Saturday, May 29, 2010

Fighting with monsters

Commenter Aaron Weingott said something under my argument that rape is equality that made me reflect a little on where I am headed.
Well, this is the best corroboration of Nietzsche's maxim "fight not with monsters lest ye become a monster" I've ever seen.
My initial reaction was that fighting with feminists may be a dirty job, but somebody has to do it. Nonetheless, there comes a point when all the hate you generate becomes a little too onerous, and especially the deluge of lies from social constructionists and gullible morons indoctrinated with this feminist drivel about rape being about power rather than sex is getting on my nerves. So perhaps I will take my blog in a slightly less strident direction from here. I still think my argument is valid though, as reductio ad absurdum of feminism, but spending too much time debating it might be a bad idea. Have I become a monster?


Anonymous said...

I think it's safe to say that, yes, you, sir, are a monster. Good luck with that.

Anonymous said...

Yes. A self-aware monster is still a monster, only now you are worse because you know it.

You have a choice, and given what you've just said, I can already see which way you're going to go - either realize that advocating harm to other human beings is WRONG or realize that it might make trouble for you.

The former means taking steps to actually not being monstrous, towards seeing women as people rather than enemies. The latter means continuing to be a monster, just doing it quietly.

Personally, if you're going to choose the latter and continue, I'd rather you keep spewing your monstrosity - I like my monsters out in the open where I can see them, al la Hitler or Pol Pot. Wait, we only saw Pol Pot after the fact so, stay Hitler, please. Thanks!

I'll just be over here with my rape whistle and legal means of self defense (in my case, a firearm) for when you decide to actually become the rapist that you obviously so desperately want to be.

Anonymous said...

Yep. Absolutely. Saying rape is okay? Wanting to kill policeman?

How would you feel f you were raped? Since you don't believe it's possible for women to rape men, let's assume you're raped by a man. Say, for the sake of argument, it's a gay men with a fetish for sleeping with straight men. Since straight men willing to do that are probably difficult to find, that makes them a rare resource. So, by your own logic, it's be only fair for him to rape you, yes?

Also, killing police officers is not only okay, it's something you really want to achieve before you die? And you have to ASK if you're a monster? Hmmm, lets see, you want to murder someone because you don't like thier profession/the politics they stand for? I abhor yours, and yet I wouldn't murder you if I had a chance.

You're a monster, not fit to be part of society.

Anonymous said...

Getting a clue yet?
Yes, you are a monster.

AW said...

i'm glad you're intellectually honest enough to acknowledge you might've taken your position a bit far. it's understandable not wanting to limit yourself even when your conclusions sound repugnant or deranged to fresh ears; who'd have thought ethicists could quite reasonably justify the terminating of unborn children (etc)?

but your position is that what women/pro-women institutions do is wrong, so therefore we should also do what is wrong? your argument could serve as satire (a "modest proposal"), but not a serious argument.

Eurosabra said...

I think your line "I wish I was a PUA" from your previous profile says quite a lot. One can point out the sexual marginalization of modern men without advocating becoming a sexual predator. I think your blog served a valuable service to the extent that it made people rethink Baumeister & Tice and Landrith, but it also acts as a lightning rod. On the other hand, pointing out the role of the police in maintaining the order of feminism/capitalism/allopathic psychiatry was also a valuable service, because they are the linchpin of a system that traps men as sexless producers, homeless dropouts, or the helpless institutionalized. Man is a working dog who must earn his keep for his suffering even to register, and the comments section of this blog shows how deaf feminists are to men's suffering.

zanthinegirl said...

I still think my argument is valid though, as reductio ad absurdum of feminism, but spending too much time debating it might be a bad idea. Have I become a monster?

Let me put this in libertarian terms. Are you still advocating that it's just fine to violate another human being personal liberty by violently raping them? Yes? Then yes, you have become a monster. I sincerely hope you get some help for your clearly disabling problems instead of just blaming them on other people.

And thank you for your rape post-- it's sad but important to realize that your kind of vicious and narcissistic self pity still exists.

Junior said...

I hope somewhere, sometime there is a man who lusts for your plump little but and decides, against your will to force his cock into your rectum. It will hurt horribly and you will scream no, but he will keep going till he's had his fill. It will haunt your for the rest of your life.

You are, indeed, a monster. You really should consider seeking professional help. You are entirely unlovable.

Anonymous said...

I found it deeply amusing that you, who argued that you were anti-feminist, were actually the greatest asset to feminism that I've ever seen. By voicing such extreme opinions - by advocating violence - you forced others (male and female) to react - often in a repulsed fashion.

You advocated violence in public. More than once. Over a year's time, apparently. Yes, you have a problem, and you should address it. Preferably with help. Being the cheer squad for a violent criminal offense is something that most of society finds repugnant for a reason.

Anonymous said...

I don't agree or support anything you have to say here. I believe you are severely misguided. For what it's worth (and given that I don't know anything about you), I don't believe your mother raised you to say, think, and encourage such treatment of others, specifically women, as you do. If you have sisters, I hope that you will rethink how you would feel if someone they were dating thought as you do and subsequently treated them accordingly.

James Baldwin said that "I imagine one of the reasons people cling to their hates so stubbornly is because they sense, once hate is gone, they will be forced to deal with pain."

Someone you may have heard of who loves you very much said that "Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone." If you have ever been mistreated, judged, or misunderstood and felt as though you shouldn't have been, you should take the initiative, take your blog off the internet, and take a lot of time to truly think about what you're putting out there into the world. There's already so much pain and suffering - why add to it?

I do not think you are a monster. I think you have deeply-engrained monster thoughts and severely skewed beliefs that will affect how you treat people in real life, if it hasn't begun to do so already. It's time to exchange them. If you're going to be a change in the world, be a positive one. Therapy, Jesus, volunteering with at a crisis center, doing research about how violence affects women and men would be very good places to start.

We don't need any more crazy - we've got enough. Don't use your voice to add to the pervading global cacophony of human-initiated catastrophe, evil, and sadness.

Melanie said...

Rape has been around long before feminism, it has never been an equalizer, only a tool of oppression. What you are arguing for is not equality, but the terrorization of 50% of the global population. In societies where rape is a weapon used frequently against women, there is no equality.
I hope one day you'll grow up and realize that the reason your opinion is unpopular is because it is absurd and hateful, not because feminists have brainwashed people into misunderstanding rape. You don't understand rape, or sex, or women, or even other men, and it shows.

You're a fucking monster, definitely.

moramoo said...

Don't even bother pretending that you're at all self-reflective with all of this "am I a monster?" crap. I'm not going to address that, because I'm pretty sure that all you want is for a bunch of people to call you a monster so that you can feel even more unjustly persecuted, which is obviously the point of this entire blog and your whole philosophy.

I'm sure that this has been explained to you before, but in case it has managed to slip your mind, women don't owe you sex. In fact, no one owes anyone else sex. You claim to be a libertarian, which I've seen several people debunk, since you seem to violate the most basic principals of the philosophy, and you've clearly never done a bit of research on feminism or misogyny or you would realize that you're using both terms incorrectly. (Hint: yes, you are a misogynist. And you're not talking about feminism.)

You seriously think that women have the power in the workplace? Because of affirmative action? Are you fucking kidding me? Men make more money, are promoted more often, and outnumber women. Period. There's no reason to even argue about this.

You want someone to blame for everything that's gone wrong in your life and for whatever reason you've chosen women. I don't know you and I don't know your situation, but you obviously feel you've been oppressed in some way. And you know what? Get in line. Because before whatever oppression you feel you've suffered as a white, seemingly-straight male comes the oppression of countless other groups that don't have the weight of an entire culture behind them.

I'm sure that others will explain it more eloquently than I, but I think I'll sum up by saying that feminism isn't oppressing you. Your hateful, ill-informed and frankly pathetic pseudo-philosophy is.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
brindle said...

No, you're not. That's the worst part to stomach. When people say or do unspeakable things, we call them a monster to seperate them from our own humanity and dehumanise them. Othering someone (ie you) puts you outside the group of 'decent human being'...feels safe, because we're not in that group. etc etc.

But you're just another person, and you're not the only one who thinks these things. There are lots of other people, not monsters, just people, who preach hate and violence. We're capable of vile things.

