause. However, it is definitely eugenic when 'tardos, maniacs, and witches get permanently removed from society by members of their own family.

Again, I'm not enthusiastic about this LEGALIZE MURDER thing, but just as I'm not enthusiastic about fetus-murder (abortion) yet I support it being legal, I think that murder-within-the-family is an ugly yet generally pro-social thing.

Anonymous said...

who cares what "Tom grauer" says or doesn't say? he's no "leader" of anything.hes just another solo blogger who got banned from Twitter, got his other blogs shut other words, a typical "mra".i too have the honor of being kicked off twitter, and admit I have zero influence also.

john said...

the promised crime free utopia that Trump has promised his idiot followers(many of which are also BRAIN DEAD "mras",sadly) once the wall is built is not going to materialize.even the "unprecedented" "wave of rapes" that Trump the feminist insists is happening won't end with building the wall either
I wonder,hmmm.. if drug use will end also? lol, what a joke on these truly deplorable dummies.

Miller said...

...She's only 16! she's just a kid.

Anonymous said...

To do list of and IncelTears:

Cancel, DJ Trashporn, DrakoLBluewing, fschmidt, Leucosticte, Surreal, galileo1439

Eivind Berge said...

No, legalizing murder is not a male sexualist stance, except abortion and perhaps infanticide. And we (or at least I) advocate insurrection against the feminist sex laws, but I certainly don't advocate other murder.

The Danish commenter above is right that this thread has become a cesspool in need of moderation. I will open a new post to discuss the collective manifesto, which will be moderated to keep it livable.

Anonymous said...

I don't advocate for murder either. It's a troll, and the thin-skinned fell for it.

Eivind Berge said...

And I advocate civil war to restore the right to jury trials in Norway, just like the Americans justly fought for. Obviously there are situations when murder is morally acceptable, because higher principles of justice are at stake. Then it becomes similar to self-defense even if the law calls it murder. But "legalization of murder within the family" attributed to Tom Grauer above is sheer madness. Probably an impersonator and not what he advocates anyway.

Eivind Berge said...

Yes, I thought it was a troll and not your opinion, Tom. There was also an amusing impersonator of me who went to the trouble to write a long fake intro at the male sexualist forum, so they are really putting some effort into disrupting us.

Nathan Larson said... and were taken down, by the way.

Eivind Berge said...

That's sad. It's a miracle that my blog has been up continuously since 2007. Maybe Google is a better host than all these supposedly freedom-loving businesses after all.

Anonymous said...

Nathan Larson: You might want to read this:

john said...

well, America is coming apart at the seams.sorry conservative "mras" but Hillary was obviously the lesser of these evil filth. so,Trump is going to install another ideologue to replace Kennedy. if roe v wade is overturned, i don't care about that or if gay marriage is also reversed.i DO care about the the corporatism that will only get MUCH worse with a majority conservative supreme court and with it more rights disappearing.oh have I mentioned living in the u.s gets worse daily? yes I hate it here and one can't talk politics unless you don't mind being TRESPASSED as I was from a dunk in donuts merely for chatting it up with someone who actually agreed with much of what I was saying. anyway,looks like a civil war coming, I'll be on the sidelines,I won't involve myself in a country that despises me that would be very illogical.i just hope the power stays on so I can watch it.

Dr Ogudugu Solution Temple said...

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