Monday, October 12, 2020

A damning objection to the persecution of teachers

First, meet the latest victim of this charade, who was turned in by an evil colleague and faces up to 60 years in prison for being nice to boys: "Ashlyn Faye Bell was allegedly quite the walking typhoon of sexual abuse over the last year or so. The teacher lured two 17-year-old boys into her clutches and also had sex with a 16-year-old. Although the age of consent in Texas is 17, it’s illegal for an educator to have sex with a student of any age unless they’re married to each other."

People in our society who pretend to be smart (like the above-mentioned snitch and everyone involved with prosecuting these absurd cases and most of the media) parrot the idea that boys who have sex with female teachers are abused, even if the women are as hot as can be, the boys enjoy every minute of it, brag about it and like that case shows, even are above the age of consent. The age of consent is another absurd legal fiction itself, of course, and often mixed with the teacher abuse charade, but the boys being otherwise legal age helps distill the point I am about to make. If what the legal system claims in these cases were true, then everything positive gained from an education must be similarly poisoned by the fact that the contributor is a teacher or employed at a school. Since presumably there would be no schools if that were believed, what is the basis of this magical exception for sexuality? Does it have a basis that rational humans should accept whatsoever?

Suppose a female teacher gives a male pupil a 100-dollar bill, for example for his birthday. Does it get transubstantiated into something along the lines of theft and robbery because of her position? Suppose said teacher gives boys the pussy that most boys crave. Does it get transmogrified into rape and abuse rather than the joy and luck, pride and joy that they feel? The answer to both these questions should be “obviously not” to the rational person, but since society (or at least the justice system) is suffering from the delusion that female sexuality does indeed work that way, the nature of this supposed transubstantiation needs to be elucidated and society forced to drop the idea if it can’t defend it.

Since sex or gifts aren’t so common, let me generalize to what is. The same should apply to everything experienced or learned at school that appears to be beneficial to you. If you go to the store and do some mental arithmetic to help you decide what you can afford, then you are reliving abuse. You can’t even read this sentence without experiencing the sequelae of abuse! Oh, the horror of daily life when you think about how much is really a function of abuse by your teachers! If we are honest about it, there is no difference between this absurdity and the absurdity of thinking a boy who learned how to please a woman from his teacher is an abuse victim.

Aside from the prima facie absurdity of female sex offenders because we all know sex is a female resource, the most striking omission in the feminist criminalization of such sexuality is the failure to explain this transubstantiation. Somehow we allowed feminists to establish the "teacher = sex abuse" canard without stopping to consider if the sex was bad in the first place, which it obviously isn't with women, certainly not when it is consensual. Perhaps position can make a genuinely bad thing worse (which is why it might be relevant with male abusers, but shouldn’t be an absolute standard there either), but it cannot debase what everyone enjoys and lives their whole life consistent with having enjoyed as in these charming female teacher cases that radiate positivity in every way except the hateful persecution by the state.

I don’t mean to knock religion by using the metaphor of transubstantiation. The ritual magic of the Eucharist has a lot more going for it than the female sex offender charade because although I am sure it fails to effect chemical changes, at least it taps into a feeling of communion with the divine that people can have. But boys do not, on their own, decide that pleasant sexual experiences with women are abuse.

Perhaps the ritual magic of police interrogations and court proceedings, “therapy” and other brainwashing can have that effect in some cases, but if so, it is an industry that only exists to create problems. This is why I call it the nocebo industry, an unambiguous evil that must be abolished.

No, there must be something more according to the feminists, which they have gotten a pass on explaining so far. Enough gullibility, people! The burden is on the feminists to explain why sex doesn’t work like other good things gained from education, with something other than an empty and illogical metaphysical decree. The comments are open if anybody wants to give it a shot, but I am not holding my breath since no one has been able to put forth a good argument in the 20 years I have been at this.

Aside from some defense attorneys, the legal profession selects for psychopaths who are able to replace humanity with the bizarre logic of the law. Imagine the emotional cripple you have to be to think lucky boys like this are "victims" because the law says so. But the justice system should not be allowed to operate in a moral vacuum. We who know better must stop the persecution of sweet innocent female teachers!