Honestly...your views terrify me. I don't know how else to put it. I'm not sure I have the words.

Anonymous said...

You ask if you've become a monster, but you also say your opinions posted to date are valid. You feel you are justified in all you've said, yet profess to be reconsidering your statements.

I'm tempted to say the only reason you're questioning your presentation here is that you're trying to protect your investment in this blog so you won't get shut down.

Eivind Berge said...

A lot of people from Jezebel and elsewhere are trying to get me shut down, but I am not violating Terms of Service, so it would be unreasonable of Google to do so. I have merely made a philosophical argument. I haven't told anybody to actually go out and rape women (or even kill cops, at least not outside of self-defense). What I have done is argue that these things are morally justified under certain circumstances and described how I feel about them.

I am convinced that rape (or some form of sexual coercion) is equality, analogous to affirmative action for women (if implemented by democratic means like women have done; illegal rape would be vigilante equality). Those are just objective statements of fact, and all attempts to refute them have hinged on blatant falsehoods like sex not really being a female resource or rape not really being about sex.

But I have to concede that two wrongs don't really make a right. It does not follow from feminists and their enforcers doing what is wrong that we should also do what is wrong. That's what the problem with my argument boils down to, and I admit this. I have, however, exposed massive hypocrisy of women in the comments telling men to just deal with our sexual marginalization while they of course are perfectly entitled to their forcible equality.

zanthinegirl said...

A lot of people from Jezebel and elsewhere are trying to get me shut down, but I am not violating Terms of Service, so it would be unreasonable of Google to do so. I have merely made a philosophical argument. I haven't told anybody to actually go out and rape women (or even kill cops, at least not outside of self-defense). What I have done is argue that these things are morally justified under certain circumstances and described how I feel about them.

DId you actually read Bloggers TOS?

Illegal activities: Don't use Blogger to engage in illegal activities or to promote dangerous and illegal activities. For example, don't author a blog encouraging people to drink and drive. Otherwise, we may delete your content. Also, in serious cases such as those involving the abuse of children, we may report you to the appropriate authorities. (bolding mine)

Hate Speech: We want you to use Blogger to express your opinions, even very controversial ones. But, don't cross the line by publishing hate speech. By this, we mean content that promotes hate or violence towards groups based on race, ethnicity, religion, disability, gender, age, veteran status, or sexual orientation/gender identity. For example, don't write a blog saying that members of Race X are criminals or advocating violence against followers of Religion Y.

You specifically advocated violence (rape) against women. Also cops for reasons I don't even want to guess at.

Your opinions are your repellent but perfect legal. Advocating for rape and murder clearly violates Bloggers TOS.

I am convinced that rape (or some form of sexual coercion) is equality, analogous to affirmative action for women (if implemented by democratic means like women have done; illegal rape would be vigilante equality). Those are just objective statements of fact, and all attempts to refute them have hinged on blatant falsehoods like sex not really being a female resource or rape not really being about sex.

Um, no. Those are not objective statements of fact, they are opinions. Scary, narcissistic, entitled opinions. You don't like affirmative action? Vote for politicians who will repeal it. Heck, run for office yourself. It's called "democracy".

Eivind Berge said...

Nope, I am not "advocating violence," and am confident any reviewer will have better reading comprehension than yours.

zanthinegirl said...

Nope, I am not "advocating violence," and am confident any reviewer will have better reading comprehension than yours.

I'm genuinely curious here-- by "not advocating violence" do you mean "Advocating rape, but rape isn't violence" or something else?

And btw, if I have poor reading comprehension so do the literally hundreds of sane people who are repelled by your statements have reported your blog.

Eivind Berge said...

Of course rape is violence, but I am not advocating it, as in telling people to do it or threatening to do it myself. All I said was that men would be equally justified in coercing sexual equality (equally wrong, actually) as women are when they use violence to achieve other forms of equality.

People are extremely upset because they realize I have a point and can't just dismiss me as a raving maniac. If I were, feminists wouldn't be so eager to censor me, either.

Anonymous said...

IT is ridiculous that feminists cant take a democratic point of view. The blogger has the right to present his views and am glad he has taken the monster of feminism

Anonymous said...

Those you cry the word ILLEGAL, Please check that the activities of feminisim to deny the rights of the man itself is illegal

Heather said...

I ask this with upmost sincerity:

Now that your blog has gotten so much attention, combined with the fact that your - I'll be charitable - unorthodox attitudes towards women probably seep from your pores, do you think you're going to have even more trouble finding a mate?

If you agree that you may indeed have even more trouble now, do you see that as at all a result of your attitudes and actions? Or is it still all women's fault?

Again, I'm being serious. I truly want to understand. I don't know why, but I do.

heather said...



woman said...

First of all, as a woman, I must say that you are very unattractive, but not for the reasons you might think. Unlike what you think of all women, I’m not interested in material possessions. I am very much capable of providing for myself from my own merit and efforts. You are disgusting to me because of your ideas and your personality. You lack self-confidence and throw blame around to others because of your feelings of inadequacy.

With that said, you can say what you will, scream as loud as you like about all the things you wish to communicate. Everybody is entitled that, even raving lunatics. What I have a problem with is that your point of view seems to come solely from having had a lot of problems with women in the past, and don’t give me any bullshit about feminists and affirmative action. I’m talking about one on one interaction. Perhaps you've been rejected time and time again, and putting yourself out there has broken your confidence. As a defense mechanism you have chosen to seek a way for equality, where you can still have sex with a woman, without the fear of rejection. Your logic is flawed, but I won't tell you again what others have said before me. It seems to me that you are not able to interact with women, and that you are a sad person. I think you sit at home alone thinking of ways to meet women, wondering what it would take to have someone notice you. You say that you yourself would never rape or kill a woman, but what you are saying is alarming. Rape is not equality, although in your twisted mind it might be. Whatever sources you cite, how ever much you might try to convince yourself or others of this, you will never succeed. Trying to justify an action that harms another person in no way promotes equality. It may seem logical to you because you feel you are an inadequate male and can’t get a woman to notice you, and this is the only way for you to get laid, but you’re still wrong.
I have some hopes and one suggestion for you:
1. My suggestion for you is to really evaluate where you are in life at 32; to stop wallowing in self pity and to really understand that the things you say and stand behind reflect who you are as a person, and that as you are right now, women find you disgusting. If, however, you continue your present course and stay the horrible, unattractive (again,unattractive because of your opinions and personality, not you status or wealth) person, my hopes for you are as follow:
2. I hope you stay alone for the rest of your life.
3. I hope your tortured mind never finds relief.
4. I hope that the people around you find out what a horrible person you are and get rid of their acquaintance with you.
5. On facebook (yes, I found you on facebook), you say you are looking for a relationship; I hope you never find one.
6. I hope that every woman you come across runs the other direction when they see you.
7. I hope prostitutes refuse to service you.
8. Lastly, I hope you take a look at my suggestion,;you don’t want to be a miserable, horrible person all your life, do you?
A woman

Coyotemike said...

Ok, I finally get it. You're blaming women (and affirmative action) for your own shortcomings, instead of owning up to them and trying to work on them. Did some woman get something you wanted?

Eivind Berge said...


Now that your blog has gotten so much attention, combined with the fact that your - I'll be charitable - unorthodox attitudes towards women probably seep from your pores, do you think you're going to have even more trouble finding a mate?

I disagree with the part about attitudes seeping from my pores, but yes, all this attention is likely to hurt my chances with some women. However, notoriety also opens up new possibilities. Not all attention from women has been bad. Being perceived as a big public jerk also attracts women, and I have already been very close to getting laid as a result of this blog. I honestly don't know at this point if it will hurt or help my chances to find a mate eventually.

If you agree that you may indeed have even more trouble now, do you see that as at all a result of your attitudes and actions? Or is it still all women's fault?

