Thursday, March 08, 2018

Guest post by Gally: "Declaration of Existence"

What follows is a guest post by a man who has recently joined the Men's Rights Movement after a run-in with one of the laws we fight to abolish because it constitutes an evil criminalization of male sexuality. His experience also highlights the importance of the emerging alliance between the MRA and MAP communities. We are in this together, because while most men are not primarily attracted to minors, most men are certainly attracted to minors to some extent well under the age of consent, down to and including what is sometimes called hebephilia. And it is just common human decency to oppose bad laws and persecution of pedophiles just for existing. Or should be. 

My name is Gally.

I take this online handle in homage of "the greatest warrior who has ever lived," "Battle Angel Alita" (Yoko von der Rasierklinge), whose story of epic struggles with coming to terms with her past, understanding herself, and accepting what she is and also what she is not, has provided me with more inspiration than any other story I have ever read, real or fictional. It is a great manga, better even than Evangelion in my opinion, and for those interested you can find it here:

As such, I have a few reflections that I would like to share with you. First a disclaimer though: I am a minor-attracted person and most would consider me a pedophile. Although that is technically inaccurate; pedophiles are attracted to pre-pubescent children and I am attracted to pubescent minors, so the more precise term would be "hebephile," but in lieu of distinguishing the term "Minor Attracted Person" (MAP) is recommended.

So, if this upsets or triggers you, you are welcome to not read any further, but I would respectfully request that if you chose to comment, you do so after having read through what I have to say.
I would like to add though, that MAPs basically either think that contact with minors is okay or they don't think contact with minors is okay, and I'm mostly in the latter camp as I have found that personally it's hard for me to hide that I like somebody, and therefore I advice other MAPs to also not get too socially involved with minors that they find themselves having an attraction to, given that it might lead to contact that is too intimate and/or age-inappropriate.

So please consider that people can be and act sensibly and responsibly -- in fact, most people do act responsibly and considerately regardless of sexual orientation, kinks, or mere fantasies, fetishes, or paraphilias.

That aside, in a related issue it has been said that we are what we do, but I would argue that we are also information.

The DNA in all the cells in our body (only ten percent of which are actually human; 90% of "our" cells are bacteria without which we would be unable to digest carbohydrate-based food such as proteins, but only fat and sugar), if unraveled to a string, would reach to Pluto and back. Eleven times. The DNA of all human beings currently alive on our planet Earth could encircle the Milky Way (which is 130,000 light-years in diameter) 20 times over. The combinations of any one pairing of a sperm cell and an egg holds the potential of randomly mixing 43 chromosomes -- one half from the sperm, the other half from the egg -- in two to the power of 43 different ways (2^43).

The number of humans who have ever lived on our planet is thought to be only about 20 billion (counting from the last 10 million years of Homo sapiens thought to be a genetically distinct species), meaning that just by chromosomal pairing alone, only 1/3500-part of what we as a species, what humans are, has ever surfaced from the vast sea of potential humans that can be brought into existence.

The real number may be incalculable, considering that recent research has revealed that our DNA is actually not static, set from birth to death, but changes according to our environment -- and possibly even according to our experiences, influenced by brain chemistry -- our mood, whether we are happy or depressed, at peace or subjected to violence, if we experience freedom or oppression.

What was once thought to be mostly "junk DNA" may not be so after all, but like medical conditions such as heart disease, does not always manifest itself at all times but could be triggered by unknown, hitherto unpredictable and unimaginable combinations of events.

No longitudinal studies have been carried out on this as of yet, but as DNA sequencing becomes exponentially cheaper, we might discover connections between the environment and our evolutionary process that could be as shocking to science as the theory of evolution once was.

To quote a clip from the computer game Alpha Centauri (Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri Secret Project: The Human Genome Project):
"To map the very stuff of life; to look into the genetic mirror and watch a million generations march past. That, friends, is both our curse and our proudest achievement. For it is in reaching to our beginnings that we begin to learn who we truly are."
Genetic analysis (comparison of actual mutations to known rate of mutation of male and female chromosomes) has already revealed that throughout human history, only half of males have succeeded in reproducing, whilst almost all females have. Which, one could argue, means that evolution -- and thus, progress -- is almost exclusively a male endeavor. Which also explains why males have more variation -- there are more male geniuses than female geniuses, and more males who never find a mating partner (1/3 of all men in Norway) than females who never find a mating partner (1/6 of all females in Norway).

