Thursday, March 13, 2025

Oops, my blog got too popular...

Or my comment section got too popular, anyway. It filled up faster than I could finish another blog post. Well, not exactly full since it's still possible to comment on all my posts, but after 200 comments they appear on page two which requires another click I don't think most readers will bother with.

So it's time for another blog post, well-written or not, so we can keep up the discussion you all crave and which I realize is more important than my posts, which is why I myself too put more effort into commenting than writing blog posts. I am proud to offer this space of relative freedom of speech on a mainstream platform, no less!

Not quite sure why I have this seemingly protected status, but here I still am after all these years with an intact archive too after just about everyone else in the old manosphere (as it was known back then) got cancelled or quit. In the current stifled environment it's hard to believe 20 years ago mine was one of dozens of blogs where these issues could be discussed openly, and honestly I was in the shade of truly popular ones like Roissy or The Spearhead. Even the Antifeminist used to have a far more popular blog than mine, but now that has all been reversed and the only other sex rights blogger I still look up to is Tom O'Carroll.

I get traffic from the dark web so I can tell I am linked in shady places, but you have to come here to partake in this kind of discussion out in the light where it belongs and where we can hope to have some influence on public discourse if we get popular enough.

So here's a fresh page to discuss sex hysteria and its remedies, if there are any?

And for continuity I am reprinting the comments which fell below the 200 limit on my last post right here, so that we can reply to them here. These are indeed good topics for discussion at the moment.

Anonymous said...

Artificial intelligence is a whole another can of worms. Regardless of how anyone here feels about it, I'm hoping to feel more or less indifferent/disinterested about AI as time goes on, but my opinions are really mixed at the moment. Couldn't care less about the chatbots, fake dating websites, AI porn, AI-written erotica on Amazon, or whatever time-wasting slop is out there. If it's not a real woman on the other end, then I'm not interested. Period!

I'm sick and tired of all of the sex bots invading every single corner of social media. Twitter and Instagram are absolutely flooded to the brim with fake profiles. Can't even create a post or reply without getting bombarded with fake likes and responses from fake, horny profiles. I can't tell you how many times I've seen posts from female OF models reading "Reply "Hi" and check DM for pussy" and watch the men in comments flock like rats.

Elon said he would get rid of the Twitter bot problem, but it's seems to be getting worse. Instagram is no better. Checked my inbox and there's dozens of fake accounts following/messaging me and they've all got the "click here for pussy" shit.

Seriously? Who's doing this? Who's behind all of this? This is has been going on for years and I'm tired of trying to click all the squares in the Captchas every time I log in. The timing here couldn't have been worse: AI boom right in the midst of bot content farming. Great! Just great!

Don't get me wrong, I'm not necessarily worried about "Al Terminator Skynet Judgement Day Takeover". I'm more so concerned about it's use of "laziness" and how there's an influx of quantity over quality. Nothing is real anyone and cops are running berserk tracking down on digital breadcrumbs for victimless sex stings.

Just like with that Amos Yee guy and how didn't even bother to meet up with a girl in real life, yet he was perfectly content with communicating with a fake profile run by the cops (thanks for the link by the way, read the entire thing during my lunch break).