I am fully responsible for my own actions and writings. Whatever harm I may have done to my reputation by blogging is my own fault. However, it's not like women loved me before I had any Internet presence, and my arguments have been more generic than personal. It is conceivable that I have been too altruistic in my activism and should have been more concerned with my reputation. Most MRAs seem to be pansies afraid to say anything that will really offend women, so I decided to be blunt and speak my mind. This cannot be undone even if I wanted to, as my most offensive quotes are doing the rounds and will forever be associated with my name. They are immortal. I consider this an opportunity rather than a blemish, however. If you say something stupid in this day and age, try not to erase it, because that can't be done anyway. Instead drown it out with wiser discourse. Now I have an audience in the thousands for doing just that. And if on the other hand I become truly famous as a monster, I know this will attract groupies of the kind drawn to really bad men, for I have already glanced into that side of the female psyche and the only reason I didn't fuck her was geographical distance. You really can't go wrong with being a monster, and the worse the better as far as women are concerned. It is mediocrity they despise.

Heather said...

"I disagree with the part about attitudes seeping from my pores..."

I think it likely does and that's why you've had problems w/ women. I certainly get taken to task about how people view me and my attitude is not nearly as toxic as yours. I say that w/out snark - I think what a person thinks and feels, especially a view as strong and toxic as yours - can't help but come through. And harboring such ill thoughts towards women can't draw many to you.

"...but yes, all this attention is likely to hurt my chances with some women. However, notoriety also opens up new possibilities. Not all attention from women has been bad. Being perceived as a big public jerk also attracts women, and I have already been very close to getting laid as a result of this blog. I honestly don't know at this point if it will hurt or help my chances to find a mate eventually."

Do you want a mate? Or people to fuck? A question, not a judgement call.

"I am fully responsible for my own actions and writings."

Yet is seems you blame women for not liking you, instead of trying to change yourself, or at least honestly look at yourself.

"Whatever harm I may have done to my reputation by blogging is my own fault. However, it's not like women loved me before I had any Internet presence, and my arguments have been more generic than personal."

Which lends credence to my above argument, that your attitude was perceptible to others.

"It is conceivable that I have been too altruistic in my activism and should have been more concerned with my reputation. Most MRAs seem to be pansies afraid to say anything that will really offend women, so I decided to be blunt and speak my mind. This cannot be undone even if I wanted to, as my most offensive quotes are doing the rounds and will forever be associated with my name. They are immortal. I consider this an opportunity rather than a blemish, however. If you say something stupid in this day and age, try not to erase it, because that can't be done anyway. Instead drown it out with wiser discourse. Now I have an audience in the thousands for doing just that. And if on the other hand I become truly famous as a monster, I know this will attract groupies of the kind drawn to really bad men, for I have already glanced into that side of the female psyche and the only reason I didn't fuck her was geographical distance. You really can't go wrong with being a monster, and the worse the better as far as women are concerned. It is mediocrity they despise."

What do you think you'll get out of a life w/ fame groupies? I'm curious what draws them to you. No offense. Do they have rape fantasies? Do they find repugnant viewpoints alluring? (By that I mean, do they get excited thinking about being w/ or associated w/ someone who's views would likely disgust their peers?) Did she want normal fucking, or a rape-scenario thing?

Do you see yourself as a "really bad man", or just someone frustrated?

Have you had a relationship before?

How would you feel if someone raped a woman and cited your writings as inspiration? Again, a serious question, not bleating.

I guess most of these questions are too personal, but what the hell. I'm appalled and fascinated by this whole thing.

zanthinegirl said...

I'm almost amused at how short-sighted the OP seem to be. Doesn't he realize that it's not just sane people on the internet (excuse me, "oppressive feminists") who will see this blog/ twitter/ facebook? it's also future employers. I know HR where I work google people before they hire them. And if he's still a student, does he think this sort of thing is going to get him into decent programs?

Anonymous said...

Ahh yes, the comments here reflect the true face of modern feminism and the remaints of misguided chivalry.

Most of the people commenting about you, Elvind, with the exception of Heather, are a bit of monsters themselves. See, they don't really care about the victims of their ideology or their refusal to really investigate this stuff or they'd know that definition of rape has expanded alot in western countries to cover acts that weren't formerly considered rape (with the exception of the marital rape reform, many I consider unadvised) thus cheapening the word, that it's been made harder to defend against, and that if "only" 2 percent (yeah right. Even most feminists are finally backing off this claim) of rape accusations are false and there's all these rapes (in the millions!) that go unpunished, this means that they are perfectly fine with sentencing tens of thousands of people, mostly men to literally hell on earth in prison, where instead of ONE rape to deal with they might have to worry about multiples and possibly even their very lives.

When I see the people on these threads try to respond to your actual points with studies, logical arguments, or even just agree that both rape and false accusations need to be worked on, then I'll be convinced you are the only monster here.

See, you ASKED the question of yourself. Wondering if you are becoming a monster is the first step towards regaining humanity. Someone like zanthinegirl is incapable of examining their own bigotry, hatred, and prejudice and are thus eminently far more pitiable. It's always been those most convinced they are right and most ready to throw out accusations at others who have committed the most evil in this world. Evil is banal? You better believe it.

Good luck with your life Elvind. I hope you find the compassion for others that has been denied you and I hope you find happiness. But if not, I hope you focus your anger only on those who do injustice to you or others. Remember most human evil is due to stupidity or laziness - that's what makes it so heartbreaking when one considers the human condition.


Eivind Berge said...


Do you want a mate? Or people to fuck? A question, not a judgment call.

I want a mate and family most, but of course just women to fuck would go a long way and in the absence of a committed relationship men are always looking for women to fuck (and sometimes then too, but I could be monogamous).

What do you think you'll get out of a life w/ fame groupies?

You get to fuck hot women. It would be great, but isn't the lifestyle I am ultimately aiming for.

I'm curious what draws them to you. No offense. Do they have rape fantasies? Do they find repugnant viewpoints alluring? (By that I mean, do they get excited thinking about being w/ or associated w/ someone who's views would likely disgust their peers?) Did she want normal fucking, or a rape-scenario thing?

She had some rape fantasies and was somewhat disappointed that I have none and just want normal fucking. To me (and most men, contrary to feminist lies), rape is merely instrumental to getting sex, and I have no interest in enacting rape scenarios when I can get sex. But mostly she was attracted to what she saw as a propensity to be violent and almost encouraged me to go on a rampage. She had been attracted to killers for a long time and even traveled to see them in court. She had issues, though, with anorexia and BDD (was obsessed with getting plastic surgery, too) and lost interest after she decided I needed to lose some weight and I disagreed and failed to do so. Or it might be my lack of an actual criminal record. I guess some of these women attracted to criminals aren't very healthy, but some are and it is definitely a viable way to get women. Especially here in Norway where you get out of jail relatively soon.

Do you see yourself as a "really bad man", or just someone frustrated?

I see myself as just someone frustrated. Prolonged frustration would inevitably turn me into a bona fide monster at some point, though. And no, it is in no way acceptable to give up and live with celibacy, so nobody tell me to "get help," OK? It is healthy to be enraged by involuntary celibacy. Taking it lying down would be insane.

Have you had a relationship before?

Yes, the longest was two months. I have had a variety of experience with women, but they have been so far between that I have been celibate most of the time, regularly up to a year or two at time. That is no life.

How would you feel if someone raped a woman and cited your writings as inspiration? Again, a serious question, not bleating.

I would feel: "That's activism!" :)

Eivind Berge said...

Jai Ho!
All support from India

Thank you.

Unknown said...

Hmm, this explains a lot of what I have read on this blog (Eivind and some of his fans alike).

Profile of the sociopath:

Glibness and Superficial Charm

Manipulative and Conning-
They never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors as permissible. They appear to be charming, yet are covertly hostile and domineering, seeing their victim as merely an instrument to be used. They may dominate and humiliate their victims.

Grandiose Sense of Self-
Feels entitled to certain things as "their right."

Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt-
A deep seated rage, which is split off and repressed, is at their core. Does not see others around them as people, but only as targets and opportunities. Instead of friends, they have victims and accomplices who end up as victims. The end always justifies the means and they let nothing stand in their way.

Shallow Emotions-
When they show what seems to be warmth, joy, love and compassion it is more feigned than experienced and serves an ulterior motive. Outraged by insignificant matters, yet remaining unmoved and cold by what would upset a normal person. Since they are not genuine, neither are their promises.

Incapacity for Love

Need for Stimulation -
Living on the edge. Verbal outbursts and physical punishments are normal. Promiscuity and gambling are common.

Callousness/Lack of Empathy-
Unable to empathize with the pain of their victims, having only contempt for others' feelings of distress and readily taking advantage of them.