We are information above all, and there is nothing that is more Holy of Holies than Knowledge, for only knowledge can bring understanding, and only understanding can create with intent -- with a goal in mind. Be that evil, to gain power over the weak, or good, to bestow powers upon them.
To quote the science-fiction author Peter Watts:
Evolution has no foresight. Complex machinery develops its own agendas. Brains — cheat. Feedback loops evolve to promote stable heartbeats and then stumble upon the temptation of rhythm and music. The rush evoked by fractal imagery, the algorithms used for habitat selection, metastasize into art. Thrills that once had to be earned in increments of fitness can now be had from pointless introspection. Aesthetics rise unbidden from a trillion dopamine receptors, and the system moves beyond modeling the organism. It begins to model the very process of modeling. It consumes evermore computational resources, bogs itself down with endless recursion and irrelevant simulations. Like the parasitic DNA that accretes in every natural genome, it persists and proliferates and produces nothing but itself. Metaprocesses bloom like cancer, and awaken, and call themselves I.
Our interactions shape others, as theirs in turn also shape us.

Our identities, therefore, are in constant flux, as noted by many religions -- from the Bible's "Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another" to Buddhism's reflections on the transitory nature of man, to the Native American story of the struggle between the "good" wolf and the "bad" wolf that lives inside of our hearts, and how feeding the "good wolf" that is cultivating constructive and positive habits and behavior is recommended if you want him to win the struggle with the "bad wolf."

My point being, behavior is changeable, we are creatures of habit, we can change and we can improve ourselves and the lives of others and even the course of history by our participation in it.

We can learn from our mistakes, and for many this is the primary way of learning -- trying, failing, and improving -- but we cannot learn from mistakes that we are not able to make -- or that we are not allowed to make, as we fear an ever-watching, ominous presence of mass surveillance by people whose only intentions is to punish and harm us.

We can do good towards one another. But only if we understand the difference between good and bad. And we can seek peaceful, ethical solutions to problems that in the past may have seemed almost intractable, impossible to solve. We can think; not just feel. We can understand -- or at least accept -- reality as it is, not just condemn others, and by doing so, through proxy curse our common humanity. We can be generous; not just selfish. We can seek what is best for others, not just what we desire.
And we can have progress. Real, tangible, measurable progress, social growth, care for the weak and the confused and even for those with little self-control or ability to reflect upon consequences.

One of the oldest recorded stories is that of the "Fall from Grace," or as it is also called, the "Original Sin." Woman rebelled against a meaningless command by a dictatorial authority, allied with Man, and in the story it is said that God himself admitted that now they had both "become like God, knowing good and evil" -- by gaining experience-based knowledge of the difference between Good and Evil, through rejection of a meaningless "evil" as the eating of a piece of fruit from a particular tree was.

The price paid was to be cast out, and living a life of hardships and struggles.

A high price, that not many are willing to pay, but instead bend their knee and accept commandments to not think for oneself, but obey unquestioningly, even to meaningless absurdities.

Right now the world is in a dire state.

The level of freedom and independence of the press has never been lower, at the same time as we are manipulated by fake news, politically controlled propaganda, and an almost insane denial of the truth and a blatantly open disregard for empirically provable, reproducible, peer-reviewable scientific facts. Surveillance equipment is exported from western nations to repressive regimes all over the world, and Human Rights that were introduced after the second world war are being gradually rolled back for carefully selected minorities.

The ones whom it is easy to portray as evil.

As sick.

As disgusting.

As dangerous.

As abominations that are inhuman and must be purged, or locked away for as long as possible, as a way to frighten others not to commit similar crimes, rather than be offered any meaningful preventative therapy or harmless outlets.

People like me, whose crime is being different in that I am more attracted to teenagers than to women my own age, and whose rights to the liberal progress that other minorities have enjoyed to the betterment of society in general (such as homosexuals and transgenders), are being denied.

