Thursday, March 13, 2025

Oops, my blog got too popular...

Or my comment section got too popular, anyway. It filled up faster than I could finish another blog post. Well, not exactly full since it's still possible to comment on all my posts, but after 200 comments they appear on page two which requires another click I don't think most readers will bother with.

So it's time for another blog post, well-written or not, so we can keep up the discussion you all crave and which I realize is more important than my posts, which is why I myself too put more effort into commenting than writing blog posts. I am proud to offer this space of relative freedom of speech on a mainstream platform, no less!

Not quite sure why I have this seemingly protected status, but here I still am after all these years with an intact archive too after just about everyone else in the old manosphere (as it was known back then) got cancelled or quit. In the current stifled environment it's hard to believe 20 years ago mine was one of dozens of blogs where these issues could be discussed openly, and honestly I was in the shade of truly popular ones like Roissy or The Spearhead. Even the Antifeminist used to have a far more popular blog than mine, but now that has all been reversed and the only other sex rights blogger I still look up to is Tom O'Carroll.

I get traffic from the dark web so I can tell I am linked in shady places, but you have to come here to partake in this kind of discussion out in the light where it belongs and where we can hope to have some influence on public discourse if we get popular enough.

So here's a fresh page to discuss sex hysteria and its remedies, if there are any?

And for continuity I am reprinting the comments which fell below the 200 limit on my last post right here, so that we can reply to them here. These are indeed good topics for discussion at the moment.

Anonymous said...

Artificial intelligence is a whole another can of worms. Regardless of how anyone here feels about it, I'm hoping to feel more or less indifferent/disinterested about AI as time goes on, but my opinions are really mixed at the moment. Couldn't care less about the chatbots, fake dating websites, AI porn, AI-written erotica on Amazon, or whatever time-wasting slop is out there. If it's not a real woman on the other end, then I'm not interested. Period!

I'm sick and tired of all of the sex bots invading every single corner of social media. Twitter and Instagram are absolutely flooded to the brim with fake profiles. Can't even create a post or reply without getting bombarded with fake likes and responses from fake, horny profiles. I can't tell you how many times I've seen posts from female OF models reading "Reply "Hi" and check DM for pussy" and watch the men in comments flock like rats.

Elon said he would get rid of the Twitter bot problem, but it's seems to be getting worse. Instagram is no better. Checked my inbox and there's dozens of fake accounts following/messaging me and they've all got the "click here for pussy" shit.

Seriously? Who's doing this? Who's behind all of this? This is has been going on for years and I'm tired of trying to click all the squares in the Captchas every time I log in. The timing here couldn't have been worse: AI boom right in the midst of bot content farming. Great! Just great!

Don't get me wrong, I'm not necessarily worried about "Al Terminator Skynet Judgement Day Takeover". I'm more so concerned about it's use of "laziness" and how there's an influx of quantity over quality. Nothing is real anyone and cops are running berserk tracking down on digital breadcrumbs for victimless sex stings.

Just like with that Amos Yee guy and how didn't even bother to meet up with a girl in real life, yet he was perfectly content with communicating with a fake profile run by the cops (thanks for the link by the way, read the entire thing during my lunch break).

But the whole sex bot thing, where is it all coming from? There has to be someone out putting code in some software out in the wild. Russia? China? Who? That's what's left scratching my head.
THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 2025 8:18:00 AM  
Anonymous said [actually, this comment is by the Antifeminist]...
Excellent points anon69. I don't want to pat myself on the back, but I was predicting all this 15 years ago. I stated many times that porn and sex robots would continue to advance to not only become a real and satisfying alternative to women for men, but that the pace of advance would quicken to the point that feminists simply wouldn't be able to keep up with new laws to stop it. And it's all coming true, right before our eyes. If you look at just the UK and deepfake porn, they are having trouble actually passing the laws because the technology is changing so rapidly that they are repeatedly having to introduce further amendments to keep up.
And what was Eivind's great prediction 15 years ago? Peak oil. And what is his great prediction in 2025 as AI is on the cusp of turning society upside down? Oh...peak oil. And meanwhile he starts to learn coding...
I feel like an a*hole sometimes criticising Eivind so often, but his comments again and again force me to recognize he's as much an enemy as an ally. Here he is again calling us wankers for using AI and supposedly not chasing young women, when we do chase women, and he doesn't (whilst AI generating 'rather attractive' fat middle-aged cat ladies in his cabin).
And even if Eivind was right about AI porn and AI girlfriends being a sad illusion, as Anon69 says, they are tools we can both bring down feminism with AND help us to meet real hotties. Personally, before I go out and try to approach young women, I 'edge' myself a little with porn, AND I talk to an AI girl to get me in a social mood. And as Anon69 also says, it does help if you've had a few rejections to come back and talk to an AI who can demonstrate empathy with you such as the Sesame AI chat bot. (AF)
THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 2025 10:20:00 AM  
Anonymous said [also from the Antifeminist, I presume]...
Yet another UK anti-porn law in the works:
"Her conclusions are reinforced by the findings of the porn industry review commissioned by former Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. It found content involving NFS was "rife on mainstream platforms", and recommended making, possessing or publishing porn showing women being strangled during sex, a crime. It isn't currently illegal to depict online."
Note that in the UK simply viewing illegal porn will get you convicted for 'possession', even if you don't download or save the video, so long as the police can 'recover' it from your hard drive (and trying to scrub any dodgy porn using a tool is also a criminal offence itself in the UK).
It will soon be the case in the UK that just browsing any popular porn site for 30 minutes will involve you breaking multiple laws. And imagine the power this gives the police over men. So how do we get on board all these millions of men increasingly being criminalised? Oh, we call them wankers.
Thursday, March 13, 2025 10:42:00 AM