Not concerned about wrecking others' lives and dreams. Oblivious or indifferent to the devastation they cause. Does not accept blame themselves, but blames others, even for acts they obviously committed.

Promiscuous Sexual Behavior/Infidelity-
Promiscuity, child sexual abuse, rape and sexual acting out of all sorts.

Eivind doesn't check all the boxes, but enough to make me wonder...

(from v

Sandesh said...

Dear Elvind, You are very brave to put forth such views. Please don't get cowed down by such cowards. Yes they are cowards, it takes courage to speak up the truth.

Unknown said...

Men are financially raped! where are those questions then?

Men are raped in the judiciary. Where are those questions then?

These feminists have to think that first before.

Anonymous said...

Well Chloe:

I suppose I'm a fan of Elvind because I disagree with about 80 percent of everything he has ever said on this forum or others, and have said so here and there publically. Some of it, has made me sick and sad. But I'm a fan, I guess, because I'm not calling for his head nor hating on him when he dares to get a little introspective. He's a freaking human being, and provided he harms no one else his views are his alone and I will continue to hope he can find some way to change them. But regardless, he is entitled to those views and many who are so offended by them deserve to be offended because their ideological blind spots have led them to contenance much injustice. Can't make an omelet without breaking eggs, don't you know? That's often the anti rape advocates response to false accusations. A more fitting example of sociopathy I can't possibly hope to find.


Anonymous said...

I don't see how you can possibly think that what you're proposing is logical. Let's say, for the sake of argument, that your premises are correct: that sex is a female resource and that money and power are male resources. That affirmative action is unfair because it provides women with money and power at the expense of men, thus depriving men of their natural resources and inhibiting (or eliminating) their ability to get sex.

Your solution to this is to allow men to be able to take sex from women as they see fit, in the name of equality. But how is this equal? Who gets raped? Is it only the women who have used affirmative action to their advantage? Or is it open season: any man can rape any woman at any time? To call this "equality", you would have to allow any woman to be able to take any job from any man at any time. That's not how affirmative action works. A woman can't walk in the door and tell the CEO that she's taking his job and that he has until the end of the day to clear out his desk. And unless that's what you're proposing, your analogy is false and the outcome is not equality, but rather the punishment of all women everywhere.

Eivind Berge said...

Your solution to this is to allow men to be able to take sex from women as they see fit, in the name of equality. But how is this equal? Who gets raped?

I didn't say it would mean men can rape any woman they see fit, and obviously that wouldn't be analogous to affirmative action. As this is still at the level of a thought experiment, I haven't worked out the details yet. It will take more thinking to figure out how to quantify, measure and implement sexual equality. Perhaps conscript women to serve in free brothels or something, like men are to the military? Or some sort of arranged marriages? I don't know exactly, but I am reasonably sure sexual equality could, in principle, be implemented and you haven't shown that it logically can't be.

Anonymous said...

I don't know exactly, but I am reasonably sure sexual equality could, in principle, be implemented and you haven't shown that it logically can't be.

I cannot logically refute a half-formed thought experiment that you are "reasonably sure" could be implemented. The burden of proof is on you, my dear, not me.

Another law student - Norwegian said...

"You are quite, and became so very long ago. I hope someone rapes you vigorously and painfully."

Well, well, well... Yet another example of a sick and fucked up commentator here who is at least as misguided, evil or monster-ish as the blogger himself. But what's worse is, you are irredeemably stupid. At least Eivind has some clue what he is posting. (He's also very profficient in a second language - obviously a quite intelligent guy.)

Eivind has not wished violence on any named person - you have. That makes you more of a monster. Just so you know (and seeing as you perhaps are too stupid to realize it for yourself).

I would also like to say a few things to all the international readers here:

1. This is Norway. We don't have the same laws and conditions as the US - try to keep that in mind. I can't see how this blog would keep Eivind from getting into what program he desires, as the people who administrate access/entrance to programs certainly don't google applicants.

2. Most employers relative to Eivind's field of study do not google applicants for jobs. Hacks in private companies do that, filled as they are with distorted self-importance. It's actually only really relevant when one is hiring people who are going to front a company or organisation.

3. As for the act of rape itself, I regret to inform all you feminists and other mentally soft people here that few men care the least about women that get raped - unless it's their own close relative or their partner. A lot of men even feel some joy about it, as they've seen the ugly side of women. Trust me, I speak with and interact with very many people. Nothing has ever suggested to me that male concern over rape is anything other than a politically correct stance taken where it's appropriate within a social context, for the most part. As for men raping men, men don't relate much to that either, choosing often to laugh and joke about it. And women probably don't offer those guys much thought either. Women are like all other human beings: Mostly egotistical and concerned with their own, personal fortunes.

4. I have had a gf once who I later found out had falsely accused a guy of rape (also as part of financial extortion against him). She was charged with this crime by the police, after they had examined evidence. She later left me for this same guy she had filed a charge of rape against. (I stole her from him in the first place, so to speak.)

5. False rape charges are a very significant problem in Norway.

6. 10 years ago I did something similar to what Eivind does here. It attracted hot women to me. That surprised me a lot. I did not have my own blog though, but did it employing a pseudonym and in a discussions forum. Women loved it and contacted me in private. In my experience, a lot of women (Norwegian ones though, mind you) think most other women are real bitches, and have no problems with a man saying so.

7. I last fucked a woman 6 hours ago, and have a date with another one tomorrow and yet another one on Wednesday, so no need to worry about me or my sex life, at least, in case some of the more IQ-challenged among the feminist commentators here were thinking about wasting calories typing out such thoughts.

8. For what it's worth, I certainly think Eivind's blog seems misguided, and hope he doesn't walk around harbouring such resentment and hatred as he seems to pour out here in the blog. I see the blog as an interesting experiment though. Not least in as much as it exposes most commentators to be at least as hateful, self-centered and unsympathetic (but also lacking in empathy) as the blogger himself.

Heather said...


Thanks. I try.


"I want a mate and family most..."

Hm. Would you be surprised if it's harder to find a companion of quality and long-term commitment due to your views? And though this may be a typical question, what if you have daughter one day and a man thinks she owes him her sexuality and he takes it? Seriously. If he were sad enough, would that override your daughter's pain?

"You get to fuck hot women. It would be great, but isn't the lifestyle I am ultimately aiming for."

Good luck with that. Seriously. If it calms down your angry heart, I hope you get some pussy. As much as you need to heal you. Consensually, of course.

"She had some rape fantasies and was somewhat disappointed that I have none and just want normal fucking..."

Yeah, that's what I figured.

"To me (and most men, contrary to feminist lies), rape is merely instrumental to getting sex..."

You're very wrong, but I won't argue as I don't have the energy or naivete to assume I'll convince you otherwise.

"I guess some of these women attracted to criminals aren't very healthy, but some are and it is definitely a viable way to get women..."

Again, I'd argue you're wrong, re: healthy women being attracted to criminals. It seems instead to reek of being broken.

"I see myself as just someone frustrated. Prolonged frustration would inevitably turn me into a bona fide monster at some point, though. And no, it is in no way acceptable to give up and live with celibacy, so nobody tell me to "get help," OK? It is healthy to be enraged by involuntary celibacy. Taking it lying down would be insane."

I agree a life of enforced celibacy is no life. But you have a choice whether or not to become a monster. If it's truly a monstrous life you want, don't blame it on others - accept that it's an urge within you that doesn't depend on anyone else. And get help before you do anything.

Taking it lying down? No one's suggesting that. I haven't read your whole blog, but what have you done to make yourself more appealing to women? You seem to be giving up rather easily (not that being lonely is easy). There are so many kinds of people of varying levels of standards, it isn't impossible short of an army of free prostitutes.

"Yes, the longest was two months. I have had a variety of experience with women, but they have been so far between that I have been celibate most of the time, regularly up to a year or two at time. That is no life."

There are people, women and men, who've suffered loneliness for longer. No one owes you anything. Like no one owes women anything. Except the right to have a job, not be violated, little things like that.

How would you feel if someone raped a woman and cited your writings as inspiration? Again, a serious question, not bleating.

"I would feel: "That's activism!" :)"

Really? And then what? Do you think they'd be giving a reading on the news? A lonely man manifesto? And that women en masse will say, "Gosh! I didn't realize my actions were so hurtful! Let's roll back over 100 years of progress."