Many who experience such a degree of hatred, kill themselves -- especially young pedophiles, who would rather die than ever risk harming a child.

Others suffer through recurring depression, a feeling of alienation from society, despair and fear, and engage in substance abuse.

And then there are those whom the authorities succeed in convincing that they are evil, not in control of themselves, sick and destined to commit crimes sooner or later, and who chose to do so, fulfilling the only role that society prescribes for them.

They -- we minor-attracted people -- are being used as a spearhead to drive through changes in our societies that makes the rule of law become less based on objective and established principles, but more on subjective abuses of power. The argument being, exceptions must be made to the way the law is practiced, and one must punish harder because the current harsh punishment is clearly not working and therefore, the "logic" goes, it isn't harsh enough, because of course punishment -- in the eyes of those who see punishment as preferable -- is the only thing that helps.

They say that "if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail", and also that "if you truly believe you can compensate for incompetence by increasing your efforts, there is no end to what you cannot do."

In the same vein, "Military Idiocy" is defined as "It didn't work, so we need to do more of it," and "Police Idiocy" isn't much different: "It doesn't work, so we need to continue doing it."

So with their incompetence the only solutions they understand are punitive, violent, cruel and sociopathically sadistic, and as a result they are in the process of causing changes that make governance of the people be more about control under the threat of punishment, than about preventative measures through guidance, acceptance, and inclusiveness. Changes that alienate us from each other, that make us wary of speaking our minds, thinking our independent thoughts and questioning others', and make us fear expressing ourselves in ways that we are uncertain could be used against us at some point in time.

Changes that are even measurable in how far from home children have been allowed to roam, as documented at "Stranger danger" is a divisive tactic that splits local communities, and Divide & Conquer is the oldest strategy in the book. Make people fear their neighbors, and they will never be able to cooperate sufficiently to protest against exploitation.

In addition, surveillance makes everybody who is not rich enough to not have to work or obtain an education and build a career in cooperation with others too concerned with their employer's reputation and angsty about making mistakes, which makes it harder for the 99% of the population who are not born rich to ever learn from their mistakes and understand elementary facts of life such as that we cannot just eat cake if we do not have bread, and thus gain life experiences that makes us compassionate of others, tolerant, forgiving, and wise.

In comparison, the one percent who are born filthy rich can write books like Chicks O'hoi where they describe how they have an entire suitcase full of sex toys and love having their asshole rimmed and how their jaw is almost cramped from sucking dick for so long. The author of that book is anonymous, by the way, but let's just say I have a very strong suspicion I believe I know who she is. And if she is reading this: stylometric analysis revealed that J.K. Rowling was the author of a book she didn't want people to know she wrote, and your entire Instagram-account has been downloaded and I have no problems finding the programs that can do such an analysis.

The ignorance of the rich -- and their self-satisfaction from being "better" than others through having more money -- has always been a great comfort for the state, since if they really understood how others suffered from hardships that they themselves have never experienced, they could have made meaningful change towards and actually contributed to the betterment of society.

For the other 99% who are not as docile and indolent due to being spoilt rotten, surveillance is in effect a way for governments to be dumbing down the people, make them fearful and obedient, and above all: not protest against injustices and abuses of power. Lest our own lives comes under scrutiny, and every word we have ever written is combed through and analyzed, taken out of context or misrepresented, and used against us.

The plan is well underway to turn human beings back from free citizens with rights, to serfs who are under the control of whatever local official is effectively lording his power to define what "law" means and whom it applies to, under his personal jurisdiction.

The police and the military welcome this return to serfdom, as it caters to their psychopathic delusions of grandeur and dreams of powers over even the thoughts and feelings of others.

I recently had the pleasure of attending such a display of police psychopathy, as I was accused of downloading child pornography, what the police wants to define as "documentation of sexual abuse against children," while including cartoons, written stories, and defines "children" to include those over the legal age of consent.

One thing even the police managed to testify truthfully was that the vast, vast majority of the material in my possession involved teenagers posing in the nude. Pictures produced by a professional photo model studio, with the parents' consent, as documented at

In other words, at the very lowest level of what the law considers child pornography, and in my personal opinion very comparable to mere nudism -- which is not now, nor ever can, be made illegal.