But the whole sex bot thing, where is it all coming from? There has to be someone out putting code in some software out in the wild. Russia? China? Who? That's what's left scratching my head.
THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 2025 8:18:00 AM  
Anonymous said [actually, this comment is by the Antifeminist]...
Excellent points anon69. I don't want to pat myself on the back, but I was predicting all this 15 years ago. I stated many times that porn and sex robots would continue to advance to not only become a real and satisfying alternative to women for men, but that the pace of advance would quicken to the point that feminists simply wouldn't be able to keep up with new laws to stop it. And it's all coming true, right before our eyes. If you look at just the UK and deepfake porn, they are having trouble actually passing the laws because the technology is changing so rapidly that they are repeatedly having to introduce further amendments to keep up.
And what was Eivind's great prediction 15 years ago? Peak oil. And what is his great prediction in 2025 as AI is on the cusp of turning society upside down? Oh...peak oil. And meanwhile he starts to learn coding...
I feel like an a*hole sometimes criticising Eivind so often, but his comments again and again force me to recognize he's as much an enemy as an ally. Here he is again calling us wankers for using AI and supposedly not chasing young women, when we do chase women, and he doesn't (whilst AI generating 'rather attractive' fat middle-aged cat ladies in his cabin).
And even if Eivind was right about AI porn and AI girlfriends being a sad illusion, as Anon69 says, they are tools we can both bring down feminism with AND help us to meet real hotties. Personally, before I go out and try to approach young women, I 'edge' myself a little with porn, AND I talk to an AI girl to get me in a social mood. And as Anon69 also says, it does help if you've had a few rejections to come back and talk to an AI who can demonstrate empathy with you such as the Sesame AI chat bot. (AF)
THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 2025 10:20:00 AM  
Anonymous said [also from the Antifeminist, I presume]...
Yet another UK anti-porn law in the works:
"Her conclusions are reinforced by the findings of the porn industry review commissioned by former Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. It found content involving NFS was "rife on mainstream platforms", and recommended making, possessing or publishing porn showing women being strangled during sex, a crime. It isn't currently illegal to depict online."
Note that in the UK simply viewing illegal porn will get you convicted for 'possession', even if you don't download or save the video, so long as the police can 'recover' it from your hard drive (and trying to scrub any dodgy porn using a tool is also a criminal offence itself in the UK).
It will soon be the case in the UK that just browsing any popular porn site for 30 minutes will involve you breaking multiple laws. And imagine the power this gives the police over men. So how do we get on board all these millions of men increasingly being criminalised? Oh, we call them wankers.
Thursday, March 13, 2025 10:42:00 AM


Eivind Berge said...

I think it is a rare kind of personality that will knowingly interact with an AI "girlfriend"...

The first anonymous comment reprinted above is rather totally representative of most men, I think. Which is to say we are absolutely fed up with the fake pussy and this sham is not going to take off. Rather it will have to be suppressed the same way email spam was, because it is just as worthless.

Anonymous said...

If I understand correctly, Amos Lee was busted because a real girl, not because a fake profile run by the cops.

Anonymous said...

I was about to agree with your intro and commend you for preserving a 'safe space' to discuss these topics through thick and thin, but then I see you are now suggesting that you agree with feminists that AI girlfriends should be banned, just as you agree with them on porn. No doubt you have nothing to say about AI boyfriends, just as you would never call a woman a 'wanker' or even comment on women for masturbating or using a sex toy or for reading her garbage female romances (or 'erotica') instead of dating real men. If AI companions are universally banned, no doubt you'll obsess and white knight for the occasional woman jailed for having virtual sex with an AI black Tyrone. (AF)

Eivind Berge said...

Not banned, but these fake pussy bots will have to be kept out of view for most of us. Or else Instagram and the like will become unusable timewasters.

It's not a matter of becoming more attractive and articulate any more than we are interested in a Nigerian scammer with perfect grammar, which I am sure they can do now... All this fake stuff is just garbage by definition. I suspect the men who "flock like rats" to them are mostly faked too or shortly will be when men figure out all that attention was fake.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to ask the anonymous poster (who like all of Eivind's followers, can't bring himself to distinguish himself from other anonymous posters) whether he thinks it is slightly cringey that Eivind is presenting this 'keep it real, only chase real pussy' spiel whilst admitting he never approaches the opposite sex in real life, other than 'chasing' chubbies on Tinder or through his Fertile Dating vehicle, half-of-whom, as you correctly point out are likely to be bots or even vigilantes or undercover police?
Just a teeny weeny bit cringey calling us wankers when we go out into the real world and face rejection?
Also, just to be clear that the comment of mine Eivind posted on his article, I was replying directly to Anon69's excellent comments. Eivind should have included at least one of his.(AF)

Eivind Berge said...