In regards to your reply to Anonymous, what about the prostitutes that exist now? The ones that charge? You can have sex anytime you want, you know. Why should women give that away for free? How much can a prostitute actually cost?

As repulsed as I am by your thesis and attitudes, I appreciate you answering my questions honestly. Truly.

Anonymous said...

"illegal rape" - I'm sorry buddy, did I miss something? Is there a legal version on rape? I'm pretty sure on this side of the pond, most states have done away with the principle that you can not be charged with raping your wife. So... what is legal rape?

Anonymous said...

If this guy has any sense he'll turn on Googles ad-sense and make a killing on all the traffic he is getting from PZ's article on this site

Matthew Miller said...

"Have I become a monster?"

Nah. I think anyone can see you're really a deep-cover feminist out to make anyone who opposes feminism look a psychotic, sociopathic, amoral sub-human. Let's be honest here, no sane mind capable of empathizing with other people would honestly think rape could be a rational reaction to difficulty getting a date.

The kind of outright hostility to your fellow human beings portrayed in your posts depicts not a rational human being, but a marginally controlled predator. If the posts on this blog honesty reflected you real views, then the question readers should ask is not "if" you have a collection of trophies from animals you've tortured and murdered, but how large that collection is. If this blog reflected your true beliefs then it would only be a matter of time before you yourself went out to commit rape, possibly torturing and murdering your victim, if you haven't done so already.

You're either an uber-feminist troll or a serial killer in training. I think all of us would rather you be a deep cover feminist than the next BTK.

Emily said...

I'm going to try to be even handed here. Eivind: Though I totally disagree with your conclusions and your proposed solutions, I am willing to concede that yes, sometimes men do get the short end of the stick in social transactions. Alimony and excessive child support has led to some men being unable to support themselves. The courts do tend to favour women when deciding custody cases. Affirmative action can SOMETIMES be abused, although I would like to point out that affirmative action policies exist for other groups too, for example visible minorities or disabled people. And I definitely agree that false accusations of rape are enough of a common occurrence to be worth thinking about. I don't think you're a monster, per se. However, I do think that you need to genuinely re-evaluate your ideas if you wish to be taken seriously. I think it would be helpful for you to, for example, cite some legitimate studies - conducted but reputable, unbiased (or as unbiased as possible) organizations, such as academic studies. I also think that it would be a good idea for you to take some time to closely study and try to understand feminist thought. I am also concerned - genuinely - for your mental health. The kind of anger you have is not healthy, and would be unhealthy no matter who it was directed against, or why.
That all having been said, I argue that men are, generally speaking the most privileged group in society. I would add to that that that white males in particular are the most privileged, but to keep things simple I will just say men. Men do make more money than women, on average, even while doing the same jobs. Men are more likely to be promoted, and are less likely to have their careers slowed down by having families. There are more women living below the poverty line than men, and women are much more likely to be the victims of violent crime, particularly domestic violence. There are statistics to back this up - I can find some for you if you like. Feminism was never intended to force men into a subordinate position. Instead, it was intended to lift women OUT OF the subordinate position they were forced into by MEN. Now, I don't believe you are seriously suggesting that women BELONG in a subordinate position. That is why I am suggesting that you study feminist thought more closely. Yes, there are crackpot feminists out there - any ideology or system of thought will have people who espouse extreme views.

Emily said...

continued from above:
What disturbs me the most is that you seem to consider sexual activity a right owed to men. I am not entirely sure why you believe this. Its not a right. It cannot be discussed in terms of "rights." Its unfortunate that you don't get the have sex as much as you would like, but life is not just about sex. It is entirely possible to have a happy, fulfilling life without sex. If sex is indeed that important to you, I suggest that that is another reason to be concerned about your mental health. Wanting sex is normal and natural - letting sex control you is not. I don't mean this flippantly. Similarly, whether you realize it or not, what you are advocating is indeed rape. Any sort of "conscription" to "free brothels" or something like that is rape. Forcing a woman to have sex is no different than forcing someone to donate a kidney against their will - it is telling that person what they can and cannot do with their body. You may argue that forced celibacy is in a sense telling you what you can and cannot do with your body. I will head this one off right way - no one is saying you can't have sex - they just aren't offering to help you. Prostitution is the oldest profession on the planet (so they say), and the bare fact of the matter is there is always a way to have sex, even if you have to pay for it, without resorting to force. Your argument is simply not valid. I suggest instead that you seek ways to even the playing field. For example, make it easier for women to get contraception - fear of pregnancy keeps many more celibate than they might like. Or, you personally could try to UNDERSTAND women better. You might have more success personally if women felt they were talking to someone who respected and understood them (as much as it is possible). Finally, seeing women as the enemy is not helping. I am sorry this is so long, but I have been reading your blog for a while (its highly entertaining, if nothing else) and I have been saving up my comments until I had time to sit down and lay them out. I hope things improve for you, both on the dating front and in terms of your mental health.

Unknown said...

You must never, ever get any pussy. Shame, youre not a bad looking fellow...

You can spew your pro-rape vomit all you want, however, it is still you, alone, at night in your bedroom, watching some (no doubt) overly sadistic porno, jerking on your little dick with three fingers in your shithole. That is the real reason behind all of this pro-rape mess. You, advocating any way possible for yourself to get laid. Well, you and every other sexually frustrated over 20something virgin.

Maybe you could should all get together and partake in a little frottage.

Unknown said...

After reading the comments that you have left here, in reply to questions asked....

The only thing I feel for you really is pity. You openly say you dont ever get laid and the one time you DID almost get laid it was from some total psycho...which really only pointed out your own complete.fucking.desperation. Thats sad. You seem to want to hold yourself to a high standard with all of this equality and power talk...then lower yourself so much as to try and get sex from someone as messed up as this rape fantasy, serial killer loving, anorexic plastic surgery addict? Holy cow man.

Maybe you could try the pity move next time? There has to be some woman out there who would suck your dick or something out of sheer pity!!

I do not think you will obtain the things you want, which you said are a family, etc or even a girl to fuck on a regular basis with all of your hate speech. Most women worth fucking dont want to be fucking a guy who wishes violence upon them, or believes they deserve the hurt that rape entails.

Instead of focusing so much of your time on these "feminists" whom you seem to hate, yet spend a great deal of energy on...perhaps you should look in the mirror and start working on yourself and your own mental issues (we all have them). If you want to talk to someone..I am here.

Nora said...

What have you done for women, exactly? Why do they owe you sex?

I don't expect any man to support me financially, or in any other way give me anything. They don't owe me anything, other than the same treatment that they would themselves like to receive.

You really do need help. No one is trying to force you to live a life of celibacy, but I doubt that anyone is willing to sleep with you considering the condition that you are in. I can only imagine that the rage within you is only more evident when someone meets you in person.

If you seek help for your issues, perhaps you will find that many more people are willing to be with you.

And if nothing else, there are prostitutes.

LT said...

When a monster realizes what he is, a psychologist is a good first step.

Anonymous said...

Yes. Yes you are.

Eivind Berge said...


"To me (and most men, contrary to feminist lies), rape is merely instrumental to getting sex..."
You're very wrong, but I won't argue as I don't have the energy or naivete to assume I'll convince you otherwise.

You think I don't know my own motivation? And that I'm not familiar with the scientific literature that actually studies rape seriously? This is a lot like Reefer Madness, you know? The lies and propaganda feminists and most social scientists spew about the motivation for rape are so blatantly at odds with reality that that anyone with any experience in the real world comes to see how full of shit you are and realize that you can't be trusted on anything. Or perhaps feminists are so keen to hide the true nature of the male sex drive -- and the fact that it exists at all, really -- because deep down they know the truth can get them raped, when men demand equality, too. So it is best to pretend sex is a social construct and rape has nothing to do with sex.

And get help before you do anything.

Don't you realize how patronizing it is to tell a loser to "get help" so he won't get even? Why would anyone aid his oppressors? "Help" in this context is from the point of view of society, not the individual, and using this kind of language when you in fact mean he should willingly try to be docile and pacified is a grievous insult. Just how stupid do think I am? Don't you think I can see through such flagrantly dishonest language that adds insult to injury? Any "help" which does not address the the actual problem, which is celibacy, is merely protection for society under a false flag.