Unless, of course, we adopt standards for morals that are applied in countries which have been the most reluctant to adopt human rights, to the point of actively working against their acceptance in their particular region of the world -- where workers are exploited as slaves and people in practice have no rights or protection under the law.

In the Western world, we have enjoyed human rights because we have been needed as workers in industry and production of commercial goods, and our labor and creativity has caused an economic growth of 3-4% annually since public education was instituted in Great Britain in 1876.

This is changing with the coming of the second machine age, where human cognitive labor is gradually being replaced by machines.

We are becoming less needed, and people without jobs are said to "have the Devil's idle hands," as they have time to think about the crimes, incompetence, and illegitimacy of those in power.

And question why we allow them to rule over us in all things, instead of being allowed to make decisions for ourselves.

Why some small group of people decide that our country (Norway) should support a war halfway across the world, why we should be subjected to decisions made by other countries (The EU, which we are not a part of but still subjected to), why our resources should be exploited at our loss (our country's hydropower generation exported at European market price), why we should invest in activities with no certain profitability (opening up of polar-circle oil fields) that contribute to environmental degradation (at least for the fisheries there and in turn the local communities).

It is easy to make people obey other, incompetent people in power, and accept their illegitimate rule.
Just tell them you are the only ones who can protect them from monsters.

Find some "useful Jews" that you can pretend are the monsters.

Pick out the worst of those who commit crimes, and relentlessly proclaim that they are representative of all of them, then crank up the propaganda and claim that you are now finding it to be even worse than what the public has been told in the past.

Describe the hideous crimes of the extremely few in as graphic, gory, and tabloid detail as possible. Do not encourage reflection by mentioning numbers such as how many percent of men are attracted to pubescent teenagers, and yet never do any harm.

Fuel the outrage and ride the waves of the moral panic. When people panic, they lose the ability to carefully think things through in a calm and rational manner.

And people will obey.

Because you will have convinced them that you are their Savior.

While in reality, behind the scenes a surveillance apparatus is being created that will put an end to social growth, destroy the middle class, and end human progress as we have known it.

A totalitarian police state is emerging, ruled by psychopaths and the most infantile, ignorant, incompetent, imbecilic, inept, insular, and spoilt rotten selfish rich people, positioning themselves to return society to a state of aristocracy and serfs, and we are letting it happen because in reality, we don't really care about the rights of others as long as we can have shiny things to play with.

How blind we have become. And how childish.

I am Gally.

I am a panzerkunstler.

I was born on the 6th of March, 2017, as that was when I decided to set my foot upon this battlefield. I did that with the full knowledge and acceptance that nobody voluntarily goes to war, expecting a long, prosperous, or happy life.

I still chose.

It has now been a year; I have met the Enemy, and He has taught me much.

I have risen from a mere "Lehrling" to now just recently, becoming a "Krieger" (

I am now officially at war.

I do not expect my life to be a happy one.

Or long.

But I decided of my own free will, to join this battle, after hearing a story.

You can find it yourself, if you go look for it.

At the time, I used the handle "LytaHall" on

The story was told to me by a retired police investigator, who for twenty years had specialized in cases involving the sexual abuse of children.

He told me of a man who had lured a ten-year-old girl from the neighborhood into his bedroom, where apparently he had made inappropriate advances that had been rejected, and due to the harsh punishments -- this was in the US -- he killed the girl out of desperation that she would tell on him.

I have never in my life experienced anything like what I experienced when I realized what an ABYSS of helplessness and powerlessness I was standing in front. There was nothing I could do, or say, that would change that innocent child's death, the investigator was retired and was only interested in idle conversation, the police are not in themselves drivers for policy or social changes, and if the development of the kind of harsh punishments for such crimes reach Norway, motivated by political posturing and moralistic-based virtue signaling, instead of us looking to nations such as Germany with their successful "Dunkelfeld" program, then that is going to happen in Norway too.

I can change that.

I can read books, I can argue the case for offering free mental health care and harmless outlets before somebody commits a crime, rather than merely waiting for them to do something wrong and then punish them afterwards.