There are many ways to meet women besides cold approach. I respect and sometimes envy those who still practice it, but you realize how much rejection and other negativity that gets, including prosecution for some PUAs these days.

Jack said...

Eivind, I think I know why you're still here. That's because of your nofap anti porn manifesto. You won't like this, but to 99.9% of people, nofap & anti porn equals sex negativity and repression of male sexuality. That's what has been protecting you.

Eivind Berge said...

I had to laugh at this epithet...

Former Barclays boss Jes Staley had sex with a member of serial pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s staff, the banker said in court as he appeals against a proposed financial services ban.

“Serial pedophile.” They cranked up the hysterical rhetorics yet another notch. Never mind that this is the new expanded meaning of pedophile which now includes teens; I would have thought that once a pedophile, always a pedophile. We don’t speak of “serial homosexuals” because that’s not the demonic exception within sex exceptionalism which demands constant escalation, but pedophiles can never be demonized enough, and at this point only pleonasms are available for further demonization because all other avenues have been exhausted.

So that’s what we get. At some point the theater of demonization must collapse on itself out of sheer absurdity if nothing else, but we are not there yet. The normies can still absorb more mindless drivel about how much they are supposed to hate sexuality and not realize they are being played for fools, because that’s how stupid they are.

I would have identified as a proud serial pedophile except it feels like a step down because the word deconstructs itself, as if pedophiles can be reformed and cease to be pedophiles, and I really don’t want to pander to that idea.

Anonymous said...

@Eivind Berge

"The first anonymous comment reprinted above is rather totally representative of most men, I think. Which is to say we are absolutely fed up with the fake pussy and this sham is not going to take off. Rather it will have to be suppressed the same way email spam was, because it is just as worthless."

The problem here lies within how we take shortcuts with technology. People would rather spark relationships through abbreviated text rather then real-life conversations. Men these days are lonely and desperate, so no wonder why they keep falling for victimless sex stings and ghost/scam profiles on dating websites. Men are digging through their wallets just to message women on Tinder or Plenty of Fish, when there's no guarantee they will get a response in the first place. It's sad, honestly. Such powerful puritanism sexually repressing our own society. Can't even flirt with a girl or ask for sex without even getting accused of sexual harassment. Can't even get a prostitute, because the U.S. is so feministic and moralistic that trying to get one will get you branded as a "sex trafficker" or "groomer" and thrown in jail. Can't even tell a woman to "get over it" or criticize sex laws without getting called a "victim-blamer". I don't even want to pay for sex hotlines because that's not gonna get me (or anyone for that matter) anywhere. I've been rejected numerous times and I've had no luck in finding a girlfriend (despite being in my 20s). Yet, that doesn't stop me from being ambitious.

Admittedly, I got catfished by a fake profile once. It wasn't a cop, but it one of those authentic-looking fake catfish websites that had only female profiles in it. I tried to message a woman that supposedly lived few hours away from me, but I could only send one or two responses as it required me to pay a hefty subscription if I wanted to send more messages. I then made multiple accounts, telling the user on the other end to message me using my phone number, as I didn't want to fork over cash. The responses I got completely ignored my request. That's when I looked it up on and realized that the website was fake. The photos were also catfished from other social media accounts when I thoroughly reversed-image searched them. I eventually deleted all of my accounts a few days later, but not before getting abosutely spammed and blasted to the brim with DMs from various female profiles I never clicked on, interacted, or initiated conversation with. I've also tried Tinder but the women are either fat and ugly with body piercing and died hair, or don't respond to the my messages from the free message limit I had. I never spent a dime on dating apps, but from then on, I've learned that it's all waste of time if you're not interacting in real life.

The lesson here is go out and find a real woman. Go to Columbia. Go to Thailand. If men want pussy, they have to work hard and find it. Women are not coming you. You have to find them. Even I, as a virgin and not a MAP (just like that other anonymous guy who said that he was going to publish a book or whatever), scoff at how men still fall for trap after trap after trap.