Eivind Berge said...

In regards to your reply to Anonymous, what about the prostitutes that exist now? The ones that charge? You can have sex anytime you want, you know. Why should women give that away for free? How much can a prostitute actually cost?

There was a time when I used to agree with this sentiment, even though prostitutes are more expensive in Norway than anywhere else in the world and I can only very rarely afford them. But if we are going to have equality like the feminists insist, then men should not have to pay for sex. Furthermore, something radically changed two years ago that weakened any argument that men should pay for it rather than rape. You see, Norwegian women are not content with just rejecting me. If that's all they did, and said I could go and pay for it somewhere else, I would be more inclined to say that's fair enough. But they have criminalized the purchase or bartering of sex for any Norwegian in the entire world, even if I go where prostitution is legal. Meanwhile women in Norway are still free to sell sex legally, without even paying taxes. It seems you don't understand how vindictive and greedy Norwegian women are. There is currently no way I can have sex anywhere in the world without being a criminal. This lowers the threshold for rape, as there is less to lose by refraining from doing so. We had a very public debate with plenty of surveys in 2008 before this law was passed, and it was highly evident that this is a law pushed through by women for the sake of driving up the price of sex. They want to limit men's access to cheap substitutes so they can be even more difficult and get more material resources out of men for their sexuality, despite having more equality than women anywhere in history. Since the ban, the price of sex has roughly doubled: the cheapest street hooker now demands 1500 kroner (about $250) in my experience, whereas it used to be possible to have sex for as little as 700 kr. And the police are really taking this law seriously, engaging in surveillance and even sting operations to catch johns. The police are feminist enforcers first and foremost, even when the "crime" is totally bogus, and this is one reason I rejoiced so soundly when one of them got killed. I regard them purely as the violent branch of feminism and hate them as much as I hate feminists. Of course enforcing this law abroad is nearly impossible, but they would if they could, and the hostile, oppressive environment this creates for men, on top of all the other feminist laws against us, has been the last straw for me. Why pay women for sex when the state is also going to exact a price for it like a giant pimp? Are men to accept this as an extra tax on being male, while women get to enjoy the fruits of their sexuality without risking anything in addition to having enforced equality in other areas? I refuse to accept this. I no longer think of rape as wrong. Male sexuality isn't simply worthless and left alone as long as we don't bother women. It is actively oppressed here in Norway, and for this women deserve retribution.

Eivind Berge said...

"This lowers the threshold for rape, as there is less to lose by refraining from doing so."

should be

This lowers the threshold for rape, as there is less to lose compared to refraining from doing so.


...the question readers should ask is not "if" you have a collection of trophies from animals you've tortured and murdered, but how large that collection is.

I have never tortured animals or felt the slightest inclination to do so. My hatred is squarely directed at the people who actually oppress me, and I would never take it out on innocent creatures. This is typical feminist denial of the reality that hate breeds hate. You imagine that no matter how much you persecute male sexuality, men will never fight back, and any man who happens to lash out violently is just a deranged monster by nature. Perhaps the truth is too painful to face. Monsters are usually made, not born. My rage and hatred is a product of the hostile, feminist environment I live in, and any assumption that I am the kind of guy who likes to torture animals or has any gratuitous sadism in me couldn't be further from the truth.

Eivind Berge said...


There are more women living below the poverty line than men, and women are much more likely to be the victims of violent crime, particularly domestic violence. There are statistics to back this up - I can find some for you if you like.

Emily, it is completely false that women are much more likely to be the victims of violent crime. Even for domestic violence this is not true, where it is about equal, and in all other violent crimes except rape, the majority of victims are men. Violent Crime - Victims Of Violent Crimes — Most Are Men.

What disturbs me the most is that you seem to consider sexual activity a right owed to men. I am not entirely sure why you believe this.

I don't fundamentally believe this, but under the present circumstances, where women consider equality to be a right owed them by men, it is reasonable to apply the same logic to sex.

It's unfortunate that you don't get the have sex as much as you would like, but life is not just about sex. It is entirely possible to have a happy, fulfilling life without sex.

So how come you don't say this about the status of women? Surely women can have fulfilling lives without equality, too? Don't you see how hypocritical you are? In fact, sex is a far more basic need than the equality women seek, and women getting this equality consists of taking from men the resources we need to get sex and have families.

Men do make more money than women, on average, even while doing the same jobs. Men are more likely to be promoted, and are less likely to have their careers slowed down by having families.

Families are more important than careers. Men need to have careers in order to have families. Women don't need careers to have families because their bodies are so valuable that men will love them just for sex and gladly support them financially too. It therefore seems fair that men have better careers than women, and this is what happens naturally in a laissez-faire system, so de facto subordination of women is indeed right according to my libertarian ethics. When you introduce coercion to improve women's careers, sexual coercion is called for to correct the damage done to male sexual opportunity.

Emily said...

you're hilarious Eivind.

Anonymous said...

But practically speaking, when does it ever get comfortable enough to rape a woman, that it would be worth it?

In Norway it's mostly cold and/or rainy all year round, and the women can fight back; scratch your face, kick your crotch, scream or use spray or whatever.

As far as hookers go, there's something wrong with the prices you mention. I frequently buy sex from Norwegian hookers in Oslo, for between 200 and 500 (the highest I'll ever go with them, for something as simple as straight sex). For this I always get to sperm them directly in the mouth or in some cases even in their vaginas or rectums.

Just find some who are obviously jonesing for drugs, and need a fix sooner rather than later - they'll do mostly anything, and you can bargain it down. There always used to be someone like that in Bergen as well. (But those are the only two cities in Norway where you can have reasonable expectations of finding someone like this, of ethnic Norwegian origin, without too many problems.. And you can also almost always get their phonenumbers after, and keep in touch with the. They are very nice and sweethearted women, for the most part. Of course, there's always the risk of catching a disease, but less so when you ejaculate into their mouths or rectums, than if it's in the vagina.)

Hotel hookers of East European origin (often Baltic) will usually give you a half hour of straight, hard sex for 1000,-.

Anonymous said...

And I truly don't care about the police and that idiotic law the feminists managed to pass. I don't ever think about being a criminal for breaking it - it was perfectly legal to buy sex until 15 months ago, and it had been for decades.

The law is bullshit, and it's very easy to avoid the police, even if they use surveillance and all that stuff. The pick-up area for hookers in Oslo is still very busy. Just use precautions and don't do anything when you are really intoxicated. Besides, all the hookers say the police are not very interested at all in catching men who buy from Norwegian women - it's the market for foreign prostitutes they want to stifle, as those women are linked to crime organisations (if not directly through pimps, then through how they get into Norway).

Eivind Berge said...

In Norway it's mostly cold and/or rainy all year round, and the women can fight back; scratch your face, kick your crotch, scream or use spray or whatever.

Yes, but all it would take to comfortably rape a woman is an accomplice and a warm place to abduct her to in winter. Two men can easily restrain a woman and take turns raping her.

I frequently buy sex from Norwegian hookers in Oslo, for between 200 and 500 (the highest I'll ever go with them, for something as simple as straight sex).

That is amazing! I would get one right away if it were that easy. The price I was referring to is mostly African whores who don't use drugs. I have been looking for cheaper whores for years, preferably Norwegian ones, with no luck so far.

Of course, there's always the risk of catching a disease, but less so when you ejaculate into their mouths or rectums, than if it's in the vagina.

I am interested in vaginal sex only and don't want to use a condom. The disease risk is worth it. Avoiding all risk means not being fully alive. I used to pay for sex with a condom, but at this point I demand more intimacy. Preferably I would want to sleep with a girl a whole night, but the ones I have talked to wanted at least 4000 for that, so I can't afford it.

Just find some who are obviously jonesing for drugs, and need a fix sooner rather than later - they'll do mostly anything, and you can bargain it down.

Yes, I have been hoping to, but a lot of men are doing the same thing. It is still a seller's market at the low end. The women can get a better price than I am able to pay. Especially since I don't want to hang out too much around the drug scene in Nygårdsparken and thereabouts, as I don't feel very comfortable there and don't know any of those people. But it could be done, I guess, and if I got her number I could have regular access to sex. I have just had really bad luck so far. I think this is why feminists support handing out free heroin to junkies. It will obliterate the very last opportunity for cheap sex and there will be absolutely nothing women need from men anymore that the state isn't giving them for free. I see how free heroin would be beneficial for society and reduce the problems associated addiction, but since I am a man and think with my dick, I am against it.