And I am willing to do so.

Even at the cost of my own happiness and health.

Because I wish to do good.

I wish to help make this world a better place, and I am smart and knowledgeable enough to make a difference.

My enemy has taught me much.

I am still learning.

But although I may make mistakes, the true sign of a warrior is not to never suffer defeat, and not to never strike a blow that misses, but to keep on fighting, and to get up again after being defeated.
And to grow stronger.

I am Gally.

I am a panzerkunstler, klasse Krieger.

And I shall now use what I have left of my life to try my very best to prevent the kind of abominable, perverted criminal "justice" system that they have in America (Filling Up Prisons Without Fighting Crime: Mark Kleiman on America's Criminal Justice System), from reaching Norway.

Because looking at the numbers, in the US 13 times more children are killed than in Germany (, and part of that is undoubtedly that "two can keep a secret, if one of them is dead."

To quote parts of the philosophy of panzerkunst:
Panzer Kunst also provides a definite tactical advantage, since it gives its user the ability to analyze an opponent's fighting style and to retaliate accordingly. Therefore, a Künstler will rarely be defeated in a second combat with a given enemy. Künstlers also seem to have been imbued with a sense of fanaticism and willingness to sacrifice themselves if necessary to carry out a mission.
I am Gally.

And I am now (and until my death) at WAR.

Defiance. Because my Conscience does not allow me to stand idly by, as People in Power hurts others for their Personal Careers (Two Steps From Hell - Freedom Fighters).


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Eivind Berge said...

The idea seems to be that teenage girls need help to avoid getting involved with men whom some older women consider to be losers. This is an extremely shallow reason, and now less true than ever due to social media, so attending an all-girl Catholic boarding school is no excuse either.

Anonymous said...

Rebecca Reid you will not get your wish. When I get propositioned by a younger woman i will not brush it off and find a woman closer to my age. And im not sorry.

Gally said...

Yeah, I've kind of heard that Siren's Song of in hindsight regretting choosing a "lesser man", before.
From "The Myth of the Teenage Temptress: Or Why A Young Girl Can Not Consent to Sex With An Adult Man" ( ) to "Pedophilia: What would you say to or ask a pedophile if you were face to face with him?" ( ), the story is exactly the same: Girls later regretting decisions that they made, and some who are feeble-minded enough to blame their own consensual choices on the man.

The myth of the female always being a victim of what-the-ever-fucking-shit ever under the sun, makes me think about 80% of them are well and truly brainwashed into near-retardation when it comes to perspectives of different facets of equality, power-balances, responsibility such as owning your own shit, and also inequality.

Ask such a woman to define "Passitivity Privilege", and she will either stare blankly at you like she had brain damage where you to try and explain it, or she would simply look away and pretend she hadn't heard what you said and that to her you don't really exist as a human being worth communicating with.

Eivind Berge said...

Cute couple. I am surprised the media didn't join in on the abuse. That shows there is still some room for the hysteria to get worse. Which it easily can, but this man is already as close as he can get to being lynched. All it would take for the media and justice system to join in on the hate and call him a twisted pedo with violence to back it up is to find a nude picture from the first two years of their relationship in his possession. Or maybe she was "groomed" at some point? All it takes is a meaningless technicality that they use against so many men already.

Anonymous said...

This is why men are supposed to be in charge of and rule over women in all areas of life and society.

Anonymous said...

"This is why men are supposed to be in charge of and rule over women in all areas of life and society."

You know, there is a joke I used to hear around as a kid... It's about the peasant who was cried about his cow dying. He said that it was the best cow he ever had because he had taught her not to eat but then she suddenly just died.

To me, this is the perfect epitome of a life that's not within a patriarchal society. It SEEMS to work great for a couple of really ill, delusional people until it collapses into a complete disaster.

The cow story is also a great parable about another sick idea - that men who are incel should just go on living on as if there is no deprivation/pain/problem. Of course, if you are not severely physically or mentally ill or aromantic/asexual it will result in the cow dying problem, which means that you will either breakdown and go crazy or commit suicide or kill others. I prefer the latter as it would involve killing scum lower than bugs but I'm not advocating anything. Everybody should come to their own conclusions.