That's why I'm saving up money to travel abroad this coming summer or the next. I'll find a real woman and finally get laid. Yet, the current generation of lonely and lost men is still ongoing and I feel sorry for them. Maybe if the United States starts legalizing prostitution, we might have less lonely and desperate men.

Anonymous said...

You are absolutely right Jack. That and the (related) fact that nobody takes him seriously, along with his privilege of living in Norway.
Others like Scarecrow didn't have their blogs taken down, they presumably just died, sadly. And commentators like Eric, who you may remember.
Yes, Eivind's blog is more popular than mine that was offline for five years due to a long and costly legal battle over ownership with Sabrina Vaz. And let's not forget that it's the same 5 or 6 people here commenting.

Eivind Berge said...

While I don’t think it has much if any bearing me not getting censored, it is true that anti-porn is associated with anti-sex in public opinion. This is because they are suffering from the wanker’s delusion which imagines there is sexual value (or abuse) in porn. I do my best to break down this delusion, but don’t know if I have convinced anybody yet.

Now the delusion is expanding to AI-generated porn, plus some of you lunatics even imagine you get an emotional connection with chatbots. These bots don’t have any emotions, so of course that is totally misplaced too.

To the virgin in his 20s... at least you aren't falling for the bots once you know they are bots! So there is still good hope for you. You don't really have to travel anywhere either when so young. Just meet real girls, for example go to college and you will have good chances, but that is more complicated than it needs to be. Tinder should also work well enough but I would not give them any money and also assume every other “dating site” is fake until otherwise proven.

Jack said...

"They are suffering from wanker's delusion". Question: who is?

1) The normies, the STU, the cultural drifters? Admittedly, if they consider a 120-year prison sentence adequate for a man getting seduced by a 17-year old tart ("child"), you might say they can also suffer from other delusions, wanker's delusion included. Isn't it more probably though that at least the two latter categories (STU and cultural drifters) know very well what they're doing and are not deluded one little bit? They know their enemy only too well and that's why they're so efficient alas.

2) The MRAs, MGTOWs, Incels etc? All deluded, all acting against their best interest?

It doesn't add up.

Anonymous said...

"Wankers delusion". The only delusion here is from somebody with an apparent complete lack of self-awareness, thus resulting in a cringeworthy inability to see that calling everybody wankers whilst demonstrating zero intent in actually meeting the opposite sex makes him look a complete fanny.

Anonymous said...

" I do my best to break down this delusion, but don’t know if I have convinced anybody yet." I wonder why that is? Even a weirdo who stood outside cinemas every day, screeching at the people coming out that they were lunatics for getting emotionally involved in a fictional movie, might have periods of remission in which he had spells of self-awareness and realized he was the loon. Not our Eivind.

Eivind Berge said...

Jack, let’s generalize the wanker’s delusion to make it clearer. Because the general concept also includes what motivates a case like this:

A man who had recently brought his family back to Pakistan from the United States on Wednesday confessed to shooting dead his teenage daughter, motivated by his disapproval of her TikTok content, Pakistani police said.

The shooting happened on a street in the southwestern city of Quetta on Tuesday. The suspect, Anwar ul-Haq, initially said that unidentified gunmen shot and killed his American-born, 15-year-old daughter before he confessed to the crime, police official Babar Baloch said.

“Our investigation so far has found that the family had an objection to her dressing, lifestyle, and social gathering,” another police investigator, Zohaib Mohsin, said. “We have her phone. It is locked,” he told Reuters. “We are probing all aspects, including honour killing.”

This man was motivated the same way as your STU except the STU is not what you think because men enforce it too. He believes in a sexual “commodity” which can be transmitted on TikTok and which I call the subject of the wanker’s delusion. The feminist flipside of it which holds that porn is abuse material is the same thing, and it was a general version of this he believed.