Just use precautions and don't do anything when you are really intoxicated.

Yes, at least I have quit drinking, so I won't have a problem with intoxication. I quit last year after a fake Norwegian whore took 2000 from me and gave me nothing when I was drunk. She said she would spend the whole night with me for that amount, and looking like she might one of the cheap druggie whores you are referring to I believed her, but she just took the money and ran away. I should have known the price was too low to be realistic, and it won't happen again since I am always sober. You say they are mostly nice and sweethearted women, but this one was a swindler. Maybe I will find a nice girl some day.

Heather said...

Purely logically (and Libertarian-ly), if you don't change yourself and become more desirable, you won't have sex. Even if you eventually break and start attacking people, you'll maybe get one or two in before you're arrested. Not very smart.

Also, if you don't make yourself desirable, you'll have to pay for sex. And if you want better sex, you'll have to pay more. Women giving you charity doesn't really fit your politics.

You're petulant and have let your mind get twisted out of frustration. Boo hoo. All this demonstrates is that you're immature and myopic.

Again, no one's telling you to be passive and docile. We're telling to stop being such a whiney bitch and find the guts to look within to find out why you're off-putting to women. Instead you choose to cling to misguided ideas which take all the blame off you.

I guess philosophical masturbation on your blog is better than nothing...

Eivind Berge said...

I guess philosophical masturbation on your blog is better than nothing...

Yeah, at least here women participate. Willingly, even. :)

Anonymous said...

If a man pays Tax the state owes him Sex and Children.

If the state fails to deliver it is in breach of the social contract.
Anything goes after that.
The state owes on a debt.
They have no intention to pay on that debt, not on their own.
Even if they've collected 1 cent, its a debt owed on by the state in not delivering on THEIR end of the bargain.

Society is built on men getting babies for doing work and playing nice.
If men aren't getting babies there's no point to society and no point in playing along.

Because all that a man is in such a circumstance is a castrated slave.
Staying alive.
Living a hand to mouth existence.
A biological dead end.

I spit on the state. Scum the lot of them.

Ever see a policeman without a family?
Fucking - scum. Overseers, nothing more. They get good pay extracted from the male castrate and guaranteed breeding rights on account of their status. I loathe them.

Rape is Justice. Its collecting on whats owed. Its fighting against oppression. Rape is Freedom. Rape is Liberation. Rape is Righteous.

And before someone says "what about girlie feewings and liberties".
Well, they don't give a fuck about a man dying, dead for all eternity.
Whether its denying them breeding rights or sending them to war(order of the White feather).
Women don't give a fuck about anyone else but themselves. They're amoral to the core.

So, fuck - them AND their worthless feewings and liberties. And fuck the state.
Whether they like it or not.
And, live on forever.

Mickey B. said...

I am interested in vaginal sex only and don't want to use a condom. The disease risk is worth it. Avoiding all risk means not being fully alive. I used to pay for sex with a condom, but at this point I demand more intimacy. Preferably I would want to sleep with a girl a whole night, but the ones I have talked to wanted at least 4000 for that, so I can't afford it.

There's nothing "more intimate" about having condom-free sex with a prostitute, because by definition there's nothing intimate about the experience to begin with - it's purely mechanical relief. Same goes for spending the night with them: they may be good actresses, but they don't really care, and nor should they.

What's bizarrely fascinating about this blog is the fact that it's written by someone who clearly has a functioning brain, but whose view of male-female relationships is stuck in early adolescence. Women are essentially wet, muscular holes to spurt into, and "intimacy" is measured by how long they're prepared to put up with the experience.

I started off being repelled and nauseated by your posts, but now I feel desperately sorry for you. It seems increasingly clear that you really do need some kind of therapy if you're ever to have a hope of having a genuinely intimate relationship - by which I mean one where you care enough about your partner to insist on wearing a condom if she hasn't taken care of contraception herself.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous: by what logic do you deduce that the state owes a man sex and children? Since when has that ever been part of the deal?

Eurosabra said...

Of course, there is always the PUA route, but that always has the vicissitudes of the beginner's path, including no one wanting to go out and pick up chicks with you because you are short, ugly, awkward and new to picking up women, and having to talk to 50+ women before you get a phone number and 300+ women to get a date. 1 in 50 f-closes is a good number for an average PUA, even when you have mastered the art of talking to women, there simply isn't enough female desire in the world to match the average man, so he needs 16 hrs/wk pick-up time to manage the satisfaction of his desire, even after learning how to talk to women.

Anonymous said...

"There's nothing "more intimate" about having condom-free sex with a prostitute, because by definition there's nothing intimate about the experience to begin with - it's purely mechanical relief. Same goes for spending the night with them: they may be good actresses, but they don't really care, and nor should they."

This is the same BS I see in every such debate, from men or women who have obviously never bought sex. I wrote the post about sperming inside their mouths etc. Sure, for some it's mechanical, no doubt about it, but then again, it can be with ONS-es also - especially if they're drunk. Just going through the motions.

In my experience, there's little to separate the hooker experience from the ONS-experience, or even relationship fuck experience, with Norwegian or American women (I've tried both). I do my screening by talking to them beforehand, if it's a hooker. I find it very easy to see if I can establish a chemistry or not. I've had great sex with many druggie street hookers + a few lousy experiences. Not a single one has ever run away with my money, though. (But that could probably have happened, if I hadn't screened them, and if I wasn't usually an excellent judge of character.)

African whores I stay away from. Only about every other year do I try out one of them, just to get confirmed my suspicions that they are without fail useless and untrustworthy. They are the bottom of the barrel - just stay away.

It used to be very good in Bergen. I've fucked many a good whore, almost all of them Bergen-women, beneath the arches of the church, in the hooker street (C. Sundts Gt.), but also in every possible nook and cranny around there, and out on every pier - even in boats tied to the piers, etc etc. I believe I took tricks with between 50 and 70 of them there, all white with only one exception. (A lousy Nigerian who complained her ass got cold, that lazy bitch.. ) I lost count long ago. Fucked at least 30 of them, blow jobs with the rest. Only between 5 and 10 of the Norwegian ones, I never touched. This was between the years of 1997 and 2006. Twice the lovely, slender Norwegian women, wearing only summer dresses and nothing underneath, had to remove a small packet of drugs from inside their pussy, before we started. They'd forgotten about them :-) Obviously, those women weren't jonesing, as they'd already had their fix, so I payed 600-700 with them. But they were truly worth it. No black woman, though, has ever been worth it. Not even the one I did in a hotel room in Paris, and paid far too much money for.

Other than that, I've fucked between 25 and 30 non-hooker women (an average of two new such partners per year). Nowadays I really don't give a damn anymore, and go from mouth-fucking a street woman one night, or even anally, without condom, to doing a non-hooker woman the next night, without protection. I sometimes do not even shower in between. They should have known..

But to be honest, I'd say the chances of contracting some VD from a regular Norwegian woman these days (most of those on the nightlife are some kind of whores anyway - several have been married or live-in partners w/kids, without telling me before well after they've fucked in my apartment, without protection, after meeting me on a drunken night on the town, then go home to their partners/spouses.. ) is about the same or worse than from a street hooker (they do tests regularly etc.)

Anonymous said...

Ps. Oh, and the next talking point from the programmatically opposed to buying sex, will most likely be:
"Just imagine if your sister was a whore." (or a stripper, or whatever.. ).

In which case I would not use the particular district she turned tricks in, or visit that particular strip joint - problem solved. We are all whores for something, either way. (And my sister happens to be a well-off career woman, so the only whoring she'll be doing is for the international mega-bank that she works for.. )

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, a question out of curiosity. There are many African prostitutes in Oslo (Somalian), and in Bergen too. What is it about them that you don't like.. is it the looks?

Anonymous said...

Why don't you date some of those GirlGame girls...?

Anonymous said...