Anonymous said...

A good example of what I'm saying are the two women I messed around recently when my gf was very will but didn't go very far with either of them due to their utter insanity, which made it impossible for them to appreciate anything and made them too fucked up to even care about my attempts. One was 30 and the other 35. Both were still in college, working menial jobs unfit for their age, single after long relationships that got destroyed due to their insanity, extremely depressed and prone to anxiety and crying attacks that would make them almost incapacitated for days.

Would they be like this if they married at the age of 16-18, lost their virginity to the only man they ever slept with- their husband, had 3-4 children by now and a happy, harmonious, loving family lives like healthy human beings? Of course not. Instead they are on a fast track to nowhere and will end up in really badly.

Anonymous said...

Rebecca, I will always pursue young women as soon as they reach the AOC. I will always reject old women like you. Eivind and everyone else is right. Old women have no sexual value.

Anonymous said...

" Old women have no sexual value."

This isn't completely true, but depends on what you mean by old. A 55/60+ year-old woman has really no sexual value to most men. A woman somewhat younger? Depends on her character and looks. Eivind makes a good point that most men don't naturally prefer very young girls and that these girls have a somewhat more marginal sexual value. A 12 year-old girl would, in normal circumstances, be about as attractive to me as a well kept and good looking 40 year-old woman. That she is much more attractive than a 40 yo isn't about biology but a personal history in which I didn't fuck girls that young when I should have so I want to relive my wasted youth in a way. I can't long for fucking 40 year-old women as a way to fix my misspent youth because I wasn't surrounded by them and attracted to some when I was 12/13 myself.

Anonymous said...

Also, forgot to say, women have such immense sexual power that to say that some woman has absolutely none she has to be really old and ugly.

Eivind Berge said...

There doesn't seem to be an age limit to women's sexual market superiority. Though I haven't tried the experiment, I bet 90-year-old women would get many more sexual offers to a personal ad than even the best looking man in his prime. And of course women can sell sex as long as they care to, even for a lot of money. If you follow the Honest Courtesan blog for example,

You will know that Maggie is now in her fifties but still has no shortage of high paying clients.

I personally would not consider paying old women for sex, but enough men do that they have tremendous sexual value, more than any man can ever hope to have. Women's sexual value declines tremendously from the peak in their teens and twenties, but it never quite sinks to the level of male sexuality because the sex difference is so huge.

Just because many of my readers are so picky that they get called ephebophiles and hebephiles doesn't mean most men are :)

Chinzork said...

"You will know that Maggie is now in her fifties but still has no shortage of high paying clients"

It should be noted though that Maggie resides in the Anglosphere, and the situation over here is special (not in a good way). Due to the combination of a Puritan-influenced ethos and extreme feminist misandry, Anglo women have an extreme hatred for men and male sexuality. The result is that the SMV of women is wildly inflated in the Anglosphere. Rookh Kshatriya has explained this phenomenon in detail through his Anglobitch Thesis.

Eivind Berge said...

And now everything just got much worse once again.

With that law, feminists have effectively banned personal ads, because any bitch who fancies herself a victim of "revenge porn" or whatever can now sue the platform into oblivion and hold them criminally responsible as well.

This means I am much more optimistic about Pinkdate. We need that kind of system not just for prostitution, but any kind of personal ads, because feminists will not tolerate any conceivable legal way for people to hook up. They run a complete scorched-earth tactic against sexuality of any kind, and it is succeeding spectacularly with zero political opposition. Politicians are so stupid that they will ban any way for even themselves to have sex and still not care. The sole consideration of politics is to please feminists at any cost.

Gally said...

For a quick intro to pinkdate, Sarah (the public relations spokesperson) made a real simple video about how to use it, for the providers and such:

Zarina Jackson said...

Your a peodophile, peodophiles should be in prison! You think looking at child porn is ok, you think the age consent to have sex should be 12. You are twisted!

theAntifeminist said...

Has anyone been able to reconstitute any of the DAF articles from the download files that were linked to here?