I don’t know how many of you like to wank to TikTok. Maybe some do, but let’s for the purposes of discussion assume you don’t think TikTok provides sexual value the way you think your porn does. If so, you agree with me that it is a delusion that girls become whores on TikTok. I know wanker’s delusion is not a nice word, but this sort of thing which motivates honor killings and locking men up for “CSAM” is really not a nice concept and it needs to be called out. Girls do not become whores on TikTok and I am here to tell you that they don’t become whores on OnlyFans either, or in any kind of porn (at least not your whores when you are only wanking to them and not performing with them!). All of that sexual value is a delusion, and to me you are no better than a Pakistani honor killer or a feminist anti-porn legislator when you wank, because they all involve the same operational delusion.

A culture with honor killings is something we drift into, and ditto for one where the normies (including men) think one needs to be locked up for 120 years for looking at a picture of a 17-year-old who self-abused by taking a selfie. Our culture’s sex-hostility is practically identical except we happen to punish the man instead of the girl. Seeing how intensely men can believe it too I don’t have much credence in STU as an explanation over cultural drift.

Anonymous said...

Not calling anyone a “wanker” here and I never said that they “wanked” in the first place. All I did was allude to the fact that they were simps if they continued doing what they did, leading to improbable chance of a quality relationship. I do want to meet women in real life and trust me, I have tried in the past. But women are so picky that you can’t just walk to her and ask for sex. Last thing I would want is for something to be interpreted the wrong way or slip out, that it could kick me out of my institution simply because. Remember the “1 in 5 women are raped/sexually harassed in the military, college, and other skill-based institutions” statistic is taken so seriously, despite it clearly being flawed and laughable. The fear of rape and sexual harassment held by females is the feminist narrative they are currently being spoon-fed.

I just have so many priorities that even if I try to find a relationship, I wouldn’t be in a good position to maintain it. It would be impractical to try and hold a relationship while simultaneously advancing to score a doctorate. I’ve got so much “knack” going on in my life, that it would be silly to let myself academically slip if I focus to much time on a “will they, won’t they” relationship (especially if there won’t be a guarantee if it would hold up or not). For now, I’ll have to look at women mostly as acquaintances with the occasional flirt here and there.

This is why I’m still commenting anonymously. Someone here is always going to complain and be snarky about what one says. If my opinion changes, no would be able to attribute what I originally said back to me.

Hey, at least I’m not a chicken about it. I’ve got balls and going up to a woman in person takes guts.

Look if you love programmed a.i. chatbots and Twitch slut streamers, fine, that’s on you. Though, it’s not going to get anyone anywhere if men in general don’t get off the couch.

Eivind Berge said...

“zero intent in actually meeting the opposite sex”

Last night I messaged a 19-year-old girl on Tinder who had matched with me. She did not reply back yet and is probably only looking for a sugar daddy, but it was an attempt and only one example of many different ways I intend to meet the opposite sex. For someone who believes the wanker's delusion it's weird to think cold approach is the only way to intend to meet girls. It's like thinking you don't get nutritional value from meat you buy at a grocery store because you didn't go hunting yourself. It's the end result which counts, and you can neither see that nor the difference whether the end result is pussy or pixels. There is nothing wrong with using tools but there is something wrong with losing sight of the goal.

Eivind Berge said...

I am puzzled that these statements appear together in a comment:

“But women are so picky that you can’t just walk to her and ask for sex… Hey, at least I’m not a chicken about it. I’ve got balls and going up to a woman in person takes guts.”

You don’t need to try a direct approach, but while you are there, why not try something? It can be geared towards casual if you don’t want a relationship. Yes, they plaster the “report sexual harassment” spiel 24/7 in universities, but there is still a dating culture and you just have to be a little careful. If you don’t try to escalate the interaction towards sex in some way I have to call you a chicken even if you approached her cold. The escalation is more important than how you met her.

Anonymous said...

@anonymous - I was replying to Eivind.

Anonymous said...