Hi Eivind

I haven't read all the comments, but you seem completely correct so far. You have exposed a series of hypocracies among the feminists that can't be argued against intellectually. The feminazis and their liberal friends, probably mostly too stupid to know any law about threatening individuals and also too dense to present arguments with any strength, instead seem to ooze an internet goo with no substance other than that they really hate when they're wrong, and they really hate you for pointing it out. You're right about your arguments, but arguing so might not be what you want, and also you can turn into a monster when fighting monsters. Especially when the people who answer your posts usually make no bones about being violent and stupid.

Don't let these morons bring you down. Only a small minority of the population have any significant grasp of intellectual theory anyway, and the worst of the rest end up like a screaming bunch of violent sub humans like you see them here, instead of just debating the pros and cons of a classic reductio ad absurdum argument like civilized human beings do.

Anonymous said...

I'm the original anonymous who wrote about avoiding African hookers, but the other anonymous above is correct.

I usually speak diplomatically. I'm trained to do so. For instance from living in a very politically correct regime such as Norway. I oly offer my private, personal opinions face to face, with people I trust, generally.

But the main problem with the African hookers, who are from Nigeria and Ghana for the most part, are, besides, being fat, ugly and completely unattractive, aggressive and not feminine at all (with some precious few exceptions), is that they will never EVER stick to an agreement/deal. They'll say yes to anything, and when you get there and your dick is out, the entire deal has to be renogiated, and they are fucking lazy and stupid. No thoughts about getting return customers there - that must be outside of their mental capacities, somehow. They seem to come from a culture where ones word is worth exactly nothing.

In this they separate themselves markedly from almost all other hookers, as most hookers have honour, and brains enough to think about the potential for return business.

No one makes more vulgar noise, or come on more strongly than the ugly, unattractive and monkey-like Nigerians, and no one give poorer service, or are accountable in the sense of sticking to their word.

Even if you make them repeat out loud what the deal is, that has been made on the street, they will not come through on it once you're naked with them and they get their money. No wonder Africa is going down the shitter. I was anti-racist until the massive influx of Nigerian hookers to Norway happened. Suddenly I got my awakening (I've never been to Africa).

Not even abroad can African hookers be trusted. Just avoid.

Anonymous said...

Yea, it's quite a disaster...

Mmmm, Eivind, you seem to have been around the blcok :) not as innocent as you claim to be. :)

Anonymous said...

Discussing the current overweight African hooker prostitution market in Norway in the comments fields of a pro rape web site. Surely one of the internet's finest moments so far. :-)

Anonymous said...

I confess that I am curious about why you MRAs are so violently opposed to being "marginalized" but you think its alright to marginalize women?

Eivind Berge said...

I confess that I am curious about why you MRAs are so violently opposed to being "marginalized" but you think its alright to marginalize women?

Because women have tremendous sexual power and men have none. As Samuel Johnson put it, "Nature has given women so much power that the law has very wisely given them little." Now women have everything men have and all their sexual power on top of that. This means men are marginalized. There are two ways to restore fairness: either marginalize women non-sexually so they will need to barter their sexuality again, or allow sexual coercion.

john q communard said...

as usual, very well said eivind. i still run into women who reject my 'crazy' idea that they can have sex when, wherever they want and that does NOT apply to men.

unless of course, youre wealthy/famous.
just gotta be careful even then
as you are a walking talking money target.

Anonymous said...

The problem is, women cannot trust men not to abuse that kind of complete legal power over women. Therefore, regressing to an eighteenth century notion of what and who should or should not be legally empowered is very dangerous for women. The feminist movement is in part powered by fear (despite what some of them might argue). For centuries - millennia even - women were at the mercy of a social system that not only did not address their needs, but was also openly hostile to them at many times. You may say what you like about women's "sexual power" - I'm not going to get into a debate about that with you - but any legal system that allows women to be physically at the mercy of a man, or financially or socially dependent on him, cannot work and is in no way just. No doubt the present system is flawed, but a pure regression to an old system is not the answer either.

Eivind Berge said...

The feminist movement is in part powered by fear (despite what some of them might argue).

Well, when enough men get disenfranchised and angry, women will easily have much more to fear than being financially dependent on a man. In fact, many of you may end up actively wishing you had a man to protect you. If women's safety is important to feminists, they don't appear to have thought this through.

Anonymous said...

Just because women don't want to have sex with YOU (which I'm willing to bet is because of your digusting view towards them) doesn't mean that they don't want to have sex with men. You are turning your personal issues into a dangerous weapon that will serve no purpose other than to drag down humanity as a whole. That's right, were in this together men and women both with equal responsibility.

Anonymous said...

Eivind, Eivind ...

I do believe you somehow are a decent person underneath all this banal hate talk, talk that only serves to cement your role as a sex-fixated social loser. If you had a girlfriend, or even real friends (which I really do doubt), do you actually think you would still be nagging about these ridiculous principles? I think not. Pull yourself together, and stop blaming the world for everything you're not succeeding in. Sex can be an important part of life, but face it, it's not everything. And it would surprise me if your anti-feminism hangup in any way makes you into a happy person. Just let it go.

Eivind Berge said...

If you had a girlfriend ... do you actually think you would still be nagging about these ridiculous principles?

I would hold the same views (they are not ridiculous) and still be an MRA, but I might feel less compelled to engage in activism if I had a girlfriend. As it is, I have nothing to lose, so I might as well speak out honestly and openly.

Men's rights are both about getting laid and what happens when you do. I am at this point mostly concerned with the former, for obvious reasons, but I also very much support the MRAs trying to reform divorce laws, fathers' rights, quash feminist rape law reform and age of consent, etc. Unfortunately there is not yet much cohesion in the men's movement, so we don't get much done. History does show that men are able to at least form alliances to literally fight for pussy though, so I am mildly optimistic about the future.

Sex can be an important part of life, but face it, it's not everything.

Sex is extremely important, and certainly when you don't have it, sex is everything.

Anonymous said...

You really manage to drag in the dregs of self righteous humanity in these comment fields, Eivind. I wonder how many of them could be replaced with "Burn Eivind the heretic" and no arguments. Probably about 80%.

Just because women don't want to have sex with YOU (which I'm willing to bet is because of your digusting view towards them) doesn't mean that they don't want to have sex with men.

Just try to pay attention for 30 seconds. This really is the simplest I can manage to convey it. The thing is an increasingly bigger percentage of men don't have anywhere warm and female to put their willies, because of de facto polygamy and basically more power to women. Now when you have large capable young male segments that don't get laid, you usually get trouble, that's almost as close to a law that goes for every society as you come. Shutting up about this isn't a good solution to the problem. It doesn't work. What talking about it does is it annoys people who can't bear to hear truth spoken because they like it so much better covered up. Which seems like an almost endless bunch judging from the comments you see when someone tells the truth about it for once.

namae nanka said...

"rape is equality" holds true.
The inequality is clear, the woman gets to decide when to have sex, everything else is rape, even if there is no force involved.

Everything else being equal, women have this single advantage.

But why are they so obsessed with their bodies?
Why would feminism liberate women from a life of fun at home?

For the ability to choose the man to have sex with.
The single most repulsive thing a woman can feel is, not the slavery of mind , but a slavery of her sexuality.

Patriarchy wasn't evil because of work in the kitchen but because of ennui in the bedroom.

Whether you are turning into a monster depends on where your frustration is taking you. Closer to truth?
Though I think you must be getting some action by now.

FS said...

Eivind, I don't think you are a monster. I don't believe you want to go out and hurt others.

What the less intelligent people who post on your blog don't realize, is that you actually believe rape is wrong.

They have totally missed the point, and are just a screeching hate mob.

I don't fully agree with you on what you have to say, but a monster you are not. The real monsters are the people who support the rape of men by women, who use the government to do it.

The assholes who want you locked away, and to have a shitty life, are far bigger monsters than you could ever be.

Also, bear in mind, there are lots of people who agree with you, but just don't have the guts to say so, for fear if being persecuted like you have. These people are not monsters, they are just people who see injustice against men, and wonder why an equivalent injustice can't be applied to women by the government.

Also, notice how I am saying rape is an injustice? Yep, I don't think it's right. They won't acknowledge the rape of men is an injustice though.

Courtney said...

CLASSIC psychopath. Pretends to sound intelligent and then runs to mommy and cries when contradicted. Baby.

ctrloptdmd said...

You are the saddest, smallest person I've yet to encounter. I genuinely feel sorry for you.