Still bizarre whey he has suddenly disappeared. The 'best' explanation I can think of is that the pressure got to him, or he felt he was simply wasting his time, and decided to abandon his attempt. If so, it's puzzling why he hasn't left a comment here explaining this or at least just to say he is o.k. Maybe he feels a failure? If so, and you're reading this Tom, you have nothing to be ashamed of, and please let us know you are alright. You did everything right, and laid down the template, apart from the extreme provocatory statements which were over the top and unnecessary, IMHO, and I think most reasonable observers.

I feel bad that I didn't perhaps give him as much support as I might have, but those inflammatory troll statements were a bad idea, and at best would lead to his wordpress blog being banned (he seemed genuinely surprised at being banned by Twitter).

Other than that, I think we have to conclude he was either harmed or made aware that he was going to be harmed if he continued, or that he was in fact simply some kind of troll.

Regarding the sexual market value of older women. I agree just about entirely with Eivind in his point about women being the sexual resource, and in that sense, even an old hag has more sexual power and a 'higher sexual market value' than even young good looking males. And it's true that an old bag could go into a nightclub and have more chance ending the night with a sexual partner than most men in there. I think the problem is that the concept of a 'sexual market value' is a bit vague, and it's probably impossible to compare between men and women anyway, or at least only in 'relative terms'(by age), as Rollo Tomassi's famous graph does.
So we can only say that, as Rollo does, that a man reaches his peak SMV much later than a female does, and it declines much less rapidly than a woman's does. We could only compare male and female SMV directly if men and women were both competing for men (or both competing for women). But men and women, mostly, are competing intrasexually, for the opposite sex.

The fact that as Eivind correctly points out, that women are the resource, means any direct comparison of SMV is pointless other than relative to intrasexual market value.

I could walk into a nightclub full of 18 year old hotties, and maybe a couple of 45 year old hags. And as I might well get rejected by every single 18 year old in there, it's true that if I was feeling horny enough I might settle for one of the hags, rather than go home alone. And even those hags might reject me, because there are other guys just as horny and desperate as me to choose from. The thing is, every guy in the nightclub is looking for sex, whereas only a percentage of women in there will be looking to go home with a new guy, and even those are likely to have quite high standards.

So yes, even a hag might have more chance of sex, but it's comparing apples and oranges. If women are the resource, are 'sex' itself, then this isn't about SMV. The women with the real power in the nightclub are the 18 year old hotties. It's really up to them whether the hags get any sex. If the hotties were horny, up for a one night stand every time they went clubbing, and would settle for whatever they could get, those hags would be going home alone. Feminism is about older women taking sexual power from younger women, through force and manipulation.

And further, a hag might have no problems getting pumped and dumped, but what she wants is the long term resources of high SMV man, not sex itself. Women are the sex, essentially, and men's resources are exchanged in return for them. In the long run, even a low SMV man will likely get laid with a hottie if he goes to the club every night for a year. The hags will just get pumped and dumped numerous times.

Eivind Berge said...


Yes, the step from "sexualizing children" to "normalizing pedophilia" is not huge. These are conceptually almost the same thing and overlap to a great degree, so it would not surprise me if we get that law too. And it would not just cover pedophilia, but definitely be worded in a way that can be applied to attraction to anyone under 18, or even pretending to be under 18, just like child porn law.


I agree it is hard to quantify a difference when women are the sexual resource. The default sexual value of a man is zero, while the default for reproductive-age women is to be so valuable that it is an insult for a man to turn her down. Nowhere in the world can a man have casual sex with women on demand; he must at the very least rely on luck. So it is most accurate to say that women have 100% of the sexual power outside of relationships, which makes the difference infinite. Within relationships, things are very different almost to the point of equality, and of course women care far more about relationships than casual sex (which is most often a negative value to them), so the whole picture is more complicated.

I agree that female intrasexual competition plays a role in feminism, but it runs much deeper -- more like the ideological equivalent of a cancer which is out of control and lives its own life now -- and the male protective instinct is what really enforces it. The men in power take any notion of sexual victimhood they can find and run with it to create the most hateful laws they can think of, such as the most recent American one effectively banning all personal ads just because some women are perceived to be victimized via such platforms. When feminists instituted the taboo against romance in the workplace followed by street harassment and so on, I thought it would at least be legal to meet women online, but that is no longer to be the case. The tyranny will now be complete, with no venue spared anywhere. Sexuality is outlawed, so outlaws we shall be. Enough with the pretense that it is possible to play within their rules, because feminism is a scorched-earth policy against all of sexuality. And that isn't just trade unionism by old hags; it is cancer.