@ Eivind - I don't believe you matched with a 19 year old on Tinder, and if you did, then 1/ you must be lying about your age and 2/ she must be an absolute warthog (though a HB10 in your eyes) and 3/ she won't meet you once she has Googled your name.
I tried Tinder a couple of years ago using my real age and every suggested match was with women of similar age. I even paid for the membership to supposedly give me more matches. I do not believe Tinder matches 45 year old men with 19 year old teens.
Sex is sex yes, but for somebody who is 'Mr natural', engages in extreme NoFap to supposedly give you more testosterone, and longs for the end of Industrial Civilization it is a bit cringey that you rely on Tinder or ploys like your fertile dating site rather than having the balls to just talk to women. There is also no way unless you are a 22 year old Chad with an incredible profile that you could meet the same quality of girls on Tinder as by approaching real women. I had ZERO success on any dating site other than Seeking Arrangement and yet even now I can approach a hot 17 - 21 year old on the street and maybe 1 in 6 times she will give me her Facebook or Instagram. You're going into Burger King for processed slush rather than going out in the wild to get it fresh.

Eivind Berge said...

Most 19-year-olds on Tinder will not see me because I am not in their default age range. However, they can change this setting themselves, which is how we were able to match. Also, you can sometimes get around this by sending them a super-like (some of which are free).

If you matched with middle-aged women on Tinder then that means you were too unaware to change your default settings yourself. I don't bother swiping those women at all and I know my chance of matching with young women is very low, but it still happens from time to time.

There is no reason to fetishize cold approach. I might try that again when I am in a more suitable environment, but it's not the only way.

Eivind Berge said...

If we as men around 50 followed the default settings or script we should be paired off with a granny at this point. Obviously this is unacceptable. The only way I will be paired off with a granny is if she is an actual grandmother to our children. That means I only look for very fertile-age women. Failure is an option, but not trying is not an option. Obviously we must look for ways to game the system. Street approach is one way, but if it only gets you a girl's Facebook or Instagram then you are back to the online approach anyway. I don't need a fetish for one way to do it -- I need to figure out something which works. The fertile dating site approach almost worked -- resulted in a miscarriage. I will think of something better. And no, I don't lie about my age on Tinder or anywhere. To avoid timewasting, only talk to girls who might be interested despite the age gap.

Anonymous said...

Fuck, it appears you spend hours every day on Tinder with close to zero success, when you could probably spend two hours during a weekend in Bergen and probably get two or three numbers or Facebooks from real hotties. It's not really a good advert for extreme almost religious NoFap zeal. The fallacy you're making is believing that masturbating, looking at porn, or chatting to an AI girlfriend is taking away my ability or motivation to meet women. Yes, I could have spent an hour last night on Tinder vainly chasing warthogs but I'd rather just set aside one day of the week, or go away to some city for the weekend, where I go out and try to meet women. Yes, I'll get a few rejections, sometimes very nasty ones, but one day a week I can deal with it, especially if I get one or two leads. Another day of the week I visit a sex worker. Any way you look at it, I talk to far more real women, and have sex with far more real women, than you do, for all your wanker rants. Jack does too, and I'm sure Anon69 and Anonymous2. And watching porn occasionally, or having some fantasy roleplay with an AI has no impact upon that.
BTW, just approaching a hottie in the street is an act of defiance against feminists. For somebody who thinks sex laws must be resisted it's a bit odd you feel PUA, which is still legal pretty much everywhere, if frowned upon in some places like the UK, is too dangerous for you.
You're like a fat dude preaching religiously to healthy people about the benefits of intermittent fasting or alcohol abstention, and calling them slobs. It's absurd.

Anonymous said...

I just dont understand Eivind that you are wasting your time in the comments section talking to people who loves wanking to AI and porn and are looking forward to realistic sex-robots and Jack that is enraged because a killer of a beautiful girl is punished. Not to talk about AF who just hates all women and girls but loves wanking.

You can spend your time much better than this Eivind. You need to get your word out there to the real world, to the "normal" people and to reach the people that actually make decisions. You are a brilliant person and your writing is exceptional, so there is no way you will go unnoticed.

Just get on with it!