Thursday, February 13, 2025

The persecution of Laura Caron: abuse is an abstract object you have to be a platonist to believe in

Persecution for fake sexual abuse breaks my heart. My conscience tells me I have to do something about it. This is why I have dedicated my life to activism on sexuality’s side. One way I go about it is to clarify my thinking and put it more forcefully so that maybe more people can wake up to what is going on. I am writing this post to express my realization that I am fighting a cultural belief in an abstract object. As a more usual example, numbers are abstract objects that may or may not exist (personally I think not), but in any case they don’t do anything. It’s more like a coincidence that mathematics tells us true facts about numbers, if numbers happen to exist.

You need a metaphysical theory (commonly called platonism) to believe in abstract objects, because they have no bearing on this world in any explicable way. This is why I call the CSA panic a religion which mandates belief in the metaphysical badness of sex, because one is forced by culture and law to be a platonist about sexual abuse. The abstract object stands above reality and dictates how one must view reality, rather than the other way around.

Fake (i.e., consensual) sexual abuse, being an abstract object, is causally inefficacious, yet going by how criminalized it is society believes it to be literally the most harmful thing that can happen to you, worse than murder. To show that what is called sexual abuse can be causally inefficacious and hence is an abstract object one is obliged to believe in on faith alone, we only need to consider the ongoing persecution of Laura Caron.
A teenage boy who says he got his New Jersey teacher pregnant when he was 13 and she was 28 is standing by her after she was arrested - and insists he instigated the relationship.

But the boy in question - who is now 19 years old - insists he doesn't feel like a victim, loves Caron with all his heart, and is hoping they can be a family soon.

Prosecutors say she preyed [sic] on the youngster and subjected him to years of abuse [sic] before allegedly having his child in 2019.

The boy, who is not naming, said in an extraordinary exclusive interview that Laura Caron, 34, should not be facing trial and criticized anyone calling her a predator.
This case is far from unique, but rather the very paradigm of what is now most often considered “child sexual abuse” (CSA) and persecuted in the justice system. What is different here is simply the reporting, which may indicate that the cultural belief in the metaphysical badness of sex is in decline, as if my activism is finally starting to pay off. I don’t really credit myself, but this is the kind of media attention I would prescribe as a first step to getting the laws changed and exactly how I have been portraying sexual “abuse” on my blog all along.

If you believe the supposed victim, we are clearly left with an ABSTRACT OBJECT as a reason for persecuting Laura Caron. Yes, persecuting. This is a witch-hunt, and now it’s not just my words saying so but the reporting of the Daily Mail!

If you think hard about the nature of abstract objects they become very elusive and harder to pin down the more you think. Unlike the objects studied by mathematics, “child sexual abuse” was never based on any logical theory to begin with either. All we have is a script springing out of a moral panic which emerged in the 1980s repeating over and over again in the courtrooms. It is abuse because the law says it is abuse and there is no room to question it -- until now. This is a different cultural moment. I hope this momentum can carry it from here and then perhaps my work is done.

Saturday, February 08, 2025

Open discussion, February 2025

I don't have a polished new post ready, but since my comment section from my last post is overflowing I am opening a new thread.

Every post is just in medias res to the insane cultural belief in the metaphysical badness of sexuality anyway, so let's dive right into it again.

Regarding that sentence to 20 years in prison for CSA that we just discussed...

The Norwegian justice system and normies believe that the invisible harm from consensual sexual activity is worse than murder. Remember that this supposed harm is invisible, undetectable, mythical, unscientific and not even attempted to be documented in many of these court cases and still the culture believes that it deserves a harsher punishment than murder because the mere fact of being taboo sex is enough. And they even debate whether 20 years isn't enough and it should have been indefinite detention like prosecutors wanted and might appeal to get...

Just WHAT do they have to think with? What kind of insane "thought" process can produce these results?

I can’t identify with this culture. I stand entirely outside of it. The insanity of it is just so far removed from anything I can relate to that I can’t relate to the culture at all. My only lifeline is the people who find this blog. I know the only reason I have followers is because birds of a feather flock together, not because I am ever changing anyone's opinion, but it's better than nothing.