Eivind Berge said...

This is the explanation Craigslist now displays instead of personal ads in the US:

"US Congress just passed HR 1865, "FOSTA", seeking to subject websites to criminal and civil liability when third parties (users) misuse online personals unlawfully.

Any tool or service can be misused. We can't take such risk without jeopardizing all our other services, so we are regretfully taking craigslist personals offline. Hopefully we can bring them back some day.

To the millions of spouses, partners, and couples who met through craigslist, we wish you every happiness!"

This may well be the most impactful antifeminist message the world has seen to date. Anything that can be "misused" for sexual purposes cannot be allowed to exist under feminism. Which is to say that no aspect of civilization should exist, so just pander to feminism and shut down everything, eh? This law is a real threat to anyone with deep pockets, so they have to do it. The only way around it would indeed be something like Pinkdate, but then they will just throw users in prison instead.

What will happen now is that all the sex ads will move to the jobs section of Craigslist, which to some extent has been happening already, and then that section will have to be shut down as well. The Internet will no longer tolerate classified ads of any kind, because they can always covertly be facilitating sex. And of course blogs and comment sections and email can be "misused" to hook up for illegal sex as well, or spread pictures of the precious bitches who need to protected from "revenge porn," so Google needs to shut down too, along with everyone else. In the USA for now, but it will spread. And still there will most likely only be a handful of male sexualists in opposition to the bitter end.

holocaust21 said...

Seriously WTF, I posted Eivind's point about Donald Trump censoring the internet on reddit r/libertarian and it's already been downvoted. WTF is wrong with these people? It's like they aren't libertarian at all, they seem to be more closely associated with Chairman fucking Mao.

Chinzork said...

Well, American libertarianism is really a fig leaf for klepto-fascism and giving big corporations more and more power. Aside from that, libertarians are just as Puritan-Feminist as any other group in America.

holocaust21 said...

I think you're right on that, Chinzork. It's like the way American Libertarians often say "free speech must be respected by government, but corporations don't have to respect it". I mean that's just bullshit. They just basically want to replace government by a big corporation. And then what do you have? Well you have a new government that's conveniently called a "corporation" instead of a government, has zero tolerance for free speech and is run like a dictatorship with no elections, democracy, courts or even due process. They seem to want a world less free than Nazi Germany. Retards! And I'm not even going to get into my issues with their obsessions in relation to "property rights"...

We have a new term for what we see as Men's Rights i.e. Male Sexualism so now I think we need a new term for a general pro-freedom movement... I'm not good at naming things but here goes... Freedomism? Only I saw that's slightly been taken, but I don't think it's in common usage so we could always sabotage it. Saw this which might as well be describing "Libertarianism" but gives an amusing take on America's retarded ideas of freedom:

Now, if we can just philosophically establish exactly what freedom is... Given that, after all, one man's freedom can be another man's prison. And an Americans idea of freedom is definitely my prison.

Anonymous said...

Whatever we do we must NEVER lose focus of our mission to establish MEN POWER over women.

John said...

Uhm,too damn late for that.feminists, and their millions of MALE supporters who threaten ME with death on Twitter won a LONG time ago. i don't see any 'men's marches' going on,hmmm... online? Well feminists, and their millions of MALE supporters have quashed anti feminists on Twitter. I should know,they've repeatedly crushed me right OFF twitter.only a few "mras" have been on Twitter for a good long time, and their 'followers' are fucking comatose.i never got, or will get any support on Twitter.but feminists? They easily get their hoards of followers,once again, a mix of men and women to gang report your ass for merely insults,and voila! Your account is toast.and some report you directly to the police! And the cop pigs? Bad news again,they believe women,no matter how shitty a history they,do go into details on exactly how us men are going to assert/reassert our 'dominion' over these tens of millions of feminists, both women AND men, when there's zero organizing going on.

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